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SAP S/4HANA – Use Cases

Week 3 Unit 1

00:00:15 Welcome to Week 3, Unit 1.Today we want discuss the use case Detect Potential Fraud
Patterns in Real Time,
00:00:22 after in the last unit we presented from the people dimension the unit with the Drive HR
Compliance Across the Organization.
00:00:30 Bert, this is a fancy title for so early in the morning. What is it about? And it's a new learning
week, right?
00:00:35 New learning week, new game.Do you think we can get a coffee somewhere?
00:00:41 I think I've forgotten, just let me pick it up, but you start.Thanks a lot. I'll go ahead.
00:00:45 I think I don't tell you something new by the fact that fraud is really a common and known
issue in every industry and also hits all companies.
00:00:53 A report to the nations of occupational fraud and abuse shows that a typical organization
loses up to 5% of its revenue to fraud each year.
00:01:04 I couldn't believe this number when I personally heard it last time.So, Sven!
00:01:10 Tada, here we are.Sven, Sven, did you know that?
00:01:13 You see, you can always learn something in openSAP.
00:01:18 I do.The greatest risk to organizations throughout the world
00:01:22 in the circumstance comes from corruption on billing schemes.This is the case when, for
example, a vendor is created in the system and gets paid for services
00:01:34 that were never processed or of significant different value than what we've seen.At the time
when the whistle was blown on it, the money has already gone far away,
00:01:47 not claimable anymore in most cases.Patterns are hard to identify if the vendor is removed
right after the action.
00:01:55 Currently audit departments have to work with fragmented tools which make it nearly
impossible to catch this kind of activities timely.
00:02:05 With S/4HANA companies can now detect potential fraud patterns in real time.Business
perspective: What we can see here are the top capabilities in this environment.
00:02:16 One major business capability is the example that alerts and notification features are
derived directly from the system.
00:02:26 Think of it.You can define a pattern and analyze it in real-time
00:02:32 within the analytical layer of your transactional system.This is a huge value for the business.
00:02:39 It is not less than changing the way how companies can deal with fraud.Instead of catching
transactions after the fact linked with significant damage,
00:02:50 conspicuous features are popping up providing direct insights to action for the people who
have to act.
00:02:58 Push information rather than waiting for the user to pull the respective information to identify
fraud or fraud patterns.
00:03:06 So, powerful simulation features in SAP S/4 will help to minimize false positives as well and
increase investigation efficiency clearly.
00:03:17 But last but not least, we want to mention that kind of forensic detection as a new top
business capability.Forensic detection means, for example, the monitoring of multiple types
of systems, relationships,
00:03:32 and also behavioral analyses of unstructured data, adds an additional level of prevention,
and helps through additional integrated investigation capabilities
00:03:47 to fully analyze the patterns and also networks used by fraudsters.So the business
innovations here: We jump right into those innovations.
00:03:58 First thing we want to capture With S/4, fraud preventions are seamlessly embedded into
critical business processes.
00:04:04 The second aspect I want to mention is the ability to monitor really entire ERP system end-
to-end processes.These two business innovations push the capabilities and unlock more,
00:04:19 and deeper insights into fraud than ever before. The investigators finally gain a consolidated
view to support their work.
00:04:29 The enablement of automated migration responses to fraud is another huge
innovation.When systems are accessed from outside with unusual patterns,
00:04:40 the fraud management tool in S/4 highlights these operations, and responsibles can dig into
the details to investigate any possible threat.
00:04:50 So, this also results in a lot of quantifiable values.To make these capabilities and also the
innovations more tangible, let us find some of these.
00:05:00 Companies will be able to measure a loss reduction influencing their ROI.Remember that
the overall impact of fraud is up to 5% of the revenue.
00:05:12 So if you cut frauds by half, the impact is massive.And the fraud investigation workload will
be massively reduced at the same time due to less false positives
00:05:26 and also can be leveraged much more effectively.As always we also want to conclude this
business perspective with the meanwhile well-known 3 value levers:
00:05:38 Efficiency, effectiveness, and agility.That looks fancy.
00:05:43 Of course, it is.The efficiency of audit teams is leveraged by the alerts and notifications
which enhance fraud control.
00:05:52 Investigators notice the critical cases much quicker so that they are able to deal with much
more cases at the same time.
00:06:01 And effectiveness is also improved clearly as the numbers of false positives are
decreased.So the goal of an investigator is reached in a much better way.
00:06:12 Additionally, the real-time aspect makes goals of fraud reduction much better achievable.If
fraud is detected simultaneously, you find a better solution
00:06:25 and you can also go into that challenge to prevent activities in the moment when they are
executed.It is important to do that while it happens, so in real time, not after the fact.
00:06:41 With new quite flexible simulation features in the transactional system companies can now
become much more agile also on that perspective.
00:06:51 Bert, your coffee is getting cold so let me right away dive into the IT perspective.Thank you
for that by the way. - My pleasure.
00:06:57 So let's describe now the IT view.What capabilities and innovation can we deliver for this
use case also from a technical and IT perspective?
00:07:07 So the top capabilities for sure are: There is a major ability in this machine-learning enabled
by S/4HANA
00:07:15 to adapt and improve the fraud detection.IT departments now gain a fraud calibrator and
simulation features without batch analyses.
00:07:24 This will help to improve the investigation and the efficiency from a business perspective.So
IT innovations of course are leveraged, and what are those?
00:07:33 Flexible algorithms, serving to identify untypical patterns and enable alerts and notifications
of the system in very critical fraud cases.
00:07:44 The next innovation is the ability to scan ultra-fast high volumes of data to find untypical
patterns which actually could stop a potential fraud right away.
00:07:57 And to your quantifiable value: As a result, the simulation and the calibration of new
detections methods will take only a few seconds
00:08:06 instead of hours or days when it already happened.So, to summarize the IT perspective for
this use case, let us look at the value levers.

