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Daniela Lozano Bran Monica Toro

1114.735.867 1112.880.051

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Daniela Lozano Bran I am 22 years old, I was born in Cali Valle del Cauca
but from a very young age I lived in El Carmen municipality of Dagua, then at the age
of 6 I went to live in Spain until I was 12 when I returned to Colombia again.

I live with my parents.

Where are you from?

I am from Cali Colombia

Where you live?

I live in the El Carmen, municipality of Dagua

What is your occupation?

I am a student and I am currently in the tenth semester of law.

What is your marital status?

I'm single

He has children?

No, I don't have children

May I ask you about your interests and hobbies?

I really like going out for a walk, reading, watching movies and painting, I make
paintings in oil
What do you do in your free time?

In my free time I read or paint

Do you have any artistic interest?

Yes, the paintings in oil, it relaxes me a lot to paint

Do you like sports?

Yes, I used to practice rhythmic gymnastics but unfortunately I had to stop doing it

What is a typical day like in your life?

Well when I have classes I get up early, take a shower and get ready, have breakfast,
then fix the house a bit and finally see the class or classes that I have that day

And when I don't have classes I work in a boutique that has my cousin.

What are your professional skills / abilities?

I consider myself an attentive, responsible and also person who learns very quickly

Why are you the best for this job?

Because I am willing to do my best to carry out this position

In what situations do you feel?


When I paint


When I'm with my family and friends


When I'm away from my family


At my home or work

What was your favorite subject in school?

The subject that I liked the most at that time was Spanish and history

Could you tell us about your current academic interests?

At present I am focused on finishing my degree and starting the specialization in

commercial law

How does it feel to work with others?

I am good at teamwork as long as we all contribute

Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?

Of the twophromas I feel good

What is your role as __________ in our society?

My groupmate is called Daniela Lozano Bran, she lives with her parents in El Carmen
Dagua since she was a girl but at the age of 6 she went to live in Spain until she was 12
years old, where she again returned to Colombia.
She has no children and is single.
In addition to this, she says that the only work experience she has had is now that she is
working in her cousin's boutique, where she works the days that she does not have
classes at the university.
She likes to paint in oil, she says that she relaxes a lot when she does it and that that and
reading are her favorite hobbies.
She also says that when she was a child she practiced rhythmic gymnastics as a sport
but unfortunately she couldn't do it again.
She is currently studying law and is in her tenth semester and after that she plans to do a
specialization in commercial law.
First of all, she is Monica Toro, she was born in the municipality of Calima el Darien on
July 29, 1989, daughter of Blanca Nubia Daza and Daniel Toro, she has 4 brothers,
when she was a child she lived her childhood and adolescence in this same
municipality, secondly, during that time he completed his studies at the Simon Bolivar
school, he graduated in August 2006.

Today, he is domiciled in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca and has as a legal analyst
occupation as a result of Having studied law at the Santiago de Cali university, her
degree will be obtained in November 2020, in addition to this, she is still single and has
no children. After this, she likes to read a lot and her artistic interest is dance and folk
music, she also likes to play volleyball, walk, now her academic hobby is to achieve a

Doctorate in law and take advantage of her talents in communicating with the public,
Although, her weakness is that she trusts people very quickly, additionally the person
who inspired her is her mother, after this, she is dedicated to her work as a lawyer, she
is the best at her job, thanks to her responsibility and commitment.

As a result, I work in a notary in the city of Cali, where she acquired her work
experience, later, I work in a law office, working in labor law, however, during that time
she overcame many challenges, work commitments, she overcame her differences work
with her colleagues and was able to continue with her job, in addition, she feels very
comfortable working with others, she likes to have a good work team for this reason she
is interested in continuing with her studies, because, when she was a child and She was
in school, she obtained very good grades and recognition, as a result, she always
continued her studies and it is the most important thing for her today.

Finally she has overcome all the work challenges, she has never been fired from a job,
in addition to this, she has a very important role in society, because she always seeks to
help people, solve problems that affect people in general. all, his knowledge in laws and
his interest for the common good always takes it as a priority in his life.

What did Rachel do wrong during her interview?

What Rachel did wrong was accidentally kissing Mr. Zelner on the cheek

What happens during Rachel's second interview?

In the second interview, Rachel believes that Mr. Zelner is interested in sleeping with
her so that he can get the job, when in reality he wanted to show her that he had an ink
stain on his lip

How did Rachel describe herself during her third interview?

He described himself as a person of courage, with integrity, and again courage, and not

What happened during your last interview?

During her last interview Rachel manages to get the job but when she says goodbye to
him she touches him on the crotch

Rachel got the job?

Despite everything that happened, Rachel was able to get the job.

1. Arrive before the appointment.

2. With well organized and clean changing room.
3. Do not chew gum.
4. Be attentive to the questions asked.
5. Sit well and say hello.

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