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Independent learning program for GPs

Unit 468 March 2011


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Untypical atypical

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MINIMUM PRODUCT INFORMATION SEROQUEL XR® (quetiapine fumarate). INDICATIONS: Bipolar 1&$,/*0&.165&$! /55)%..T! *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! R#! -$*5*)9&'/*)! $/.U8! -*.'! (&$U%'/)9! 1&.%.! $%-*$'%,! *+!
disorder: Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder, as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or R#!-$*5*)9&'/*)!2/'3!*0%$,*.%T!3/.'*$B!*+!.%/76$%.!*$!5*2!.%/76$%!'3$%.3*5,.T!3/93!.6/1/,%!$/.U!-&'/%)'.T!
sodium valproate, for the prevention of relapse/recurrence of manic, depressive or mixed episodes EPS; tardive dyskinesia, *symptoms can worsen/arise after discontinuation; NMS; elevated core body
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with bipolar I disorder as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or sodium valproate. Schizophrenia: recommended; *worsening of > one metabolic factor observed in clinical trials, monitoring recommended;
#$%&'(%)'! *+! .13/7*-3$%)/&8! -$%0%)'/*)! *+! $%5&-.%! &),! (&/)'%)&)1%! *+! 15/)/1&5! /(-$*0%(%)'! ,6$/)9! %5,%$5B!-&'/%)'.!2/'3!,%(%)'/&L$%5&'%,!-.B13*./.T!&.-/$&'/*)!-)%6(*)/&T!5&1'*.%!/)'*5%$&)1%<!V$%9)&)1B!
continuation therapy. Major depressive disorder (MDD):!#$%&'(%)'!*+!$%16$$%)'!(&;*$!,%-$%../0%!,/.*$,%$! DW&'%9*$B! X>G! &),! 5&1'&'/*)<! *Use in children and adolescents. Interacts with: thioridazine; lorazepam;
in patients who are intolerant of, or who have an inadequate response to alternative therapies. *Generalised 5%0*,*-&!M!,*-&(/)%!&9*)/.'.T!WYV>ZI!/)3/4/'*$.!%<9<!U%'*1*)&7*5%8!9$&-%+$6/'!;6/1%T!3%-&'/1!%)7B(%!
anxiety disorder (GAD): Treatment of generalised anxiety disorder. DOSAGE: Once daily, without food. inducers; cardiovascular medicines; *ADHD medicines. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Common adverse
#&45%'.!.3*65,!4%!.2&55*2%,!23*5%!&),!)*'!.-5/'8!13%2%,!*$!1$6.3%,<!Maintenance treatment of bipolar %0%)'.! /)! 1*)'$*55%,! 15/)/1&5! '$/&5.! [! Z,65'.:! .%,&'/*)! M! .*()*5%)1%T! ,$B! (*6'3T! /).*()/&T! ,/77/)%..T!
I disorder: SEROQUEL XR responders for acute treatment should continue therapy at the same dose. *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! .B)1*-%T! 1*).'/-&'/*)T! ,B.-%-./&T! )&6.%&! M! 0*(/'/)9T! &4,*(/)&5! -&/)T!
=.6&5! %++%1'/0%! ,*.%! >??! '*! @??! (9A,&B<! Bipolar depression:! #$%&'(%)'! .3*65,! 4%! /)/'/&'%,! %/'3%$! 4B!
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mania:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*!@??!(9!&+'%$!E&B!H8!&5*)%!*$!/)!1*(4/)&'/*)!2/'3!&!(**,! prolactin levels; *decreases in haemoglobin levels; decreases in total T4, free T4 & total T3, increases
.'&4/5/.%$<!=.6&5!%++%1'/0%!,*.%!I??L@??!(9A,&B<!Schizophrenia:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*! in TSH;!OVNT!,B.&$'3$/&T!(/5,!&.'3%)/&T!-%$/-3%$&5!*%,%(&T!&4)*$(&5!,$%&(.!M!)/93'(&$%.<!*Children
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IG8!6-!'*!>??!(9A,&B<!#$%&'(%)'!.3*65,!4%!&,(/)/.'%$%,!/)!'3%!%0%)/)9!&),!.3*65,!4%!/)/'/&'%,!%/'3%$!4B! \*$! &55! *'3%$! &,0%$.%! %0%)'.8! .%%! +655! V]<! E&'%! *+! #^Z! &--$*0&5:! H?! N%-'%(4%$! H?F?<! VXN! ,/.-%).%,!
-.B13/&'$/.'!*$!4B!9%)%$&5!-$&1'/'/*)%$!&+'%$!1*).65'/)9!'3%!-.B13/&'$/.'<!*GAD: 50 mg (Day 1 & 2), 150 mg -$/1%.:! C?! (9! _F??<IC8! FC?! (9! _F>`<Ia8! H??! (9! _F@a<a?8! >??! (9! _HKK<H>8! I??! (9! _>CI<?H<
(Day 3 & 4), adjusted within 50-150mg/day.!N2/'13/)9!+$*(!NOPQR=OS!/((%,/&'%!$%5%&.%:!E/0/,%,!,*.%.! REFERENCE: F<!N%$*b6%5!cP!Z--$*0%,!V$*,61'!])+*$(&'/*)<!Z.'$&d%)%1&!V'B!S',!DZXe!CI!??`!K@H!>FFG!
of SEROQUEL immediate release may be switched to SEROQUEL XR at Z5(&! P,8! e*$'3! PB,%8! eNf! HFF>8! Z6.'$&5/&<! gN%$*b6%5! cP! /.! &! '$&,%(&$U8! '3%! -$*perty of the
equivalent total daily dose taken once daily. Elderly: Use caution. Slower Z.'$&d%)%1&!9$*6-<!Z=LNcP???H?`<!#WZ!ZdANcPFFCL?AZedA\V<
rate of titration recommended. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity
to any component of SEROQUEL XR. PRECAUTIONS: Concomitant *Please note changes in Product Information.
PBS Information: Authority required (STREAMLINED). Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. Monotherapy,
for up to 6 months, of an episode of acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder. Treatment of schizophrenia. This
product is not listed on the PBS for bipolar depression, major depressive disorder or generalised anxiety disorder.
Independent learning program for GPs

Medical Editors
Kath O’Connor

Bipolar disorders
Catherine Dodgshun
Nicole Kouros
Unit 468 March 2011
Production Coordinator
Morgan Liotta
From the editor 2 Senior Graphic Designer
Jason Farrugia
Case 1 Adam presents with depression 3
Graphic Designer
Case 2 Sue complains of depression and irritability 8 Beverly Jongue
Case 3 Sally hasn’t been her usual self 13 Authors
Andrew Gleason
Case 4 Sam lost his job 18 David Castle
Leon Piterman
Case 5 Is Mrs Smith depressed? 21 Kay Jones
References 24 Reviewer
Andrew Baird
Resources 25
QI&CPD Program requirements 26 Call the Subscription Coordinator
for all enquiries on 03 8699 0495
or email
Published by
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
College House, 1 Palmerston Crescent
South Melbourne, Victoria 3205, Australia
Telephone 03 8699 0414 Facsimile 03 8699 0400
The five domains of general practice
Communication skills and the patient-doctor relationship ACN 000 223 807 ABN 34 000 223 807
Applied professional knowledge and skills ISSN 0812-9630
Population health and the context of general practice
© The Royal Australian College of General
Professional and ethical role Practitioners 2011. All rights reserved.
Organisational and legal dimensions
The opinions expressed in check are not
necessarily those of the RACGP.
Please address all letters concerning
content to the medical editor.
Printed by
Printgraphics Pty Ltd, 14 Hardner Road, Mount
Waverley, Victoria 3149
Telephone 03 9562 9600.

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FROM THE EDITOR check Bipolar disorders

This unit of check focuses on bipolar disorders with clinical scenarios relating to diagnosis of depressive, hypomanic
and manic episodes; diagnosis of the bipolar disorders; assessment of risk to the patient and others; identification
of predisposing and precipitating factors, and pharmacological and nonpharmacological management of the bipolar
disorders. The authors of this unit bring a wealth of clinical, research and teaching experience to the topic.
The authors are:
t Andrew Gleason BSc, MBBS(Hons), Senior Registrar, Primary Mental Health Team, St Vincent’s Hospital,
Victoria. His clinical interests include neuropsychiatry, old age psychiatry, and consultation-liaison psychiatry
t David Castle MBChB, MSc, MD, MRCPsych, FRANZCP, Chair of Psychiatry, St Vincent’s Hospital and the
University of Melbourne, Victoria. His research and clinical interests include longitudinal care for people with
psychotic disorders, bipolar disorders, substance abuse, and medical problems associated with psychotic
t Leon Piterman AM, MBBS, MD, MMed, MEdSt, MRCP, FRCP, FRACGP, Head, School of Primary Care, Monash
University, Victoria. His clinical and research interests lie in the areas of cardiovascular disease, mental health
and medical education
t Kay Jones BSW, MTD, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of General Practice, Monash University,
Victoria. Her research areas include chronic disease management (osteoarthritis, obesity, mental health), and
knowledge translation including uptake of guidelines and information technology. Current research and education
development include online activities about osteoarthritis, depression and bipolar disorder.
The learning objectives of this unit are to:
t display increased confidence in the diagnosis of hypomania, mania and the bipolar disorders and recognise the
differing clinical contexts in which the bipolar disorders may present
t display an increased awareness of the possibility of a bipolar disorder in patients presenting with depression
t display increased confidence in the assessment of risk in the bipolar disorders
t understand the role of pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies used in the bipolar disorders
t understand the role of the GP in the care of patients with bipolar disorder in regard to monitoring, collaborative
continuing care and management of physical and psychological comorbidities and social repercussions
t display increased confidence in monitoring the use of lithium and detecting lithium toxicity
t appropriately assess when to refer a person with suspected or diagnosed bipolar disorder to a psychiatrist.
This issue marks the conclusion of my role as medical editor of the check program. I am commencing a new
role as a medical editor with Australian Family Physician, alongside senior medical editor, Dr Carolyn O’Shea and
medical editor, Dr Rachel Lee. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the incoming check medical editor, Dr
Catherine Dodgshun.
Working on check has been an extremely rewarding experience. I am grateful to all the authors and reviewers I
have worked with for the generous gift of their time and expertise and to the wonderful admin, editing, graphic
design and IT staff for all their hard work.
We hope this unit will help you to more confidently assess and manage patients who present with bipolar disorders
in the general practice setting.

Best wishes

Kath O’Connor
Medical Editor

check Bipolar disorders CASE 1

CASE 1 Adam lives with his girlfriend and has no past medical or
ADAM PRESENTS WITH DEPRESSION psychiatric history. He smokes marijuana once every few
months and binge drinks up to 15 standard drinks about once
Adam, aged 26, is an internet technology
per month. His grandfather died of suicide at age 42 but the
consultant. He presents with a 3 month history of
family never talks about this.
progressive lowering of mood which is worse in
the morning. He experiences no pleasure in any Physical examination, full blood count, urea, electrolytes,
activities. He has trouble falling asleep, wakes creatinine, liver function and thyroid function tests are all
3 hours before his alarm, and is unable to get back normal. Adam is commenced on venlafaxine 75 mg per day.
to sleep. He has no appetite and has lost 5 kg. He This is well tolerated and increased to 150 mg per day
reports trouble functioning at work and feels guilty 2 weeks later.
about this. There is no clear precipitant. Three weeks after this, Adam’s girlfriend, Caity, comes
to see you without Adam. She is teary and distressed.
She says that Adam ‘is not his usual self’. He has become
uncharacteristically irritable, is easily distracted, and is talking
QUESTION 1 much more than usual. He is sleeping only a few hours each
What is your differential diagnosis for Adam’s presentation? night but has a lot of energy. Caity thinks he might have slept
with another woman, as he didn’t come home one night.
Adam told her that he is going to be the next Bill Gates and is
planning on using all his savings to set up his own company.
He doesn’t think anything is wrong and refuses to seek
medical attention.

What is the differential diagnosis now?

What are some of the risks associated with Adam’s symptoms?

