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From Futsal
to Soccer

Stevie Grieve
Nacho Garrido

Published by

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From Futsal
to Soccer

First published September, 2014 by

WORLD CLASS COACHING 12851 Flint St. Overland Park, KS 66213

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the

Author- Stevie Grieve and Nacho Garrido

Editor - Tom Mura

I dedicate this book to my Family, expressly to my brother Rubén and my nephew Nachete, also to my friends Gemma,
Esther, Pablosky and José María and a special dedication to the most marvellous person in the world,​who supports every
project I challenge, Sandrinha.
- Nacho Garrido

Published by

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Table of Contents









1.- FUTSAL DEFENSE (pag. 13)


2.- SOCCER DEFENSE (pag. 18)


1.- FUTSAL ATTACK (pag. 17)

1.1.- Futsal Offensive Technical/Tactical Principles (pag. 17)

1.2.- Futsal Group Offensive Principles (pag. 18)

1.3.- Futsal Dual Specific Offensive Movements (pag. 19)


2.- SOCCER ATTACK (pag. 27)

(pag. 28)

A.- Good Technique (pag. 28)

B.- Technical Gestures (pass, control, running with the ball, dribble and management of the ball...) (pag.

B.1.- USING THE TOE (pag. 39)

C.- The Importance of Body Positions and Gestures (pag. 47)

D.- Improving Communication and Knowledge and Understanding of Partners - Dualities. (pag. 47)

3.1.- Individual Offensive Actions (pag. 48)

3.2.- Individual Defensive Actions (pag. 52)


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5.1.- Position of the CROSS (pag. 56)



A.- Defensive Tactics and Systems (pag. 60)

A.1.- ZONAL MARKING (pag. 66)



B.- Attacking Tactics and Systems (pag. 79)

B.1.- Positions & Movement (pag. 79)

B.1.1.- Triangulations From Futsal To Soccer (pag. 80)

B.1.2.- Two Shorts And One Long (pag. 82)

B.2.- Systems (pag. 83)

B.2.1.- THE 2-2 SYSTEM - POSITION (pag. 84)

B.2.2.- THE 3-1 SYSTEM - POSITION (pag. 87)

B.2.3.- THE 1-3 SYSTEM - POSITION (pag. 97)

B.2.4.- THE 4-0 SYSTEM - POSITION (pag. 98)



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As a young player, I didn’t enjoy playing football very much. I was a good player, but relied on vision and
dribbling ability to make a difference to my teams. I was small (always the smallest on the field), fairly
quick, but I wasn’t good in tight spaces and I would only ever dribble in possession under pressure as I
didn’t feel comfortable to find the correct pass.

That changed at age 15, when Perth Youth Futsal opened its doors in Scotland and a guy called Steve
Chatila ran the Futsal training sessions that kept me interested in playing football for 3 more years while
playing Futsal for PYF, (I actually found football training incredibly boring – running, standing in lines,
shooting, more running….) as I learned how to use the things I learned in Futsal and made me a better
footballer, especially in tight spaces and in my ability to track back into defensive positions.

I played Futsal at local and National level for the next 6 years until I was 21, including playing in the first
ever Scottish National Championship to qualify for the UEFA Cup, and I completely believe that playing
Futsal made me a better footballer, as do many youth and adult football players who play Futsal.

Unfortunately I stopped playing Futsal regularly due to work commitments in coaching, but my love for the
game stayed with me, and after using a lot of Futsal training sessions with my football teams, I am entirely
convinced of its ability to help develop creative, intelligent and technical players.

Having spoken to many people in both the Futsal and Footballing community, the a lot of people in football
believe that Futsal is a great tool to develop footballing ability, while the vast majority of Futsal coaches
believe that although Futsal should be respected (rightly) as its own sport, there is no denying its ability to
help develop elite footballers (Spain, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Argentina).

Strangely in Britain, there seems to be a reluctance to promote Futsal as a sport in youth development for
football players over the winter months, after all, which 7-12 year olds really want to play football outside in
the cold, wind, rain and often snow, when they could get more touches of a ball playing in a better
environment which will keep them interested in both sports.

I speak from experience as I was the coach of a grassroots team called ‘Letham Tangerines 1997s’, and
all of the players who played with the team from 2006-2012 much preferred playing Futsal from November
to March, when playing football in horrible conditions was much less appealing.

Obviously, at the very top level of Futsal, it is a completely different game from football – Short bursts of
high intensity sprints to counter-attack, press, drop back to defend or to drag away opponents, game
tactics and energy management are all vastly different from football, obviously the amount of players
involved, space available, the distance between goals, and the ‘type’ of fitness needed to play the game at
a high level, suggests that many Futsal players could not play professional football, while many footballers
of the top level couldn’t play Futsal to the same standard they play at in 11v11 play.

One player – Falcao; probably the best Futsal player in recent history – did move from Futsal to football to
play for Sao Paolo Futebol Clube, in the 2005 Copa Libertadores. Unfortunately he wasn’t given many
playing opportunities so we cannot see what level the best Futsal player in the World would fare in
Football, or indeed how say, Lionel Messi would fare in Futsal.

What you can see in amateur futsal - normally amateur footballers who are uncoached in how to play
futsal – is that the game can sometimes look like a game of football – players using high crosses (often

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resulting in a GK catch and counter attack into a 3v1 or 2v1 for the attack), defending the posts at corners
(resulting in a pass back to shoot from deep under little pressure) untracking of runners (resulting in
common 2v1 situations in one zone where the attack have the advantage), and chipped passes over the
defence which don’t work, and all of this results in the 5v5 game of Futsal, looking like a 5v5 game of

I am not suggesting at all, that Futsal “is the savior of football”, or anything of the sort, I would like
to suggest that it would be valuable training to develop cross/sport skills, while boosting the
popularity and playing pool of Futsal players of players who change from Football to Futsal.

I worked with several respected Futsal people in Scotland, and the frustration at the lack of
recognition of what playing Futsal could do for Football player’s development. Phrases such as
“Its non-contact – how can that help you play Football?” or “Its a game for soft players who can’t
tackle, Football is a hard sport and Futsal can’t help that” means that many people look at Futsal
form the wrong point of view, and cannot see the technical and intellectual benefits of playing the
game, especially in the younger ages from 5-14 years old.

Using Futsal on a mass basis in the Football world would also help grow the game of Futsal nationally as
its own sport (as it rightly should be) as many players would simply change sports and give Scotland a
national talent pool to choose form when a national team does come into existence.

So, on behalf of myself and Nacho, I hope that you will enjoy this book, and take something away from it.
The analysis segments are based on things that I have worked on with football teams to provide more
flexibility in defensive set ups and attacking fluidity, particularly in small group play.

You may or may not agree exactly with what I have analyzed, especially as I am analyzing football and
what aspects could be developed from playing Futsal, but I hope that you will see the reasoning behind
the clips I have chosen and see how you can look at the scenario and find similar ones in football matches
to show and work on with your own players in a 5v5 context.

I would like to thank Steve Chatila for introducing Futsal to the mass public, especially the youth sector in
Scotland, and I hope that we have an official national team in the near future, and Steve McPhee for
guiding me through my early Futsal coaching career, of which I worked with him for 7 of 9 years -
someone should recruit these guys and get them to help develop Futsal centers worldwide!

I would also like to thank my amazing fiancée Sarah, for putting up with me working all hours of the day,
taking you to different parts of the world, spending time apart in different continents and trusting in me and
my drive to become the best in my respective field. My passion for improving my football and futsal tactical
knowledge via my researching, analyzing and discussing Football and Futsal is only able to be done with
your support.

Your love, support, patience, and faith in me give me the strength to continue my work and for this I will
spend the rest of my life giving you the life you want!

Stevie Grieve

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Footballer’s opinions on Futsal and the ball as a development tool for Football:

Pele: "Futsal was important in helping to develop my ball control, quick thinking,
passing… also for dribbling, balance, concentration…Futsal was very, very important, no

Ronaldo: “I needed extremely good feet, because you're always attempting to beat
opponents in the minimum of space. I loved the challenge of playing on such a small

Lionel Messi: "In Argentina, when I was a young boy, I used to play a lot of Futsal on the
street and with Newell's Old Boys. It was a really fun game that's helped me a great deal."

Cristiano Ronaldo: "In Portugal, all we played growing up was Futsal. The smaller court
helped my footwork skills, the nature of the game made me feel so free when I played. If it
wasn't for Futsal, I would definitely not be the player I am today."

Robinho: "I played Futsal for many years and it helped me to become the player I am
today. There you don't have time to think, you are always tightly marked and you develop
a sense for performing in small spaces."

Iniesta: "If I played futsal I wouldn't stop trying to do what I do"

Xavi: “In futsal, you see whether a player is really talented. In normal football you don't
necessarily identify talent as easily because it's so much more physical. But with futsal,
you notice the small details in quality, class and tactical understanding."

Iniesta believes that football and futsal are two different sports but that share many
aspects such as “mastering the ball, combining and making quick decisions”

Although that all of the players talk mainly of the technical benefits of playing Futsal, we cannot
underestimate the mental aspect of the game – finding space, decision making, transitions, all of which
are massive parts of football, which is becoming faster all the time, thus reducing the amount of space
available on the field, so as Football evolves, space will be harder to find, harder to use and the use of
Futsal as a development tool in Football sessions, will be massive in youth development.

Another key aspect is the Futsal ball, although we can encourage technical ability and tactical awareness
from Futsal and its uses in Football, the ball can also play a big part in development.

Lewis Holtby: “Young players in particular can learn a huge amount from futsal.. the heavy
ball means it’s in play for longer. Passing moves and interchanges more often end with a
goal scoring chance."

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Don’t we already use Futsal in Football training sessions via SSGs?

Futsal is a game of complex tactics, within a small sided game. Most coaches believe that in football,
small sided games are the best way to develop players, as they can help independent learning of;

• Creativity
• Improvisation
• 1v1 abilities
• Decision Making
• Passing accuracy (which foot to pass to, or into feet or space)
• Speed of passing
• Dribbling
• Footwork in tight spaces
• Fitness
• Use of both feet
• Spatial Awareness under pressure
• When to run, when to stand
• When to play with 1 or 2 touches
• Variations of 1st touch – especially the use of the sole to set and strike/protect/orientate
• Attacking and defensive positioning

So the fact that we already use small sided games in our training methods, we should use Futsal (or the
Futsal Environment) or incorporate Futsal technical development methods and tactics to help our
footballers to learn more about movement, outside of the cognitive skills they will inevitably pick up form
playing ‘street football’ which is essentially what Futsal is.

Do we want to produce strong athletes who are defensively more capable, but limited technically and
tactically, or do we want to produce players who may be match winners, but defensively weak? We need
to find an environment to develop players who can play on both sides of the ball.

Why would Futsal be a good development tool?

We must think of Futsal as a separate sport in its own right, rather than just a ‘Small Sided Variant of
Football’, as it has different rules, and instead, view the different sport which can be used as a
development tool for football, almost the same as you could view Pool as a development tool for Snooker
(cue-ball control, shot positioning, angle of entry and exit for the next shot, thinking ahead, playing with
little spaces between balls, so needing a wide variety of techniques).

We can say that similar to Pool  Snooker, similarly, Futsal  Football, you use a smaller playing area,
with fewer margins for error, and in all sports, using a smaller and more congested area can allow you to
perform at a higher level when on a larger sized field. Futsal allows us this development.

This is not to say that playing Pool will guarantee to make you a better Snooker player, nor that a
Footballer will become a better player playing Futsal, simply it is to suggest that the different sport
can help as it can be used as a development tool for certain aspects of the game.

It can be a welcome change for Young players learning the game to change to play a different
sport within a similar setting, and maintain the motivation to play and learn.

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In both Pool and Futsal, we need; different ways to control the ball, to maintain clear striking or passing
angles, thinking ahead for movements by you to make the next action (by you or teammates) possible,
working in minimal space with reduced thinking time (so we must think ahead, otherwise you won’t be in
position to easily make the next action), and needing to use a wide variety of techniques to get out of
uncomfortable scenario’s (both sports have different but crossover skills).

You could argue that the only real difference between the games is the ball and the shape of the goals,
but the reality is the tactical nature of coaching and playing Futsal, which is more about making and using
small spaces with minimal time – the Futsal environment created by the game itself and the rules (almost
non-contact) help develop the environment in which creative and intelligent players flourish in.

What would a Footballer with a Futsal background look like?

Players with a strong background in Futsal who also play youth football tend to have certain traits; instant
control, comfortable under pressure – especially in 1v1 play, creative in finding ways through the
opposition with passes or dribbles, capable of creating or finding space to find an advantage, players are
able to freely rotate and change positions, and players can also recognize when to make 3rd man runs
from deep.

Some players who have grown up playing Futsal can struggle in football, mainly due to the longer nature
of football – longer distance passes, longer distance running - while players who play football can struggle
playing Futsal as passes that may be attempted in Football - for example a straight chipped pass over a
full back – won’t be successful in Futsal very often.

Common traits in Footballers are also not always successful in Futsal, while not all Futsal traits can be
transferred to football, as there are many more different ‘types’ of player in Football.

What is so good about the heavy ball used in Futsal?

The heavy ball makes it easier to control as it’s much less likely to bounce away from you like a football
could. With the weight of the ball, and the fact that it bounces less, means that the sole of the foot is best
used to orientate the 1st touch to exactly where you want it to go to.
If you watch many Southern European, South American, and Japanese players, many of these players are
happy to control a football with the sole – a feel for the ball developed using the sole in tight spaces where
having the foot on the ball means you can change the position of the ball at will.

