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*Discovering the Riches of God’s Word*

1 Corinthians 2:10

_“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep
things of God.”_

*The greatest life-changer in the world is God’s Word.* Too many people try to change their life
through programs and groups, but often these programs and groups never use God’s Word as the basis
for helping people to change.

Whether you are a baby believer, or if you have been a believer for many years, *the riches of the Word
of God are available to you.*

I have been reading the Scriptures regularly since I was a teenage boy, and discovering the riches in
God’s Word is a daily discovery.

God makes it clear how to discover these riches in His Word. Let me share with you several things God
teaches the believer on how to discover these riches in the Scriptures.

*First, get the right teacher.* The verse above says, _“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit:
for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.”_

The reason many don’t understand the King James Bible is because they don’t have the right teacher
living in their heart.

_*You will never discover the riches of God’s Word without being saved and yielding yourself to God’s
Holy Spirit.*_

*Second, ask God to teach you His Word.* I have written many books and hundreds of devotionals, and
every once in a while someone will ask me what I meant by what I wrote. Who is better to explain what I
wrote than me because I am the author of what I wrote. Who is better to explain the Word of God than
the Holy Spirit because He is the author of the Word of God. There are several things you should ask
God to do for you when you read the Scriptures.

_*Ask Him to teach you the “deep things of God*_ .”

Psalm 119 tells the believer to ask God several things when it comes to His Word. Several things the
believer should ask God:

_*“Teach me…the way of thy statutes…”*_ ,

*_“Give me understanding…”_* ,

*_“Make me to go in the path of thy commandments…",_*

and *_“Teach me good judgment and knowledge…”_*

All of these should be the prayers of the believer when approaching God’s Word.

*Third, interpret Scripture with the right spirit.* Verse 12 talks about receiving God’s Word in the spirit
of God, and not in the “spirit of the world.” *Never look at the Scriptures through a worldly viewpoint,*
because the world’s viewpoint is skewed with a sinful and ungodly viewpoint. *Don’t try to make the
Scriptures fit your life;* rather, make your life fit the spirit of the Scriptures.

*Fourth, let Scripture comparison define God’s Word.* Verse 13 tells you to compare “spiritual things
with spiritual.”

In other words, _God’s Word is the best commentary on itself._

*Never take one verse and build your belief system* , but compare what you think one verse says with
several Scriptures.

*Always understand that Scripture NEVER contradicts itself* , but Scripture reinforces its truths through
all of God’s Word.

*When you compare Scripture with Scripture, you will begin to understand the riches of God’s Word.*
*Fifth, teaching Scripture always opens the mind of Christ to the believer.* Verse 16 rhetorically asks,
“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?” God will only teach you so much
Scripture, and *He won’t give you more until you start giving it out to others.*

The greatest way to open up the riches of God’s Word is for you to teach God’s Word to others. You will
discover a whole new treasure of truths in God’s Word when you begin to teach others....

As God's Holy Spirit directs you...

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