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Bhawatt Vinichvong (092 535 4599 - + Bangkok, Thailand Experience 4/2562 - 8/2562 4/2561 - 8/2661 7/2859 - 12/2880 8/2862 - Present Education 2559 - 2561 2546 - 2558 Pursuit Food And Culinary Service Prepare food for employee in the Lodge Communicate with co-workers in English HINO MOTOR SALES Automotive Engineering Car maintenance Working in a team iStudio Sales Explain Apple's product function to customers The BTS Tutor Mathematios & Physics Tutor Hanae with 10-15 students in a class Teach high schoo! mathematics subject Teach high school physics subject Teach PAT exam Bachelor , Automotive Engineering Chulalongkom University High School, IGCSE and A-Level Program ‘Ameuaysipa Skills xoalent Organization Profan Chinese Master ith Wore @ Colege Esicaton sn in Enh

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