In 2013, Peter Sturgess, who is the FA's head of development for five- to 11-year-old players and head
coach of the England men's Futsal team, said in an interview;

"Because of the similarities between Futsal and football, players who have followed both during their
development histories have been the ones found to go on and do really well in the game.
"If kids are brought up on that, their ability to deal with a situation when things get tight in the penalty area
in an 11-a-side game has to be improved."

This recommendation based on what Futsal can do for footballing development, based on histories of
players who played BOTH games as a young player, informs us that the tight space environment of futsal
makes it beneficial for situations that arise commonly in football, especially around the penalty box.

When we think of players who can perform well in tight situations, where are these players from? Southern
Europe? South America?

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For me, most of the best attacking players individually, come from South America or Latin Countries, such
as Spain, Portugal, Italy and over the next few years, we will see more technical players coming from
Japan, Azerbaijan and Iran who have all made great advances in Futsal – reflected in the 2014 FIFA
Rankings; Iran (7th), Japan (9th), Azerbaijan (10th).

This may not translate into having better footballers, even though Japan already have Kagawa and Honda
at Manchester United and AC Milan respectively; but I would not be surprised to see some more high
quality players from these 3 nations playing at a high level in Europe in the near future.

In my opinion, a large part of the reason for this is playing Futsal in the foundation and development
phases of a players history, so we must embrace Futsal as part of football development from 5-15,
specifically to develop technique, tactical intelligence, speed of thought and anaerobic fitness. One aspect
that may go unnoticed that may be helpful in football – sensing danger!

As a defender, you need to be able to see where the danger will come from before it arrives there and
react faster and with more determination to stop the attack from scoring. As an attacker, you need to act
fast to ensure you take your chance to score or make the final pass, so having the concentration,
anticipation, determination and quality on and off the ball are vital parts in both sports for success.

In Futsal, in such a small space, a goal can come from anywhere, so players who have this mentality on a
much larger football field can often make the difference for their club winning or losing matches.

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Talking about the main topic, when we wonder why futsal helps develop better soccer players,
the answer is a pattern: it develops better players because they play football in a very small field,
where they have to touch the ball and make a decision in 2-3 seconds or less. When compared
with a soccer training session, with long queues and the game is played on large fields. You may
think that it is actually an advantage for players to have more time and more touches the ball, but
just playing on a small field is not enough.
For many years, Spanish futsal coaches focused on technique. It is an area that is very, very
important for the future of a professional player, so training sessions have always focused a lot of
time on technique (training analytical or integrated methods).
We also have used small-sided games to develop technical players, which improves their speed
of play and also the quality of their decisions and ability to read the game even in a simple

So we talked about two ways to develop technique – skill training (traditional drills) and a game
situation (often used in whole-part-whole). Which you choose depends on the level of your
players or which you prefer. The way I work is not necessarily the way you will choose. You must
use both but put the emphasis on what the players need more.
Using one way or another will also depend on the ages of the players, so the coach needs to
know and have the experience to make the right choice.

There are different training topics. Keep in mind that in small court games we have all players
playing defensively and offensively. In a game situation, you have a more controlled (2v1 or 3v2).
But what is important to note here is that the rules; the number of players, the amount of detail a
player can understand and also the feelings of the coach are very important things to consider
when choosing a game or type of game. The number of players and the field size directly affect
the type of pathway used.
If you are in the beginning of the season, or in the middle of a full week, you have to know to what
to choose. The number of touches will also help to make the game harder or not. How much to
coach within the game is also important.
So simply copying a drill from a book will not help you! You must have your own style and ideas.
Understanding how these variables affect a player’s understanding is very important for the
players and for your own development as a coach.
It is not just using futsal exercises or games, a coach need to know why to use it, when, how and
of which is the right futsal exercise that will achieve the transfer of training to soccer.
What I'm saying is that there is meaning behind a game that uses only three players on each
side, in case you were allowed just two touches or cannot shoot before playing with the pivot
(CF), or just saying to use the weak foot to play. The rules are there to teach something to the
players; there must be objectives behind the instructions given by the coach.
So the goals of the coach are very important. Make sure the players know what is trying to be
achieved with the small-sided game or whatever other exercise. Give the players the right
information on what to work on and think about, and not just give them the rules and watch them

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play. Besides that, small-sided games for the older age groups should have a direct relationship
with the team's tactical pattern. The rules and directs for the coach will effect this the most.
So, in fact we have been talking about the training methodology (training organization, technical
training, and small game situation). Futsal coaches have been using games to teach young
players to read and react more quickly to the game environment for a long time.
Using futsal as a tool to develop better football players is very important and well known. It is a
solid and proven methodology. We can develop complete players with better decision making, but
we have to understand how to use our tools as coaches to do. This is not to say that using Futsal
will instantly result in dramatically better footballers.
Miguel Rodrigo (Japan Futsal National team Head Coach) explains;
“Most of the players of this generation of Spain National team have played futsal, Spain has
definitely changed its way to play (before we were always trying to use the "FURIA ESPAÑOLA",
which basically means, Spanish fighters. In the era of the physical game we have been able to
win everything using little players, clever and technically fantastic. That means in my opinion that
Spain plays FUTSAL IN A SOCCER FIELD, they have created a new model that would define
something that honestly until today had never seen, nor live, nor television, or Internet.”
FUTSAL is characterized by:
- The taste for the ball.
- Patience but speed in development during the offensive phase
- The rotation between different playing positions
- The exchange of roles for one game
- The game between the lines (**)
- Continuous and varied options to the player with the ball
- Mobility without the ball (***)
- Changing the point of attack or, put another way, the distinction between open or closed end of
the defence during the same possession of the ball
- The high pressure organized defence in order to quickly steal the ball, counter attacking and
- The use of the sole (****)
(**) Playing between lines is a newly coined term for football. It is used by sports commentators
in recent years and describes how Xavi, Iniesta, Messi and company occupy the space between
the lines of defence and midfield to give continuity to the game or to divide and attack the
(***) Mobility without the ball. We hear television commentators endlessly how easy it was to
defend the ball holder with Spain but given the enormous mobility without the ball by the other
Spanish players, it was difficult to defend an attack ordered and positioned by the combination of
Spanish players.

Nacho Garrido

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2. - The Differences between

Futsal and Soccer - DEFENSE AND ATTACK

1. - Futsal Defence
1.1.-Futsal Defensive Technical Principles

The ‘falling back’ represents those movements towards the player’s own goal that the players
make after losing the ball and returning on defense.

Falling back, de-completion on the field where the player falls back, is divided into INTENSIVE
(near the own goal) and NOT INTENSIVE (away from the own goal). The falling back also
depends on the contingent position that the player has and it is divided into POSITIONAL (each
player returns to its position as the original game) and APOSITIONAL (the player remains in the
position he was when the play was finalized). You could say that POSITIONAL is for coaches
with rigid systems, while APOSITIONAL is for more fluid systems where returning to a position
can offer less energy consumption as players help fill in each zone for each other.

Temporization includes all those actions designed to gain time on the attack, on the fast
offensive action or not with whom the opponents want to bring danger to the own goal. The
temporization is useful for the defense to balance and to fall back, in order to avoid a possible fast
break. This is to control the speed of the attack and control the play pre-transitions.

Covering indicates the action that a player makes to help a teammate in danger of being passed
by an opponent or in fact already passed; he covers space around/behind the team mate.

Scaling is the act of re-positioning; taking what was the position of the companion who has come
in help. To accomplish this mission you have two defensive options: return to position ourselves
between the ball and our goal, giving covering to the player who has previously climbed to our
aid, or care about the opponent that was defended by our companion.

Marking is the act that takes place on the opponent in order to keep him from receiving the ball,
or if he gets it, in order to stop him playing it. I can differentiate aspects of marking:

• Individual aspects: man-to-man marking, zone marking, mixed marking.

• Collective aspects: combined actions, for covering, with defensive aid.

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Pressing is the pressure that is achieved with a greater or lesser intensity, on some or on all of
the opposing players to prevent the progression of the ball towards our own goal, or to regain the
possession of the ball in the least possible time.

De-completion on how this defensive action is realized, we can divide it by intensity (press / half-
press), by location (in areas / total), by object (on the man / on the ball).

Anticipation is that action that a defender makes on a direct opponent waiting to receive the ball,
stealing anticipating his intention, his movement, his action.

Charging is the action of a player directly on an opponent, regularly, to gain the ball in a duel.
This must be done with the ball close to the action; it must not be violent and practiced with the
shoulder or the body, using your hands de-completion on the method of judgment used by the
game director.

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The tackle, which can also be slipped in if you intervene on the ball without hitting the opponent
and not from behind, it is the decisive action that the defender makes on the opponent that has
the ball.

Intercept is the action by which we prevent the ball reaching the "target", diverting or interrupting
the trajectory. To differentiate the intercept I affirm that with the anticipation we guess the
intentions of the opponent and get ahead; while the intercept is a direct action on the ball.

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Futsal DEFENSE - It is important that athletes are aware of the ball's trajectory, because there
is a small area of contention for the object of the game with your opponent (CID LOZANO 1995 ;
Sampedro , 1997 ; Voser , 2001, SANTANA , 2004 ). The marker must get along with the
attacker, trying to steal the ball and it impairs the action of the pass. Other actions are important
defense folds marking, and floating roofs, these frequently used in futsal, to limit the attack
passing. In futsal every player defends 100% and need to have a defense mentality individually
and collectively. In futsal every player comes back when the ball is lost. THOSE ARE THE MAIN


a- Close the middle. Closing the middle/defending narrow is the first step for keeping the ball
away from your own goal because you avoid the ball being thrown to the target or to a runner
close to your goal. De-completion on the formation of the attacking team, the defense will use two
or three players to close the middle in transition.
b- Behind the line of the ball. When marking, all the players should be behind the line of the
ball, except on corners.
c- Communication. Good communication between the players is essential for a successful
d- Do not stay in line. The defender who is marking the player with the ball should push on,
taking the space of the attacker, while the other ones drop back behind him/her creating other
defense lines. This is to cover many defensive angles and prevent easy penetration.

Today in football the defense needs to be aggressive and try to steal the ball quickly to invest in
the counterattack. The fluctuation and coverage are also important in football for defensible
spaces offering to the opponent the ball long and a possible error pass.
To Bastos training futsal with these objectives will provide an improvement in monitoring the
speed of the ball to close the spaces and give a greater defensive awareness. For the author the
marking speed can also help to anticipate the actions of opponents.

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1.- Futsal Attack

1.1.- Futsal Offensive Technical/Tactical Principles

The attack is the action that takes place with the aim of scoring a goal in the opponent's goal,
developing with three stages: initiation, processing and finalization.

The fast break is the abrupt transition from defense to attack, with the only prerequisite to be
realized in the shortest possible time before the opposing defense will fall back and balances. For
this to be truly effective we should not hinder the action of the companion who leads the ball and
we should instead facilitate the passing of the ball (it is better to pass the ball that to lead it).

The supports are all those evolutions that players make to facilitate the action of the companion
in possession of the ball, offering clear passing lanes to receive – can you see the ball?

The rotation is the exchange of positions between the players, by which we try to construct an
attack, maintaining a balance of the team also to face a possible loss of the ball.

The shake off (fake run/checked run) is the action to escape the defender a surprising him,
trying to get the ball in advantageous position to finalize an attack or to facilitate processing,
maintaining a decent possession. You can get this helping yourself through fake, changes of
direction, counter-movements, speed changes, stops, etc...

The guard is that action by which we remain alert, considering the positions of our opponents,
avoiding a possible fast break, though we are in possession of the ball. (Busquets)

The possession of the ball is made of those actions that allow us to stay with the ball the
necessary time to reach our goal. To accomplish this action you need a good individual
technique, the continuous support, a good physical condition and above all you need not to
renounce to the main aim: to score a goal.

The temporization does not differ too much from the defensive one, since it is an operation
carried out with ruse to allow companions to balance the team and take part in offensive action. It
can be divided into two way of realization: the physical-technical one and the deceit one.

The change of rhythm is an alteration of the action game rhythm and you can get it alternating
the speed of the disposition of the players, and by varying the speed of the ball. The front change
is due to the change in the attacked frontcourt, playing with less touches and quicker runs.

The front of the attack is changed with the trajectory that is given to the ball moving it both in
amplitude, to change the attack side, and in depth to change the progression of the game giving it
more verticality, which needs support following the forward pass. Can lead to counter-pressing.

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Futsal Attack - The attack in futsal is fast, playing in different positions and systems, rotations
with footwork diagonally, forward, side and back, providing opportunities for many triangulations.
For this to happen it is necessary dynamic players to play. The futsal training in two touches
stimulates quick thinking, switching positions, decision-making, the vision and the anticipations of
bids. The futsal athlete needs great technique to perform at high speed in little space.
1.2.- Futsal Group Offensive Principles:
a) Width and depth. Once the team has possession of the ball, players should position
themselves in order to give options to the player with the ball. Young children tend to go all
together to the ball and it takes time and patience for them to realize they have to spread out.
Different positioning or systems apply to different situations. It is important however, to
understand that these formations have to be used just as a starting position from which players
will make various movements in court, never staying static, making the area as large as possible.
b) Movements off the ball. Futsal is a game that demands constant movement of the attackers
specially those attackers without the ball. Where to run to is the key consideration and training for
this is the first step in developing the tactical knowledge of the players. Move without the ball to
give options to the player with the ball.
c) Possession - Passing is the key element for an effective attack. Retain possession, not
carrying the ball for long, but passing until you find the opportunity to finish.
d) Support – all players should be able to support the attack by offering clear passing lines
between the ball carrier and possible receivers. Even the last man can be an attacker and he/she
should not stand static close to the “D”, but go forward still as a last man and offer rotations.
e) Counter attack – counter attacking is one of the most effective forms of scoring goals in
Futsal. Coaches can work on the capacity of doing a fast and objective counter attack with simple
2 against 1 or 3 against 2 situations which occur regularly on the counter attack.
f) Use of the target and use of the empty space. We can identify these two principles as the
main offensive mechanisms of Futsal. Most of the attacking movements will be variations of these
* Hit the target and run to receive the layoff. One basic attacking mechanism in Futsal is to
play with one or two deep targets close to the opponent's goal. The keeper and the players at the
back will try to find a gap to pass the ball to the target (s). Once the target receives the ball
he/she will have two options. Turn and beat the pivot to shoot for goal or lay the ball off for the
runners to finish. In Brazil this set piece is called “4th century” because it is the oldest attacking
principle of Futsal and still extremely effective – Pass forward to the ‘wall’, return and shoot.
* Create the empty space and hit the runner. The attackers will move and position
themselves in order to create an empty space in a certain area of the court close to the
opponent’s goal. Usually the target has the job of creating the space by opening wide on the
court. Once the empty space is created, runners will run into it to receive a pass behind the
defensive system.

