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Original Research

Electromyographical Assessment of Passive, Active

Assistive, and Active Shoulder Rehabilitation
Timothy L. Uhl, PhD, ATC, PT, Tiffany A. Muir, MS, ATC, Laura Lawson, MS, PT

Objective: To determine the electromyographical (EMG) activation levels of shoulder

musculature during early rehabilitation exercises to regain active range of motion.
Design: Descriptive.
Setting: University clinical research laboratory.
Participants: Ten asymptomatic volunteers (age, 25 ⫾ 5 years; height, 171 ⫾ 7 cm;
weight, 78 ⫾ 15 kg).
Intervention: Fine-wire (supraspinatus and infraspinatus) and surface (anterior deltoid,
upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior) electrodes recorded EMG activity
from each muscle during 12 therapeutic exercises completed during a single testing session
in random order.
Main Outcome Measure: EMG root mean squared amplitude normalized to a per-
centage of maximum voluntary contraction (% MVC).
Results: Passive exercises generated the lowest mean EMG activity (⬍10%) for all muscles
studied. The standing active shoulder elevation exercises generated the greatest mean EMG
activity with an upper boundary of 95% CI (40% MVC). Overall the active-assistive
exercises generated a small (⬍10%) increase in muscle activity compared with the passive
exercises for the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, which was not a significant
increase (P ⬎ .05).
Conclusion: This electrophysiological data in normal volunteers suggest that many
exercises used during the early phase of rehabilitation to regain active elevation do not
exceed 20% MVC. Progression from passive to active-assisted can potentially be performed
without significantly increasing muscular activation levels exercises. Upright active exer-
cises demonstrated a consistent and often a statistically significant increase in muscular
activities supporting that these exercises should be prescribed later in a rehabilitation
PM R 2010;2:132-141

T.L.U. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences,
The ultimate goal of shoulder rehabilitation is to return a person to maximal functional Division of Athletic Training, Rm 210C CT,
levels. The first objective in rehabilitation after surgery or injury is often to help the subject Wethington Building, University of Kentucky,
regain full active motion while giving consideration to his or her healing tissues. Healing 900 S. Limestone Street, Lexington, KY
40536-0200. Address correspondence to:
animal tendons are reported to be 25% of their preinjury strength level at 12 weeks [1]. T.L.U.; e-mail:
Health-care professionals often instruct patients to progress to active shoulder exercises as Disclosure: nothing to disclose
tolerated between 6 and 12 weeks after injury/surgery without specific knowledge about the T.A.M. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences,
shoulder muscular activation levels of the exercises. The loads applied during rehabilitation Division of Athletic Training, University of Ken-
exercises must be tailored to progress along a continuum so as not to exceed biomechanical tucky, Lexington, KY
Disclosure: nothing to disclose
limits of healing tissues, yet still facilitate the alignment of newly formed collagen fibers in
L.L. Division of Physical Therapy, University of
a functional pattern [2-4].
Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Electromyography (EMG) has been used to investigate various therapeutic exercises that Disclosure: nothing to disclose
maximally activate shoulder musculature, which provides valuable information for chal- Disclosure Key can be found on the Table of
lenging shoulder musculature at greater levels of muscular activation intensity [5-7]. Studies Contents and at
in which the authors document specific muscular activation levels along a continuum assist Submitted for publication October 8, 2008;
clinicians to develop exercise progressions [8-10]. McCann et al [8] investigated the 3-phase accepted January 4, 2010.

