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Beans, Contain Poisonous Seeds In their Fruit! Beans have a socially undesirable effect on our digestive systems. For instance kidney beans, if consumed raw, contain dangerous toxins that produce even more drastic effects. Beans and other legumes get considered nutritionally valuable vegetable foods. Seeds of beans contain high protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber and many minerals, while low in fat and no cholesterol, But they also contain a toxic protein in sufficiently high concentrations. Kidney beans in particular contain enough of this toxin to cause acute symptoms, even if only a few unfired beans get consume Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) toxin classes as a member of a common class of proteins get found present in a wide variety commonly-consumed plant ‘foods’, particularly seeds. In most cases, they do not harm and possibly offer some benefits comparatively to animal foods or oils, but some lectins toxins get known. One of the most, dangerous, ricin, comes from a lectin derived from the seeds of the castor bean Ricinus PHA works as an insecticide, and plants developed it to keep their seeds from being destroyed by pests. In humans and other susceptible mammals (those of us without compound stomachs) PHA attacks and disables the epithelial cells lining the intestine. The body reacts to this threat by emptying the entire digestive tract as rapidly and completely as possible, to rid itself of the toxic substance. This gets accomplished by means of severe vomiting and or diarrhea, This reaction subsides without the need for medical intervention after several miserable hours, though some people require IV replacement fluids because of

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