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1.3. - Futsal Dual Specific Offensive Movements

• Parallel: ball, which is done with a path parallel to the touchline. Technically usually performed
with the outside of the foot (3 little toes under the ball to lift it) and instep giving some lift to pass
(commonly called spoon) so that the receiver will have time to get to the ball.

Generally after a pass, if we support the opposite wing (weak side of the defence) a parallel pass
down the line can end with a diagonal pass to the far post for a far side player. Besides defending
their zones instinctively back, so if the ball we passed failed to find free space superiority, we can
again return the ball to safety support and further develop the game from a deeper position.

• Diagonal: the third man takes advantage of his defender is more relaxed than usual and
positional advantage (the defence to be aware of the ball will have less visual reference to it) to
win him back by feints and change of pace and at that time the player with the ball runs a long fly
ball diagonally.

The pivot to be left free space for the reception of the ball gives you the option to end the post, as
the pivot pulls away to the far side from the ball, to open space on the ball side.

• Penetration between lines: one player offers between rival defensive lines (usually the
opposite wing or pivot or third man). If your style is what will create a space to finish with parallel
or diagonal, if it follows the receiving the ball may finish through an outside shot, or a wall with pin
and a pass to the far post (verticality via the pivot/CF)

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• Futsal Examples
• Exploiting a flat midfield or defensive
shape (4-4)

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Commonly in Football, teams play a 4-4-1-1 defensive shape, which often can leave spaces between the
defence and midfield lines, which Futsal players will exploit as this is a movement of which they make
regularly. If you have players with a Futsal background, many of these players will identify where the
space is, and time their run into the space to receive almost perfectly on a regular basis.

In Futsal, there is such minimal space between the lines, that the co-ordination of movements has to be
perfect, or the ball will be lost, regularly in spaces no more than 5m between players. This is normally half
the space that is available between the lines in football, and we can see players such as Andres Iniesta,
Lionel Messi, David Silva, Santi Cazorla and Sergio Aguero find these spaces more to receive more often
than most other players.

The ‘False 9’ position

When you look at the False 9 position, it’s not a new position as its been around since the 1930s, but it’s
difficult to find players who can play the role well, as a striker who drops between the lines, and makes
runs from deep, rather than a traditional CF who plays against a center back.

In Futsal, there is rarely any space behind the last defender if they play in a low-block, and so the run
behind the last defender is one where you must shoot or pass across the goal very quickly.

Instead of this, players regularly drop between opponents and turn to face the goal whenever possible,
meaning that it’s a more natural movement for a Futsal CF to drop off and link with the ‘midfield’, who
make regular 3rd man runs to support, while the CF can find a pass into the runner to shoot, or they fake to
pass/shoot then make minimal space to score. (Suarez, Messi, Iniesta, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Cristiano

Sometimes, the Futsal defender will push out and stay close to the opponent, especially if they play with a
high-block defence, resulting in space behind for runners from deep or 3rd man.

You could also say that positional rotation, playmaking from deep, creating space for team mates and
losing markers are regular features of Futsal, which are vital abilities in Football.

So we can see that the types of players we are looking to produce are coming from a Futsal environment,
and the way the game forces them to adapt to the situation around them, is massively beneficial to football

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Futsal Examples of playing between the lines

Playing between the lines is very important in futsal (and football), it is a way to progress with the
ball and overcome a pressing defense.

Here, the pivot (false 9) pulls away and opens the space by dragging away his marker. As this
happens, the deepest player plays a 1-2 and attacks the space created.

As the 1-2 is played, the deepest play moves forward while the wide player has dropped deeper
to offer a pass across the field should the player between the lines become unable to receive.

It is very complicated to defend these movements and on the other hand, the attack finds
interesting superiority situations to score if they can find the space between the lines.

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See above how this player between the lines offers his teammate a 1-2 situation to win the wing

The 1-2 play allows the player on the wing to find an open space to advance

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The pivot (false 9) drifts wide as his marker closes down the space, trying to block the route to
goal. The end of the play is a fantastic option to score and the defense position is broken.

A precision shot to score from the back post. The run here has pulled away to the far side,
opening space on the ball side after the entrance between the lines.

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Breaking pressing lines and using the space between

Again the game between the lines of Brazil to break Spain pressing defense, who press high but
are beaten when the wide player moves inside to create a passing angle into the space

Playing between the lines to find a 1-2 on the wing and beat the pressure from Spain, with 1
player covering behind.

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Fast and effective between the lines with a quick passing game.

The player with the ball has progressed and now he has good options as the central space free to
play. Spain has done well to recover and play 2v1 on the side, but this frees up 1 Brazilian to
exploit the pressure if he can escape this situation.

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Soccer Attack
In football the attack happens to exchange short passes (triangulations) and longer, direct balls, it
is important to strike a quick change of the ball from one area to another, caused the
displacement of the defence and open spaces.

When defending, it is important to put this compressed rate in exchange of passes and constant
movement of the attackers. The training futsal collaborates with these actions, the speed of
exchange of passes and continuous displacements.

According to Bastos (2010), there is a relationship between movements in futsal comparable to

soccer’s’ intrinsic use.

For the author, futsal can be used as a tool to assist in the production and ownership of
motor gestures in football training. In this sense, some techniques and tactics adopted
attitudes in futsal help improve the player, the offensive and defensive aspects.

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A.- Good technique

The main quality a football player should have is; the mastery of technique. Throughout its early
stages as a player will be immersed in a series of tactics that will hardly be able to develop if not
mastered the technique, first step is technique but that doesn´t mean that tactics need to wait to
high level technique, tactics should start to be worked at the age of 12-13 though still basic ones,
(before that basic positions but no tactics).
There is no point making a tactic if we do not have players capable of developing it.
Tactical movements can create win-win situations for applying the technique, but will never afford
to dispense with it. Following tested a tactical move, for example, you can create an advantage
(two attackers against the goalkeeper) to end an attack but completion in goal or not will
ultimately depend on the success of the attackers in the right pass and / or shot. This goes to
show that the technique could survive without tactics, but never the reverse.
Though there is a point or a level where the tactics are so important that a player just with good
technique cannot survive (elite futsal players or teams)
Abilities to receive (different types of control), dribble, driving the ball, pass, second post, shot
and tackle with both feet are parts of technique which should be developed to become effective
via tactical understanding, decision making, playing under pressure and at high speed.

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B.- Technical Gestures for both Futsal and Football

One of my favorite players is Sergio Busquets, who is the master of ‘Temporization’ – controlling the
speed of the game, who excels in opening up spaces for team mates, who also excels in ‘Passing against
the grain’ where he quickly analyses the body shape of the pressing players closest to him, plays with a
‘mig toc’ or ‘half touch’ when under pressure, and releases passes away from the pressure of the
opponent, creating space for his team mates to attack into space.

We can see that in Futsal, players will generally use the sole of the foot to receive, and often with the toe
to shoot, and I will show some examples in football of players using these parts of the foot, and why they
were effective.

Most Brazilians have grown up playing Futsal, so I will take a look at 2 goals scored by both Ronaldo and
Ronaldinho, and show some examples of how Neymar uses the sole of his foot to stall defenders, giving
him time and space to dribble or pass, especially with minimal space.

Neymar is arguably the most exciting footballer in the world, like Ronaldo and Ronaldinho mentioned
before, has a strong Futsal background. When the ball comes to him, he prefers to receive with the sole
then directly attack the player in front, who can’t press as close as he would like as his control makes
players back off, as its instant control, and with it being on the sale, allows him to change the direction
multiple times without moving off the spot, with his foot hovering just above the ball.

When he does this, his Futsal 1v1 dribbling in tight spaces abilities are obvious, as he likes to try to
eliminate his opponent early, so defenders back off, creating space for him to pass or attack 1v1.

THE PASS with the different contact surfaces but mainly the work with both inside surface of both
feet, it becomes important especially thereby winning precision.
Today with artificial grass fields and winning the pitch quality is very important to gain accuracy in
a speed game and of course in the conservation of ball and possession but also and above all
this we win and acquire a possession game and speed of much higher quality.
This improvement in the technical quality of pass with inside also allows us to pass in the best
condition to partner, and is of vital importance when giving deep passes, space passes and of
course decisive pass in the final meters, as death passes or passes to second. And the positive
influence in defining to goal in the final meters by placing the ball and also in penalty shots.
Similarly we can play more effectively in small spaces.
The “rondo” with its many variants is an absolutely essential type tools.
It is also an important work of the inside instep low pass, with both feet which allows us
substantially to improve the accuracy of the pass that leads to more difficulty than the pass with
inside surface, and that does serve as a tool for long passes and gain more power without
sacrificing accuracy.

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It is a very useful and essential pass for defenders and midfielders to enable remotely located
midfielders without losing precision and offering a pass for good control and without sacrificing
the speed of the game as a good pass could avoid 2-3 short passes or high risky passes.
We often see in Soccer that the deepest players are now given responsibility for developing
attacks from deep, especially as the DM/#6 is marked and unable to receive, meaning that
difficult passes into small spaces are becoming a requirement to play in defence in 11v11.
Variety of elevation passes – spoon: effective pass with great utility for getting free from intense
pressures whenever we have a close companion and also to save and break defensive lines and
offside positions close to goal and area. Iniesta
Pass with exterior surface, low ankle technique pass useful for rapid and surprising combination
and exit from pressure, 2-4 meters pass.
Similar to in Soccer, the outside of the foot pass over short distances can help evade pressure,
especially when running at high speed and passing with the outstep while in running stride.
Parallel Pass, exterior surface or toe pass, resort, rarely used in football but it can have a major
role if you know how to use and when, mainly its utility could be found in situations where duality
attack or combination of 2 - 3 players is used as a source of attack.
In Soccer, when a full back for example is under high pressure, he may have an option to pass
down the line and the only way is to lift it over the foot of the pressing player. Similarly, this may
also be used to pass behind an opposition FB into a diagonal run when under pressure around
the corner of the opposition’s penalty box.

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The work and training of the control with the interior surface is improved since the rebound or
bounce of the ball becomes necessary more effective, greater manipulation of the ball with this
surface, because of the reduces spaces and the need to give the least possible options to rival
pressure in the balloon to recover the same.
The star is the soled Control, this control comes from necessarily preparing the best and most
quickly as possible the pass in order to make it in the best possible conditions to our colleagues,
otherwise we would lose game speed and exploitations of advantages.
It is the most used in futsal and soccer is being incorporated, increasingly more reliable thanks to
the field surfaces which allow it and especially by advocates of TIKI TAKA as it lets you control
the ball and preserve it in both individual and collective way. Facilitating protection of it in the
individual aspect as it allows placing the body very quickly and appropriately so it's correctly
performed you can win the position by using the body intelligently (Xavi/Neymar).

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PIVOT playing game – very important !!

If this control is used well oriented, the advantages, benefits and profits become more relevant as
well as the conservation and protection referred allow us to release the pressure and a positive
progress in offensive positions.
Last, if we use it in the proper manner with fake control, a new soccer dribbling could be
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All this working with two feet make the player acquires a skill that is a plus, added to the
technical work that can be performed in the soccer which, of course, is positive and necessary.
Neymar sole control makes the gap between opponents big enough to escape through

Here, the ball arrives at Neymar who is closed down instantly. Any bad touch would result in a turnover. If
it’s a bad touch with the inside or outstep, the ball can rebound away from him. As he uses the sole, he
has instant control and can change direction or pass the ball quickly.

Sole control makes the defender back off and gives Neymar time and space to make a decision

As Neymar receives with the sole again, his control is instant. He rolls with the sole of his right foot and
passes with the same foot so quickly that the defender can’t react to the fast receive and pass.

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Futsal scenario – 4v4 with blocked forward pass into the striker

As Neymar is pressured as the pass is played, he stalls the defender by receiving with the sole, fake
rolling right then dragging it across to his left, all with his 1st touch. This creates the space for the passing
lane into the striker which was previously blocked. The roll to the side opens up just enough space to find
a passing lane out of pressure and into a position which penetrated the midfield.

Passing lane blocked in a 1v2 but the role and release splits the opponents

Again, Neymar receives to protect the ball with the sole, and when under pressure, rolls across to his left
and passes with his left, accelerating with his right leg to look for the 1-2 return.

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Roll to pass creates the option to cut inside

Neymar again receives with the sole, and the defender backs off as he has the ball under control. As the
midfielder makes the run from deep into the corner, this takes away his opponent from covering the space
inside, opening up the cut inside. The option Neymar takes is to roll and release into the run then support
to offer a 1v1 which he enjoys and is comfortable playing with minimal space.