What are the risks associated with a manic episode?

How would you assess Adam’s risk of suicide?

CASE 1 check Bipolar disorders

What advice will you give to Caity? How will you manage this What features of depression might suggest a risk of bipolar disorder?

FURTHER HISTORY Describe your initial and ongoing management of Adam.
Adam was taken to hospital under the Mental Health Act
after being assessed by the on call psychiatry team. He spent
3 weeks as an inpatient and was discharged on sodium
valproate 500 mg twice per day and olanzapine 10 mg at
night. The discharge diagnosis was ‘manic episode due to
antidepressant’. Adam now has a case manager who he sees
weekly and his medications are managed by a psychiatry
registrar. Adam has received some education but no specific
psychological interventions. Although he doesn’t think
anything was ever wrong, he has been taking his medication.

Does Adam have bipolar disorder?

The differential diagnosis in Adam’s case includes both psychiatric
and organic/medical conditions. Possibilities that could give rise to
this symptom complex are psychiatric conditions such as a mood
disorder (eg. major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, dysthymic
disorder), anxiety disorder, personality disorder, eating disorder,
drug and/or alcohol abuse or withdrawal. In addition, a wide range
of organic/medical conditions could give rise to Adam’s symptoms.
QUESTION 8 These include metabolic disorders such as thyroid disease, infection
and sleep related disorders. Table 1 outlines the wide range of
What is the typical first presentation of bipolar disorder?
psychiatric and medical conditions that can cause depressive

With symptoms suggestive of depression there is a risk of the patient
harming themselves as well as a risk of the patient harming others.
Risks include:
t suicide
t drug and/or alcohol abuse
t relationship breakdown

check Bipolar disorders CASE 1

– past history of psychiatric illness

Table 1. Differential diagnoses of depression1
– concurrent substance abuse or addictive behaviour
Psychiatric conditions
t Mood disorders (eg. major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
– concurrent chronic medical ill health
dysthymic disorder) t Keep in mind other factors such as age, gender, place of residence,
t Adjustment disorder occupation, ethnicity, marital status and sexual orientation can
t Personality disorder influence the propensity to suicide.
t Anxiety disorders (eg. obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic
stress disorder, panic disorder, phobias) ANSWER 4
t Eating disorders The differential diagnosis now includes:
t Drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependence t substance-induced mania or psychosis (eg. due to antidepressant use
t Drug intoxication or withdrawal or illicit drugs)
Organic/medical conditions t bipolar disorder – either a manic episode or a mixed episode
t Metabolic and endocrine conditions (eg. thyroid and glucocorticoid t a psychotic disorder (eg. schizophrenia)
t mania or psychosis due to a medical condition.
t Infection, postinfective states
Note that antidepressants often have activating side effects such as
t Nutritional deficiency (eg. vitamin B12, folate)
impaired sleep and agitation but these are distinct from antidepressant-
t Anaemia induced mania, and usually settle within the first few weeks of treatment.
t Malignancy
t Neurological disease (eg. demyelinating conditions, focal CNS disease) ANSWER 5
t Sleep related disorders, especially sleep apnoea Potential risks associated with a manic episode include:2
Normal life stressors t risk taking behaviour resulting from a belief that one is invulnerable
t Bereavement (which can be normal or pathological) t excessive spending
t Other psychosocial stressors t alcohol or substance use and the risks associated with intoxication
Modified and reproduced with permission from McGraw-Hill Australia (people with psychiatric symptoms often ‘self medicate’ with drugs or
t occupational problems possibly leading to unemployment t irritability, aggression and socially disruptive behaviour
t financial problems. t disinhibited behaviour such as uncharacteristic sexual activity,
including the associated risks (eg. sexually transmitted infection)
ANSWER 3 t inappropriate behaviour (eg. being sarcastic, rude, aggressive) that
Assessing risk of suicide in depression includes the following. can damage reputation
t Ask questions about suicidal intent: t risks related to a potential undiagnosed medical condition (eg.
– Have you had thoughts of wanting to die? cerebral neoplasm, HIV infection).
– Have you had thoughts of wanting to end your life?
– How often and how persistent are these thoughts? You could ask Caity whether Adam knows she has come to see you
– How long have you had these thoughts? and if he is happy with her discussing her concerns with you. You
– Do you have a plan (eg. method, time, and place)? could also ascertain whether she thinks she can convince Adam to
– What has stopped you acting on them? come and see you for a consultation, or if she could try to encourage
him to present to a mental health service or emergency department
– What hopes and plans do you have for the future?
or to accept an assessment from the local outreach on call psychiatric
t Assess access to means of suicide team (see Resources – on call services are available in most
t Obtain a collaborative history to elicit indirect statements of intent to metropolitan areas of Australia).
suicide such as giving away possessions Advice to Caity could include:
t Obtain history on: t explaining what might be causing Adam’s behaviour (eg. mania,
– past suicidal attempts and the seriousness of these attempts drugs, medication) but importantly that further evaluation is needed
– personal and social strengths and supports in order to be able to determine the cause of Adam’s symptoms and
initiate appropriate treatment
– adverse life events (eg. unemployment, death of a loved one,
separation, divorce, childhood abuse) t emergency contingency management, for instance, if Caity feels that
Adam’s symptoms or behaviour are placing her or someone else at
– family history of suicide
immediate risk of harm, she should contact the police

CASE 1 check Bipolar disorders

t explanation that while it would be ideal if Adam agreed to treatment, t The symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed episode
according to state and territory law, there are situations in which t The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked
people can be assessed and treated when they don’t think they impairment in occupational functioning or in usual social activities or
need help (see Resources for links to state and territory mental relationships with others, or to necessitate hospitalisation to prevent
health acts). harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features
Supporting Caity and her situation is important. Balancing t The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a
confidentiality with potential risks in such cases, especially if Adam substance (eg. a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a
were to refuse assessment or referral, can be challenging. The Royal general medical condition (eg. hyperthyroidism).
Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist’s Code of Ethics
Note: manic-like episodes that are clearly caused by somatic
provides some guidelines on maintaining confidentiality – these
antidepressant treatment (eg. medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light
guidelines apply to GPs as well as psychiatrists (see Resources).
therapy) should not count toward a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder.4

ANSWER 7 Criteria for diagnosing a hypomanic episode4

Adam does not qualify for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder at this stage t A distinct period of persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood,
under International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)3 or Diagnostic lasting throughout at least 4 days, that is clearly different from the usual
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)4 (the most nondepressed mood
commonly used diagnostic systems) because his manic episode was t During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following
induced by an antidepressant. symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have
An episode of antidepressant-induced mania is thought to be part been present to a significant degree:
of a bipolar disorder ‘spectrum’.5 Adam is at an increased risk of – inflated self esteem or grandiosity
spontaneous manic or hypomanic episodes compared to the general – decreased need for sleep (eg. feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)
population, and would be at risk of a recurrent manic episode or
– more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
rapid cycling if he were again prescribed an antidepressant without a
concurrent mood stabiliser. – flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
A DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of bipolar I disorder requires at least one – distractibility (ie. attention too easily drawn to unimportant or
manic or mixed episode. A mixed episode is characterised by a irrelevant external stimuli)
period of time (lasting at least 1 week) in which the criteria are met – increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or
both for a manic episode and for a major depressive episode. The sexually) or psychomotor agitation
criteria outlined in DSM-IV-TR relating to diagnosing a manic episode – excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high
and diagnosing a hypomanic episode are presented below. potential for adverse consequences (eg. engaging in unrestrained
Criteria for diagnosing a manic episode4 buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)
t A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, t The episode is associated with an unequivocal change in functioning
or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if that is uncharacteristic of the person when not symptomatic
hospitalisation is necessary) t The disturbance in mood and the change in functioning are observable
t During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the by others
following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) t The episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social
and have been present to a significant degree: or occupational functioning, or to necessitate hospitalisation, and there
– inflated self esteem or grandiosity are no psychotic features
– decreased need for sleep (eg. feels rested after only 3 hours of t The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a
sleep) substance (eg. a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a
– more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking general medical condition (eg. hyperthyroidism).
– flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing Note: hypomanic-like episodes that are clearly caused by somatic
antidepressant treatment (eg. medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light
– distractibility (ie. attention too easily drawn to unimportant or
therapy) should not count toward a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder.4
irrelevant external stimuli)
Presented below are some of the questions that Blackdog website provides
– increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school,
that can be asked of patients to ascertain whether they may have had
or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
symptoms of hypomania (see Resources).
– excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high
t Do you have times when your mood ‘cycles’, ie. Do you experience ‘ups’
potential for adverse consequences (eg. engaging in unrestrained
as well as ‘downs’?
buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business
investments) t During the ‘ups’ do you feel more ‘wired’ and ‘hyper’ than you would
experience during times of normal happiness?

check Bipolar disorders CASE 1

t If yes to the above question. During these ‘up’ times, do you: t seasonal or postpartum pattern
– Feel more confident and capable? t hyperphagia and hypersomnia
– Feel very creative with lots of ideas and plans? t early age at depression onset
– Spend or wish to spend significant amounts of money? t delusions, hallucinations or other psychotic features.
– Work harder and are more motivated? These features are a flag of possible bipolarity in:
– Feel irritated? t depressed patients in whom past history of hypomanic or manic
– Have an increased interest in sex? episodes is ambiguous
– Talk over people? t depressed patients with a family history of bipolar disorder
– Do fairly outrageous things? t young patients with recurrent depressive episodes.
– Sleep less and not feel tried? These features are not perfectly sensitive, as illustrated by Adam’s case,
and it is unlikely that they have sufficient specificity to make a diagnosis
– Feel angry?
of bipolar disorder in the absence of other features, but they should
raise the vigilance of the treating clinician.6
The first presentation of bipolar disorder is typically with depression.
People with bipolar disorder frequently seek help from a number of
Your initial and ongoing management of Adam includes:
professionals over a period of years before a diagnosis is made. One
study reported that people had seen a mean of four doctors, and t establishing rapport and maintaining a healthy therapeutic
over one-third had waited 10 years before an accurate diagnosis was relationship with Adam and Caity
made.6,7 t psychoeducation and support for Adam, Caity and his family
It is important for the clinician to consider when assessing every t assessment and management of Adam’s comorbidities
patient with depression whether it is a depressive episode of bipolar t ensuring Adam understands the risks of marijuana use
disorder. It is important for the clinician to be aware that the absence
t monitoring Adam’s drug and alcohol use
of past psychiatric history does not exclude previous hypomania. It is
essential to ask specifically about symptoms that could suggest past t utilising mental health treatment plans (Medicare Item Numbers:
manic/hypomanic episodes in everyone who presents with depression 2710 or 2702, 2712 and 2713) to arrange consultations and
because such symptoms may not be volunteered by the patient. referrals9
Screening for mania/hypomania can be extremely challenging, t developing and coordinating team based care with appropriate
even for experienced psychiatrists. If unsure, refer the patient to a mental health professionals (eg. a psychiatrist, psychologist,
psychiatrist or mental health service. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder community mental health team)
has a major impact on the patient, and mood stabilisers can have t considering psychotherapeutic options: psychoeducation, cognitive
significant side effects. Similarly, an antidepressant-induced manic behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
episode can have major morbidity. and family therapy have all shown benefit as adjunctive treatments10
t providing advice and support for Adam regarding diet, physical
ANSWER 9 exercise and sleep routine
The cross-sectional features of a depressive episode are not reliable t discussing early warning signs with Adam and Caity,11 and involving
in distinguishing bipolar from unipolar depression, but some features them in developing a crisis plan
are more common in bipolar depression. These include recurrent
t monitoring moods with a mood chart is extremely useful11
episodes, short duration of episodes, early age of onset, feelings
of worthlessness, low self esteem, social withdrawal, hypersomnia, t monitoring for medication side effects, including metabolic effects:
hyperphagia, weight gain, ‘atypical features’ (eg. leaden paralysis), check his weight/body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and
mood lability, psychotic features, psychomotor retardation, and a family lipids12–14
history of bipolar disorder. Signs suggestive of bipolar disorder in t performing haematological and liver function tests every 3 months
depressed patients are listed below:8 after commencing sodium valproate for the first year, then annually.12
t worse or ‘wired’ when taking antidepressants The frequency of GP review would depend on clinical need, as well
t hypomania in the patient’s history as on how often Adam is seen by a doctor at the public mental health
service. After being discharged from hospital, he should probably have
t irritable
a medical review at least weekly until his clinical situation settles.
t psychomotor retardation or agitation
t loaded family history
t abrupt onset or termination of depressive bouts

CASE 2 check Bipolar disorders

What is your differential diagnosis?
Sue is 52 years of age with a past history of
hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension and obesity
(BMI: 31 kg/m2).
She presents complaining that her partner of 10
years, Bill, has recently moved out because he has
found her too irritable to live with over the last 6
months. Before this, Sue felt ‘depressed’ for a while.
She stopped menstruating 1 year ago. Sue asks if
her mood changes might be related to menopause.

