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Dairy milk singled out as dietary cause of osteoporosis because it depletes the finite reserve of bone-making cells in the body. In the long term milk erodes bone-making cells, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. This explains a paradox: black people are known to be less tolerant to lactose in milk, and consequently they drink less milk, yet they get much less osteoporosis than white people. This new research resolves the paradox because by consuming less milk you are less likely to get osteoporosis. Growing evidence shows that calcium in milk does not protect against osteoporosis. For example ina 12-year Harvard study of 78,000 women, those who drank milk three times a day actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk. Similarly, a 1994 study in Sydney, Australia, showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk: those with the highest dairy consumption had double the risk of hip fracture compared to those with the lowest consumption Author Russell Eaton says: “The latest research shows that far from protecting bones, milk actually increases the risk of osteoporosis by croding bone-making cells. Also, people with osteoporosis have a much higher incidence of heart discase and cancer, and evidence points to milk as a common factor. ' It had been thought that prostate cancer got caused by harmful fats in the diet, but this seems incorrect. Calcium and phosphorus in milk serve to feed nanobacteria, causing calcification and cancer. It seems that harmful calcification, caused by nanobacteria in the body, exists at the root of many diseases such as arthritis, kidney stones, heart disease and stroke, These microscopic organisms get fed calcium and phosphorus from the bloodstream and then secrete calcium phosphate to cause calcification. In the book The Milk Imperative the author shows how dairy milk feeds nanobacteria, thus causing many serious diseases. Commenting on the book Dr. Amy Lanou (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, USA) said: ‘Compelling argument shows that milk, in all its guises, has no redeeming features, and causes disease and poor health. By removing milk after weaning age from our life we make a dramatic and long-lasting improvement to our health.”

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