Paulinho half-turn sole receive under pressure from behind to protect and retain

In this situation, City have pressed the ball on the side and execute a central pass pressing trap with a 1-2
wide press, with 3 covering behind. As the ball is passed centrally, Paulinho moves to meet the ball and is
in a difficult position – moving to the ball with heavy pressure from behind, he can’t stop to wait on the ball
as the opponent will move to intercept the ball, so he must move onto the ball, using the roll of the pass to
slow it down.

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As he receives, he does so with his sole, giving instant control and the ability to roll the ball
exactly to where he wants the ball.

Commonly, a 1st touch would be taken here with the inside of the foot in youth football, with the right foot it
would spin to the left, giving the defender the advantage as he can cut across the opponent and steal the
ball while protecting it. If he touches with the outside of the right, he could use Holtby in the center if he
protects and turns, but the sole receive is easiest to control as he can orientate the ball on the run without
stopping, and can then pass where he wants to.

The futsal technique applied to soccer cannot subtract but will add much and maybe in modern
soccer a differentiator in quality between a good technical player and great player as it improves
its performance as football player, giving him more and better resorts so the player will grow in
confidence as the security in his skills can solve many situations in the game.
Important for its contribution to offering penetration possibilities but also in game processes –
rondo to switch and play 1v1 on the outside for example - but where if we get clear and obvious
benefits that are commonly used is precision ball control conduction abnormalities of the foot
which leads us to have much more control of the situation and of course possession retention and
significantly hinder an opponent's option to intercept or steal the ball as we eliminate players.
In this case it is exercised on a more obvious outer surface - for driving external instep and also
the tread. DRIVING work allows us at any given time in an effective control on the ball to put us
Futsal consists of among other things, technical skills, including dribble, feint, etc.
In futsal is essential the 1v1 so dribbling is worked a lot. That makes its contribution to dribbling
and ball handling is extremely important to make different turns when existing or turns are
mastered. The cow's tail, kibble, bicycles, etc. are dribbling and feints that can be seen in futsal
courts usually, they are normal in small field games and are often seen to be used by street
footballers who play in both sports – Neymar, Ronaldinho, Robinho, Falcao.

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- INTERIOR - PLACEMENT - Very important technical gesture in futsal where precision is
essential when shooting on goal, since the dimensions of the net force must be much more
precise but without forgetting some power in this type of shooting. The work of this shot helps
improving accuracy, improving support in the shot, improving the technical ability as
power+placement and also security of hitting the target in this shot and of course a very important
thing it helps to work and improve in a significant way the shot gesture, body language, body
shooting and of course together with that, the art of deception.
Kicking ball situations ideal for football end situations close to goal inside the area and allow
beating fast, dry, not without some power, placement, accuracy and effectiveness and of course
the works of body language and deception to goalkeeper. Likewise for the penalty shot the player
acquires much security and confidence.
- UPPER INTERIOR - POWER - PLACEMENT. - Already widely used in soccer but by
training this kick precision shooting is gained, and as the futsal ball is smaller, technique and
gesture are improved significantly.

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- TOE - speed and effectiveness - widely used in futsal where it is taken many times, as it
is effective in the proximity of the opponent can block the view of the goalkeeper or by the speed
of the game, a quick hit at goal. It serves also as a surprise hit for the goalkeeper (when half way
out or when it is not expected that shot) as there is little back lift which gives the GK a clue as to
when a shot may be taken, reducing the reaction and adjustment time available.
Used with both legs and it is very useful when you do not have much confidence in weak foot and
the circumstances of the game strike force with said foot.
It is a resource for quick actions with little space or actions firepower dry, improvised and
unpredictable. This shot is given little information to the opponent about the body gesture or the
direction of the ball.
It is being used increasingly in soccer especially in close proximity to target actions where there is
not enough time or space to build good leg and wants to tap surprise to evade defensive
goalkeeper or defender.
Players who use this shot type in Soccer regularly, either from a 1v1 dribble or simply to get a fast
shot on target with no back lift to allow the defence a chance to clear or divert the ball;
Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Raul, Messi, Davor Suker.

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Kicking with the toe is an effective tool when the opponent is close and we need to shoot quickly.

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Here we can see the pivot game again and the movement after passing to give the pivot 2
options, turning and shooting or passing.

See how the pivot controls the ball with the sole and that way protects it from the defender and
that allows him to turn around very quick.

The pivot decides to turn and shoot using a quick kick with the toe. He had also a second option,
passing to his teammate on his left.

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He scores.

Again fast kick with the toe to score. See how the defender is very close to the player with the ball
so he needs to shoot fast.

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See how close the defenders are to him. If he had made a normal kick, he had probably been

Good dribbling is short space and after it he needs to shoot quickly so he uses the toe.

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Good position of the body, fast shooting near the goal.

Ronaldinho Toe Poke Goal v Chelsea; 2006 Champions League

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Ronaldinho was under pressure from 3 players, he stopped the ball, turned his knee then toe-poked the
ball with no back lift to score v Chelsea. We can see that he has a straight leg on contact with his toes
pointed up to generate top spin and add power to the shot. This all comes from the knee, locking the ankle
and driving the toe through the center of the ball.

We can see that with 5v1, he shouldn’t be able to do anything, but his fake with the knee turn creates a
little bit of space between players to allow a direct line between the ball and far post. Cech can’t see
behind all of the defenders and doesn’t react as he can’t see the back lift which can be the trigger to start
moving before the ball is kicked.

Ronaldo Toe Poke Goal v Turkey; World Cup 2002

Similar to the Ronaldinho goal v Chelsea, Ronaldo has minimal space and time to get a shot on goal. His
Futsal instincts allow him to see that there is space between him and the far post, and a toe poke will
make it difficult to block the shot, or react to the shot once the ball is moving.

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We can see that from Ronaldo’s straight leg on impact and his ties pointed up, that he generates enough
power while shooting on the run – he uses his stride to effectively ‘run into the ball’ which has no back lift
to trigger the movement alert for the goalkeeper, who like Cech, reacts late, although as he can see the
ball, he reacts earlier but can only divert the ball into the corner.

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In Futsal you work in tight spaces next to opponents, little time to think and make decisions and
therefore must use every weapon available to get minimal benefits. Body language is very
important in order to properly support, passing, shooting in less time and better performance, to
play with the "deception" and the wrong information to the opponent on your intentions and
direction of the ball and of course also for gaining stability, aggression and speed reaction on
defensive duties.


In futsal talking it takes special importance and relevance. Communicating helps the team to
partner and by information, aids, verbal signs, and all this results in an improvement in the game
and both offensive and defensive actions resulting general immediate results, leading to better
and faster understanding of the partner/s, their reactions, their movements and trends and
customs in the game.

This one works and trains and that is especially important the dualities and 3v3 game, practicing,
promotes and undertakes to perform continual acts of communication, support and of course
invites us to know our colleagues better and understand them.

In these exercises we set 2v2 and 3v3 different assumptions or rules to achieve the goals we

The most important work in Futsal is based on training 2v2 that provides almost every
offensive and defensive variants of the sport, including communication between peers.
Transfer to soccer is being viewed more and more evident as there are many situations
that occur or are created where duality (both defence and attack) is an action game that
can be key to the development of a game and outcome.

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Blocks can be understood as an action that is performed only in STRATEGY actions but in Futsal
is also incorporated in the normal development of the game to help a fellow exit out of pressure,
to give a solution in attacking moves, to create spaces and openings, and of course as an
important offensive weapon and (like in basketball in the popular pick and roll).
It is very effective if used well known, at the right time and also with the corresponding variants. In
football blocking is being used and incorporated blocking in strategy actions, mainly in the corner
more and more.
The leading exponent of this type of action is Barca with Pique and Pujol from corner kicks, also
in strategy fouls near the area to be able to drag and create clarified. I think soccer could use
more and more actions, and attack combinations could incorporate the pick and roll, so training
these actions can be very effective.
Some football coaches imported resources handball, football and basketball to take full
advantage of set pieces where other sports with strategies to create a little bit of space are
With blocking, the attacker hinders the movement of a defender when placed in its possible path.
"It is a concept of basketball and futsal but can also serve in football. Advantage is the
involvement of a partner to be unmarked" agrees Victor Valdes.
"In set pieces, there are things you can learn from other team sports," says Guardiola.
It works when the opponent defends man, not with areas or mixed. If defends set pieces in area
or mixed, which is how most do now is not the best option but also works if you do a proper
scouting and used in the right way. So, the more options your team get, better.
And, "well prepared, the set pieces assure you that shot," said Xesco Espar, handball coach
(European champion with Barca) and professor of INEFC.


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Feints: the feint is one of the most important weapons of futsal as a maneuver to win a second, a
meter, you need to make the small advantage which in futsal is absolutely fundamental. It is an
action which is very much and hard trained and used after many passes and actions without the
ball and of course in strategy.
Knowing using properly the hint and do it well is a key element in the training and preparation of
futsal player. The feints not only need to be done but you have to do them well because many
players believe that they do well and not so well, do not get the objectives and benefits to be
gained from them. With No feints or deceptive maneuver, it would be almost impossible to beat a
good defense and overwhelm an opponent defender intelligent and well-prepared.
The rate changes are primarily offensive actions but also useful in defense again allowing us to
gain a small advantage over the opponent and win this space to create a dangerous action
against the rival goal. The rhythm changes are made in 2-3-4 meters and are incorporated
virtually all actions both individuals and collective offensive tactics, when conducting a parallel,
diagonal wall, overlapping, go to pivot to kick, etc... .
It is an action that requires physical fitness and technique to choose the time, place and the
opponent against which you can make better and more effectively. The work of changing rhythm
of futsal and its adaptation to soccer is something that is essential in the conservation game ball,
to play offensive combination in short course or spaces, in the combination and definition game or
next to the area, serves to create spaces and uncheck in small spaces, are clear examples
Iniesta, Messi, Silva, Marcelo....

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The action of moving from one place to another on the pitch without being in possession of the
ball, both inside and outside the specific post.

The type and form of displacement is conditioned by the circumstances of the game, needs to be
considered within the field of view all the elements of the game and taking positions that benefit
the body balanced acceleration and changes of pace.


The action to vary, alter and modify the trajectory of their movement, both in the opposite
direction, as in other than the primary address.

The importance of mastering the technique is based on the need to use clear development, style
and tactical actions both individually and collectively.

Generically important are changes of pace in the direction changes, with the specific objective of
each case determined by increasing or decreasing the speed of displacement.

Between the first and the remaining paths are used there should be no gap or pause.

Address changes can be:

- Change of direction: change the direction of the path.

- Simple: alter once the initial trajectory.
- Compounds: vary twice, at least, address or felt

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defensive action of great importance in the game of futsal which is done and worked mainly by
defensive line further back but all players must master, training, and work. It is something that
must be done and not take for granted to improve individually defensiveness player and
especially his mentality and his reading of such actions during the game.
First you have to anticipate with the mind and then with the body, to prevent or hinder the
reception of the ball. In Soccer the work of this individual defensive technique can significantly
improve the mentality and the defensive actions to prevent close to goal offensive movements
and is also useful in midfield for recovering balls.
Training should be combined or small spaces in fields and fields to accommodate large soccer
spaces or distances.
Is a defensive action to dispossess the opponent of the ball with your toe when no option or
possibility of taking the possession, and want to prevent control or conservation by the opponent.
As futsal is a very fast game and quick actions is needed to have this defensive action to annoy
and disrupt opposing offensive action.
In its application to soccer would be very useful in increasing concentration Individual defensive,
avoid mistakes and even as indirect spend when you can snatch the ball to the opponent and
retrieve it directly.
It's a very valid action in hazardous areas and mainly in goal area within which reduces the risk of
making a tackle by penalty.

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Also for goalkeepers it is fundamental in the 1x1 when it holds the position and used the cross.

Close spaces
Today with strategic and tactical variants that exist in soccer is essential that individual and
collective defensive action. The training and awareness work to close spaces, passing lanes and
shooting is very important for the collective work complements defensive inseparably and the
fundamental principle of adequate pressure to the ball.
The command and control of space is particularly busy in futsal since the game is much more
alive and exciting and the smaller ball, have the concepts clear reference space-time is a
resource that increases the level of player and gives an added defensive quality.

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Habitual and continuous situation in futsal where transitions are a common action. The working
of these situations in football withdrawal promote a culture of effort and tremendous collective
defensive mind-set and proper reaction to loss or self-shot.

Defensive Transitions 'Premises':

 P re pa ra tion for the withdra wa l (Aptitude a nd Attitude ).
 The re tre a t by the middle of the fie ld ca n be a good s olution.
 To guide the tim ing on the s trong s ide of the pla ye r who le a ds , not going to s te a l the ba ll a nd
prevent progression covering passing lanes.
 Do not drop to the ground to s te a l the ba ll, if we a re uns ure of inte rce pt.
 In ca s e of 2x3 holde r to force the ball to play open side of the defense.
 P re s s P a s s time the pla ye r without the ba ll.
 Avoid 1x2 in the m iddle of the court.
 Equa lity with the goa lke e pe r or withdra wa l in s itua tions of 1x2 a nd 2x3, if it occurs , will be
individual marking.

Good defense transition by Brazil after losing the ball

with 3 players arriving to defense positions.

The retreat seeks to ensure collective central space defense and end zones.

 The re tre a t will be ba la nce d a nd will be de te rm ine d by the pla ying conditions of the oppos ing
team and our own (Position in the field, hand speed and counterattack, timing of the match,
result, etc.)

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5. - Futsal Goalkeeper

The GOALIE is the last defender and the FIRST attacker. The last defender as, a concentrated
active, attentive keeper not only serves to stop actions into his own net but serves to participate in
more defensive facets of the game as last defender if able to engage in these defensive duties.
The GK must be at all times focused and attentive to, that way, read the play and offensive
actions and to anticipate some footwork, passes or individual stocks.

