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Cuerda: rope

Perfect tenses
Who + aux + p.p.v. + comp + ?
Quien ha trabajado aqui?
Who has worked here?
Quienes han trabajado aqui?
Who have worked here?
Quien habia trabajado aqui?
Quienes habian trabajado aqui?
Who had worked here?
Quienes habran trabajado aqui?
Quien Habra tranajado aqui?
Who will have worked here?
Quien va a trabajar aqui?
Who is going to work here?
She is going to work here
Quienes van a trabajar aqui?
Who are going to work here?
Quienes iban a trabajar aqui?
Who were going to work here?
Quien iba a trabajar aqui?
Who was going to work here?
Quien iba a preder Frances?
-Who was going to learn French?
Quienes no habian entendido el
-Who hadn`t understood the
Quien ha visto el mar?
- Who has looked at the sae
Quienes no van a comer pizza?
- Who aren`t going to eat
Quien Habra saltado la cuerda
- Who will have jumped the rope
Quienes no han hecho el
-Who haven`t done exercise?

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