PM&R © 2010 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1934-1482/10/$36.00 Vol. 2, 132-141, February 2010
Printed in U.S.A. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2010.01.002
PM&R Vol. 2, Iss. 2, 2010 133

Neer shoulder rehabilitation program and demonstrated that Testing Procedure

a progression from passive to active to resistive exercises
By the use of standard procedures, fine-wire electrodes
increases muscular activation intensity as measured by EMG.
(length 35 mm; 27 gauge; California Fine Wire, Grover City,
Recognition of progression is valuable because it allows cli-
CA) were placed into the supraspinatus and infraspinatus as
nicians to modify programs up or down a level depending on the result of their anatomical location and to minimize cross-
a patient’s response. Limited EMG information is known talk [20]. Ag-AgCl surface electrodes (Ambu, Medicotest A/S,
about rehabilitation exercises used in the early phases of Rugmarken 10, DK-2650, Olstykke, Denmark) were placed
rehabilitation progression when the clinician is balancing the on the anterior deltoid, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and
goal of regaining motion while not overloading the muscula- serratus anterior of the dominant arm [20-23]. Electrode
ture [8,11]. placements were confirmed by visualization of the EMG
The Neer exercise program is the one program with signal during muscle activation, and all leads were secured
known activation levels, but other programs’ muscular acti- with adhesive tape. With the use of standard manual muscle
vation levels are unknown [12,13]. One commonly used test positions, each subject was given instructions to main-
program initiates passive and active-assistive exercises in tain the test position while a single examiner exerted a
supine by the use of the noninvolved extremity to support the maximal displacing force, also known as a break test [24].
involved extremity to regain motion [13-15]. This support is Each subject completed two 5-second isometric contrac-
reduced by use of a towel, and resistance is gradually in- tions. The maximal root mean squared (RMS) amplitude
creased by elevating the trunk from supine to vertical. This from a 500-ms time window represented 100% of the EMG
program [13] emphasized scapular protraction and active amplitude for a muscle.
motions rather than isometric and elastic resistance exercises An electrical goniometer (Biometrics, Cwmfelinfach,
as in the Neer program [8]. Another approach incorporates Gwent, UK) was attached by adhesive tape on each subject’s
the entire kinetic chain of the body to facilitate arm elevation dominant shoulder with one portion aligned with the spine
and initially places the hand in contact with a support surface of the scapula and the other portion placed at the midline of
to unload the weight of the arm [12,16-19]. the humerus. The electrical goniometer data were collected at
500 Hz and was used to track shoulder motion synchro-
Although these programs are commonly prescribed dur-
nously with the collection of EMG data. This step allowed for
ing the early phases of shoulder rehabilitation, it would be
identification of individual trials of exercises during data
useful to know the activation levels of primary shoulder
elevation muscles to protect healing tissues. Additionally,
Subjects completed 8 repetitions of 12 exercises while
knowledge of muscle activation levels during the progres-
EMG activity was recorded simultaneously from 6 shoulder
sion from passive, active-assistive, to active exercises muscles. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus were studied
would confirm these purported progressions. Therefore, because of their frequent involvement in rotator cuff tendon
the purpose of this study was to describe muscular activa- pathology [25,26] and dynamic stability role during arm
tion levels by EMG during commonly prescribed shoulder elevation [27,28]. The anterior deltoid and scapular muscles
rehabilitation programs in participants with asymptomatic were chosen because of their integral role as arm elevators
shoulders. [28], their reported associated involvement in shoulder pa-
thologies [29,30], and their emphasis in shoulder rehabilita-
tion [31-33].
METHODS The 12 exercises examined were chosen because they are
commonly referenced in the rehabilitation literature to regain
Participants active elevation; represent a continuum from passive, active-
assistive, to active; and have not been previously investigated
Seven healthy women and 3 healthy men (age, 25 ⫾ 5 years;
by the use of EMG to determine their amplitudes during
height, 171 ⫾ 7 cm; weight, 78 ⫾ 15 kg), volunteered to performance [12-14,16,19,34,35]. There are 2 passive (su-
participate. Subjects were recruited from the local college pine passive elevation and forward bow), 4 active-assistive
community. The first 10 subjects meeting the following (wash-cloth press up close [Figure 1], wash-cloth press-up
inclusion criteria were enrolled: (1) no history of significant apart, towel slides, scapular protraction on a ball [Figure 2]),
shoulder injury (fracture, dislocation, surgery) in the domi- and 6 active exercises (supine press-up, wedge press-up
nant arm; (2) full, pain-free, active shoulder range of motion [Figure 3], standing press-up, ipsilateral shoulder flexion,
(ROM) at the time of data collection; and (3) no contraindi- and ipsilateral step-up with and without a ball [Figure 4])
cation to fine wire placement or completion of basic scapu- that are described in detail in Table 1 (12,13,16). Each
lothoracic ROM. Before participation, each subject read and exercise was described, demonstrated, and practiced by all
signed an approved consent form approved by the authors’ subjects for 3 trials before data collection (Table 1). The order
Institutional Review Board. of the exercise was randomized by having each subject draw-