This aspect transferred to soccer goalie helps the player feel more, more involved, more jobs and
contributing more to the team, in small spaces, in the goal, at exits on long balls and generally in
reading the game of the opponent will facilitate action to that effect.

Moreover assume that the goalkeeper should have a good technical condition of this form to play
as the first offensive player and thus have this mentality when it comes, not only to put the ball in
play with his hand , so that you can leverage many situations, but also can use the feet effectively
and efficiently , with confidence and enough security to go short or long as needed to play one or
two touches and mainly having the confidence , calm and game vision needed to play these
situations with guaranteed success and without risks.

This is essential in the modern soccer (Valdes, Reina, Neuer) and for this the goalie participation
is included in many technical phases of the training field. It allows the other players to play the
ball confidently with the goalkeeper which sometimes is reducing or avoiding risks. Allows the
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team to get the ball played from the beginning, gives assurance, trust, allows the goalie to start
the attack after an interception or clearance, and improves quality and offensive options.

we discussed all this leads to improved overview of goalie when help close spaces within the
vicinity of the area and of course work based goal of maintaining the position best to avoid going
to the ground is a contribution Basic specific job futsal goalkeeping. Mirroring also works with
much labor intensified reaction speed and movement speed and frequency of legs.

Positions open - 1x1 fundamental position and key gatekeepers and today are increasingly
apparent in modern football. The first wine of South American goalkeepers (Argentina and Brazil)
and today is widespread influence. The position called cross futsal goalkeepers is the
fundamental position in face to face situations against an attacker or attackers positions close to
the goal. Basically consists of stand and see the direction of the player with the ball and the ball
itself to adopt the best position to maintain balance and position, and be prepared to cover
spaces and not lose responsiveness to stop or clear the ball. Within the cross different positions
allowing even greater effectiveness and of course never lose face ball will work.


Used when the ball is close with the aim of covering the maximum angle shot. Very useful in 1xp
and usually occurs in situations pass over the area but has some risk.

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- Trunk: upright.

- Legs: A knee flexed 90 ° and over

- Arms: semi flexed and not separated from the body. They can move to create doubts.

- Hands: open and with some muscle tension.

To use applies when the attacker with ball is close to the goalie and this "club” position in order to
cover the maximum angle shot. The goalkeeper tries to cover the maximum angle shot, closing
the natural side of the attacker at the time that accommodates the body to finish, forcing him to do
it in a more complicated way, thus limiting their chances of success and subtracting options.

The basic position of the cross is characterized by the following features:

1. Head up always watching the ball

2. Trunk inclined slightly forward

3. Slightly bent and arms apart. Always placed below to move from bottom to top.

4. One leg bent and the other knee on the floor, grouped, avoiding space between them.

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Hand and foot technique

Improved reflexes, the specific work of porters is essential and work the train futsal goalkeeping
would be essential and enriching for a soccer goalie, reflexes to work, usually said that reflexes is
very complicated because hardly work them better, but if it is clear that the reaction rate and
improves the speed and futsal that can provide resources, tools very valid.

Danger is espacioles referential monitoring and target size and high outputs, as corners and

Last defender and attacker first

Protections against injury. Protections usual goalkeepers why they cannot be useful in protecting
the hands and fingers of the porters is a very personal and deep-rooted culture and could be
moved if it were necessary .

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Their relationship is close and inseparable concepts then see the commonalities between the

There is a correspondence between individual tactics and footwork. For each tactical situation
usually have different technical alternatives. The choice of the most suitable alternative for each
moment has to be related to the fact that the athlete know carry it out (footwork).
There is a correspondence between the collective and technical tactic collectively. For each
tactical situation there are usually several technical alternatives. The choice of the most suitable
alternative at all times is to be related to the fact that the team knows how to carry it out. The
technical implementation must be subject to strategic and tactical objectives. In opposition sports,
strategy, tactics and techniques are closely related.

Some examples from FUTSAL:

• Oriented controls are fundamental in the current FUTSAL AND SOCCER game to develop
attack before pressing defense.
• Oriented control with the sole is the most used and is usually done by going out to meet
the ball to gain space to the brand sticky defender and making further progress in attack
with more time and space.
• It is increasingly used a "fake" oriented control, tricking the body (fake) just managed to
guide rather than the ball, stepped on and leave the defender behind.
• It must drive the ball without looking continually implies inefficiency as having no executor
within their visual field game elements.
• Shooting with Toe: is the most power and is generally used when the ball is dominated or
controlled, must be hit in its central area to direct it where you want.

To properly orient its activity, the football player must know very well their sport and never forget
that it is immersed in a team sport in which every individual action is executed to help and on
behalf on the community, always in search of effective work general.
The work of individual technique must therefore be oriented towards team effectiveness.
Importantly, although the technique is the differentiator of the quality of the game.

In summary, training a football team should occupy most of their time in the specific work of track,
have the player in constant contact with the ball, having to adapt to these situations specific
physical aspects and strategic and tactical fundamentals according to the demands of high

As the best coaches say the best way to improve a football player is playing futsal

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Futsal Defending Scenarios
In Futsal, you will often see a team change its shape when the ball moves, when players rotate positions,
and when the ball is in various areas. For example, you may sometimes see that when a team has the ball
on the left touchline on the half way line, the attack may be in a 2-2 box shape, while the defence plays the
same, man-marking close to goal, and playing in a more zonal system closer to the half way line.

As the players change position, and the ball is moved, the opposition must move, making space for the
attack to possibly find a way through, but to counter this, you will often find that the 2-2 box will evolve into
a 1-2-1 diamond, to cover both sides, and block the passing lane into the striker, forcing play wide and into
a dangerous position for the attack, and giving the defender on the side the chance to win the ball via an
interception, forcing a mistake or the ball going out of play.

Example of a 2-2 box moving to a 1-2-1 diamond

In this example, the 5 use a flying goalkeeper (common in Futsal when you need to score a goal, but
dangerous as a long shot can result in a goal), so have a 5v4 overload. The defence needs to close off
passing angles and stop the attack from using the spare player, but be aware of movement behind.

As the top of the diamond presses the ball, he wants to force play back where it came from, and stop the
opposition from moving the ball around easily, restricting the amount of times the defence need to move,
restricting the amount of space that can open up to use to attack with.
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Futsal 3-1 to 2-2 defensive formation

Here, the striker presses high on the playmaker, and with his body shape, cuts off a pass one way, forcing
the pass to the other. As he does this, this is a trigger for the player on the relevant side of the ball to
move early to press the next receiver, or if possible, intercept. It is important to try to force this player wide
and backwards if possible, stopping the receiver from turning and forcing them to play back, or possibly
winning possession.

This is based on a zonal defence, where players have to be aware of the various rotation patterns teams
may have, but each player is responsible for an area on the field and must defend that zone, obviously
marking runners to a point before passing them on if the team mate is free. When pressing, the defence
will force the opponent wide or back (preferably both) whenever possible, disallowing any play through the

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Futsal scenario on the side in an 11v11 match; 2-2 defence

Zonal Flooding

Black; back 4, Red; Mid 4, Blue; Front 2/AM & CF

Teams now regularly set up to force play wide and win possession on the sides, teams such as Chelsea,
Borussia Dortmund and Juventus are very good at this, and they can do this by ensuring that the only way
out of trouble centrally is to go wide (making play predictable) then trying to move the ball into the center
as central players move wide. The defending team will prioritize winning possession in wide areas,
possibly through overloads, and using the touchline as a defender.

A good attacking team will recognize this tactic, and use the stress placed upon them to pass the ball into
the zone, drawing opponents close then supporting wide, possibly making a 4v2 or 4v3 (like in a rondo) to
release a central player as a 3rd man and by-pass the pressure with passes that draw in the opponent then
find the space man outside of the wide zone to attack centrally – Barcelona under Guardiola were very
good at this type of attack.

As the ball is passed across the field, the wide midfielder (red) will press the ball, as the full back (black)
marks the wide attacker (yellow). Inside of these 2, the attacking midfielder (blue) covers inside as the
near side central midfielder completes the 2-2 box, flooding the zone 4v2 and giving themselves a great
chance to regain possession through overloading the zone. The key to this action defensively is blocking
the passing lane into the near side central midfielder via the 1st player pressure, and the attacking
midfielders positioning. A pass back across the defence wouldn’t be bad for the defence but they want to

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win possession, so making a pass back risky would force the forward pass and give the team the chance
to win possession quickly.

Example of the midfield 4-4-1-1 changing to 4-1-4-1 via a change to 3-1 press from 2-2 on the side

As the ball is passed inside to the defensive midfielder (who was being marked by the striker, but has lost
him), the team need to reshape quickly and press high as the ball has been passed back. The striker
leads the pressure, with the attacking midfielder the central player behind him, with the wide midfielder on
one side, the near side central midfielder on the other. The far side central midfielder was previously
covering the central line of the field, but is now the designated defensive midfielder, covering behind the
lines of pressure between midfield and defence, blocking the passing lane into the striker.

The body shape of the players as they press makes a huge difference to the quality of the defensive play,
they must force play back to where it came from to stop the switch of play, containing play in one area,
and stopping the attack from passing to move the opposition, which opens up spaces.

Again, a good attacking team will look to keep the ball moving to draw in opponents, and release a 3rd man
in a penetrating position, possibly between the wide midfielder and defensive midfielder, which can take
out the 3-1 defensive pressure. If the wide midfielder comes in too wide, and the pressure on the ball is
too slow, a diagonal wide pass can move the whole defensive block and give the attacking team the
advantage by pushing the defence deeper and gaining control of the field.

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Scenario; 1-2-1 diamond when defending the side in the final 3rd to force play back in a 4-3-3

Here, the attack have a dangerous player on the touchline, who has 2 targets inside the box, and the
attacking midfielder able to help to link play around the edge of the box. To counter this, the defence have
made a diamond, the wide attacker (blue) pressing the ball but the full back (black) and LCM( red)
covering both sides to dribble, with the DM (red) marking the attacking midfielder (yellow).

The defence wants to force play back to get out of defending the penalty box. The positions of the CF and
far side winger are crucial, they want to ensure that if they leave anyone spare (having overloaded the
penalty box 4v2 and the pressure zone 4v2, that the only players who are unmarked are the center backs,
forcing the opposition to pass back, allowing the defence to get out and reshape as the ball is passed back
into the consolidation phase.

In this scenario, you may have an attacker who enjoys playing in this type of scenario and will try to dribble

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Example of a 1-2-1 defence covering large spaces in the build-up phase in a 4-2-3-1 formation

In the build-up phase, the attack have a 4v6 (4v7 if you use the GK) in the build-up phase, so the defence
must find a way to equal the numbers, and prioritize where they will defend from. Normally, the defence
will defend centrally and allow play to be passed into the full backs.

Above, as the ball is passed back to the center back who wants to switch play across the field, the striker
has moved from blocking the passing lane inside from full back to central midfield to sprinting into the
space between center backs, blocking the passing lane before closing down the ball. As this happens, the
wide midfielder (7) sprints across to cover a long pass to the far side full back, while the full back (black)
pushes up to play close to the winger, as commonly a long diagonal pass is used to force a mid-block
deeper and gain control of midfield.

The AM (10) will drop off onto the central midfielder, as will the initial pressing wide midfielder, stopping
passes into Central midfield and again, forcing a longer and more difficult pass to deal with. The full back
who initially pressed high on the side of the ball has tucked back in again which puts the narrow mid-block
system back in place on the side of the ball, protecting the center and making play predictable.

When we assess the benefits of a Futsal defensive system and contextualize it into possibilities for
Football, Futsal shows us that we need to pay closer attention to the small details of how we can
anticipate the action of the player on the ball, and force them into doing what the defence wants
them to do, especially close marking in the opposition half.

A. - Defensive Tactics and Systems

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Half Court Zonal Marking; Playing half court zonal marking allows for the team to maintain a
defensive shape where each player is responsible for an area and the movements of the
opponents around that area.
Half court de-completion provides more space to counter attack in behind the opposition once
possession is won, but it can be beaten and allow scoring chances if a player is eliminated with a
dribble in a 1v1 scenario and can either shoot directly, or look for a far post pass to a team mate.
This is also common in football; taking the example of Bayern Munich v Real Madrid – Bayern
wanted to attack with 10 players in the Madrid half, while Real Madrid wanted to defend deep to
use the space that Bayern would leave behind the defence. Futsal is great for working on both of
these aspects and learning how to deal with preventing and defending counter attacks, while also
learning how to eliminate players from the defence and runs to make when you expect a defender
to be beaten and a scoring chance to appear.
POSITIONS: 2-2, 1-2-1




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¾ court zone marking 1-2-1

Each defender is responsible for the marked area until the moment the ball is in his area.

¾ Court Zone Marking 2-2

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¾ Court ZONE marking 2-2

Half Court “ Zone” marking,

wrong decision – Brazil

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Half Court “ Zone” marking,

wrong decision – Brazil

No player marking this player

and he scores

The defender is late and he


Full Court Zonal Marking; Instead of playing a very tight formation close to the goal, the defense
will be positioned closer to the opposition goal which can vary between playing a tight zone close
to the opponents goal, or a very large zone, which allows more space between players; in full
court pressure, the space behind the deepest player can be exploited and allow an attacker
through on goal, but the risk is balanced with the ability to press high and win possession close to
the opposition goal and can force the opposition to turnover possession clearing the ball away
from their own goal, the ball exiting the court or from interceptions when they try to play intricately
out of their own half.
Pressing Triggers in Football in a Small Sided Context
All of the Futsal defensive scenarios, will have various ‘triggers’ in which players react to a pre-
agreed situation – a bad touch, receive towards own goal, forcing away from the center, can read
the pass early – Marcelo Bielsa says there are 26 pressing triggers – but it is up to the coach and

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team to agree which ones will be used, and how to direct play one way to force the attack to
attack where you want them to, and you to defend where you want to defend from.
MK Dons have a progressive young manager in Karl Robinson, and his pressing triggers were
evident in the 4-0 victory over Manchester United, many turnovers resulting in scoring chances.
Pressing Trigger to ‘trap’ in wide zone

When there is no possibility to pass sideways to open up play, the pass must go forwards and
centrally, at a minimal angle to build play or use the CM to ‘bounce’ play from.
The trigger here is that the player must receive facing his own goal, a common pressing trigger.
The trap will be made from the movement of the 3 players around the deepest pressing player.
The main aspect of making the trap is that the receiving player has no option but to use the
‘obvious’ exits available – the exits which are set out by the defending team as they know that
they can close the ball down before or as it is passed, hopefully resulting in a turnover and
attacking situation.