Is menopause associated with depression?
What are the symptoms and signs of mania and hypomania? What
factors distinguish mania from hypomania?

About 10 months ago, Sue had a 4 month period of pervasive
low mood, associated with poor sleep and an increase in
appetite. Her symptoms resolved spontaneously, but after
a brief interlude of euthymia, a 6 month period of sustained
irritability followed.
Sue felt ‘great’ during this time, and it is only since Bill moved
out that she began to consider the veracity of his complaint
that she was irritable all day, every day. She was also sleeping
less than usual but felt energetic and fully rested. She had QUESTION 4
an increased interest in sex and spent large amounts of time
What investigations should be done?
writing several books, but didn’t complete any of them. Bill had
commented that she didn’t stop talking which contrasted to
her usual somewhat taciturn state. These symptoms resolved
a few weeks ago.
Sue describes herself as usually placid and agreeable.
In spite of this, a number of relationships in the past
have ended during times when her partner said she was
uncharacteristically irritable and restless for periods of weeks
to months. The first episode took place in her mid-20s. She
was diagnosed with depression a number of times by her GP,
but found that antidepressants always caused insomnia and
made her disinhibited. She has never seen a psychiatrist and
she doesn’t use drugs or alcohol.

check Bipolar disorders CASE 2

Does Sue need further assessment by a psychiatrist? When should a What is the main source of disability in bipolar disorder?
GP refer a patient with suspected or established bipolar disorder?


Sue is referred to a primary mental health service (a public
Sue asks for more information. What resources can you refer her to?
service that provides psychiatric assessment and management
advice to GPs, available in some parts of Australia) for
clarification of her diagnosis. The psychiatrist diagnoses her
with bipolar II disorder and recommends that Sue have a trial
of lithium and psychological treatment.

How do people with bipolar II disorder typically present?

Sue tells you that she had CBT once, but it didn’t suit her, and
may have made things worse. Given that she is currently euthymic,
should you initiate psychological treatment? If so, what treatments
would you consider?

Is bipolar II disorder less severe than bipolar I disorder?

CASE 2 check Bipolar disorders

What ongoing monitoring is required once serum lithium levels are Should hormone replacement therapy (HRT) be considered for Sue’s
stable? What are the symptoms and signs of toxicity? affective symptoms?


What might happen if Sue abruptly stopped taking lithium? ANSWER 1
Many physical conditions are associated with psychiatric symptoms,
and menopause is no exception (Figure 1). There is no clear
evidence that menopause is a risk factor for the development of
psychiatric illness – the majority of women do not experience a
major depressive episode at the time of menopause, but some
women may be particularly vulnerable at this life stage. Most at risk
of depression are those who have a past history of mood problems,
as well as those who experience many or intense physical symptoms
during menopause.15
In situations where overlapping symptoms make it difficult to make
a definitive diagnosis of a major depressive episode, it is generally
thought that it is best to have a low threshold for a diagnosis
of major depression and a trial of treatment. In Sue’s case, her
menopausal symptoms may also need treatment.

Changes associated with menopause and depression

Depression Menopause
Low mood Fatigue Menstrual irregularity, amenorrhoea
Irritability Poor concentration Vasomotor disturbance
Anhedonia Insomnia (hot flushes, diaphoresis)

Suicidality Weight change (usually gain in menopause) Vaginal atrophy and dryness

Feelings of worthlessness Irritability Osteoporosis

Psychomotor agitation/retardation Libido change

Figure 1. Changes associated with menopause and depression, with overlap shown.16 Adapted and reproduced with permission from Physicians Postgraduate Press

check Bipolar disorders CASE 2

ANSWER 2 hypomanic episode is of shorter duration than a manic episode (at

The differential diagnosis includes: least 4 days compared to 7 days), and is not associated with marked
t bipolar II disorder, most recent episode hypomanic impairment in functioning.4 Note that mood must be persistently
elevated for at least several days on end.3,4 Case 1, Answer 6 outlines
t bipolar I disorder,
the differences between mania and hypomania.
– most recent episode manic
– most recent episode mixed ANSWER 4
t recurrent episodes of major depression with irritability Full blood count, electrolytes, urea, creatinine, liver function and
t physical illness such as an endocrine disorder thyroid function tests should be done to screen for medical conditions
that might cause or exacerbate symptoms, and to assess baseline
t adjustment disorder
results before considering pharmacotherapy. Fasting lipids and fasting
t personality disorder glucose should also be done as a baseline before consideration of
t (Sue also has a concurrent menopausal syndrome). pharmacotherapy. In some cases further investigations might be
Note that bipolar I disorder is characterised by at least one manic required (eg. computerised tomography, magnetic resonance imaging
or mixed episode; bipolar II disorder is characterised by least one [MRI] or an electroencephalogram).17
major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode but Continued monitoring of serum glucose, lipids, weight, waist
no manic or mixed episodes. circumference/waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, and smoking status are
indicated. These should be monitored regularly in any patient at risk.
ANSWER 3 For patients on psychotropic medications, monitoring of metabolic
Mania is a syndrome characterised by a distinct period of persistently and cardiovascular risk factors should as a minimum take place at
and abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, accelerated baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. If there have been no changes over
speech, racing thoughts with flight of ideas, increased activity and 12 months and there are no other risk factors, monitoring can occur
reduced need for sleep (Table 2).6 The severity and duration of the every 12 months thereafter. Monitoring should be more frequent after
mood disturbance, impairment in social and occupational functioning, commencement of new medication, changes in medication, or if there
and presence or absence of psychotic features distinguish a manic are other metabolic or cardiovascular risk factors such as weight gain
from a hypomanic episode. The term hypomania is used when or a family history of diabetes. Sue should also have a routine breast
symptoms are less severe and of shorter duration.6 In ICD-10, screen and Pap smear if these have not been done within the last
hypomania is characterised by a ‘persistent mild elevation of mood… 2 years.
not accompanied by hallucinations or delusions’.3 In DSM-IV-TR, a As well as this Sue will also need a thorough physical examination.

Table 2. Signs and symptoms of hypomania and mania When to refer to a psychiatrist or public mental health service depends
include the following types of behaviour which are out greatly on a patient’s presentation, the GP’s experience, the support
of character for the individual6 available from psychiatric services, and the patient’s preference. In
t Feeling energised and ‘wired’ Sue’s case, as this is her first presentation of symptoms suggestive
t Inflated sense of self importance or of one’s abilities of possible bipolar disorder, referral to a psychiatrist is recommended.
t Excessively seeking stimulation Some reasons for referral from the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in the United Kingdom are shown
t Overly driven in pursuit of goals
in Table 3.
t Needing less sleep
t Irritable if stopped from carrying out ideas
t Disinhibited and flirtatious
People with bipolar II disorder usually seek help only for depressive
t Offensive or insensitive to the needs of others episodes. This is probably in part because hypomanic episodes
t Swearing more than usual are often not perceived by the patient as abnormal. Patients may
t Spending money in an unusual manner or inappropriately experience mood elevation as constructive and enjoyable.6,18
t Indiscrete and disregarding social boundaries
t Poor self regulation ANSWER 7
t Making excessively creative and grandiose plans While hypomanic episodes are by definition less severe than manic
episodes, the overall course of bipolar II disorder is associated with
t Difficulty discussing ideas rationally or maturely
substantial morbidity that is often no less severe than bipolar I.
t Reporting enhanced sensory experiences
High rates of occupational, leisure and relationship dysfunction are
Reproduced with permission from The Medical Journal of Australia
common, and bipolar II disorder may be more recurrent than

CASE 2 check Bipolar disorders

bipolar I (ie. patients tend to have a greater total number of t couples therapy (if she reunites with her partner)
episodes). Furthermore, bipolar II disorder is associated with t group therapy.
increased morbidity if it becomes chronic, is undiagnosed or
It is useful to ask patients to describe any psychological interventions
inappropriately treated.19
they have had in the past, and what aspects of these they
found helpful. Some patients appreciate being told about the
characteristics of different modalities as well as the potential benefits
Depression is the main source of disability in bipolar I and II. and risks so that they can make an informed decision about what
Depressive symptoms typically affect up to 30–50% of the patient’s type of treatment they would like to engage in.
life, while manic symptoms affect about 5–10%.18
Sue should be informed of the symptoms and signs of lithium
The Resources section lists a number of useful sources of information toxicity.
that can help patients as well as practitioners. It is helpful to ask patients
The appropriate pretreatment tests include thyroid and renal
what they have looked up and actively discuss this with them.20
function, serum calcium and electrocardiogram.
ANSWER 10 Monitoring of lithium treatment should include:
Psychological treatments help reduce the risk of relapse and can t serum lithium level every 3–6 months once a stable level is
therefore be helpful even to euthymic patients. While CBT is an effective achieved (aim for 0.6–0.8 mmol/L for maintenance therapy)12,17
treatment in many patients with bipolar disorder, particular approaches t serum urea and creatinine every 3–6 months
don’t suit some patients. So in Sue’s situation, she may wish to try
t thyroid stimulating hormone, serum calcium, weight at 6 months
other psychological strategies. Possibilities for Sue include:10
then annually.
t further psychoeducation
Lithium can cause hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism,
t interpersonal and social rhythm therapy hyperparathyroidism, and renal impairment.12,22
Lithium toxicity can cause:
Table 3. Some reasons for referral21
t ataxia
t Primary care clinicians should urgently refer to specialist mental health
services, patients with mania or severe depression who are a danger to t nausea/vomiting
themselves or other people t diarrhoea
t When a patient with existing bipolar disorder registers with a practice,
the GP should consider referring them for assessment by a psychiatrist
t coarse tremor
or specialist mental health service t disorientation
t When a patient with bipolar disorder is managed solely in primary care, t dysarthria
an urgent referral should be made:
– if there is an acute exacerbation of symptoms, in particular the t muscle twitches
development of mania or severe depression t impaired consciousness
– if there is an increase in the degree of risk, or change in the nature of t acute renal failure
risk, to self or others
– if there are psychotic symptoms t even death.22
t When a patient with bipolar disorder is managed solely in primary care, a
review by a psychiatrist/public mental health service or increased contact ANSWER 12
in primary care should be considered if: There is a risk of rebound mania if lithium is ceased abruptly.
– the patient’s functioning declines significantly or their condition
responds poorly to treatment ANSWER 13
– treatment adherence is a problem
Although there may be an increased risk of depressive symptoms
– comorbid alcohol and/or drug misuse is suspected
around the time of menopause, and sex hormones may play a role in
– the patient is considering stopping prophylactic medication after a
the pathophysiology of some psychiatric disorders, there is currently
period of relatively stable mood
no clear evidence for the benefit of HRT on these symptoms.15
t Specialist treatment is usually required in cases with comorbid
psychiatric conditions, mixed episodes or rapid cycling, and where there Pharmacological treatment of psychiatric illness should be managed
is failure to respond to treatment in the same way as it would in any other patient. Similarly, decisions
t Specialist input will also be needed in new diagnoses, if there is about prescribing HRT should be made as they would be for women
uncertainty regarding the diagnosis and may be needed in cases with without psychiatric illness. There are circumstances in which HRT
significant medical comorbidity
may have a role in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms, but
Adapted and reproduced with permission from The Royal College of
decisions on this are limited to specialist practice.
Psychiatrists, London

check Bipolar disorders CASE 3

How would you clarify Sally’s diagnosis?
Sally, 23 years of age, is a single university student.
She recently moved out of home and is living
with a flatmate. She was taken to the emergency
department by friends after she cut her foot on
some glass at a nightclub.
Sally’s friends say they have been worried because
she has been:
t excessively social over the past month
t neglecting her studies
t bringing men home for sex (she is usually very shy)
Sally’s father has bipolar disorder. How does this affect her risk of
t spending excessive amounts of money
developing bipolar disorder?
t getting very little sleep
t very angry when it was suggested she ‘slow down’.
Sally is skimpily clad in bright, revealing clothes,
with garish makeup. She is coquettish and has
pressured speech. She says that she has been
feeling very depressed, so has been smoking
cannabis daily and has used intravenous
amphetamines twice in the last month. Her father
has bipolar disorder.
After Sally’s foot is sutured, she becomes abusive and starts
QUESTION 1 yelling in the emergency department. Physical examination
What is your differential diagnosis for Sally’s presentation? and investigations are normal apart from cannabinoids in
her urine. She is admitted to the acute psychiatry ward.
She settles on an atypical antipsychotic and sodium valproate.
She is discharged 2 weeks later.
Two months after this she presents to you as her GP, having
become depressed. She has recommenced smoking marijuana
on a daily basis and is drinking 6–8 standard drinks every
other day. She also thinks she might be pregnant.