ing exercise names from an envelop. Once all 12 exercises

were drawn, that created the order of performance for that
subject. This step was repeated for all subjects to minimize
the effects of fatigue and prevent order biasing.

EMG Data Collection and Reduction

EMG signals were collected by the use of the Myopac system
(Run Technologies, Mission Viejo, CA) and Datapac (Run
Technologies) software data acquisition program (Run Tech-
nologies). The EMG signal was collected at 2000 Hz, with a
common mode rejection ration of 90 dB. A beltpack amplifier
was attached to subject during data collection with the in-
dwelling EMG channels gain set at 1000 ␮V and surface EMG
channels were set at 2000 ␮V [20,36]. The belt-pack was
connected to the receiver by a single thin, flexible 2.34-mm
diameter fiber optic cable. The analog data was converted to Figure 2. Scapular protraction on a ball.
digital signal through 16 bit A-D board (Measurement Com-
puting Corporation, Norton, MA). EMG signals were pro-
cessed by use of the following parameters via Datapac: direct
current offset was corrected for all channels by passive de-
meaning, a finite impulse response band pass filter set at 20 to

Figure 1. Wash cloth press-up with hands close. Figure 3. Wedge press-up.
PM&R Vol. 2, Iss. 2, 2010 135

the exercise were identified, and the RMS amplitude of each

trial was determined. The RMS amplitude for each exercise
trial was normalized by representing the data as a percentage
of the maximal RMS amplitude determined from the manual
muscle test [38,39]. The middle 3 trials were averaged to
represent the EMG activity for each muscle of each subject
and used for descriptive data results. The normalized signals
were averaged across the 10 subjects. For descriptive pur-
poses EMG activity was categorized as low (⬍20% maximum
voluntary contraction [MVC]), moderate (20% to 50%
MVC), and high (⬎50% MVC) [8,40,41]. Six separate re-
peated-measures analysis of variance tests were performed,
one for each muscle, with one factor of 12 exercise levels
determined if differences exist between exercises with signif-
icance set at P ⱕ .05. Bonferroni post-hoc analysis was used
to determine difference between specific exercises and to
correct for multiple comparisons with significance set at
P ⱕ .05.

The descriptive results for each muscle depicting type of
exercise and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) is presented for
each muscle separately in Tables 2 through 7. The order of
exercises presented in these tables descends from passive to
active-assistive to active exercises, as would be typically pre-
scribed in a clinical setting. The analysis of variance results
identified that the EMG activation levels did not significantly
differ between passive and active-assistive exercises for the 6
muscles studied (Tables 2–7). The lack of difference does not
support the presence of an exercise progression between
passive to active-assistive exercises studied. There were 2
exceptions to this finding; the supine passive ROM exercise
was found to be significantly lower than the wash-cloth
press-up hand apart exercise for the anterior deltoid (Table 4)
and significantly lower than the wash-cloth press-up hands
close exercise for the serratus anterior (Table 7). An exercise
progression was found between at least one active exercise
and a passive and an active-assistive exercise for all muscles.
Bonferroni post-hoc analysis revealed multiple significant
differences (P ⬍ .05), during the performance primarily of
the standing active exercises (ipsilateral step-ups, ipsilateral
flexion, standing press-up) over several of the passive and
active-assistive exercises (Table 2–7).
The infraspinatus demonstrated low EMG activation lev-
els (⬍20% MVC) throughout all exercises with only the
Standing Press-up (14 ⫾ 6% MVC) generating significantly
more activity than any other exercise (P ⬍ .05, Table 3). The
supraspinatus also demonstrated low EMG activation levels
Figure 4. Ipsilateral step-up, no ball.
(⬍20% MVC) for the passive and active-assistive exercises.
The standing shoulder active exercises demonstrated an in-
500 Hz for surface channels, and 10 to 1000 Hz for indwell- crease in supraspinatus activity to the moderate category
ing channels was applied [20,37]. (95% CI, 14%⫺40% MVC) and demonstrated a significantly
The start and end of an exercise was determined by greater activation level over several passive and active-assis-
deflection of the electric goniometer. The middle 3 trials of tive exercises (P ⬍ .05, Table 2).

