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Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši.

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1. naloga

Dopolni besedilo o gripi z besedami v okvirčku. Obkroži črko pred ustrezno rešitvijo.
Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen.

Pandemic flu is a type of disease caused by a completely new
influenza virus, which __0__ every few decades. It spreads
rapidly to affect people in most countries and regions around the
world. The symptoms of pandemic flu are __1__ to those of
"ordinary" flu but usually more severe.
The virus is spread through the air when people cough or
sneeze. There are some basic __2__ that you can take to
reduce the risk of infection:
 If you are __3__ with flu, stay at home, don't go to school.
 Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
 Avoid non-essential travel and __4__ crowds of people.
 Maintain good hygiene – washing hands frequently in soap and water __5__ against
picking the virus up from surfaces and passing it on.
 Clean hard surfaces (door handles), using a normal cleaning product.
If you __6__ pandemic flu you will be treated at home. Only the most seriously ill patients will
be admitted to hospital.
For latest information on pandemic flu visit

(Prirejeno po: Health matters, UK 2007)

0. A goes B occurs C falls D touches

1. A opposite B like C next D similar

2. A structures B measures C problems D lists

3. A sick B fit C hurt D full

4. A more B large C plenty D tiny

5. A pretends B keeps C protects D runs

6. A catch B receive C find D accept

(6 točk)

(Vir slike:

Pridobljeno: 9. 10. 2012.)
Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši. Tukaj ne piši.
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2. naloga

Dopolni besedilo o sužnjih z manjkajočimi besedami ali vpiši ustrezno obliko besede v
oklepaju. V vsako praznino vpiši le ENO besedo. Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen.


Between the 16th and the 19th centuries, more than
10 million Africans were taken prisoners and sold
as slaves. Slave ships (0) travelled (travel)
between Europe, Africa and America. Slave
traders or slavers sailed in their ships from ports in
Europe: Bristol in England, Nantes in France and
Lisbon in Portugal.

The ships were loaded (1) ____________________________ weapons, alcohol, wine and cotton

cloth from India. When the ships arrived in Africa, slavers met white merchants and African

tribal chiefs. First, they exchanged cloth and weapons for slaves captured from the villages of

other tribes. Then the ships crossed (2) ____________________________ Atlantic Ocean with

these slaves on board.

Slave ships could carry more than 600 slaves at once. The conditions at sea were dreadful.

Many slaves (3) ____________________________ (fall) ill with yellow fever or scurvy.

Unfortunately, the weakest slaves didn't survive the journey, because there were no

medicines on board.

The slaves were sold to rich plantation owners (4) ____________________________ they arrived

in the West Indies or America. The owners needed them (5) ____________________________

work in mines or sugar cane and cotton plantations.

The slave traders returned to Europe and their ships (6) ___________________________ (carry)

sugar, cotton, coffee or cocoa. People in Europe paid a lot of money for those goods.

Traders and bankers who organised the slave trade in Europe became very rich.

(Prirejeno po: Discovery Box, junij 2004)

(6 točk)

(Vir slike: Pridobljeno: 9. 10. 2012.)

10/16 *N1312413110* N131-241-3-1.DOCX


1. naloga

Dopolni besedilo z besedami v okvirčku tako, da v razpredelnico vpišeš črko izbrane

besede. Tri besede so odveč. Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen.

A apartment B arose C increased D iron E nationalities F poverty

G several H settlement I sheltered J traded K wooden


At the beginning of the 7th century, the Dutch landed on the east coast of North America.
They discovered a bay near a river that was __0__ from the wind. It was ideal for a harbour.
They bought one of the islands called Manhattan from a native American family. In 1626 they
named their __1__ New Amsterdam.
In 1664, the English took over New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. More and more
ships were using the harbour. The Scots, the English and the Dutch __2__ here. Everything
and anything was bought and sold. People spoke __3__ languages in New York. Sailors and
former pirates found refuge there. They lived in __4__ shacks, which often burned down.
Around 1840, many Irish people and Germans arrived in New York to escape __5__ in their
own country. Later, former black slaves, Italians, Hungarians, Russian Jews and Greeks also
settled there. They crowded into poor areas. Illness and crime further __6__ in New York.
Gradually New York became more modern with schools, parks and an underground train
system. The first skyscrapers went up. In 1900, the harbour and Wall Street, the business
district, became the most important in the world. Other __7__, such as the Chinese, joined
the first immigrants. Today, New York is a fascinating multi-cultural city.

