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 When I started studying art, I began in my city in el Centro de las Artes de SLP, I

start tooking courses of the things I was interested in learning, in that moment I
was really interested in sculpture, I pass my first 3 years studying sculpture with
different materials, and then I decide to study de art degree,
 so I moved to San Miguel de Allende Wich is a beautiful small city close to mine, I
went there for almost a year but I didn't like the school so I left, but in that school
they have different kind of subjects painting, sculpture, photography, and one of
the subjects was tapestry, it was so bored, like at first I didn't like the class at all, I
was so bad literally the worst in my class, but then after a couple of weeks I started
to understand a little bit what was it about, so I started to get excited about this
technique and I was thinking all the time about all the things you can do with
tapestry, I didn't knew how in that moment because they didn't show us the
history of tapestry, not images at all, they just teach us the technique and that was
it, so we really didn't have an idea of all the amazing things you can do this
technique, I think the only thing we new about this techniques was this traditional
art we have in Mexico,
 there this kind of scarfs call “rebozo” Wich are beatiful and they are really
traditional in Mexico, in mi city there is this place Santa Maria del rio is very
popular because of the rebozos and you can go there and see how they work, but
yeah anyway, I think we were all thinking only about that when we start learning
tapestry. So I was really concern about this technique, about what things can I do
with tapestry so I was about to find out, so left school, went to Mexico City to
study paint courses and then I went back to my city. I went to my old school again
and took courses of thechniques in tapestry and weaving loom and then, I start
working on my own projects, experimenting with this technique.
 At first I was triying to mix tapestry. With some other technique, I was thinking
about sculpture but I havent found the rightway to do it.. So I experiment with
paint, just to see how it works, I only did two of them, I didn't experiment that
much because as soon I finish the last one I start getting interested in humans
body, faces, eyes above all.
 So I start doing this kind of portraits, Wich are not portraits really because my work
is not realistic, but some kind of portraits, so I started working on this portraits,
and I've been working on this for almost 3 years. When I first begin working with
tapestry I didn't knew anything about tapestry, I mean the traditional things they
in mi country but not about this contemporary tapestry where they do this other
amazing things, so I was doing some research on the web and I found this place In
Melbourne ATW, I was so amazed, I needed to be there, so I apply for the
residence but I wasn't accepted and then I apply for this small tapestry contest last
year and
 I got accepted so I was really excited talking with my family about coming to the
exhibition, I really wanted to be there so I did, my family supported me all the time
so I came for the exhibition last year, I remember I was so excited about going to
this place and see the workshop and everything, so I went one day before the
exhibition, super excited, triying to look pretty cool, casual.. You know.. But it was
so obvious, so I was looking at the weavers while they were working, I was so
amazed, I couldn't believe the things they were doing, and the works they have
there for me is awesome so I met the weavers and the day after the exhibitor they
invite me to join them for breakfast, I was even more excited, So at this breakfast I
met Valerie who gave me this incredible opportunity of being here, she told me to
apply for the residence, so everything happens for a reason,anyway I went to see a
few tapestrys they have in different places and there were some tapestrys in this
museum, when I first saw them I didn't realize they were tapestry until the
weavers told me and I was like thinking what?? It's so good, it's awesome, it's so
delicate that you don't realize is not a painting. So I was so excited about being
there and so motivated, I wanted to do a lot of things, to be a great tapestry
weaver, and to be able tone part of something that for me is so great.
 Coming to Australia is being such a great experience, seeing how they work with
tapestry here, it's a big influence because then I feel everything is possible, if they
can do that, one day if I work really hard I will be able to do it as well.
 So I feel inspired by all of this people I have met, all of this great weavers, and even
people who has nothing to do with tapestry or even with art, I just feel inspired by
people who works hard to get what they want. People who don’t take no for an
answer and even when all the doors are closed for them they continue knocking
until one opens.
 So I feel motivated by this kind of people because I've been in the same situation
and not a lot of doors has open to me but the ones that does they are been really
 So I do think everything happens for a reason, call it destiny, call it faith, we are
were we supposed to be, and that's something I like about tapestry as well, I
compare tapestry with life, each thread gives me a life lesson, it's not that easy to
fix a mistake on tapestry, I mean you can do it, but what sense would it have not to
try to be a better person every day, a better weaver everyday, so when I do make a
mistake I don't fix it, I work with it and in the end it's a beautiful mistake. And it's
the same in life, you can not go back in time and fix everything you did wrong,
people you hurt, things we said sometimes with out really meaning it, you don't
regret, you try to do something about it and then you learn about what things you
want to keep and which ones you want to let go.
 So this project I've working on here, it's about life, about memories, some of them
good some of them not that good, it's about who we used to be a few years ago,
who we were yesterday, what makes us change so fast or what makes us stay the
way we are forever. This characters are incomplete and it's because I think we are
never totally complete, like sometimes we feel we don't need anything more, we
are we the one we love,we have a good job, whatever and then suddenly
everything changes, we loose the one we love or we loose our job and then We
need to start all over again we are incomplete and we have changed, so we need
to fix ourselves and keep living. So this project talks about that, what makes us be
who we are today, what memories we want to keep forever, what do we like
about us and what do we want to change.

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