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According to Harison (1987), values of PI (mm/blow) are a function of both moisture content and dry

unit weight.

PI increase as the dry unit weight increases

PI value decreases with increasing moisture contents up to the optimum moisture content (OMC) for a
given compaction energy. This point corresponds to the maximum dry unit weight for a given
compaction energy. After the OMC, PI values increase again with increasing moisture content. It should
be noted that the values of PI in Figure 2.4 (c) were obtained for the soil states following the compaction
curve. Also, although the same dry unit weight was considered, the PI value tends to be higher for
higher moisture contents.

Disadvantages of DCPT:

Not applicable for cohesive soil and very loose cohesionless soil

Not possible to evaluate higher depth mechanical properties of the soil due to friction of rod

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