As the player takes a touch, he is looking for an easy pass – the 2 easy options have both been
discouraged and dribbling here is very dangerous, especially with a man on the back and a player
who can tuck inside to press 2v1 and regain possession.

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The trap is made – the player in possession is forced into turning wide as the defenders
movement forced him to – now the 4 players will close down the central passing space and
attempt to make a tackle and win the ball 2v1.

The trap is completed and the ball is regained from an interception – the deepest player behind
the press plays man-man and is able to read the pass into the space before the wide player,
using some strength to get across the front and onto the ball.
Now that the ball is won, the player looks for a fast forward pass with 4 players ahead of him. The
player dropping into the space is the transition outlet and is found to create a scoring chance.

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Different positions: 1-1-2, 2-1-1, 2-2

2 4

5 4

The defence pushes high and tries to force a mistake from the opponent while the over behind
the press is to stop any 1-2 actions to get between the lines. Each defender is responsible for the
player on the same line as themselves.

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Half Court Man-Man Marking; Similar to half court zonal marking, but instead of sticking rigidly
to a shape and positions, players are designated one opponent and must follow them closely to
stop the opponent being able to receive, and when they do receive, are unable to turn and pass
or dribble to attack the goal.

Players can easily be dragged into positions that open up team mates when playing against an
intelligent team who watch the movements of their team mates and opponents to find space. This
is balanced by the fact that playing against a weaker opponent, winning possession regularly in
1v1’s can provide lots of scoring chances on the counter attack especially of the ball is won near
the half way line.

Half Court Man-Man Marking

Half Court Man to Man marking

defense is man to man but this

defender is closing the middle

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Full Court Man-Man Marking; In a man-man marking full court pressure, the ball can be won
much closer to the oppositions goal, and under pressure, they may simply kick the ball long to
ensure that possession isn’t lost in a position where the opposition can score from. If the
opposition team play full court man-man marking, a team who can play in intricate spaces and
evade pressure close to their own goal can find more chances to score with the opposition
playing high, as the space behind the defensive block can be exploited, resulting in 2v1’s against
the GK, where the far post pass would be used.


1 3

3 4

Full Court Man to Man marking

Each player takes repsonsibility for an opponent, always tracking the runs, putting pressure on the ball
and looking to make a fast break if the ball is regained.

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Full Court Man-Man Marking

As the opposition rotates positions, the defence must run with them to prevent them from finding
space (which is the reason for rotating positions).
If the defence doesn’t have the required fitness level to maintain a high pressure, man-marking
system, there is a chance that they can be exploited due to a lack of pace, stamina or
concentration as a result of the lower fitness level then the opponents.

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Half and Full Court Man-Man Marking with changes; Similar to half and full court man-man
marking, where are designated one opponent and must follow them but with the chance of
changing the opponent in different situations set by the coach or set by the players always under
signals or preagreements or calls.

Half Court Man-Man Marking

with changes

Each player takes responsibility for a man in this 3-1 block system.

Half Court Man to Man marking

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Every defender is in charge of one player and follows him respecting some rules.

Half Court Man to Man marking

with changes

Every defender is in charge of one player and follows him unless a change of marking is called.

Full Court Man-Man Marking

Coaches in Futsal have great influence from the sides as they can dictate to the team to change
tactics to counter how the opposition is playing the game, or improve the chances they have of

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Changing from half court zonal to full court man-man, the opposition must work harder to retain
possession but the defense must also expend more energy to chase an opponent and ensure
they can win that 1v1 battle, which can result in one player often winning possession and creating
chances to score.

Full Court Man-Man Marking

Full Court Man to Man marking

with changes

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B. - Attacking Tactics and

B.1. - Positions & Movements

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B.1.1. - Triangulations From Futsal To Soccer

The term "triangulation" in opposition-cooperation sports is not new;

However, seeking the principle of superiority and not by most players in offensive zone, but the
explanatory power of the holder of the ball and the positioning of their peers (overloading).

This suggests that the concept of triangulation has gone through a number of methods and
means that have sought the best way to be functionally applied in the game.

The great exponents of the subject were the Dutch, with their total football concept applied to
Clockwork Orange and, in essence, is the ability of a player at any position, that is, when a player
changes position is replaced by another functionally, which undertakes to maintain a defined
structure, short and fairly stable in game functionality.

According to this model, based on positional triangles possession guaranteed to generate

dynamic combinations, maintain adequate circulation of the ball

Hence the concept of vital importance for application to futsal, because the game space and the
number of players to structure recovery models and proposals offensive grounded in geometric
shapes, especially triangles, in minimal space.

FUTSAL is an expression of opposition-cooperative games that has particular characteristics. For

the configuration of space and their actions, is a game with common space and simultaneous
participation, this means that, operationally, the fight focuses on space control and possession of
the ball. However, the functional dynamics of the game takes place in a permanent duality,
represented by the game phases which work many times at the same time, mixing the phases.
The game indirect attack phases (positionally) or direct attack (counter) brings the essential task
of scoring goals in the context opponent. Likewise, indirect defensive action (positional defense)
or direct defense (folds) are the essential task of recovery of the ball.

So how to make these tasks are effectively interact with a geometric?

With the premise of the possession of the ball, as a basic principle to dial in the opposite goal, is
passed to build a game model that the team approaches to this thought.

Thus, for example, starting from this basis develop functional strategies offensive triangulation,
which means generate support based permanent passing lanes, solidarity groupings, offensive
backs, mobility as a distractor to build, occupy and use the spaces between other variables.
However, in order to hold the functional and positional distribution which allows movement of the
ball to maintain the geometry and in this particular case the triangles, play an important role
because of its structure, thus passing two alternatives for who has the ball.

It should be noted that the figure, by itself, does not generate any solution, only a possibility, but if
accompanied by a good profile, good positional distribution and initiative to solve, since the
creativity and inventiveness of the players. In other words, accompanied by a tactical thinking
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developed in the player-who decides his actions and therefore the development of the game,
makes the matter simple generation, occupation and use of space.

A model offensive behavior and motor behaviors requires collective meaning, with specific
objectives to solve different situations, from conservation and construction of the game to the
depth that must exist to reach the opponent's frame, to the positions that have or are taken to
finalize or terminate offensive action.

To preserve and secure possession of the ball, you have to maintain communication with the
pass and constant mobility of the players. The support, the passing lanes and open space are
given by the positional distribution, thus the triangles help maintain good communication and
balance the occupancy and distribution of players in space.

Now, with the idea of progress towards the opposite goal, exploit the fissures that are generated
in the opposite defensive unit; it is very important that when the ball penetrate the block exists
otherwise offensive support close and this is achieved by triangulating offensive.

The last point leads to the fundamental task of the offensive phase, getting goals. The shot on
goal is a single technical gesture and its effectiveness depends on many factors, including the
possibilities of movement and mobility in proximity to bow ball adversary possibilities here in
passing lanes is the point. In the task of recovering the game element, and independent strategic
tactical model is chosen, the base of operation is in the structure presented here, we assume a
diagonal arrangement based on solidarity support as support and who exercises direct pressure
on the ball. The diagonals show a concern for the center coverage.

1 1

3 3


Now supported on defensive principles as short relay, players density, space protection and main
grounds, triangular geometric structure. The working premise is the proposition "catch ball", which
can be on land owned or enemy terrain. From there then arise structural and operational spaces
which falls to each of the adversaries. Give tasks and protective zoning based the work of
"triangulation defense."
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In summary, ball recovery requires composite geometric arrangements, it is not enough with one
triangle; necessarily have to form two triangles, one directly and the other pressure support.

In this sense, the first relay and hedging movements have to do with protecting the center. Thus,
each position player performs certain routes, according to the area where the ball is, but
simultaneous mind the whole block should lay to the side of the ball, even in situations of
individual brand. The proposition "get the ball" is the basis of the task, therefore, reduce the
scope of action of the attacker and harass to retrieve the ball, or make a dub second instance,
ends up being the primary objective.

This is an invitation to overcome the teaching based on the simple repetition of motor actions and
involve her cognitive ability of teachers and learners

It also takes special importance at the defensive and especially in the outlet pressure on the ball
and in a completely effective in pressuring the man with the ball and the short passing lanes,
those supports immediate or near and comfortable to the ball.

B.2.2. - Two Shorts (Helps) and One Long (Help/Support)

Play two short and one long ... Is a premise often used by coaches that retains the ball as
interested in good circulation of it and taking some risks taking open passing lanes and support
needed for that aspect of the game conditional. About that's important then mark some premises
to see how they have to be such support, in what positions, etc...
Taking into account aspects such bleated position, defensive pressure on it, good leg holder and
braces, etc..... And of course create and generate exercises and tasks to train those situations.

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two short options and

one long one

Spain has a lack of triangulation here as 3 players are on the same line, but the long option can evade the
pressure from Brazil. The central player will pass then pull away to the far side to open up better passing
angles as the far side player maintains width to use the GK to play 3v2.

B.2. - Systems
One of the features of our sport: the availability of so little space, make the teams when they are
in possession of the ball have to set up and use systems "cheating" the rival (cuts attract
attention, mobility ... to create a superiority in a dangerous area of the field and then to finish in
the best possible conditions).
For these systems, sub-systems of attack, or at least the most frequently used tracks 40x20 is
what we will discuss below.

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The 2-2 formation is one of the basic formations in futsal. Players are positioned in a square.
There are 2 defenders and 2 attackers. This formation is appropriate for amateur or youth teams,
because is balanced in attack and defense.

This positional attack system, used as the base system in the past, still has a great value and we
can keep watching on the futsal court, but now is used more as a resource than as a game

The teams usually play most of the time with other systems of attack and only when conditions
permit party use 1-2-2, initially, as is a more aggressive and offers the possibility of creating direct
danger in front of the opposing goal.

For example: defences against very tight with little intention of pressuring the ball, against teams
that beat us on the scoreboard and narrowed the danger zone, giving the movement from the

Initial situation (open):

The players in this system are distributed in these posts:

- Wings: In this system, two players are the most backward. Must be technically skilled, since
they have no chance of passing the ball back and also have the ability to decide quickly and
ideally (they are the ones who initiate the move so they should have developed the capacity for
decision-making) are two: right and left wing, many coaches prefer to place them on the opposite
side of your dominant foot, which adds capabilities to strike in the middle and shoot on goal, but
largely depends on the skills of the player.

- Pivots: Also two, right and left. They should know how to protect the ball back, and be good
timing pins. They should also be able to read the game without the ball, because they depend on
the creation of spaces that try to take advantage after peers to get the goal.

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In this system, except in exceptional cases, also broken, so that mobility will make both wings
as pivots exchange their positions along the development of the game. The specificity of the
positions will be more meaningful when finished, but not indispensable.

As in any system of attack we use well positioned against a defence must make a series of
previous movements, both of the ball, as players, to try to loosen the defence and create space
that we can then exploit in the completion phase.

These movements, synchrony made by our players, and made from a previous target, we call

Two rotations of the system can be used to 1-2-are:

Rotation Symmetric:
The players of each band exchange positions after passing the ball (or cutting without the ball)

1. The right wing (possessor of the ball) passes the ball to the player who is in the same line of
development (left wing)
2. After the pass, walking forward, is offered in the middle for the possible pass, and continues
with the cutting, stretching the field, up to the location of center right / Meanwhile, center right
offer and go back to find pass line with the new possessor of the ball.
3. The left wing gives the ball to the player who returns from the other side. April. And cut to
exchange its position with the pivot that is in the same band.

Three rotations:
Named because only three players exchange their positions continuously, while the other (usually
the one with the qualities to stay long as a pivot/CF) floats in the danger zone tilting, offering side
to side trying to get a pass to the back end from a deep position.

1. The possessor of the ball passes to the player on his line of attack.
2. After the pass, cut diagonally to the area that is occupied by the left power forward / power
forward left, before the fellow gets into position moves to the other side / lower right and
center to give a new player support balloon.
3. The new player with ball passes the ball back to the player who returns to his line. After
passing, the left wing cuts diagonally / move the pivot back to the other side / and the
player who served as a momentary left pivot offered again going back to receive the ball.

Circular Rotation:
This is another of the rotations that we can use in this system to have possession of the ball and
look for as the most appropriate place and time to threaten opponents. Among its advantages are
the close support having a ball with the player who comes and stands between lines, and above
all, with this movement creates a free space on the weak side of the defence fail of the first pin of
the ball to occupy after cutting (this move can get you in trouble because if the defence decides to
close the central space where the subtext leave open the possibility of the long diagonal, and if
instead the continuous defender on the wing opposite the ball and closes the space center, the
player who has become the interline can receive the ball and play comfortably from a fairly

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1. The player with the ball passes the ball to the opposite wing in production area, while the right
pivot approaches give support to the new holder of the ball and stops the lines. Once the initial
pass and pivot simultaneous right approach, the right wing short to fill the area occupied by
the man who is now playing subtext functions.
2. The receiver of the ball (AI) leads to the right wing area and simultaneously, the Left Pivot low
down the strip to the processing area and gives further support to the ball. The player who
was doing subtext functions central leaves and goes to the area just left the Left Pivot. This
would again turn to the initial drawing.

