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Research Design

In order to gather necessary data, the researchers used the Descriptive comparative

research design. Comparative research essentially compares two or more groups in an attempt to

draw a conclusion. The researchers attempt to identify and analyze the similarities and

differences between companies. Comparative studies can be used to increase understanding

between cultures and societies and create a foundation for compromise and collaboration.

The purpose of this quantitative study is to compare the organizational outcomes of the

differences of the company (Shell, Petron, Caltex) in terms of Customer loyalty program that

they offered and the retention of its customers.


The population of this study includes the customers of the companies who already avail

the customer loyalty programs.

Sampling Technique

The researchers will use the Judgement sampling or also called Purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling is a sampling methodology where the researchers selects the units of the

sample based on their knowledge.


The characteristics of the respondents has very significant role in expressing their

thoughts, opinions and giving response to the problem. The researchers considered fifty (50)

respondents for each company (Shell, Petron and Caltex) along Commonwealth Avenue to

present their chosen program and it became retention for them.


Survey questionnaire are used to gather data from the respondents. The survey

questionnaires were designed and focused in analyzing the retention of the customers towards to

the company. The researchers made sure that the survey questionnaires are suitable for them.

Survey research is defined as "the collection of information from a sample of individuals through

their responses to questions" (Check & Schutt, 2012). This type of research allows for a variety

of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various methods of instrumentation.

The researchers used survey questionnaire for this study because it is often used when getting




Data Analysis

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