List some of the aspects of Sally’s physical health which you need
QUESTION 2 to address.
Could cannabis do this? What effects does cannabis have on mood?

CASE 3 check Bipolar disorders

What are the problems associated with sodium valproate in this If Sally was not pregnant what approaches could you use to treat
patient? What other medication strategies might you consider? Sally’s depression?

How would you address Sally’s ongoing substance use?


The differential diagnosis is:
t manic or mixed episode of bipolar disorder
t hypomanic episode
t substance (cannabis or amphetamine) precipitated mood or
psychotic disorder
t mood disorder or psychotic disorder due to a general medical
t schizophrenia
t schizoaffective disorder.

Acutely, one of the most characteristic effects of intoxication
What are the stages of behavioural change? How would you with Cannabis sativa is euphoria.23 In people who use cannabis
structure the questions you ask about a patient’s stage of change? frequently or are cannabis dependent, rates of depression are
What intervention would you consider for each stage? elevated, although there does not appear to be an increased risk of
depression associated with infrequent cannabis use. There are no
systematic studies of cannabis and bipolar disorder.24
In Sally’s case, marijuana intoxication itself is not an adequate
explanation for her symptoms. A drug precipitated mood disorder
(mania) is possible, ie. she has underlying bipolar disorder that was
triggered or exacerbated by cannabis use.
Drug and alcohol use comorbidity is common in people with bipolar
disorder. Furthermore, bipolar disorder is frequently associated
with other comorbid psychiatric conditions. Anxiety disorders
such as obsessive compulsive disorder are particularly common.
Comorbid conditions worsen the outcome of bipolar disorder.25
They should be screened for and treated.

check Bipolar disorders CASE 3

Table 4. Substance-induced symptoms28
Sally’s diagnosis could be clarified by considering the possibility of
Substance-induced symptoms can result from intoxication,
substance-induced symptoms – resulting from intoxication, chronic chronic use or withdrawal
use or withdrawal (Table 4), or a nonsubstance-induced disorder –
t Intoxication with cannabis can produce a transient, self limiting psychotic
and employing direct questioning toward this. disorder characterised by hallucinations and agitation
t Prolonged heavy use of psychostimulants (eg. amphetamine,
ANSWER 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA]) can produce a psychotic
Affective disorders tend to aggregate in families. Relatives of picture
bipolar sufferers have an increased risk of both unipolar depression t Hallucinogen induced psychosis is usually transient, but may persist if use
is sustained
and bipolar disorder. The risk of first degree relatives of those with
bipolar disorder developing the condition is about 5–10 times that t Heavy alcohol use can be associated with alcoholic hallucinosis and
morbid jealousy
of the general population.26
t Psychotic symptoms can also occur during withdrawal (eg. delirium
tremens) and delirious states
ANSWER 5 t A nonsubstance-induced disorder should be considered when:
The following aspects of Sally’s physical health need to be – symptoms precede the onset of substance use
addressed. – symptoms persist for longer than 1 month after acute withdrawal or
t Pregnancy testing and contraception – given that many severe intoxication
pregnancies are unplanned, it is important to discuss the – symptoms are not consistent with the substance used
possibility of pregnancy and contraception options with all – there is a history of symptoms during periods
women with possible bipolar disorder. One should plan in (greater than 1 month) of abstinence
advance for pregnancy wherever possible so that adequate – there is a personal or family history of a nonsubstance-induced
support and medical review can be ensured. Various psychiatric disorder
contraceptive options are available including condoms, the Adapted and reproduced with permission from The Medical Journal of Australia
contraceptive pill (in the appropriate dose) and etenogestrel
implant, with the latter being a suitable option where compliance than lithium or anticonvulsants, although there is inadequate data
may be a problem for many agents. There is inadequate data available for second
generation antipsychotics, although gestational diabetes has been
t Prevention of sexually transmitted infections including use of
associated with olanzapine. Lithium is associated with a risk of
condoms and screening for sexually transmitted infections
Ebstein abnormality of about 1 in 1000, compared to the general
including tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea (a first pass urine
population rate of 1 in 20 000. Carbamazepine carries a risk of
for polymerase chain reaction [PCR] or endocervical swabs for
neural tube defects of about 1%. It is also associated with facial
PCR – endocervical swabs should not be taken in pregnancy)
malformations, and developmental delay.27
and trichomonas (a high vaginal swab) and serology for hepatitis
B (HepBsAg, HepBsAb) hepatitis C, HIV and syphilis (rapid Women with a history of bipolar disorder are particularly vulnerable
plasma reagin) during pregnancy and the postpartum. Untreated bipolar disorder puts
both the mother and foetus at risk, but at the same time all psychotropic
t Drug use – this is discussed further in Answer 7 and 8 of this
drugs have the potential to affect the foetus.
The management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy is best decided
Addressing aspects of Sally’s health may proceed concurrently
on a case-by-case basis after evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio for
with addressing aspects of her psychiatric condition.
each individual.
Bipolar disorder in pregnancy requires specialist (psychiatric)
management in collaboration with the GP, obstretrician, midwife and
Sodium valproate is teratogenic. It is therefore best not to use it psychological care.
first line in women of child bearing potential. There is a 1–5% risk
of neural tube defects compared to a population risk of 0.03%. ANSWER 7
Facial and cardiac malformations can also occur. Folic acid Addressing Sally’s ongoing substance abuse involves establishing
supplementation is recommended.27 Other side effects of sodium rapport and a good therapeutic alliance, educating her about the
valproate include weight gain, transient hair loss, and rarely, hepatic effects of her substance use and its link to her current psychological
toxicity. It is also associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome.12,22 symptoms, treating her mood disorder, assessing her motivation for
No pharmacotherapy for bipolar disorder is risk free during change, referral to the appropriate services, discussing triggers for
pregnancy, and no psychotropic medications have been thoroughly relapse and discussing relapse prevention. Table 5 lists these principles
studied with regards to safety in pregnancy and lactation. of management for a GP involved in the care of a patient with ongoing
First generation antipsychotics may confer a lower foetal risk substance use.

CASE 3 check Bipolar disorders

Table 5. Principles of management of patients with
The stages of behavioural change are precontemplation,
comorbid substance misuse28
contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse.
t First engage patients, adopting a nonjudgmental attitude
Questions can be structured around each of these stages. It is
importance that the questions are open ended, nonjudgemental, and t Educate the patient:
actively involve the patient to participate in their own decision making – give general advice about harmful effects of substance misuse
in each of these stages. The type of intervention varies depending on – advise about safe and responsible levels of substance use
the stage of Sally’s behavioural change. Education is appropriate at (eg. National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines for safe
alcohol use)
the precontemplation phase, exploring the pros and cons of change
– help the patient understand and appreciate links between substance
is appropriate at the contemplation stage, determining strategies for
misuse and symptoms (eg. cannabis use and mood changes)
change is appropriate at the preparation stage, assisting the patient
– inform the patient about safe practices (eg. using clean needles, not
with implementation is helpful at the action phase, reviewing relapse injecting alone, practicing ‘safe sex’)
prevention strategies is important at the maintenance phase and
assisting in change is relevant at the relapse stage. Table 6 outlines t Treat mood disorder and monitor the patient for potential side effects
the stages of change involved in altering certain behaviours and t Help the patient establish advantages and disadvantages of current use,
and motivate the patient for change
the interventions a health professional can undertake to support a
patient through the change in that behaviour. t Evaluate the need for concurrent substance-use medications
(eg. methadone, acamprosate, nicotine replacement therapy)
t Refer the patient to relevant clinical and community services as
ANSWER 9 appropriate
Approaches to deal with Sally’s depression include the following. t Devise relapse prevention strategies that address both mental illness and
t Dealing with Sally’s illicit drug and alcohol use, first with the substance misuse
strategies described above, before altering her prescribed t Identify triggers to relapse (eg. meeting other drug users, being paid,
medication then assessing her residual depressive symptoms once family conflict) and explore alternative coping strategies. It is important to
she has not been using illicit drugs for a period of time identify triggers for both substance use and mood episodes, and to show
links between these where they exist
t Dealing with her depression concurrently, as depression can
Adapted and reproduced with permission from The Medical Journal of Australia
predispose an individual to use illicit drugs and alcohol in an
attempt to relieve their symptoms
t Checking compliance with, and optimising dosage of, her current
antipsychotic and sodium valproate
t Considering the use of psychological strategies such as supportive
psychotherapy, CBT, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
t Providing advice regarding diet, physical exercise and sleep routine.

An antidepressant is sometimes added to a medication
regimen that consists of a single prophylactic medication.
Adding an antidepressant could cause cycle acceleration (ie.
frequent exacerbations of bipolar disorder) so if this option is
pursued, it is recommended that the patient be referred to a
psychiatrist, be closely monitored and that consideration be
given to withdrawing the antidepressant within 1–2 months of
successful resolution of bipolar depression.
Note that antidepressant monotherapy is not recommended in the
bipolar disorders because of the risk of inducing rapid cycling.

check Bipolar disorders CASE 3

Table 6. Stages of change and interventions28,29

Stage of change Characteristics Questions to the patient Intervention

Precontemplation t Not thinking about change t What warning signs would let you know t Educate patient about substance
Goal: patient to begin t May be resigned that this is a problem? misuse
thinking about change t Feeling of no control t How will you know when it is time to quit? t Help the patient to examine problems
t Have you tried to change in the past? with their current behaviour
t Denial – does not believe it applies
to self
t Believes consequences are not

Contemplation t Weighing benefits and costs of t Why do you want to change at this time? t Explore ‘pros and cons’ of change
Goal: patient to examine behaviour and proposed change t What were the reasons for not changing? t Acknowledge patient’s ambivalence
benefits and barriers to t What are the barriers today that keep you and resistance to change
change from change?
t What might help you with those aspects?
t What things (eg. people, programs and
behaviours) have helped in the past?
t What would help you at this time?

Preparation t Experimenting with small changes t Have you tried doing anything differently? t Help patient to determine the most
t What do you think has been helpful, or appropriate strategies for change
t Are there other things that you would be
interested in trying, or hearing about?
t What has worked in the past? Would you
like to try this again?
t Would you like to discuss some of the
other options available (eg. psychological
treatments, medications, programs)?

Action t Taking a definitive action to change t Do you have any questions about this t Assist patient to instigate planned
action? changes
t How have things been going with this
t What aspect of this action have you found
most effective?

