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Soul of Robots

It is AD 2099 and there is destruction taking place all over the world as
robots which were supposed to be used by humans and help humans in
a positive way were invented but things went opposite of what was
expected. Everything went wrong, destructive and got worse overtime.
Now the robots were taking over the control of everything. 
My story is about how a guy, Ron, who invented one robot for the
welfare of the world but there is always a bad side to everything and in
this story there was an evil personality as well. Lucifer, who has always
wanted things to be in his control and power got to know about this
robot through social media which eventually led to many corrupt and
malevolent ideas in his mind by which he could take over everything.
The robots were now out of control and taking over the world. Will
everything be the same again? Will the world get its peace and freedom
back? Language technique:
The red light symbolizes the
danger the society is in from
Language technique: Simile the robots, acting as an insight
buildings are ripped and torn as if a into the atrocities being faced
by the people
shark found a bait days

Language technique:
Imagery Dark shading,
delves deep into the eerie
atmosphere of the city and its
Language technique:
The city is in ruins as if a war
erupted, with no chance of

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