Table 1. Exercise description is listed below in order from passive, active assistive, to active exercise in order to facilitate active

Exercise Type Exercise Name Description

Passive Supine elevation with opposite The subject lies supine with fingers interlocked, with the nonaffected upper
hand (supine passive range extremity aiding the affected extremity into elevation.
of motion)
Passive Forward bow Subject places hand of affected upper extremity on a table. The subject
then steps backward away from the stationary hand while simultaneously
bending at his or her waist, which places the subject into a forward bow
Active-assistive Washcloth (WC) press-up The subject lies supine and mimics a chest press-up holding onto a WC
hands close with hands placed close together.
Active-assistive Towel slide The subject stands astride next to a table at waist level with his or her
hand on a towel. The subject slides the towel on the table top away from
his or her body at a 45° from the frontal plane (also known as the
scapular plane). The motion is initiated by shifting their weight from their
back to front foot.
Active-assistive Scapular protraction on ball The subject stands astride next to a table at waist level with his or her
hand on a ball at chest level. The subject slides his or her hand over the
ball allowing the ball to roll away from their body at a 45° from the
frontal plane (also known as the scapular plane). The motion is initiated
by shifting their weight from their back to front foot and the subject is
instructed to protract their scapula at the end of the exercise.
Active-assistive WC press-up hands farther The subject lies supine and mimics a chest press-up holding onto a WC
apart with hands placed farther apart.
Active Supine press-up The subject lies supine, using the affected upper extremity, an aerosol can
is pushed from the subject’s side up towards the ceiling with the scapular
being protracted at the end of the exercise.
Active Wedge press-up The subject lies supine, elevated on a 45° wedge, using the affected
upper extremity, an aerosol can is pushed from the subject’s side up
towards the ceiling with the scapular being protracted at the end of the
Active Ipsilateral (Ips) step-up with The subject stands astride with the Ips foot of the affected arm on a
ball standard - inch step and the other on the floor, while a light plastic ball is
held in both hands. The subject shifts his or her weight forward and rises
up onto step as both arms are elevated overhead. The unaffected upper
extremity assists the affected upper extremity through the use of the ball
during this exercise.
Active Ips step-up, no ball Same as above, without the use of a ball.
Active Ips shoulder flexion The subject stands astride with the Ips foot of the affected arm in front.
The subject shifts his or her weight forward and elevates both arms
overhead. The motion should be rhythmic with the lower extremity
preceding the upper extremity.
Active Standing press-up The subject is standing, using the affected upper extremity, an aerosol can
is pushed overhead toward the ceiling from a bent elbow resting
position, with the scapular being protracted at the end of the exercise.