Maintenance t Maintaining new behaviour over t Could you tell me about some prevention t Encourage new skills
time strategies you’ve learned? t Rehearse relapse revention strategies
t Have there been any times where you were
close to using again?
t Could we talk about ways of dealing with
these times should they arise again?
t What strategies are working well? Maybe
you could write these down so that you can
remember them in case you have a lapse.

Relapse t A normal part of the process of t (A lapse is very common. In fact, most t Support patient
change people who eventually recover from drug t Assist in renewing process of change
t Usually feels demoralised or alcohol use lapse at least once.) How do
you feel about your use now?

CASE 4 check Bipolar disorders

CASE 4 Sam is provisionally diagnosed with a major depressive
SAM LOST HIS JOB episode and commenced on escitalopram 10 mg at morning.
On review 1 week later, his symptoms are worse. In particular,
Sam is 24 years of age. He is a labourer who is
he feels more irritable but is still having periods where he feels
currently on unemployment benefits. Since he lost
‘very good’. He is sleeping less, now only 3 hours per night.
his job 2 months ago he has been feeling irritable.
His thoughts are ‘more racy’.
His mood has been ‘going up and down’, from
feeling depressed to feeling ‘really good’. At the
time of presentation he is not enjoying anything
in life and feels worthless. He has a decreased How does this information change your differential diagnosis?
need for sleep. His thoughts have been racing. He
feels hyperactive, can’t concentrate, and is easily
distracted. He is more talkative than usual, he has
lost a few kilograms in weight and has had some
thoughts that life is not worth living but has no
suicidal plans or intent.
Sam lost his job due to altercations with his
colleagues and boss, and broke up with his
girlfriend of 6 months shortly afterwards.
Further questioning reveals longstanding episodes
of irritability of mood. Similar to the current episode,
these are characterised by sustained irritability,
hyperactivity, overspending, and a decreased need
for sleep. These symptoms last for weeks and Sam is referred to a psychiatrist and diagnosed with bipolar
are followed by depression, which lasts weeks to disorder, mixed episode. The selective serotonin reuptake
months. inhibitor (SSRI) is stopped, and sodium valproate 400 mg twice
per day is commenced.
He has a background of longstanding alcohol use
and increasing use of intranasal speed which ‘helps Over the next few weeks, his irritability, talkativeness, and
mood and concentration’. racing thoughts settle. Dominant depressive symptoms remain,
consistent with a major depressive episode. In particular, Sam
He never really got on with others at school and
complains of poor sleep. As Sam’s GP, you discuss this with
dropped out at age 15. He describes himself as ‘just
the psychiatrist, who suggests that quetiapine 200 mg at night
hopeless’ at academic work.
be added.
He has had warnings for domestic violence and pub
Sam visits again and says that his mood ‘is generally good
fights, and lost his driver’s licence for speeding.
now’, he feels calmer and his sleep has returned to normal,
but he still can’t concentrate on things. He says his poor
concentration and distractibility are longstanding. He says
QUESTION 1 he read something about adult attention deficit hyperactivity
What is your differential diagnosis for Sam’s presentation? disorder (ADHD) in a magazine and asks if he might have this.

Could this be adult ADHD? How would you differentiate between
bipolar disorder and ADHD?

check Bipolar disorders CASE 4


Since he started school Sam has always had attention Sam is commenced on methylphenidate 10 mg per day by his
problems. He never really managed any school subjects and psychiatrist (who has a special interest in adult ADHD), increasing
was held back in year 2. Then he just ‘pushed through’ until he daily to maximum effect. Stimulant prescription is commenced
left school at age 15. He was always a fidgety child, and ‘never on the condition that he have regular urine drug screens for illicit
sat still’. He was a risk taker and ‘always in trouble’. substances given his history of use. Valproate and quetiapine
are continued. He is referred for neuropsychological testing to
QUESTION 4 further elucidate his deficits related to ADHD, so that these can
be targeted specifically with the aim of maximising his
How might you attempt to further support a diagnosis of adult ADHD?
socio-occupational functioning. He tolerates methylphenidate
well, with sustained ‘even’ mood and marked improvement in
attention. However, if he misses quetiapine, he finds that he has
trouble sleeping and becomes ‘cranky’.

What nonpharmacological treatments would be useful to Sam?

What is the relationship between bipolar disorder and ADHD in


The differential diagnosis is:
t major depression with irritability
t anxiety disorder
t substance-induced mood disturbance
t bipolar disorder (mixed episode)
QUESTION 6 t adjustment disorder
What further treatment options might you consider and what are the t adult ADHD
risks and benefits? t cluster B personality disorder/traits.

The exacerbation of symptoms makes a mixed episode more likely.
A mixed episode is defined as a period of at least 1 week where
symptoms of both a manic episode and a major depressive episode
are present nearly every day. Symptoms of mania were present
in the initial presentation, including a decreased need for sleep,
increased talkativeness, subjective experience that thoughts are
racing, and distractibility.

CASE 4 check Bipolar disorders

ANSWER 3 of childhood ADHD must be obtained, beginning with a good

A good history is key (Table 7 and 8 ) in determining the cause of developmental history. Reviewing Sam’s school records and
poor concentration or distractibility, and can prevent an iatrogenic interviewing his parents would be helpful.
exacerbation of symptoms that may occur with inappropriate therapy. A rating scale may also help (eg. Wender Utah Rating Scale,32 Conners
Adult ADHD Rating Scale33).
ANSWER 4 It is important to confirm that ongoing inattentiveness and hyperactivity
The diagnosis of adult ADHD is controversial, but it appears that a has occurred in the absence of drug use.
subset of children with ADHD go on to have symptoms as adults, with
significant social and occupational consequences.30,31 ANSWER 5
Note that ADHD does not tend to develop in adulthood without There is little research in this area, and it is unclear what relationship
preceding symptoms of ADHD in childhood. Evidence suggestive (if any) exists between ADHD and bipolar disorder.35 Nonetheless
some epidemiological evidence suggests that they do co-occur more
commonly than would be expected by chance. One study showed a
Table 7. Diagnostic symptoms of a manic episode and
lifetime prevalence of ADHD of 9.5% in people with bipolar disorder.36
Manic episode ADHD Degree of overlap
Psychomotor agitation Hyperactivity Extensive
Sam can be provided with details of available stimulants. The potential
Impulsive Impulsivity Extensive
risk of a manic switch with stimulants should be discussed (although
Distractibility Inattention Extensive this would be lower if he was also on a mood stabiliser).
Irritability Ubiquitous Extensive Some general management tips for people with comorbid ADHD and
More talkative Talks too fast Moderate bipolar disorder are listed in Table 9.
Elation – Little Information about medications for ADHD can be found in the Australian
Grandiosity – Little Medicines Handbook37 and Therapeutic Guidelines.22
Flight of ideas/racing thoughts – Little
Decreased need for sleep Difficulty settling Little ANSWER 7
for sleep Little research has been carried out on psychosocial treatment of
Increased goal-directed activity – Little ADHD in adults. Residual symptoms in people on pharmacotherapy are
Excessive pleasurable activities – Little common, and CBT-based approaches that target deficits in planning,
(eg. hypersexuality) organisation and attention, and include psychoeducation may help.38
Reproduced with permission from Springer Psychological treatments for Sam’s drug and alcohol comorbidities
should also be implemented (eg. motivational interviewing,39 as well as
psychological treatments aimed at bipolar disorder).10
Table 8. Diagnostic symptoms of bipolar depression
and ADHD34
Bipolar depression ADHD Degree of
Table 9. The sequential initiation of treatment for
patients with bipolar disorder and concurrent ADHD34
Depressed mood Dysphoria Extensive
t Remove the offending agent
Insomnia Difficulty settling Extensive
– stimulants (if you cannot completely discontinue, try for ‘drug
Irritability Irritability Extensive holidays’ – short breaks)
Difficulty concentrating Inattention Extensive – antidepressants
Psychomotor agitation Hyperactivity Moderate – benzodiazepines
Disinhibition Impulsivity Moderate t Maximise antimanic treatments
Weight loss/gain Weight loss with Moderate (after – use adequate blood levels and doses
stimulants stimulant treatment) t Attempt to reintroduce the stimulant only after the mood is stabilised and
Psychomotor retardation – Little it has been demonstrated that such treatments continue to be indicated.
If you cannot wait, remember that it is likely to delay the treatment
Fatigue or loss of energy – Little
response time for the antimanic
Hypersomnia – Little
t Try to ‘kill two birds with one stone’ when possible (eg. use agents that
Loss of interest or pleasure – Little may improve more than one pole of bipolar disorder)
Thoughts of death/suicidality – Little t Consider discontinuation of stimulants periodically
Reproduced with permission from Springer Reproduced with permission from Springer

check Bipolar disorders CASE 5

CASE 5 commenced on lithium but ceased taking this after

She is currently taking lithium 500 mg twice per day as well
You have just taken over the care of patients in a local
as paracetamol 1 g four times per day and celecoxib 100
nursing home from a GP who retired. The nursing staff ask
mg twice per day, which were commenced 3 weeks ago for
you to see Gladys Smith, a 70 year old lady who is in low-
osteoarthritic pain. There is no other known medical history.
level care.
Over the past 2 weeks, Mrs Smith hasn’t been eating much
Mrs Smith moved to the nursing home 1 month ago, after
and has been spending much of the day lying in bed. The
being discharged from an old age psychiatry unit. Before
nursing staff think she has lost some weight. She has been
her admission, she had been living independently. The
seen wandering the halls at night on a few occasions. She is
immediate precipitant for her admission was a fire in her
agitated and seems confused. On one occasion she asked the
flat. When the fire department arrived, Mrs Smith was
staff, “Are the Russians here yet?” One of the nurses thinks
running around the perimeter of the building claiming that
Mrs Smith has been seeing things.
she was the Messiah and that the blaze was started by
demons. She was taken to hospital, diagnosed with a manic You are asked by staff if you think she is depressed. You
episode and transferred to the old age psychiatry unit. examine Mrs Smith.
Basic blood tests, including thyroid function, B12, folate, She is confused and able to provide only a limited account of
and syphilis serology were normal. A cerebral MRI showed things but says that she feels nauseated and has had some
mild generalised atrophy thought to be consistent with age diarrhoea.
related changes. There was also evidence of small vessel An MMSE is 12/30:
ischaemia. She was commenced on lithium. When her manic
t not oriented to time or place
symptoms resolved, she had occupational therapy and
neuropsychological assessments. Mini Mental State Exam t scores 0/5 for serial 7s
(MMSE) was 25/30. She was found to have mild executive t 0/3 for three item recall.
functioning and verbal memory deficits. It was felt that she Heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature and
needed supported accommodation because of decreased oxygen saturation are within normal limits. She has a coarse
mobility due to osteoarthritis, and she was approved for low- tremor of her hands. Oral mucosa is mildly dry. There are
level care. Mrs Smith initially settled into the nursing home osteoarthritic changes in her upper and lower limbs. Pinprick
well. She socialised with the other residents and participated blood sugar is 5.1 mmol/L. Otherwise, cardiovascular,
in activities. gastrointestinal, respiratory, and neurological examinations
Mrs Smith has had one previous psychiatric admission are normal. A serum lithium level is 1.5 mmol/L; urea,
15 years ago for a manic episode and at that time was electrolytes and creatinine are normal.

What is the differential diagnosis for Mrs Smith’s presentation? What Is it possible that Mrs Smith has dementia? How could you tell?
is the most likely diagnosis?

CASE 5 check Bipolar disorders

What is your short term management plan?

Differential diagnoses in this scenario include delirium, dementia and
depression. Delirium secondary to lithium toxicity is the most likely
cause of this presentation. Note that delirium is often misdiagnosed
as depression.40–42 Lithium toxicity can occur at lower levels in the
elderly than in a younger population, even at supposedly therapeutic
levels (see Answer 4).
The recently commenced celecoxib could have caused this.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, and nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs can increase lithium levels. Lithium toxicity
can also be caused by reduced fluid intake, fluid loss from vomiting,
diarrhoea or excessive sweating, or by deliberate or inadvertent
It is essential to consider delirium in differential diagnosis in an
elderly person who is presenting with emotional, cognitive, or
QUESTION 4 behavioural symptoms, especially if they are of abrupt onset.
Over the longer term, what monitoring and follow up should Mrs
Smith have? ANSWER 2
The clinical distinction between delirium and dementia can be
Dementia is the main risk factor for delirium. Two-thirds of cases of
delirium occur in patients with dementia.40 It would be reasonable
to consider the possibility of underlying dementia once the cause
of Mrs Smith’s delirium has been treated, but dementia would not
account for her acute change (Table 10).

