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8/1/2018 RE: Mid Year Performance Feedback - Pandita, Vitlesh

RE: Mid Year Performance Feedback

Akehurst, Mark
Fri 27-07-2018 09:12

To: Pandita, Vitlesh <>;

Hi Vitlesh,

Here is some feedback for you:

I really like how professional and dedicated you are, you have a couple of very demanding customers /
stakeholders and I have yet to hear them complain about you so well done, keeping them happy is no small task
and you have done it with a constant smile on your face!

You are diligent and task focussed, always producing output to the standard required or higher.

You communicate effectively with your stakeholders and peers, and have a good style with customers and

You have lots to offer, and I would like to see you present to a wider group and also to push yourself a little more
into the spotlight, this is something that I would like to help with and I think we should also get Stratos to help
here. I think it would be good for your confidence as you can sometimes be the person in the background.

Overall an excellent performance, the final point is more a stretch / growth target and is not a reflection of your
performance at all. We have a tough and demanding customer who is not shy in rolling off resources who they
do not think provide value. You have demonstrated the value you bring to the team so well done.

If you want to discuss any of these points please let me know.


Programme Assurance Lead | ADM - Programme Leadership

Capgemini UK |
Mob.: +44 (0)7812 329094

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-----Original Message-----
From: Pandita, Vitlesh… 1/2
8/1/2018 RE: Mid Year Performance Feedback - Pandita, Vitlesh

Sent: 23 July 2018 08:26

To: Akehurst, Mark
Subject: Mid Year Performance Feedback

Hi Mark,

As I would need to submit my mid year performance and also have discussion with my reporting manager for the
same, could you please share few feedback points on my performance in the CFT project.

Vitlesh Pandita
Consultant… 2/2

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