The upper and lower trapezius muscles activity were active-assistive WC press-up exercises over the passive su-
found to have similar progression patterns. In both muscles pine passive ROM exercise (P ⬍ .05, Tables 4 and 7). Within
activity rarely exceeded 10% and never exceeded 20% MVC the active exercises the anterior deltoid demonstrated ap-
when exercises were performed with support or performed proximately 10% to 20% more EMG activity with standing
actively in supine position. When exercises were progressed shoulder elevation exercises over the supine press-up (P ⬍
to a vertical trunk position and arm elevation was unsup- .05, Table 4). A significant increase from wedge press-up
ported, there was a significant increase in the activation levels (17 ⫾ 8% MVC) to standing press-up (29 ⫾ 13% MVC) was
for both muscles over all passive and most of the active- observed similarly for the serratus anterior (P ⬍ .05, Table 7).
assistive exercises (P ⬍ .05, Tables 5 and 6).
The anterior deltoid and serratus anterior were the only 2
muscles to demonstrate somewhat of a progression between
and within exercise types (Table 4 and 7). These 2 muscles The goal of the study was to describe EMG activation levels of
produced significantly greater EMG activity between the exercises commonly prescribed to regain active elevation that
PM&R Vol. 2, Iss. 2, 2010 137

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for supraspinatus EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 1 6 ⫺2 5
2 Forward bow Passive 5 6 1 8
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 3 7 ⫺1 8
4 Towel slide A-A 7 12 0 15
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 5 9 ⫺1 10
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 4 7 ⫺1 9
7 Supine press-up Active 4 8 ⫺1 9
8 Wedge press-up Active 8 11 1 15
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 21 16 12 31 1, 4, 5
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 22 20 10 35
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 18 15 9 28 1, 4, 5, 7
12 Standing press-up Active 29 18 18 40 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed multiple significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a
particular exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 1, supine passive ROM, generates significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise
9, Ips step-up with ball). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.

had not been previously studied. Most of the exercises dem- to be a passive exercise but has never been previously stud-
onstrate low muscle activity (⬍20% MVC) and only a few ied. The forward bow was found to not be significantly
exercises for particular muscles have activation in the mod- different from supine passive ROM for any muscle studied.
erate category (20-50% MVC), whereas none reached a high This study’s findings support the previous suggestions by
level of activity (⬎50% MVC) [8]. These findings provide Matsen et al [43] that indeed the forward bow exercise is
electrophysiological documentation to support Matsen et al’s passive on the basis of EMG results [13,37]. Passive elevation
[14,34,35], Jackins’s [13], and Kibler et al’s [12,19] sugges- performed by a therapist has been previously studied [11]
tions to use these exercises early in rehabilitation. The find- and revealed EMG activity of supraspinatus (4 ⫾ 2%) and
ings from this study corroborate the recommendations of infraspinatus (3 ⫾ 1%) ,which is comparable with the supine
many health-care professionals to use exercises that require passive ROM exercise in this study, which yielded (1 ⫾ 6%)
less than 20% MVC in the acute postinjury or postoperative and (4 ⫾ 4%) for each muscle, respectively. Dockery et al
period [7,8,11,42]. [11] also reported EMG activity for the anterior deltoid (8 ⫾
Passive exercises are important to regain shoulder motion 4%) and trapezius (8 ⫾ 3%), which is slightly greater than
after an injury. The forward bow exercise has been suggested the authors’ findings of (3 ⫾ 1%) and (0 ⫾ 3%), respectively.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics for infraspinatus EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 4 4 2 7
2 Forward bow Passive 2 2 0 3
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 7 5 4 10
4 Towel slide A-A 4 6 0 8
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 4 5 1 7
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 11 14 2 19
7 Supine press-up Active 9 5 6 13
8 Wedge press-up Active 9 7 5 13
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 18 19 6 29
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 13 10 7 19
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 13 11 6 19
12 Standing press-up Active 14 6 10 18 2, 5

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed 2 significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a particular
exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 2, forward bow generated significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise 12, standing
Press-up). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics for anterior deltoid EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 3 1 2 3
2 Forward bow Passive 2 1 1 3
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 7 3 6 9
4 Towel slide A-A 7 4 5 10
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 7 4 5 10
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 7 3 5 9 1
7 Supine press-up Active 11 4 8 14 1–3
8 Wedge press-up Active 20 9 15 26 1–3, 5, 6
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 25 10 19 32 1–7
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 22 7 17 26 1–7
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 24 10 17 30 1–6
12 Standing press-up Active 31 11 24 37 1–7

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed multiple significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a
particular exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 1, supine passive ROM generated significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise
6, WC press-up, hands apart). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.

