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PROJECT MeN ala A Foundation fo Intermediate Planche Training Routine Nie 4 AGTg een tee Rees hy —_ nan wm WwW BN 15 16 17 Sponsors About Me Nutrition Recovery Project Planche The Routine Core Circuits Lower Mobility Circuits Exercise Suggestions Oxylent? is an award-winning, 5-in-1 daily multivitamin drink that delivers vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids, and antioxidants with easy absorption. It is something that | take during every workout to perform better and keep me hydrated. I've used this supplement almost a year, so |am so excited that they are sponsoring this project. () aRDouR Ardour is the new name in strength and mobility. They are a sportswear brand that believes in a shift from the aesthetic to the functional. From gymnastics to calisthenics and primal movement fo yoga, they have some original designs to fit. 'm a huge fan of their apparel and attitude to movement so their decision to sponsor is incredible. Use discount code “ARDOURTOM" for 10% off your order. My name is Tom Merrick and I'm a movement and health enthusiast. I've been training now for just over 3 years, which has consisted of everything from endurance and cardio training to bodybuilding and power lifting. However 2 years ago, following becoming ill and bed bound for 2 weeks from poor nutrition and over training, | took a new approach to movement and health. | began utilising bodyweight training and taking a holistic approach to nutrition and life. | would spend all my free time reading research papers, books and articles, listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos. | took this information and started experimenting with all the different ideas that | discovered. This has led to the person | am today, not only in development of my physical strength but my psychological strength too. After everything | have received from the vast health and fitness community online, | decided to give back and start my own YouTube channel to share my experiences and ideas. This e-book is one of the ways | am trying to do this. | hope you enjoy. Ne) wy Although this is primarily a training project, it is well worth mentioning nutrition. In my opinion, the most important of pillar of performance. & -) NUTRITION FUEL YOUR PERFORMANCE If you want fo maximise your performance, you need to maximise your nutrition. It's really as simple as thal. | would highly recommend you nail your nutrition and make it the building blocks of everything you do. I'm not going to dive into detail here about every minutia of nutrition, but there are a few ideas | personally practice and want fo share. When applied, these can be used to help maximise your training. MACROS AND CARB TIMING Not all calories are equal, they all send different messages that tell your body to respond in different ways. | recommend a caro backloading style of eating that focuses on two very simple principles. 1. Eat protein, fat and non-starchy veg pre-workout 2. Eat protein, fruit, starchy veg and lower fat post-workout This eating style mainly manages and uses insulin for muscle gain, performance and general health. Ideally training is around 2-8pm so | would therefore recommend the following macro ratios: gy PROTEIN 0.75-1g Per |b of bodyweight ) CARBS 20-40%, of calories, depending on activity fe) FATS 40-60% of calories If you want fo find out more about carb backloading then enter this link viww qymbuzz.convtiness-centretainina/earb-backloading-explained/ Ne) ay EATING REAL FOOD As well as using carb backloading, | would also recommend sourcing as much of your nuirition as possible from real foods. By this | mean unprocessed whole foods, the kind that doesn't need an ingredients list. | realise this isn’t always possible but the more real you can eat, the better you will feel and perform. This translates fo the following: @ PROTEIN PZ) cares ‘89 vec Qo) Fats Pastured meat Sweet Potato Leafy Greens Avocado Wild caught fish Carrots Tomato Grassted Butter Pasiured Eggs Parsnips Pepper Coconut Oil Grassfed Collagen Rice Cucumber Olive Oi Grassfed Whey Coconut Broccoli Dark Chocolate Hemp Prolein Fruit Cauliflower Nuts and Seeds The list here does noi represent all the foods you can eat, simply a direction in which | would recommend heading. Experiment and enjoy! SUPPLEMENTATION ideally, we would get all our required nutrition from whole, real foods but sometimes this isn't possible, There are a few supplements | would recommend to improve your physical performance, these are: OXYLENT ‘A sponsor of this project, | have