Rules for the Best System Operation:

Both as to the development of the game as for the subsequent completion can cite several rules
that make it easier to successfully reach our objectives. Of course, these rules, like most things in
football, are not universal and valid for all computers and game situations will depend on the
qualities of our players, our game model, the rival and its proposal defensive or even marker or

A rule that helps keep the ball and end the game is to place on the pitch band players changed,
because it will feel more confident about going out to meet the ball to control it and protect it, and
even will have more options to finish in an individual (if trying to skip his inwards pair would be in
the most dangerous area of the field and aimed to shoot or pass the ball with your dominant leg)
Another, a complement to the above and for the reasons explained above is to place players with
great capacity for external trigger line farthest from the goal. Also those who have better decision

Another thing that can make the game easier with this system is the formation of continuous
offensive triangles that create new passing lanes for the player with the ball in front of him, thus
compensating for the lack of tipper. The ways to do this are diverse and depend on both of our
goals for the completion design as the opposing defence. Those responsible for the formation of
these triangles are usually temporary second line players. It is highly recommended when the
opposing team aims to put pressure on the player with the ball. Several examples


The pivot of the opposite field is located in the area between the lines and supports close to the
player with the ball.

We go from the ways and means and general easier to finish the play trying to get the goal, to
end more elaborate schemes, involving more players coordinated in space and time. Needless to
say, many methods of completion in futsal are general and can be used in either system (outdoor
shot, overflow and end wall parallel ...)

Termination. General Assumptions

Although everything is relative in sport and depends on many factors, not all of them controlled by
the coach, we will say that as GENERAL RULE completion of any perfect attack system must add
at least one more player to the hot zone (next to the goal) compared to the initial design of the
system. To be understood, if our initial system (elaborate) with a 1-2-2, at least, should end with a
1-1-3 pattern.

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Positional Attack (3-1 System) perhaps the most common and most used by everyone these

Traditionally used (also called 1-2-1) when there is a player with specific characteristics, a pivot
which has several advantages: it is a system that adds depth to the attack, which is more easy to
complete, ball holders are very likely to pass and it is also an ideal system to restructure the
defence once the ball is lost

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Initial Situation:
The initial situation of attack systems often tends to be only nominal, since once the ball starts to
roll, the mobility of the game and the players do constantly being exchanged positions and even
blurring the initial tactical drawings.


The players in this system are distributed in these posts:

- Goalkeeper: is the only permanent position in almost all systems.

- Closure: usually the most delayed. It is important to have a good vision and a good knock-out.

- Wings: a line somewhat more forward than the closure. They are usually fast players, with
overflow capacity and scorers.

- Pivot: is one of the more specific positions of football (especially for this system) Good pin and
timer, plays well with his back and protects the ball well. If above is overflowing and goal is to
exploit a diamond because it is the one that plays in the forward position (and can get much yield
to those actions offensive)

Is a series of movement made by players to cause defensive mismatches in the contrary and thus
be able to take advantage of open spaces that are created to finish in top conditions.
Specificity also pivot game check this attack phase system.

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Half Court Man to Man marking

(Brazil) against 3-1 Attack system of

See how the right wing passes the ball to the pivot and run to initate a rotation movement, he
runs to find the open space behind th defense or between the lines and create an space on his
position to other teammate to come and profit it.

Since it does not matter that the player who has the characteristics of the post out of its area of
influence or of greatest danger, so that their movements will be limited: it will intervene in the
game of making a lesser extent than the rest, though circumstantially yes it can exchange
positions with their peers.

These movements are often called rotations attack and there are several types:

Rotations Fixed Pivot (pivot unattended in it)

Attack with fixed pivot

- When we have excellent pivot
- Who permit easy defence against passing to the pivot
- When we want less defensive risk

Tactically we have two Situations:

- Pivot on the ball side

- Pivot on the opposite side respect ball

Pivot in the center half

One: movement of the pivot
Two: double-pass on the same line + passing to the pivot
Three: double-pass + passing to the pivot from the opposite side

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Rotation of Three (The Braid) (Left)

The close passes to the right wing and cut in front of him. The receiver of the ball (ala) leads to
the center and passes the ball to the left wing and cut in front of him. Receptor leads to the
middle ball. So on.

When making cuts ahead pass receiver is important to include locks available for this time of
pressure reaction without rival.

Rotation of Three (Circular) (Right)

The wing passes the ball at the end and cut the opposite wing. The closure leads to the band that
has been cleared and the opposite wing that started the play runs to occupy the center.
Rotate circularly.

Rotations with false pivot (with intervention pivot on it)

These are usually given when a player does not have the specific characteristics of pivot, or when
all players may act in that position on a temporary basis (we do not have a specialist).

All players are involved in these movements.


3 false pivot

The right wing passes to close and cut to the area of influence of the pivot. Turn on "false"
pivot opens to appear in the area that has been the free space for the man who just cut.

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According to Gerard Artigas, the easiest way to see the possible patterns of movement and
rotations that can be used to create attacking opportunities in the 3-1 is to draw a Futsal court on
a sheet of paper and then play "what if".

Put a coin on the paper close to the opponent's goal and label it target player. Then place three
coins at the mid-court in the 4, 6 and 8 o'clock positions for three teammates.

Now if the target player moves to the left side of the court what space is created and which
player(s) can move to use it? If the target player checks back to their teammate with the ball what
space is created and which player(s) can move to use it? What happens if the target player
checks back towards their teammate with the ball and the ball is simply chipped over the target
player to the space that has been created?

There are over a hundred creative attacking options that can be used by a team using movement,
rotations, exchanges, takeovers, chip passes, cross court movement and passes, feints and other
techniques to create and effectively use the limited space available on a Futsal court.

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3 cones are placed on line 2 online preparation and completion, with players in position 3-
1, the rule is that the player who passes must occupy a cone line completion and return to
a cone that is free in developing and so on.

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7 3

3v3 with 2 pivots (the only can play in the last 10 meters to goal and not score), that way
we focus on playing 3-1.
After Rotations we need to score.
Once you have done that the other team suffer mismatches with our mobility and ball possession
game (in the design stage) will try to take advantage of the free space and free brands that have
been created for the finish in the best possible conditions.
We begin by listing and classifying finishing options from simple to complex.

Exterior Shot: We take the defensive mismatch pass unmarked player that is well located for the
direct hit. The situation is easier because an attacker only intervenes in the action and is often
effective at some levels (statistically in futsal team usually wins most shots on goal).
It is important to have a specialist to use this resource and train this gesture as a possible
solution strategy.
It is also advisable to do but not effective (not achieve the goal) since the threat of future shots
that the defence will overpower the might undertake even when away, which will leave more
space really dangerous area of the attack, the more close to the goal (hot zone).
Go to the far post, if rotations and feints after the player left unmarked is the opposite wing where
the ball (we will call it from now on Third Man) which is often the case for being the weakest area
of Defense (is the farthest ball and defensiveness often more relaxed), or Pivot spaces that
create you fouled player has moved into the area, the player with the ball will return the ball with a
pass tense so you only have to finish the ball into the net without opposition or the opposition
goalkeeper single positional disadvantage.
One on One: where the processing is difficult and not as effective as we would like, if we team
players with ability to overflow and one on one, we can use it as a resource of completion: either
by using its technical qualities to make the numerical superiority same advantage with a goal
entering or exploit the superiority to loosen the defence and running the completion a partner.
This type of finish is compatible with and complementary to the previous two.
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Blocking: a player without the ball takes a strategic position and hinders mobility advocate taking
their direct area of action.
We take the time advantage that the lock benefited from the finish with one of the two forms of
termination that top this list.
Duality: futsal-specific movements (step I, mobility, feints, blockades, walls) that are carried on
between two players in order to break the defensive structure to finalize.
The shot and the ball into the far corner are also complementary with this.
Semi-Complex Specific movements:
• Parallel: ball, which is done with a path parallel to the touchline. Technically usually performed
with the outside of the foot and instep giving some lift to pass (commonly called spoon) so that
the receiver will have time to get to the ball. Generally after a pass well, if we support the opposite
wing (weak side of the defence) can end with a pass to the far post. Besides defending their
brands instinctively back, so if the ball we failed free space superiority, we can again return the
ball to safety support and further develop the game.

• Diagonal: the third man takes advantage of his defender is more relaxed than usual and
positional advantage (the defence to be aware of the ball will have less visual reference to it) to
win him back by feints and change of pace and at that time the player with the ball runs a long fly
ball diagonally.
The pivot to be left free space for the reception of the ball gives you the option to end the post.
• Clearance between lines: one player and offers between rival defensive lines (usually the
opposite wing or pivot or third man) If your brand is what will create a space to finish with parallel
or diagonal, if it follows the receiving the ball may terminate through an outside shot, or a wall
with pin and a pass to the far post.
Formation futsal requires a lot of movement of players in control of the ball, especially when
performing variations of the attack.

Both winger and a defender will offset direction of the pivot to create a game room and an
opportunity to score.

Pivot and the winger will make some movement to find a gap and the right moment to put the ball
into the opposing goal.

The three phases of the attack (development, openings and completion) with precise objectives.
In the phase of development, it is there that we create our base (structure) of game, the tactical
rules. That enables us to have continuity in our attacks. In the phase of the openings, one works
two different aspects.
According to the initial position of the players, we can work of the movements pre-established to
exploit various openings and to seek a fast attack.
Finally, the objective is to seek favorable situations of completions like insulation, the dualities,
etc. While always adapting to the characteristics of our players.

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We will see and explain various movements of an attack 3-1:

The tactical rules:
1) If I am the carrier of the ball, I should not lose any the options attack which is offered to me,
parallels, diagonals, lead the balloon in the axis, play opposite side etc… And after having chosen
one of these options, I must decide of how I will dissociate myself to help the receiver, following if
the balloon is in a hurry or not, is what I come to just help it as supports or if I break my race with
change of rhythm and I suggest a more offensive solution.
2) If I am the player who is in the zone of development and whom I do not have the balloon, I
must play and position according to the height of my defender and the cover which it makes, and
of pressure which is put on the carrier of the balloon.
3) If I am the third player of the zone of development, I seek to dissociate me by changes of fast
rhythms (especially against an individual defense) and by pretenses, calls against calls, to
receive the balloon between the lines (near of the carrier) or more in the depth in the zone of the
4) If I am the player highest in the ground (pivot) and that I do not receive the balloon, I must think
of balancing my team by analyzing movements of my teammates in the zone of development. If a
player breaks his race with a change of rhythm and comes in my zone, then I must dissociate
myself and come in the zone released by my teammate to support the carrier of the balloon. If
none of my teammates come in my zone, I seek by markdowns to help the carrier.
Thereafter, we will carry out two types of opening by the corridors of a system 3-1, and then two
other openings by the center, and we will see that in it the type of opening does not matter, the 4
tactical rules which we have just seen will be applied and worked by the players.
We can transfer these movements to soccer especially from ¾ field to the goal in the
center and in the wing, using a 2-3-4 player’s game as defenders are not used to those
offensive movements
Opening By the Right Corridor.
In this case, the right winger will carry out a movement towards the axis, with for objective
bringing his defender to release the corridor and that the pivot appears.
Then, as to explain before there is a possibility of attack fast, which would be a master key and
follows of the basic man (last defender) to the pivot which appears in the corridor, the basic man
after his master key, follows directly to come to strike or to give it to the winger, who became pivot
now, or the pivot gives directly the winger. All the openings of attacks of all the systems of game
allow us simply by doing them, to jump the stage of the development and to pass directly to the
phase of completion.
Carrier of balloon, man basic, if it cannot give it to the pivot which appears in the corridor, then its
second option would be of seeks the winger who left in the zone the pivot, but one sees on the
diagram that it chose the master key with the left winger.
At this moment, the carrier of the balloon should not let pass any of these offensive options, the
first the parallel or the 1x1 along the corridor, if he does not make this choice, then he will return
in the axis to seek an in-depth master key or between the lines if not he continues to advance in
the axis and there remains to him the solution to reverse the direction of the game and to seek
supports in the zone which he has just left or to pass in the corridor to oppose.
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The basic man who had just passed the balloon becomes the tactical player of the rules 2, that is
to say he remains in presses short on the carrier, or it is best the solution, he draws aside a
maximum which he can the game while adapting in his markdown worthy of his defender.
The right winger him who had released the corridor continues his displacement if it could receive
the parallel of the left winger then, if it does not receive it, it will have to arise and look at if it can
receive the master key, if the carrier decides to reverse the game.
The pivot which had appeared in the corridor, him, will have to come to support and give a
solution in the axis, considering which it was released by the right winger.
As you saw each player observed the tactical rules, and as one now sees it on the diagram one
finds oneself with more or less an offensive triangle on the side of the balloon and with a player
isolated opposite side.
The tactical rules depend on the decisions of the players. If the basic man after having given the
balloon to the left winger, if it had decided to leave in free space, like showing on following
diagram, then there the pivot could not have come to support the carrier in the axis, because it is
now occupied and thus it must be dissociated and arise along the corridor.
Opening By the Center
The application of all these tactical rules is increasingly more obvious if the movement initial and
made by the basic man.
If its movement is to require the parallel like going up on the diagram and that it does not receive
it then the rules tactic to be applied will be the same ones as what one already saw before with
the pivot which comes to support in the axis which is free, and the right winger who draws aside
by keeping defensive account height of his defender (always to be in a line of master key
between you and the carrier).
If he asks the diagonal, like showing on the diagram and that he does not receive it, the pivot
comes to make the support towards outside where he will be able to perhaps receive a master
key in parallel. Or if the carrier returns in the axis and decides to change the direction of the
game, then the pivot will be able to receive it.
The effectiveness of these tactical rules and these movements of game is that once our team
dominates them then that will enable you to work of the various shapes of openings, more often
and in a way varied to seek multitudes of alternatives of attacks rapid.
Perhaps, you will find these rules tactical non appropriate to your model of game. But it is not that
of which it is question, it is question of showing how to use a model of game by limiting certain
movements or certain positions, that simplifies the model of collective game of the team. All the
openings, of the models of game must be directed and adapted to your system of attack. In this
manner, your team will take very another dimension because the players will be able to anticipate
the movements and the choices of their teammates, thanks to the tactical rules and their

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This formation is very attacking minded and teams rarely use it.
Coaches like to call it the "suicidal" formation.