Table 10. Clinical features of delirium verses dementia

Feature Delirium Dementia
Onset Rapid Insidious
Primary deficit Attention Short term memory
Course Fluctuating Progressive

QUESTION 5 Duration Days to weeks Months to years

Are psychological treatments for bipolar disorder indicated in the Consciousness Clouded Clear
elderly? Would these be helpful for Mrs Smith?
Delirium is common and is frequently missed. It is an important
nonspecific sign that often heralds the development of a life
threatening illness. It includes the following features.
t It typically has an acute onset and tends to fluctuate, and is often
worse at night
t Inattention and sleep-wake cycle disturbances – these may be the
most frequent findings41
t Other common features include a disturbance of consciousness,
cognitive impairment, perceptual disturbance, disorganised
thinking, emotional/behavioural disturbances
t Orientation alone is an insufficient screening test, this may be the
least frequent cognitive deficit.41

check Bipolar disorders CASE 5

There are hyperactive and hypoactive forms of delerium. The t recommended lithium ranges for acute mania are usually
hypoactive form is more common in the elderly, and is often 0.8–1.2 mmol/L. Lower ranges (eg. 0.6–0.8 mmol/L) are
missed. Mild states are also often missed, especially by those not recommended for maintenance treatment. Toxicity occurs at
familiar with the patient’s usual intellectual performance. Differential levels >1.5 mmol/L, but can occur at ‘therapeutic levels’ in the
diagnoses include dementia and mood disorders, especially elderly. Levels >3.5 mmol/L are potentially lethal.22 There is not
depression (delirium is often misdiagnosed as depression).40–42 much data upon which to guide serum levels in older adults, but
Almost any physical illness can give rise to delirium in the elderly. levels of 0.5–0.8 mmol/L are often recommended.17
Common causes include medications, infections, metabolic and Over the longer term, monitor for cognitive decline (Mrs Smith had
endocrine derangement, cardiovascular disease, respiratory some mild deficits when neuropsychological testing was done in her
disease, intracranial pathology, gastrointestinal disease, metabolic first hospitalisation).
derangement, and alcohol withdrawal. A broad differential diagnosis Assessment for vascular risk factors:
should be considered, and a thorough physical examination is
t monitor blood pressure
t check fasting lipids
Some common misunderstandings about delirium are listed in
Table 11. t monitor weight, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and BMI
t Mrs Smith’s recent blood sugar level was normal, but you should
consider checking this again in the future.
Table 11. Common misunderstandings about delirium41
t The typical presentation is of delirium tremens (ie. agitated, floridly
Mrs Smith should also be monitored for signs and symptoms of
psychotic) major depression or mania.
t More severe delirium is associated with a greater degree of hyperactivity
t Quiet and well behaved patients are generally cognitively intact ANSWER 5
t Older people are normally forgetful and easily disoriented Psychotherapy is effective in older people but is frequently not
t Irritability or vagueness often reflects personality rather than an altered
mental state Psychological approaches can also be helpful for patients with
t Patients are offended by tests of cognition cognitive impairment, although the approach needs to be modified.
t A patient’s level of orientation and cognitive function are consistent over In such cases it would be wise to consider referral to someone with
24 hours experience in providing therapy to people with cognitive impairment,
t Delirium rarely responds to treatment in those with underlying advanced such as an old age psychiatrist (psychogeriatrician), or a psychologist
disease with relevant training and experience.
Modified and reproduced with permission from The Royal College of With respect to Mrs Smith’s current state, psychological
Psychiatrists, London interventions (aside from those aimed at assisting reorientation) are
clearly contraindicated in delirium. Once her delirium has settled, it
ANSWER 3 would be sensible to provide some psychoeducation to Mrs Smith,
and the nursing staff at the aged care facility. In particular, it would
Delirium is a medical emergency. Lithium toxicity can be fatal. Mrs
be useful to ensure the nursing staff understand:
Smith should be transferred immediately to the nearest emergency
department via ambulance. You or the nursing home staff should t early warning signs of depression, mania, and delirium
inform her relatives. t what to do if she appears to be relapsing into mania or
Lithium toxicity is treated by withdrawal of lithium, intravenous fluid depression, or if she appears to be delirious.
resuscitation, and electrolyte replacement, as well as treatment In the future, if she relapses into mania or depression, more
of any underlying medical condition. Haemodialysis may be extensive psychotherapeutic treatment should be considered.10

Regular monitoring of lithium levels, renal function, and thyroid
function should be undertaken:
t creatinine clearance can decrease with age, affecting serum
lithium levels

REFERENCES check Bipolar disorders

1. Murtagh JE. General practice. 3rd edn. Sydney: McGraw Hill, 23. Castle DJ, Solowij N. Acute and subacute psychomimetic effects
180–188. of cannabis in humans. In: Castle D, Murray R, editors. Marijuana
2. Bassett DL. Risk assessment and management in bipolar disorders. and madness: psychiatry and neurobiology. Cambridge: Cambridge
MJA 2010;193:S21–S23. University Press, 2004;41–53.
3. World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases 24. Degenhardt L, Hall W, Lynskey M, et al. The association between
(ICD-10). Available at cannabis use and depression: a review of the evidence. In: Castle
icd10online. D, Murray R, editors. Marijuana and madness: psychiatry and
neurobiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004;54–74.
4. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR. 4th edn. Washington, DC: American 25. Parker G. Comorbidities in bipolar disorder: models and management.
Psychiatric Association, 2000. MJA 2010;193:S18–S20.
5. Ghaemi SN, Ko JY, Goodwin FK. ‘Cade’s disease’ and beyond: 26. Craddock N, Jones I. Molecular genetics of bipolar disorder. Br J
misdiagnosis, antidepressant use, and a proposed definition Psychiatry 2001;178:S128–S133.
for bipolar spectrum disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 27. Misri S, Carter D, Little RM. Bipolar affective disorder: special issues
2002;47:125–34. for women. In: Castle DJ, Kulkarni J, Abel KM, editors. Mood and
6. Michell PB, Loo CK, Gould BM. Diagnosis and monitoring of bipolar anxiety disorders in women. Cambridge: Cambridge University
disorder in general practice. MJA 2010;193:S10–S13. Press, 2006;185–211.
7. Hirschfeld RMA, Lewis L, Vornik LA. Perceptions and impact of 28. Lubman DI, Sundram S. Substance misuse in patients with
bipolar disorder: how far have we really come? Results of the National schizophrenia: a primary care guide. MJA 2003;178:S71–S75.
Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association 2000 Survey of 29. Prochaksa JO, DiClemente CC, Norcross JC. In search of how people
Individuals with Bipolar Disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64:161–74. change: applications to addictive disorders. American Psychologist
8. Pies R. Is it bipolar depression? ‘WHIPLASHED’ aids diagnosis. 1992;47:1102–14.
Current Psychiatry 2007;6:80–81. 30. Kessler RC, Adler L, Barkley R, et al. The prevalence and correlates
9. Piterman L, Jones KM, Castle DJ. Bipolar disorder in general of adult ADHD in the United States: results from the National
practice: challenges and opportunities. MJA 2010;193:S14–S17. Comorbidity Survey Replication. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:716–23.
10. Lauder SD, Berk M, Castle DJ, et al. The role of psychotherapy in 31. McGough JJ, Barkley RA. Diagnostic controversies in adult attention
bipolar disorder. MJA 2010;193:S31–S35. deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2004;161:1948–1956.
11. Morriss R. The early warning symptom intervention for patients 32. Ward MF, Wender PH, Reimherr FW. The Wender Utah Rating Scale:
with bipolar affective disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment an aid in the retrospective diagnosis of childhood attention deficit
2004;10:18–26. hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1993;150:885–90.
12. Malhi GS, Adams D, Berk M. The pharmacological treatment of 33. Conners CK, Erhart D, Sparrow E. Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating
bipolar disorder in primary care. MJA 2010;193:S24–S30. Scales, technical manual. New York, NY: Multi-Health Systems, 1999.
13. Malhi GS, Adams D, Lampe L, et al. Clinical practice 34. Scheffer RE. Concurrent ADHD and bipolar disorder. Curr Psychiatry
recommendations for bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Rep 2007;9:415–19.
2009;119(Suppl 439):27–46. 35. Sobanski E. Psychiatric comorbidity in adults with attention-deficit/
14. Conn TA, Sernyak MJ. Metabolic monitoring for patients treated hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). European Archives of Psychiatry and
with antipsychotic medications. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Clinical Neurosciences 2006;256(Suppl 1):26–i31
2006;51:492–501. 36. Nierenberg AA, Miyahara S, Spencer T, et al. Clinical and diagnostic
15. Dennerstein L, Alexander JL. Mood and menopause. In: Castle DJ, implications of lifetime attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Kulkarni J, Abel KM, editors. Mood and anxiety disorders in women. comorbidity in adults with bipolar disorder: data from the first 1000
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2006;212–241. Step-BD Participants. Biological Psychiatry 2005;57:1467–73.
16. SoaresC, Taylor V. Effects and management of the menopausal 37. Editorial Advisory Board. Australian Medicines Handbook 2010.
transition in woman with depression and bipolar disorder. J Clin Adelaide: Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd, 2010.
Psychiatry 2007;68(Suppl 9):16–21. 38. Knight LA, Rooney M, Chronis-Tuscano A. Psychosocial treatments
17. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Clinical for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports
Practice Guidelines Team for Bipolar Disorder. Australian and New 2008;10:412–418.
Zealand Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Bipolar 39. Treasure J. Motivational interviewing. Advances in Psychiatric
Disorder. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2004;38:280–305. Treatment 204;10:331–7.
18. Tiller JWG, Schweitzer I. Bipolar disorder: diagnostic issues. MJA 40. Inouye S. Delirium in older persons. N Engl J Med 2006;354:1157–
2010;193:S5–S9. 65.
19. Berk M, Dodd S. Bipolar II disorder: a review. Bipolar Disorders 41. Meagher DJ, Moran M, Raju B, et al. Phenomenology of delirium. Br
2005;7:11–21. J Psychiatry 2007;190:135–141.
20. Lam-Po-Tang J, McKay D. Dr Google, MD: a survey of mental health- 42. Meagher D, Leonard M. The active management of delirium:
related internet use in a private practice sample. Australas Psychiatry improving detection and treatment. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
2010;18:130–3. 2008;14:292–301.
21. National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. Bipolar disorder: the 43. Murray L. Lithium. In: Cameron P, Jelinek G, Kelly A, et al, editors.
management of bipolar disorder in adults, children and adolescents, Textbook of adult emergency medicine. 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill
in primary and secondary care. National Clinical Practice Guideline Livingston, 2004;874–80.
Number 38. Leicester and London: The British Psychological Society 44. Garner J. Psychotherapies and older adults. Aust N Z J Psychiatry
and The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2006. 2003;37:537–48.
22. Psychotropic Expert Group. Therapeutic Guidelines: psychotropic.
Version 6. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, 2008.