The relative similarity of values and relative low amounts activity ranged from 10% to 30% [8,11]. This amount of
indicate these exercises approach the closest approximation progression may be too large for some individuals. Alterna-
of passive exercise that can be prescribed. The forward bow tive active-assistive exercises examined in this study, such as
provides an alternative approach of performing a passive the “washcloth press-ups” and “towel slides,” were found to
exercise by keeping the hand still and moving the individual’s have no significant increase in rotator cuff muscle activation
body about the upper extremity for the clinician to use if levels from the passive exercises.
lying supine is not well tolerated or painful to a patient. This lack of difference and overlapping CIs observed
A clinician would typically progress a patient’s exercises indicates muscular activity minimally changes between these
from passive to active-assistive exercises and would expect an types of exercises. Active-assistive exercises generally are
associated increase in muscular activation levels. Previous considered to be more under voluntary control of the pri-
authors [8,11] have observed significant increases in shoul- mary movers with some level of support from and external
der muscle activity when progressing to active-assistive exer- source, either manually or mechanically [44]. The relatively
cise such as pulley or stick assisted elevation exercises. The small increase in muscular activity observed is likely attrib-
percentage increase in the supraspinatus and anterior deltoid utable to the fact that weight of the arm was supported by a

Table 5. Descriptive statistics for upper trapezius EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 0 2 ⫺1 2
2 Forward bow Passive 2 3 0 4
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 1 2 0 2
4 Towel slide A-A 4 3 2 6
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 5 3 3 7
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 1 2 ⫺1 2
7 Supine press-up Active 1 3 ⫺1 3
8 Wedge press-up Active 11 11 5 18
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 24 8 18 29 1–7
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 21 8 16 26 1–7
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 20 9 14 25 1–7
12 Standing press-up Active 24 8 19 30 1–8

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed multiple significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a
particular exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 1, supine passive ROM generated significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise
9, Ipsl step-up with ball). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.
PM&R Vol. 2, Iss. 2, 2010 139

Table 6. Descriptive statistics for lower trapezius EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 2 2 0 3
2 Forward bow Passive 2 2 1 4
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 1 1 0 1
4 Towel slide A-A 3 5 0 7
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 3 4 1 5
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 1 2 0 2
7 Supine press-up Active 1 1 0 2
8 Wedge press-up Active 2 1 1 2
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 13 6 9 17 2, 3, 6–8
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 14 6 10 17 1, 2, 3, 5–8
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 14 7 10 18 1–8
12 Standing press-up Active 9 5 6 13 4, 8

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed multiple significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a
particular exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 2, forward bow, generated significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise 9, Ips
step-up with ball). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.

surface during the “towel slides” and “scapular protraction on prescribed to determine whether a specific order should be
ball” exercise, thereby decreasing the external load which will prescribed.
reduced EMG activity [17,45]. Additionally, the external Upright standing active exercises (standing press-up, ip-
load acting on the glenohumeral joint decreases during su- silateral shoulder flexion, ipsilateral step-up with and with-
pine washcloth pressing exercises as the upper extremity out a ball) generated the most consistent increase in EMG
moment arm shortens from 0 to 90° when the subject is activity levels across all muscles. The 10% to 20% increase for
supine versus lengthening when in standing [46,47]. This the supraspinatus, anterior deltoid, and upper trapezius is
pressing motion was found to increase activity of the anterior consistent with previous studies [8] and represents both statis-
deltoid and serratus anterior in 2 instances, but overall these tically and categorically a progression when active exercises are
active-assistive exercises did not generate the increase in performed in standing [8,40,41]. The increasing EMG activity in
muscle activation that others have reported [8,11]. This all musculature is best explained by the concept of gradually
finding indicates further research should investigate differ- lengthening the lever arm to increase the load on shoulder
ences between the various active-assistive exercises that are musculature [13]. It is a logical biomechanical principle that

