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12a The call (LECH L'CHA).

Blessing promised
12b Abraham in Egypt. Wife-sister motif. (13) Controversy over livestock.
13-14 Lot in danger. Sodom
15 Covenant
16 Hagar and Ishmael
17 Covenant
18-19 Lot in danger. Sodom.
20 Abraham in Gerar. Wife-sister motif.
21 Birth of Isaac /Hagar and Ishmael/ Controversy over livestock.
22 The call (LECH L'CHA). Blessing confirmed.
(adapted from the analysis by Jonathan Magonet 'Bible Lives' SCM)

Ishmael, my brother,
How long shall we fight each other?

My brother from times bygone,

My brother, Hagar's son,
My brother, the wandering one.
One angel was sent to us both,
One angel watched over our growth -
There** in the wilderness, death threatening through thirst,
I a sacrifice on the altar, Sarah's first.

Ishmael, my brother, hear my plea:

It was the angel who tied thee to meÉ

Time is running out, put hatred to sleep.

Shoulder to shoulder, let's water our sheep.
(Shin Shalom)

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