check Bipolar disorders RESOURCES


t Bipolar disorder: new understandings, emerging treatments. MJA t SANE Australia:
Supplement 16 August 2010;193. Available at t beyondblue:
t Black Dog Institute:
t GP Psych Support Service provides advice for GPs from a
t Victorian Better Health Channel:
psychiatrist via phone, fax or secure email and is available
24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Tel 1800 200 588
Fax 1800 012 422. Available at t MoodSwings is an online self-help program for bipolar disorder.
Intake of registrations may vary with time. Information on this site
t The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist’s
is also relevant.
Code of Ethics. Available at
and-ethics.html t Multicultural Mental Health Australia:
t Motivational interviewing in general practice. check Program
October 2009;unit 451. The following online self management programs are directed at
depression and anxiety, but are applicable to bipolar disorder,
particularly as anxiety is a common comorbidity:
24 hour mobile on call psychiatric services are available in most t E-couch:
(but not all) parts of Australia. t Anxiety online:
Australian Capital Territory
Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) STATE AND TERRITORY MENTAL HEALTH ACTS t Australian Capital Territory Mental Health (Treatment and Care)
Tel 1800 629 354 (24 hour service) or 02 6205 1065 Act 1994. Available at
New South Wales default.asp
Crisis Service/Team or CATT t New South Wales Mental Health Act, 2007. Available at
Northern Territory t Northern Territory Mental Health and Related Services Act, 2010.
Alice Springs Community House Crisis Assessment Team Available at
CATT index.aspx and
Tel 08 8951 7710 (business hours) or 08 8951 7777 (after hours) mharsa294
Top End Mental Health Service
t Queensland, Mental Health Act, 2000. Available at
Tel 08 8999 4988
t South Australia Mental Health Act, 2009. Available at www.
Mobile Intensive Support Team (MIST/MIT)
t Tasmania Mental Health Act, 1996. Available at
South Australia
Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service (ACIS) t Victoria Mental Health Act, 1986. Available at
Statewide Emergency Crisis Tel 131 465 au/legis/vic/consol_act/mha1986128/index.html
Rural and Remote Emergency Triage and Liaison Tel 131 464 t Western Australia Mental Health Act 1996. Available at
Tel 1800 332 388
Victoria In the January/February check unit, Figure 5 (page 9) was
CATT. Available at incorrect.
Western Australia The following are the correct pathways for faecal-reducing
The Mental Health Emergency Response Line (or Rural Link in rural substances >0.25%, and faecal pH <7.0:
areas) takes referrals, the Community Emergency Response Team t:&4o5SJBMPGMBDUPTFGSFFGPSNVMBPSMBDUBTFUSFBUFECSFBTUNJML
(CERT) and Acute Community Intervention Team (ACIT) provide t/0o5SJBMPGDPXTNJMLGSFFGPSNVMBPSDPXTNJMLGSFF
assessment and treatment. Available at maternal diet.
au Tel 1300 555 788 or 1800 332 388 The editors apologise for any confusion or inconvenience.

CHECK CATEGORY 2 QI&CPD ACTIVITY check Bipolar disorders

A. no blood tests are required before giving the first dose

Bipolar disorder B. baseline thyroid function, renal function, serum calcium
In order to qualify for 6 Category 2 points for the QI&CPD and electrocardiogram (ECG) should be established before
activity associated with this unit: commencing treatment
t SFBEBOEDPNQMFUFUIFVOJUPGcheck in hardcopy or C. serum urea and creatinine should be checked every 12 months
online at the gplearning website at www.gplearning.
D. thyroid function tests should be repeated only if symptoms of, and
hypothyroidism develop
t MPHPOUPUIFgplearning website at www.gplearning.
E. lithium toxicity usually only occurs in the first few weeks of and answer the following 10 multiple choice
questions (MCQs) online
If you are not an RACGP member, please contact the Susie is stabilised on lithium but forgets to take her tablets away
gplearning helpdesk on 1800 284 789 to register in the with her on a 3 month holiday. Your advice when she rings you
first instance. You will be provided with a username and from interstate is:
password that will allow you access to the test.
A. resume the same dose she usually takes when she returns
The expected time to complete this activity is 3 hours. from holidays
Please note B. resume her lithium on a lower dose when she returns, then
t 'SPN+BOVBSZ UIFSFXJMMOPMPOHFSCFB$BUFHPSZ gradually increase to her usual dose
activity (ALM) associated with check units. This decision C. do not cease her lithium abruptly due to the risk of mania. You
was made due to a lack of interest in this activity. The need to help her arrange a supply of medication
RACGP apologises for any inconvenience caused by
D. take a double dose for 2 days when she returns
this change
E. have a trial of not taking her medication while she is away on
holidays as her stress levels will be lower.
office. This activity can only be completed online at
If you have any queries or technical issues accessing the
test online, please contact the gplearning helpdesk on Fleur is the wife of one of your patients Brett, who is known to
1800 284 789. be a regular cannabis user. Fleur presents concerned about her
husband’s behaviour. He has recently been seen apparently talking
to himself and is frequently very agitated. She also suspects
that he may have lost his job, although he has not divulged this
information to her. He appears to be excessively confident about
Wendy, age 52, presents with a 9 month history of amenorrhoea, mild his new online poker hobby. The possible explanation is:
hot flushes, decreased libido, irritability and a loss of interest in her
A. he is experiencing intermittent bouts of cannabis intoxication
usual activities. She also feels an increased need for sleep and has
gained 6 kg in weight. Your first step in management is to: B. he has started using other recreational drugs such as
A. prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat her
menopausal symptoms C. he may be experiencing a manic episode as part of an
emerging bipolar disorder
B. discuss the overlap between symptoms of depression and
menopause and suggest a trial of treatment for her depressive D. he may have an organic neurological illness
symptoms E. all of the above.
C. tell her all women have to go through menopause and it will pass
soon enough QUESTION 5
D. prescribe both HRT and an antidepressant from the outset Christie, 35 years of age, is a married woman who has recently
been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and presents with her
E. recommend she keep a food and exercise diary and return in
husband wishing to discuss her medication in the context of
3 months.
wanting to start a family in the future. Concerning pharmaceutical
management of this case, you would:
A. use sodium valproate as your drug of first choice
Susie, 37 years of age, is a patient of yours who presents with acute
mania. You transfer her to hospital. Upon discharge she has been B. advise her to continue her medication until she falls pregnant then
stabilised on lithium. When treating a patient with lithium: stop immediately as most women feel better during pregnancy

check Bipolar disorders CHECK CATEGORY 2 QI&CPD ACTIVITY

C. discuss the possibility of pregnancy and contraceptive options, QUESTION 9

explaining the potential risks of unplanned pregnancy and When you see Alice she appears a little vague but is oriented to time,
psychotropic medication place and person. The nurse says she was much worse overnight.
D. avoid discussing the possible teratogenic effects of medication as Which of the following is true?
you don’t want to dissuade her from taking her medication A. More severe delirium is associated with a greater degree of
E. advise her that she should have a tubal ligation. hyperactivity
B. Vagueness in this age group is always due to dementia
QUESTION 6 C. A patient’s level of orientation and cognitive function are variable
Sally comes to see you to discuss her son Marcus, age 25. Marcus over a 24 hour period
was recently diagnosed with a manic episode after presenting with D. Quiet and well behaved patients are generally cognitively intact
symptoms of hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, and excessive
E. After 5 years her lithium will be well tolerated.
spending. Sally brings in an article she found on the internet about
adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She asks if this
condition could better explain Marcus’ symptoms. In differentiating QUESTION 10
between ADHD and a manic episode the most useful symptom/s to You look at Alice’s file to see when she last had her lithium level
elucidate are: tested. Regarding lithium monitoring, which of the following is true?
A. elation and grandiosity A. Optimum lithium dose can change with age as creatinine
clearance decreases
B. hyperactivity and impulsivity
B. Recommended serum lithium level for acute mania is
C. distractibility and irritability
0.8–1.2 mmol/L
D. talkativeness
C. Toxicity occurs at serum lithium levels >1.5 mmol/L (or lower in
E. insomnia and hypersomnia. the elderly)
D. More frequent monitoring may be needed if other medications
You explain to Sally that the diagnosis of adult ADHD is controversial
E. All of the above.
and that it is unclear whether there is any relationship between ADHD
and bipolar disorder. For diagnostic purposes, which of the following
can be helpful?
A. Confirmation of ongoing inattentiveness and hyperactivity in the
absence of drug use
B. Review of school records
C. Interviewing the parents of adult patients
D. Awareness of any issues involving the law or relationship
E. All of the above.

You are asked to review Alice Brown, age 70, a nursing home patient
with a past history of manic episodes who has been prescribed lithium
for 5 years. She has a 2 week history of a loss of appetite, social
withdrawal and vagueness. Alice was started on a new medication for
her arthritis 1 month ago. From the history, you suspect a diagnosis
of delirium and plan to review Alice as soon as possible. Which of the
following is false about delirium?
A. It is a rare condition associated with alcohol withdrawal
B. It has an acute onset, often worse at night
C. It is associated with inattention and sleep-wake cycle disturbance
D. It is an important nonspecific sign that often heralds the
development of a life threatening illness
E. It commonly causes a disturbance of consciousness.

