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Bacalhau lascado com legumes e puré de grão

16 cod fillets
0.8 gr grain
800 gr spinach
4 garlics
8 rosemary sprigs
8 carrots
4 unions
4 leeks
8 boiled eggs
1 l olive oil
4 chopped parsley
1 pinch sweet pepper
salt and pepper q.s.
Portuguese cuisine is famous for seafood, and the Portuguese are among the nations that
consume more fish in the world, per capita.. There are more than 365 ways to cook cod,
one for every day of the year. Bacalhau is the main dish served during the holidays,
especially Christmas Eve and Easter, and some families prepare multiple recipes with
this main ingredient. The popularity among the Portuguese dates back to before the Age
of Discoveries (15th-18th centuries), when Portuguese sailors traveled the world,
sometimes spending months abroad relying on fish as a food source. The dried and
salted cod could be kept in the ships holds for literary years and fresh supplies could be
obtained from the oceans during a voyage. Bacalhau salted cod fish became a staple part
of the Portuguese Navy's diet from 1497 with the discovery of vast reserves of cod off
the shores of Newfoundland In fact, the beginning of bacalhau in Portugal may have
started as an inexpensive and easy-to-preserve substitute for Catholics required to forgo
land-based meat during holidays and other religious events Bacalhau is a ubiquitous
ingredient in Portuguese cuisine. As a rich and healthy food ingredient it lends itself to
the human creativity of experimenting with different dishes .Portuguese cuisine is also
known for a wide variety of spices used. Garlic is widely used, as are herbs, such as bay
leaf, coriander, oregano, thyme, rosemary and parsley, being the most prevalent.

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