used their multivitamin for 1Sachet of Original Ver a year nove I's full of electrolyles and anfioxidants, in a Intra-Workout highly absorbable form. i's all natural and suger tree too. CREATINE Studied since the 1970's, creatine has been used as @ sports 3 of Monohydrate sUoblement fo increase lean body mass, strengt, total work Post-Workout load and even to improve cognition. Cheap and effective ASHWAGANDHA A recent study showed a %8% increase in testosterone, 2% 0 fKSIM-66 increase in fat loss, improvement in muscle recovery and a on orkent large imorovement in strength using KSM-66 ashwagancha nitp-/ Bees With nutrition making up the building blocks of this project, another important pillar of performance to consider is recovery. a ae RECOVERY TRAIN HARD, RECOVER HARD Training is a stressor on the body that stimulates adaptations, however it cannot adapt without adequate recovery. It is important to find a balance of breaking down (training) and building up (recovery). On top of an appropriate nutrition base, there numerous other methods for maximising recovery. Breaking Muscle” have a great tool to assess if you are getting adequate recovery. >] RECOVERY TECHNIQUE [22] VALUE Adequate Nutrition +0.25 8+ Hours Sleep +0.5 30 Minute Nap +01 Yoga/Mobility Work 40.25 Foam Rolling 401 Cold/Conirast Shower +0.25 Ice Bath/Sauna 40.25 20 Minute Gentle Walk +0.25 Alcohol -0.25 The aim is to reach a total of at least @. | personally have good nutrition (+0.25), sleep 8 hours a night (+0.5), a contrast or cold shower every morning (+0.25) as well as foam rolling (+0.1) and mobility work (+0.25) most days for a total of 1 - 1.35. lf you don't already, start incorporating these techniques into your recovery and life. To read more about these recovery methods then enter this link: hiip://breakingmuscle.corrvmobilly-recover y/you-clon!-need-more-training-you-nesd-more-racovery _ PROJECT PLANCHEA Now that nutrition and recovery have been considered, we can get into the exercise and the project planche routine. | & + EXERCISE INTRODUCTION Project planche is a development of my personal planche and body- weight routine. | have experimented with numerous different bodyweight protocols like Body By Rings, Gymnastic Bodies and Overcoming Gravity but | didn't find that any of these programs fit my needs perfectly. | used what | had learnt and started creating my own programs in an attempt to best progress my bodyweight skills. PROJECT GOALS This routine has been set up to achieve more complex gymnastic and bodyweight skills. The project specific goals are: PRIMARY GOALS SECONDARY GOALS Planche Handstand Push-Ups Front Lever One Arm Chin-Ups Shoulder Mobility Lower Body Mobility If your goals differ or you would like to rearrange the priority of exercises, this can be easily applied to the routine. Use the existing sets and reps and just replace like for like exercises (push for push, pull for pull) to maintain the balance in the routine. The routine is designed fo improve all round bodyweight sirength, control and flexibility but no real emphasis on aesthetic changes. This does not mean that you cannot build muscle with this routine, but it is simply not the primary focus. _ PROJECT PL/ PROJECT PRINCIPLES The goals of this project are primarily skill-based sirength exercises. Achieving skills, like planche and front lever, takes time to imprint into our muscle memory and build the necessary strength. Another challenge is that alot of the strength required is in the tendons and joints, which takes longer to build up and manage without injury. NCHEA Due to the requirement of increased training volume for skills this routine utilises a high frequency training approach. This translates to three upper body days which allows planche, front lever and shoulder mobility (all the primary goals) fo be trained three times a week while slill atiaining adequate recovery, The reason for this choice is simple: PUSH/PULL SPLIT UPPER BODY SPLIT 2 Sessions Per Week 3 Sessions Per Week 52 Weeks Per Year VS 52 Weeks Per Year 2x92=104 3x52 = 156 104 Workouts Per Year 156 Workouts Per Year By utilising three upper body sessions a week you get more than fifty extra workouts a year compared to a push/pull split, with two training sessions on each. When that translates into skills, which take years to fully attain, it adds up. There is only one leg day in this routine because although putting size on the legs is not beneficial for upper body skills, as it simply makes you heavier, they cannot be forgotten. There is an athletic focused leg day aimed at