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Silkworm, it is an everyday dish and it´s generally eaten in two different ways, that depends on the

preference of the people.

The first way to eat them is recommended for people who try this dish for the first time because it
makes it have a more pleasant and crisp texture, in this way children and tourists try them for the
first time and it’s tastier, also when it’s sold in small packages as a snack because it's easier to
pack. It is called CON NHONG, in this dish the silkworm is fried, seasoned with green onion and fish
sauce in order to add a touch of flavor to the entrails of the worm.

The second way to eat it, is in a dish called CON DUONG DUA, where live worms are mixed with
white fish sauce and eaten directly. It is important to bite the head first since in case of not doing it
the worm can bite your tongue and it is very painful, also it’s recommended to start with a soft
bite since it’s slimy and soft inside and you can easily stain your clothes.

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