(Prirejeno po: Discovery Box, št. 138)

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

(7 točk)

(Vir slike: Pridobljeno: 12. 11. 2012.)

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2. naloga

Dopolni besedilo z manjkajočimi besedami ali vpiši ustrezno obliko besede v oklepaju.
V vsako praznino vpiši ENO ali DVE besedi. Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen.


Bindi is a fearless 10-year-old girl. Having grown up

near her family's zoo in Australia, (0) she

has been known to hug pythons, cuddle baby orangutans,

and ride elephants. You can catch her exuberant love of

animals on her TV show, "Bindi: The Jungle Girl".

If Bindi (1) _______________________ (remind) you

of someone else, well, she should! Bindi Irwin happens to

be the daughter of TV host Steve Irwin of "The Crocodile Hunter". Some years ago, Steve

died when a stingray tail pierced his chest while he (2) _______________________ (swim).

But Bindi is making sure that the show goes on – at least her version of it! On TV, she

features wild creatures and plenty of humour, just as her dad did. When TV host David

Letterman asked her what her favourite animal is, she confessed, "Crocs and snakes – I love

(3) _______________________ both."

So, why is she putting in the long hours and hard work needed to make a TV show?

As Bindi told David Letterman, "My dad was just the greatest guy and the

(4) _______________________ (good) dad in the world. I want to carry on his work."

Steve Irwin left some pretty big shoes to fill, but his daughter is

(5) _______________________ (successful) following in his footsteps as a wildlife warrior.

She says that, for the rest of her life, she wants to help wildlife in the way her father did.

(Prirejeno po: Ranger Rick, september 2008)

(5 točk)

(Vir slike: Pridobljeno: 12. 11. 2012.)

10 N091-241-3-1


Dopolni besedilo. V vsako praznino vpiši le ENO besedo ali ustrezno obliko glagola v
oklepaju. Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen. PAZI NA PRAVILEN ZAPIS BESED.


Last summer, when we were on holiday by the sea, Dad bought us a huge plastic inflatable

banana. We filled the banana with air and put it into the sea. It was great fun.

One afternoon, Dad, my cousin Rory and I (0) went (go) on the inflatable

banana. After a couple of minutes we (1) _______________ (run) into a huge wave which

caused my Dad and Rory to fall off.

I was left clinging on. Suddenly another wave washed over (2) _______________, so I

slipped off and as I did, I (3) _______________ (feel) my bikini bottoms slip down my legs. I

tried to grab them but I lost them completely.

I had to swim back (4) _______________ the shore to get my bottoms back. My Dad, Rory

(5) _______________ all the boys on the shore were laughing. There was not even a towel to

cover my shame. I couldn't face them for the rest of my holiday.

N091-241-3-1 11

Dopolni besedilo z besedami v okvirčku tako, da v razpredelnico vpišeš črko izbrane
besede. Tri besede so odveč. Glej primer 0, ki je že rešen.

A cause B control C fuel D live

E poisonous F rubber G snow H traffic I valuable


Beside water, no substance has had a greater influence on the world than oil. Most of the oil
we use every day is for (0) _____ for our cars, aeroplanes, lorries and other transportation

At the simplest level, oil has changed how we travel. With the growth of the car industry,
business and other industries have appeared. People can now (1) _____ further away from
their place of work.

But oil does more than keep (2) _____ moving on the motorways. We also use it to cool our
homes in summer and heat them in winter.

However, oil’s effects are not always positive. Gas-powered cars (3) _____ pollution, as do
costly oil spills. If a tanker ship hits a rock or sinks, an environmental disaster happens
because oil is (4) _____ to fish and other marine life.

But you may be surprised to learn how many everyday items you use come from oil, from the
(5) _____ on the soles of your shoes to the plastics that make up your computer screen and
keyboard – oil’s influence on culture is enormous. Today almost 100% of plastics are made
from oil and most of them are not biodegradable.

(Adapted from Faces, February 2006.)

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