improving explosiveness and power. There is also sufficient volume to build muscle mass so you don't look like a flamingo. This project can be modified to create a split of three full body sessions by splitting out the leg day across the three upper body days. | personally don't like this but it is no less effective. _ PROJECT PLANCHEA PROJECT TRAINING SPLIT As previously mentioned this routine is split into three upper body days and one lower body day. | recommend they're arranged as follows: [i] pay +4 workout Straight Arm with Lower Mobility Active Rest Day Dynamic with Lower Mobility Active Rest Day Bent Arm oar wn = Explosive Lower Body 7 Active Rest Day ACTIVE REST DAYS As this routine is trying to balance a lot it is important to maximise your rest days. | personally like to do one or more of the following: 1. Loaded Lower mobility (like those on days 1 and 3) 2. Light activity (like yoga and walking) 3. Various recovery techniques (like those on page 5) MODIFICATIONS This routine is very adjustable to fit your needs, on a split and exercise level. To those with the experience and recovery capability, some modifications | would recommend are: 1. Additional lower volume upper body on day 7 2, Additional lower body on day 2 If it's too easy, increase volume. If you don't recover, reduce volume. _ PROJECT PL / PERIODISATION An optional periodisation can be applied to this routine. It follows a simple protocol to vary the training response for increased progress. [i] week © periop Normal (Introductory) NCHEA Overload (Eccentrics) Lower Rep (3-5 Reps) Overload (High Volume) Higher Rep (6-10 Reps) Overload (Assisted) Deload (Half Volume) Test (Against Goals) ONOTMRwWHN APPLYING THE PROGRAM The routine lisis sets and reps for each exercise. To convert reps into isometrics or eccentrics use the following rule: 1 REP = 18 ECCENTRIC = 2S ISOMETRIC Exercises, sets and reps are left open to allow you to decide on the load, intensity and progression of each exercise. When selecting an exercise progression always ensure you can perform it with good form and full range of motion to maximise results. Exercises with the same letter are performed by alternating the exercises each set with rest in between of one to three minutes. Al. Straight Arm Planche 3-5 Sets x 4-6 Reps A2. Straight Arm Front Lever 3-5 Sets x 4-6 Reps For example, “perform one set of At 10s tuck planche, rest and perform A2. 10s straddle front lever. Rest and repeat 4 more times”. _ WARM UP FULL BODY WARM UP ROUTINE Warming up is essential fo every workout in this routine. The aim here is to get blood flowing, activate muscles and improve mobility, To perform this warm up you will need a weak resistance band and a bar. A lot of these warm ups are trom people like Ido Portal and Gold Medal Bodies as | don't see a need to reinvent the wheel. Add more if you feel necessary, however it's important to not fatigue yourself! | recommend the following warm up for every workout. (+P EXERCISE SETS AND REPS Al. Steady State Cardio 5 Minutes A2. \do Portal Upper Body See Video Band Warm Up AS. |do Portal Squat Mobility See Video Warm Up A4. Gold Medal Bodies Wrist See Video Www Warm Up A5. Free Standing/Wall 30+ Second Hold Handstand Holds A6. Burpees 5 to 10 Reps A7. Skin The Cats 5 to 10 Reps To watch the whole warm up on YouTube enter this link: BACT STRAIGHT ARM WITH LOWER MOBILITY A majority of the exercises in this workout will be isometrics or eccentrics as well as the odd reps. Remember the rule mentioned onpage 9, 1REP = 1S ECCENTRIC = 2S ISOMETRIC. fb EXERCISE SETS AND REPS Al. Straight Arm Planche 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps A2. Straight Arm Front Lever 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps Bi. ron Cross/Handstand 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Press Variation B2, Manna/V-Sit/L-Sit 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Ci. Bridge/Hollowback 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Handstand C2. Skin the Cats 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Di. Core Circuit* 2-4 Rounds Ei, Lower Mobility Circuit* 2-4 Rounds * Both the core and lower mobiily circuits are listed on page 16 and 16, SUGGESTIONS FOR EXERCISES ARE LISTED ON PAGE 17 NY ay DYNAMIC WITH LOWER MOBILITY This workout is aimed at adding explosiveness and power into hese somewhat static skills. Remember the rule mentioned on page 9, 1 REP = 1S ECCENTRIC = 2S ISOMETRIC. tb EXERCISE Ai. Dynamic Planche A2. Dynamic Front Lever Bi. Bar/Ring Muscle Ups Ci. Ido Portal Bridge Rotations C2. Single Arm