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Problemi u prevodilačkom radu

1. Polisemija (višeznačnost (mnogoznačnost) jedne reči)

Noun lapse
1. a small mistake or slip; fault (a lapse of memory)
2. a passage of time (a lapse of five years)
3. the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time ( the lapse of
an insurance policy because premiums were not paid)
Verb manage
1. To be in charge of (to manage a factory)
2. To control the movement, behaviour of; handle, guide (Granny knows how to manage the children.)
3. To succeed in getting something done (We managed to reach the shelter.)

2. Različite funkcije reči u rečenici.

Srpski jezik
*Imenica “oko” Povredio je levo oko. He hurt his left eye.
*Predlog “oko” Trčali su oko kuće. They were running around the house.
Engleski jezik
*Predlog “but” Nobody but zou could have done this. Niko osim tebe nije mogao ovo učiniti.
*Prilog “but” He does nothing but loiter. On samo baza.
*Veznik “but” He will come but he won’t stay long. Doći će ali neće dugo ostati.

3. Kolokacijski potencijal reči (Kolokacija je ,,uobičajen, a ponekad i redovan, dvočlani spoj lekseme s
nekom drugom, po pravilu unutar određene sintaksičke jedinice – sintagme ili, nešto ređe,
rečenice” ,Prćić 1997)
Dead drunk /tired –mrtav pijan/umoran
Dead end –ćorsokak
Dead silence –mrtva tišina
Be dead on time –Doći tačno u zakazano vreme.
In the dead of night –u gluvo doba noći
Reč Mrtav
Mrtav glada- as hungry as a bear
Mrtva priroda-a still life
Mrtva sezona-the off season
Mrtav grad-a deserted city
Prebiti na mrtvo ime- to beat black and blue

4. Lažni parovi(lažni prijatelji,međujezički homonimi)-Oblikom slične reči koje pripadaju različitim

jezicima a čija se značenja razlikuju potpuno ili delimično.
Evidence(dokaz) /evidencija (records/files)
Actual(stvaran)/ aktuelno(actually)
Prospect(perspektiva, izgled)/prospekt(brochure,leaflet)
eventually, mannequin, provision, barracks...

5. Registar-formalni, neformalni i žargonski jezik

*He is very talkative. - Veoma je elokventan.-:
He talks a lot. - Mnogo prica.
He is an old windbag. - Ne zaklapa.
*I am honoured by your invitation and shall be delighted to attend your weddeing ceremony.
Yes, I’ll come; I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
I’ll be there with bells on.

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