Table 7. Descriptive statistics for serratus anterior EMG muscle activity level represented as percentage of maximal voluntary
contraction (% MVC) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)

Standard Lower Boundary Upper Boundary

Type of Mean Deviation 95% CI 95% CI Post-Hoc
Exercise Description Exercise (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) (% MVC) P Value
1 Supine passive ROM Passive 2 2 1 3
2 Forward bow Passive 5 4 3 8
3 WC press-up, hands close A-A 11 6 8 15 1
4 Towel slide A-A 6 3 4 8
5 Scapular protraction on ball A-A 11 8 7 16
6 WC press-up, hands apart A-A 13 11 7 20
7 Supine press-up Active 17 8 12 22 1, 2
8 Wedge press-up Active 17 8 12 22 1, 2
9 Ips step-up with ball Active 18 6 15 22 1, 2, 4
10 Ips step-up, no ball Active 15 5 12 18 1, 2, 4
11 Ips shoulder flexion Active 16 8 11 21 1, 2
12 Standing press-up Active 29 13 21 38 1–4, 8

A-A ⫽ active-assistive exercise; Ips ⫽ ipsilateral; ROM ⫽ range of motion; WC ⫽ wash cloth.
Bonferonni post-hoc (Post-hoc) analysis revealed multiple significant differences between exercises (P ⱕ .05). Exercises that are significantly less than a
particular exercise are identified by their exercise number (ie, exercise 1, supine passive ROM generated significantly less electromyographic activity than exercise
7, supine press-up). When no significant differences exist between exercises, no number is presented.

longer lever arms increase loads to the shoulder joint and con- CONCLUSIONS
currently increase muscular activity [46-48].
This study describes that many exercises used during the
This is well illustrated in the increasing activity of the
early-phase rehabilitation to regain active elevation do not
anterior deltoid from the active “supine press-up” (11 ⫾ 4%)
exceed 20% MVC. On the basis of electrophysiological data
to the “wedge press-up” (20 ⫾ 9%) to the “standing press-up”
in normal volunteers, these findings identify that the forward
(31 ⫾ 11%). In this progression, the resistance remains
bow exercise can be considered to require no more rotator
constant only the trunk position is incrementally more verti-
cuff or deltoid activity than passive supine elevation. The
cal, thereby increasing the moment arm acting on shoulder
active-assistive exercises studied did not generally increase
musculature which requires more anterior deltoid activity to
muscular demands from the passive exercises, suggesting
overcome the external torque. The use of the intermediate
that different levels of active-assistive exercises may exist
“wedge press-up” exercise, however, does not create a signif-
along a continuum. The upright active exercises demon-
icant increase in EMG activity from the “supine press-up,”
strated a consistent and often a statistically significant in-
which allows for a gradual transition before progressing to
crease in muscular activities supporting that these exercises
the “standing press-up,” which generated the most EMG
require more muscular activation to perform and should be
activity for all musculature except for the lower trapezius and
prescribed later in a progressive program. The primary fac-
tors clinicians should consider in prescribing exercises to
The infraspinatus and lower trapezius were the least active
minimize muscular activation levels are position of the body
of the muscles studied and may behave differently as the
in relation to gravitational effects on the arm, the amount of
result of their primary roles. The infraspinatus is an impor-
support provided to the arm, and the length of the moment
tant stabilizer of the humerus [49-51] and demonstrated
arm generated during the exercise.
more of a constant activation with all exercises, likely as the
result of its stabilizing force-couple role during elevation
[28]. It has been documented that EMG activity of the in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
fraspinatus increases with more external rotation and abduc- The authors would like to thank Katie Klare for her help with
tion motion [49,52]. The motions performed in this study data collection and initial statistical analysis.
were primarily in flexion, not external rotation, and therefore
the infraspinatus maintained a relative constant level of ac- REFERENCES
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