Hangs Di. Core Circuit* E1, Lower Mobility Circuit * SETS AND REPS 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps 4-6 Sels x 3-6 Reps 3-5 Sets x 3-10 Reps 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps 2-4 Sets x Max Hold 2-4 Rounds 2-4 Rounds % Both the core and lower mobility circuits are listed on page 15 and 16. SUGGESTIONS FOR EXERCISES ARE LISTED ON PAGE 17 PA ey BENT ARM This workout is aimed at improving the secondary goals of handstand push-ups and one arm chin-ups. Remember the rule mentioned on page 9, 1REP = 1S ECCENTRIC = 2S ISOMETRIC. t+) EXERCISE [2] SETS AND REPS Ai. Handstand Push-Up 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps A2. One Arm Chin-Up 4-6 Sels x 3-6 Reps Bi. Bent Arm Planche 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps B2. Bent Arm Front Lever 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Ci. Bridge Push-Ups 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps C2. Tricep Extensions 2-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps Di. Core Circuit® 2-4 Rounds E1. Lower Mobility Circuit** 2-4 Rounds ® Both the core and lower mobi ity circuits are listed on page 16 and 16. SUGGESTIONS FOR EXERCISES ARE LISTED ON PAGE 17 _ EXPLOSIVE LOWERS EXPLOSIVE LOWER BODY This workout is aimed at improving explosiveness and power as well as balance in the legs. This workout should be able to be performed without need for @ gym. All you need is your body. +) EXERCISE SETS AND REPS Al. Box Jump/Sprint/ 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps Squat (100-200m Sprints) A2. Natural Hamstring Curl 4-6 Sets x 3-6 Reps Bi-4 should be performed with less than 30 seconds rest between. Bi. Pistol/Shrimp Squat 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps B2. Single Leg Glute Raise 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps B3. Cossack Squat 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps B4. Single Straight Leg 2-4 Sets x 3-10 Reps Deadlift C1. Core Circuit®* 2-4 Rounds ® Both the core and lower mobi ity circuits are listed on page 16 and 16. SUGGESTIONS FOR EXERCISES ARE LISTED ON PAGE 17 __ CORE Ci ADDITIONAL CORE WORK This routine incorporates a lol of core work during the routine alone, however core circuits can be incorporated to support strength development. Below are 2 basic core routines to try. | suggest using YouTube to experiment further and find out what works for youl ia CORE CIRCUIT 1 4) EXERCISE REPS Ai. Hollowbody Hold 30-60 Seconds A2. Skydiver Hold 30-60 Seconds A3. V-Ups 5-15 Reps A4. Arch-Ups 5-15 Reps CORE CIRCUIT 2 te EXERCISE [2] reps Al. Straight Arm Plank 30-60 Seconds A2. Right Side Plank 30-60 Seconds A3. Reverse Plank 30-60 Seconds A4. Left Side Plank 30-60 Seconds LOWER MOBILITY _ LOWER MOBILITY 4 This routine is based around being agile and mobile. Flexibility and mobilily is a vastly overlooked aspect of training. These two circuits are present on days 1 and 3 however they can be used any day, even rest days, fo maximise your mobility. FRONT SPLITS MOBILITY CIRCUIT dh EXERCISE Al. Kneeling Bridge Quad Stretch A2. Loaded Hamstring Stretch A3. Front Split Hold MIDDLE SPLITS MOBILITY CIRCUIT te) EXERCISE Al. Horse Squat A2. Middle Split Hold A3. Pancake Stretch REPS 5-10 Reps with 30 Second Hold 72 Pulses 30-60 Seconds REPS 5-10 Reps with 30 Second Hold 30-60 Seconds 5-10 Reps with 30 Second Hold lf you want to find out more about loaded stretching, | recommend checking out Emmet Louis who has a collection of videos on his YouTube channel at this link: B4NeNi tay EXERCISE SELECTION This program specifically doesn't list any particular exercises in the routine to allow it fo be manipulated to fit your personal iraining style. {ft you do want some help with selection, | would recommend these: STRAIGHT ARM Pseudo Planche Lean Tuck-Full Planche Hold Handstand to Planche Eccentrics Handstand Press DYNAMIC Pseudo Planche Rocks Handstand to Bent Arm Planche Frog Stand to Frog Planche Jump Into Planche BENT ARM Pseudo Planche Push-Ups Planche Push-Ups Pike Push-Ups Handstand Push-Ups LOWER BODY Squats Deadiifts Jump Squats Box Jumps Tuck-Full Front Lever Hold Tuck-Full Back Lever Hold Skin the Cats Front Lever Pulls Front Lever Raise to Row Ice Cream Makers Front Lever Pulls Front Lever Rows Mantle Chin-Ups Ring Rows Cuban Curls Sprints Split Squats Cleans Snatch PROJECT WN eal ay eUna-Voe-lme (el MLE Vlt-|e (EE Go cl folgaliale Cela) o> Ee De eee a Project Planche sponsors: oxylent [rig aan Dey sacar Li) () ARDouR Peas ele VE 4 rr Pm

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