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In this Lecture we will

 Demonstrate how to use the "Subtotal" command from the Data Tab to summarize
grouped data (subtotal.xlsx -> subtotalFinal.xlsx)
o must sort first by key column before performing Subtotal
o so if subtotaling by Salesperson, must sort by Salesperson first
o if subtotaling by Month , then you must sort by Months first
 Introduce the concept of Pivot Tables (pivotintro.xlsx)
o A rearrangeable table that allows you to analyze complex data in a variety of
o A pivot table cross tabulates data in columns and rows with the option to filter
and sort the display as well as to expand on its detail
o A pivot table has four elements , the filters, the columns, the rows and the values
 Create a simple pivot table for sales data (pivotdata.xlsx -> pivotdataFinal.xlsx)
o highlight entire data including titles
o go to Insert Tab and choose Pivot Table
o place Pivot Table on existing worksheet just below data
o experiment with various scenarios
 choose only Salesperson and Amount ... then add Product
 change Value to count .... then add month
o Now fully utilize Field area
 move Product to Filters
 move Salesperson to Columns
 move Month to Rows
 set Value to Sum of Amount
 Provide you with an exercise to practice using Pivot Tables

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