There are other formations structures which we think are not important to be transferred o useful
for football.
This one, instead, IT IS very interesting:

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4 in a line (4-0), spreads players across the field with little length to the field to stretch the

See how the 4 players are setting "a line" so it is very complicated for the defence to position. If
they go man to man a great space behind the defence is open and if they make zonal defence
always 2 offensive players are free.

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4-0 Attack system

Brazil spread 4 players across the field and having spare players to retain possession. This is to provoke
Colombia to come out and press, leaving space

Barcelona using 4-0 in attack with a numerical advantage in midfield, focusing on players playing between
the lines to provoke pressure and open up space behind the defence line. Width is provided by the full
backs that push forward to allow Iniesta and Messi to make diagonal runs from the channels into central

When do we use it?

Mainly for those defenses that we push the ball out with this system get clearances to the back of
the defender and so superior in the end.
The main objective is to get the end of its zone of influence to get enough space for completion.
Thus we get with our moves, leaving the opposing defense in line with aid and farther coverage.

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What do I need?
Players are required very technical-tactical preparation and physics.
Much mobility without the ball to create spaces.
Synchronization between the players, they must know each other and know well moves to
synchronize each movement.

Players must have the quality to move the ball with pressure and nearby mark.
Especially CONFIDENCE to take risks.

What problems could I have?

If I lose the ball I can have an imbalance defensive and not be prepared to counterattack.
It performs much physical exhaustion.
Not for use with closed defenses as it will be very difficult to get them out of there.
It requires many hours of work and concentration, if an item fails the whole system is unbalanced.

How should I train?

It is important not to machine movements and we'll never find two situations are alike, so we have
to do is train by the method of Decision Making.
To perform movements can be:
. - Rotation and 2 moves long (parallel + diagonal)
. - Rotation and 1 long + 1 short movement
. - Short rotations to the band near the ball and then make a move long
. • The 4 players located in the processing area allow processing and end lines are joined. 2
wings and 2 central players.


• Placing online defense without defensive help, to find space behind them.
• It represents a great difficulty coordinating the wide variety of possible offensive actions.

Favorable aspects:

• System very good against teams that press. They remain without coverage.
• Moves to natural rival defenders out of their usual positions.

Unfavorable aspects:

• Not usable against defenses delayed and no spaces.

• Defensive problems to fumble for the little defensive balance.
• Great physical exhaustion by constant movement.

Game forms
• The game forms are possible and usual: The game run-circulating (with diagrams and / or rules)
with the possibility of linking with prefabricated game actions (completion).
The players must acquire a number of habits:
• Observe the game permanently without losing sight of the ball to react properly.
• Having a constant mobility.
• Movements linked and adapted to the peer
• Adapt their technical and tactical qualities to the characteristics of the system.

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Most common circulating movements:

• Diagonal or simple parallel

The ball is passed wide, 3 makes a diagonal run behind the defence, as 4 dribbles inside to retake the
space left by 3.

This time, 3 passes wide to 4 but makes a diagonal run to the opposite site, allowing a diagonal pass
between the lines from 4 to 3, and have 2 and 5 shift around in a circular motion.

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Cross / scissors / double cut (diagonal + parallel)

This time, 3 passes wide to 4 (same as image 1) but makes the opposite side diagonal run (image 2). As 3
makes the run, 2 makes the diagonal to offer a pass down the line from 4. 5 fills in the far side space to
offer a pass across the field after the dribble inside.

Parallel + Diagonal (double cut)

Double diagonals – the 2 central players make near side diagonal runs offering passes centrally or down
the line. 5 fills in the far side space.

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Cross on driving with or without tread

2 and 3 change over, which in a man-marking system would force the opposition to change opponents, or
change to zonal for a few seconds.

Schemes for the game led-circulating (4-0) (examples)

• Triangles offensive player with onset between the lines

• Breadth and depth of the wings
• At least two players on the ball
• At least 2 lines of ball possession of the ball.

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Rules for the game led-circulating (4-0) (examples)

• If the ball is coming from a band, take it in preference to the opposite wing.
• After pass always moving (support), how and where they choose the pin.
• After passing a defensive line, the ball cannot go back if there is no pressure.
• Do not give player pass band appears back to the goal.
• A deep pass to rapid progression, and take the center

4-0 Attack system

See how the attack is "in line" and from that position they start making movements and
rotations, short running or long, they come back to initial positions. The idea is to make
the defense work, run, doubt and lose their structure.

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Rondo, 2 touches, when I pass the ball I have to touch the nearest cone and back to my position

Progressions: use both feet (1 touch each), use week foot only, use one touch…

Coaching point: use defensive position when going to the cone and back.


- Real game, 4 x 4 with 2 goalkeepers.

- We place two goals on mid field, a team player in every opposite corner

- Development:
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If player goes into cones goal with controlled ball, automatically the partner in the corner
with the ball plays and can score directly

- Progressions: when the player goes into the cone goal, the player in the corner can play but need
to pass the ball before scoring and he can only score with one touch, or both pivots play when the
player goes into the cone goal, etc…

- Coaching points: defense need to press to avoid players going into de cone goal. When de pivot
plays, defensive coverages must be done quickly. Offensive team need to give support quickly to
the pivot.



We set two areas team 1 y 2, 3v3 conservation of the ball (2 touches), when coach calls “one” or
“two”, all 6 players (3v3) team go to the middle to play “tic tac toe”

E 1 OR 2

We set two areas team 1 y 2, 3v3 conservation of the ball (2 touches), when coach calls “one” or
“two”, all 6 players (3v3) team go to the middle to play “tic tac toe”

Zona 1 Zona 2

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We split the track into 2 zones with 2 teams in each zone, passing competition to complete 15/20
passes into the cones (one or two touches). The first team to complete the number of passes gets
a point.

Variations: use different surfaces and/or feet…, use 2 balls, etc…

3v3 with pivot in area of completion

Players can get into end zone only after the ball gets to the pivot. To score we need to play with

Progressions: 2 touches game, 1 player can use 2 touches (the rest of them unlimited touches),
the pivot can not score…

Coaching points:
Use the feints after passing
Use both feet to pass
The pivot must control de ball with the sole
When the ball goes to the pivot at least 2 players must go for completion

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We split the court into 2 zones (2x1 and 3x2)

We make a 2x1 after the pass from the goalkeeper (players 2 and 3 against 1).

After that action those 3 players involved (2,3,1) play a 3x2 against 4 and 5

After that 4 and 5 make 2x1 against 6 and so on.

Zona 1 / 2x1 Zona 2 /3x2


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We split the court into 2 zones (2x1 and 3x2)

We make a 2x1 after the pass from the goalkeeper (players 2 and 3 against 1).

After that action those 3 players involved (2,3,1) play a 3x2 against 4 and 5

After that 4 and 5 make 2x1 against 6 and so on.

Progressions: we can limit the number of touches, passes or time for completion. We can reduce
the width of the court, etc….

Coaching points:

The defender/s need to close the passing lane and try to get 1x1 situations

The goalkeeper needs to play as a player.

The attackers must move the ball really quick and avoid dribbling.



2 rondos 5x1, a touch, the one who misses will occupy the middle of the rondo, if more than one
player is in the center of a rondo the players can do 2 touches.

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We play parallel and pick and roll movements (one each) with passive defense and completion on
second post.

Progressions: Active defense, the player can choose between passing second post or shooting

Coaching points:

Solid pass and feint from the center to the wing

Control the timing of the movements

Make the block correctly and find the passing lane after the roll


A player or the coach with ball on one side (wing). On the opposite side an attacker try to receive
the ball while the defender is back to the passer, once the coach passes the defender can defend

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and when the attacker gets the ball he attempts to score. The attacker can finish in either of the
two goals

Variations: 2v2, 3v3, etc. Reduce the space and use basketball court, Limit the number of touches
to completion...

Coaching points:

The attacker needs to make good feints, movement to open passing lanes far from the defender
and needs to be quick once he gets the ball for completion.

The defender needs to be ready and concentrate to react fast and read the offensive movements.



STAR, the player passes to the middle and takes its place and the player in the middle passes to
the following one and takes its place, and so on, one touch, two touches, dribbling etc...

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Played by trios, 1x2, for a 1 ' a player dribbles to 2 defenders and I they steal they play
conservation of the ball (one player one touch and the other one 2 touches).

We played half court 3v3 +2G +2J +2JC two touches, one player from each team has a ball in hand,
the attacker in the field, which brings into play (active) when a teammate gets the ball game with
the hand, the one who actives the “new” ball has two touches and to get the ball again with the
hands one pass must be done. The player with the ball in hand must be on the side of the court
where the ball is. When the defending team gets the ball they have to play with the goalie and the
new attacker with the ball in his hands comes into the game (the defender leaves). The jokers
come into play when a player without the ball comes out.

Variations: limit the number of touches, minimum number of passes before handling the ball, limit
de number of changes with the joker before completion, etc…

Coaching points:

The attack need to read properly when to get the ball with the hands, according to the situation of
the defence to take advantages and make the defence move and run.

Defense needs to press the ball but at the same time be ready to defensive coverages and drop

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3x4 in a 20x20 court, playing two-on-two with two pivots and a defender, each pivot assigned to an
attacking player. A target area for the pivot and defender is set. The attacker can only pass to “his”

Variations: Both attackers can play with both pivots, both attackers need to touch the ball before
passing, the pivot can score or not, the pivot could play with the other pivot (second / far post),

Coaching points:

It is very important to move quickly after passing to the pivot to beat the defender and be able to

We need to use the blocks to get a space to pass the ball and make a pick and roll to shoot.

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4v4 in a 40x20 court, playing two-on-two with a pivot and a defender, a target area for the pivots
and defenders is set. To completion, we need to play with our pivot.


1x1 in a 20x20 court, the attacker has to move and feint to make his space to make an oriented
control and shot from the pass of one of the partners in any of the 4 corners

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In FUTSAL, you see whether a player is really talented, in soccer you do not necessarily
identify talent as easily as it is much more physical. In Futsal you notice the small details
in quality and thinking, class and tactical understanding and decision making

For this reason, Futsal has grown as an important factor when it comes to developing players.
Futsal schools are becoming real player generators as big school football training for a successful
future in football. Many also claim that some factors, such as decision making, short and fast
movement , change of address , motor ability , the concept of space-time , finally , to point the
futsal as a direct provider of these qualities that make the difference in football.

According to Fonseca (2007) it is safe to say that FUTSAL is the best way to introduce children to
the world of football. About 4 or 5 years, begin to practice in the clubs, in school yards, with
friends from the street, parks, and even within their own homes. Transfer is games that are most
akin to football.

At the stage of 14 -15 years, the teenager is a big part of their motor system developed and can
be further developed, so that the passage football this entire repertoire acquired will be very

Fonseca World Cup 2002, at least eight athletes among members of the Brazilian team had
begun their practices in futsal.

The importance of futsal is scientifically proven, which facilitates the understanding of this
process involving the two modalities. We interviewed 67 athletes in sub 15 and sub 17 Santos
Futebol Clube. The data were analyzed according to their respective categories.

Of the 67 athletes, 64 had experience with football, however this study, we demonstrated that
athletes who play soccer, players tend to be offensive positions in football. We believe that for
this reason football coaches have often preferred to play in midfield and be responsible for the
organization of movement.

This is due to the skills they acquired in FUTSAL training, such as vision, ability to make
decisions with the ball, good crossing, marking, kicking and dribbling short.

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FONSECA, Cris. Futsal: o berço do futebol brasileiro. São Paulo: Aleph, 2007.

GALLAHUE, David L. Compreendendo o desenvolvimento motor: bebês, crianças, adolescentes

e adultos. São Paulo: Phorte, 2001.

FREIRE, J.B. Pedagogia do Futebol. Campinas: Autores Associados, 2006.

Prof. Ms. Otávio Nogueira Balzano

José Mario Pereira Filho
Prof. Ms. Ricardo Hugo González, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires - Año 16 - Nº 156 - Mayo de 2011.

"FUTSAL is a very important tool in the development of modern talented football players,
the results are obvious, the benefits for the player are spectacular. Futsal training enriches
the player at all levels.

It is also clear that there is to know very well what aspects must been worked, under what
criteria and control very well the timings and all training tasks.

Therefore we have developed a specific and structured complete PROJECT (F5F11) AND A
PLAYER" (Nacho Garrido).

©WORLD CLASS COACHING 117 From Futsal to Soccer

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Other eBooks from Stevie Grieve

Calling all tactical coaches! The Modern If you enjoyed Euro 2012, you’ll love
Soccer Tactics series is packed with this! Winning Soccer Tactics provides a
tactical insights on how the elite teams tactical analysis of every single game.
in the EPL, La Liga and Champions Discover the tactics behind every
League play that will expand and team and the playing styles that now
enrich your coaching knowledge. dominate international European

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