NOTES check Bipolar disorders

Untypical atypical

X%+*$%! -$%.1$/4/)9! -5%&.%! $%0/%2! V$*,61'! ])+*$(&'/*)! &0&/5&45%! *)! $%b6%.'! +$*(! ZZ.'$&d%)%1&<
MINIMUM PRODUCT INFORMATION SEROQUEL XR® (quetiapine fumarate). INDICATIONS: Bipolar 1&$,/*0&.165&$! /55)%..T! *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! R#! -$*5*)9&'/*)! $/.U8! -*.'! (&$U%'/)9! 1&.%.! $%-*$'%,! *+!
disorder: Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder, as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or R#!-$*5*)9&'/*)!2/'3!*0%$,*.%T!3/.'*$B!*+!.%/76$%.!*$!5*2!.%/76$%!'3$%.3*5,.T!3/93!.6/1/,%!$/.U!-&'/%)'.T!
sodium valproate, for the prevention of relapse/recurrence of manic, depressive or mixed episodes EPS; tardive dyskinesia, *symptoms can worsen/arise after discontinuation; NMS; elevated core body
!"!#$%&'(%)'!*+!,%-$%../0%!%-/.*,%.!&..*1/&'%,!2/'3!4/-*5&$!,/.*$,%$!"!#$%&'(%)'!*+!&16'%!(&)/&!&..*1/&'%,! '%(-%$&'6$%T!)%6'$*-%)/&T!2/'3,$&2&5T!3B-%$95B1&%(/&!&),!,/&4%'%.!(%55/'6.T!5/-/,!/)1$%&.%.8!(*)/'*$/)9!
with bipolar I disorder as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or sodium valproate. Schizophrenia: recommended; *worsening of > one metabolic factor observed in clinical trials, monitoring recommended;
#$%&'(%)'! *+! .13/7*-3$%)/&8! -$%0%)'/*)! *+! $%5&-.%! &),! (&/)'%)&)1%! *+! 15/)/1&5! /(-$*0%(%)'! ,6$/)9! %5,%$5B!-&'/%)'.!2/'3!,%(%)'/&L$%5&'%,!-.B13*./.T!&.-/$&'/*)!-)%6(*)/&T!5&1'*.%!/)'*5%$&)1%<!V$%9)&)1B!
continuation therapy. Major depressive disorder (MDD):!#$%&'(%)'!*+!$%16$$%)'!(&;*$!,%-$%../0%!,/.*$,%$! DW&'%9*$B! X>G! &),! 5&1'&'/*)<! *Use in children and adolescents. Interacts with: thioridazine; lorazepam;
in patients who are intolerant of, or who have an inadequate response to alternative therapies. *Generalised 5%0*,*-&!M!,*-&(/)%!&9*)/.'.T!WYV>ZI!/)3/4/'*$.!%<9<!U%'*1*)&7*5%8!9$&-%+$6/'!;6/1%T!3%-&'/1!%)7B(%!
anxiety disorder (GAD): Treatment of generalised anxiety disorder. DOSAGE: Once daily, without food. inducers; cardiovascular medicines; *ADHD medicines. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Common adverse
#&45%'.!.3*65,!4%!.2&55*2%,!23*5%!&),!)*'!.-5/'8!13%2%,!*$!1$6.3%,<!Maintenance treatment of bipolar %0%)'.! /)! 1*)'$*55%,! 15/)/1&5! '$/&5.! [! Z,65'.:! .%,&'/*)! M! .*()*5%)1%T! ,$B! (*6'3T! /).*()/&T! ,/77/)%..T!
I disorder: SEROQUEL XR responders for acute treatment should continue therapy at the same dose. *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! .B)1*-%T! 1*).'/-&'/*)T! ,B.-%-./&T! )&6.%&! M! 0*(/'/)9T! &4,*(/)&5! -&/)T!
=.6&5! %++%1'/0%! ,*.%! >??! '*! @??! (9A,&B<! Bipolar depression:! #$%&'(%)'! .3*65,! 4%! /)/'/&'%,! %/'3%$! 4B!
-.B13/&'$/.'!*$!4B!9%)%$&5!practitioner &+'%$!1*).65'/)9!'3%!-.B13/&'$/.'<!C?!(9!DE&B!FG8!F??!(9!DE&B!HG8!
H??!(9!DE&B!>G8!&),!>??!(9!DE&B!IG<!J&B!4%!'/'$&'%,!'*!I??!(9!DE&B!CG!&),!6-!'*!K??!(9!DE&B!@G<!Acute increases in: lipids *(decreases in fasting HDL levels observed),!45**,!9561*.%8!5/0%$!%)7B(%.!M!.%$6(!
mania:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*!@??!(9!&+'%$!E&B!H8!&5*)%!*$!/)!1*(4/)&'/*)!2/'3!&!(**,! prolactin levels; *decreases in haemoglobin levels; decreases in total T4, free T4 & total T3, increases
.'&4/5/.%$<!=.6&5!%++%1'/0%!,*.%!I??L@??!(9A,&B<!Schizophrenia:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*! in TSH;!OVNT!,B.&$'3$/&T!(/5,!&.'3%)/&T!-%$/-3%$&5!*%,%(&T!&4)*$(&5!,$%&(.!M!)/93'(&$%.<!*Children
@??!(9!&+'%$!E&B!H<!=.6&5!%++%1'/0%!,*.%!I??L@??!(9A,&B<!MDD:!C?!(9!DE&B!F!M!HG8!FC?!(9!DE&B!>!M! & adolescents: increased appetite; increases in serum prolactin, blood pressure; EPS; weight gain.
IG8!6-!'*!>??!(9A,&B<!#$%&'(%)'!.3*65,!4%!&,(/)/.'%$%,!/)!'3%!%0%)/)9!&),!.3*65,!4%!/)/'/&'%,!%/'3%$!4B! \*$! &55! *'3%$! &,0%$.%! %0%)'.8! .%%! +655! V]<! E&'%! *+! #^Z! &--$*0&5:! H?! N%-'%(4%$! H?F?<! VXN! ,/.-%).%,!
-.B13/&'$/.'!*$!4B!9%)%$&5!-$&1'/'/*)%$!&+'%$!1*).65'/)9!'3%!-.B13/&'$/.'<!*GAD: 50 mg (Day 1 & 2), 150 mg -$/1%.:! C?! (9! _F??<IC8! FC?! (9! _F>`<Ia8! H??! (9! _F@a<a?8! >??! (9! _HKK<H>8! I??! (9! _>CI<?H<
(Day 3 & 4), adjusted within 50-150mg/day.!N2/'13/)9!+$*(!NOPQR=OS!/((%,/&'%!$%5%&.%:!E/0/,%,!,*.%.! REFERENCE: F<!N%$*b6%5!cP!Z--$*0%,!V$*,61'!])+*$(&'/*)<!Z.'$&d%)%1&!V'B!S',!DZXe!CI!??`!K@H!>FFG!
of SEROQUEL immediate release may be switched to SEROQUEL XR at Z5(&! P,8! e*$'3! PB,%8! eNf! HFF>8! Z6.'$&5/&<! gN%$*b6%5! cP! /.! &! '$&,%(&$U8! '3%! -$*perty of the
equivalent total daily dose taken once daily. Elderly: Use caution. Slower Z.'$&d%)%1&!9$*6-<!Z=LNcP???H?`<!#WZ!ZdANcPFFCL?AZedA\V<
rate of titration recommended. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity
to any component of SEROQUEL XR. PRECAUTIONS: Concomitant *Please note changes in Product Information.
PBS Information: Authority required (STREAMLINED). Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. Monotherapy,
for up to 6 months, of an episode of acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder. Treatment of schizophrenia. This
product is not listed on the PBS for bipolar depression, major depressive disorder or generalised anxiety disorder.
Untypical atypical

X%+*$%! -$%.1$/4/)9! -5%&.%! $%0/%2! V$*,61'! ])+*$(&'/*)! &0&/5&45%! *)! $%b6%.'! +$*(! ZZ.'$&d%)%1&<
MINIMUM PRODUCT INFORMATION SEROQUEL XR® (quetiapine fumarate). INDICATIONS: Bipolar 1&$,/*0&.165&$! /55)%..T! *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! R#! -$*5*)9&'/*)! $/.U8! -*.'! (&$U%'/)9! 1&.%.! $%-*$'%,! *+!
disorder: Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder, as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or R#!-$*5*)9&'/*)!2/'3!*0%$,*.%T!3/.'*$B!*+!.%/76$%.!*$!5*2!.%/76$%!'3$%.3*5,.T!3/93!.6/1/,%!$/.U!-&'/%)'.T!
sodium valproate, for the prevention of relapse/recurrence of manic, depressive or mixed episodes EPS; tardive dyskinesia, *symptoms can worsen/arise after discontinuation; NMS; elevated core body
!"!#$%&'(%)'!*+!,%-$%../0%!%-/.*,%.!&..*1/&'%,!2/'3!4/-*5&$!,/.*$,%$!"!#$%&'(%)'!*+!&16'%!(&)/&!&..*1/&'%,! '%(-%$&'6$%T!)%6'$*-%)/&T!2/'3,$&2&5T!3B-%$95B1&%(/&!&),!,/&4%'%.!(%55/'6.T!5/-/,!/)1$%&.%.8!(*)/'*$/)9!
with bipolar I disorder as monotherapy or in combination with lithium or sodium valproate. Schizophrenia: recommended; *worsening of > one metabolic factor observed in clinical trials, monitoring recommended;
#$%&'(%)'! *+! .13/7*-3$%)/&8! -$%0%)'/*)! *+! $%5&-.%! &),! (&/)'%)&)1%! *+! 15/)/1&5! /(-$*0%(%)'! ,6$/)9! %5,%$5B!-&'/%)'.!2/'3!,%(%)'/&L$%5&'%,!-.B13*./.T!&.-/$&'/*)!-)%6(*)/&T!5&1'*.%!/)'*5%$&)1%<!V$%9)&)1B!
continuation therapy. Major depressive disorder (MDD):!#$%&'(%)'!*+!$%16$$%)'!(&;*$!,%-$%../0%!,/.*$,%$! DW&'%9*$B! X>G! &),! 5&1'&'/*)<! *Use in children and adolescents. Interacts with: thioridazine; lorazepam;
in patients who are intolerant of, or who have an inadequate response to alternative therapies. *Generalised 5%0*,*-&!M!,*-&(/)%!&9*)/.'.T!WYV>ZI!/)3/4/'*$.!%<9<!U%'*1*)&7*5%8!9$&-%+$6/'!;6/1%T!3%-&'/1!%)7B(%!
anxiety disorder (GAD): Treatment of generalised anxiety disorder. DOSAGE: Once daily, without food. inducers; cardiovascular medicines; *ADHD medicines. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Common adverse
#&45%'.!.3*65,!4%!.2&55*2%,!23*5%!&),!)*'!.-5/'8!13%2%,!*$!1$6.3%,<!Maintenance treatment of bipolar %0%)'.! /)! 1*)'$*55%,! 15/)/1&5! '$/&5.! [! Z,65'.:! .%,&'/*)! M! .*()*5%)1%T! ,$B! (*6'3T! /).*()/&T! ,/77/)%..T!
I disorder: SEROQUEL XR responders for acute treatment should continue therapy at the same dose. *$'3*.'&'/1! 3B-*'%)./*)T! .B)1*-%T! 1*).'/-&'/*)T! ,B.-%-./&T! )&6.%&! M! 0*(/'/)9T! &4,*(/)&5! -&/)T!
=.6&5! %++%1'/0%! ,*.%! >??! '*! @??! (9A,&B<! Bipolar depression:! #$%&'(%)'! .3*65,! 4%! /)/'/&'%,! %/'3%$! 4B!
-.B13/&'$/.'!*$!4B!9%)%$&5!practitioner &+'%$!1*).65'/)9!'3%!-.B13/&'$/.'<!C?!(9!DE&B!FG8!F??!(9!DE&B!HG8!
H??!(9!DE&B!>G8!&),!>??!(9!DE&B!IG<!J&B!4%!'/'$&'%,!'*!I??!(9!DE&B!CG!&),!6-!'*!K??!(9!DE&B!@G<!Acute increases in: lipids *(decreases in fasting HDL levels observed),!45**,!9561*.%8!5/0%$!%)7B(%.!M!.%$6(!
mania:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*!@??!(9!&+'%$!E&B!H8!&5*)%!*$!/)!1*(4/)&'/*)!2/'3!&!(**,! prolactin levels; *decreases in haemoglobin levels; decreases in total T4, free T4 & total T3, increases
.'&4/5/.%$<!=.6&5!%++%1'/0%!,*.%!I??L@??!(9A,&B<!Schizophrenia:!>??!(9!DE&B!FG8!K??!(9!DE&B!HG8!6-!'*! in TSH;!OVNT!,B.&$'3$/&T!(/5,!&.'3%)/&T!-%$/-3%$&5!*%,%(&T!&4)*$(&5!,$%&(.!M!)/93'(&$%.<!*Children
@??!(9!&+'%$!E&B!H<!=.6&5!%++%1'/0%!,*.%!I??L@??!(9A,&B<!MDD:!C?!(9!DE&B!F!M!HG8!FC?!(9!DE&B!>!M! & adolescents: increased appetite; increases in serum prolactin, blood pressure; EPS; weight gain.
IG8!6-!'*!>??!(9A,&B<!#$%&'(%)'!.3*65,!4%!&,(/)/.'%$%,!/)!'3%!%0%)/)9!&),!.3*65,!4%!/)/'/&'%,!%/'3%$!4B! \*$! &55! *'3%$! &,0%$.%! %0%)'.8! .%%! +655! V]<! E&'%! *+! #^Z! &--$*0&5:! H?! N%-'%(4%$! H?F?<! VXN! ,/.-%).%,!
-.B13/&'$/.'!*$!4B!9%)%$&5!-$&1'/'/*)%$!&+'%$!1*).65'/)9!'3%!-.B13/&'$/.'<!*GAD: 50 mg (Day 1 & 2), 150 mg -$/1%.:! C?! (9! _F??<IC8! FC?! (9! _F>`<Ia8! H??! (9! _F@a<a?8! >??! (9! _HKK<H>8! I??! (9! _>CI<?H<
(Day 3 & 4), adjusted within 50-150mg/day.!N2/'13/)9!+$*(!NOPQR=OS!/((%,/&'%!$%5%&.%:!E/0/,%,!,*.%.! REFERENCE: F<!N%$*b6%5!cP!Z--$*0%,!V$*,61'!])+*$(&'/*)<!Z.'$&d%)%1&!V'B!S',!DZXe!CI!??`!K@H!>FFG!
of SEROQUEL immediate release may be switched to SEROQUEL XR at Z5(&! P,8! e*$'3! PB,%8! eNf! HFF>8! Z6.'$&5/&<! gN%$*b6%5! cP! /.! &! '$&,%(&$U8! '3%! -$*perty of the
equivalent total daily dose taken once daily. Elderly: Use caution. Slower Z.'$&d%)%1&!9$*6-<!Z=LNcP???H?`<!#WZ!ZdANcPFFCL?AZedA\V<
rate of titration recommended. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity
to any component of SEROQUEL XR. PRECAUTIONS: Concomitant *Please note changes in Product Information.
PBS Information: Authority required (STREAMLINED). Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. Monotherapy,
for up to 6 months, of an episode of acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder. Treatment of schizophrenia. This
product is not listed on the PBS for bipolar depression, major depressive disorder or generalised anxiety disorder.

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