00:08:16 Efficiency is improved as the system can deal much faster with huge amounts of data than
ever before.The system can scan and process more data at the same time.
00:08:28 So the fraud calibrator for multiple simulations without batch analyses is a powerful
capability enabling the IT department to increase their achievement of the objectives and
support the business here.
00:08:41 Which is effectiveness, right? Correct.
00:08:44 Agility is provided as well, because the IT departments run now new simulations faster than
ever before and respond to those changes of the environment just much, much quicker.
00:08:56 Sven, you named it.If we look into the next slide and jump directly into the business
00:09:04 and compare also, as you now know, that pattern between the old world, the traditional
systems, and what we can achieve with an S/4 real-time system,
00:09:13 typically the required information and data are stored in different systems, in separated
sources, as you can see on the left side of the picture.
00:09:22 Manual and error-prone information consolidation is required.Error rates and fraud losses
are a consequence,
00:09:29 which are summing up again to these 5% of loss of revenue.So disparate sources of data
make it difficult to really detect patterns and prevent potential fraud.
00:09:41 You always analyze after the fact.And this real-time approach is not supported at all.
00:09:50 Another challenge is the lack of consolidated reporting and evaluation of the financial
implication caused by fraud.Because you never know what is really the effect, which you
can see here.
00:10:02 Now let us look at the business process capabilities delivered on the right side with S/4.With
S/4, the top-down and also the bottom-up evaluation of data is possible.
00:10:15 There is no limit in between.You do not rely on aggregates anymore.
00:10:19 You can always go down in your analyses to the line-item level as we've heard now a
couple of times.This is something which is also kicking in here.
00:10:28 Experts are now equipped to really create batch process rules and run them in a predictive
model on the database level
00:10:36 in real time in the transactional system.A fragmented system landscape with different
separated sources belongs really to the past.
00:10:46 Configuration of rules to document expert knowledge and the use of predictive models to
detect patterns are as well enabled within the new system.
00:10:58 The predictive, interactive, and real-time performance analyses help to decrease false true
and improve efficiency to the entire processes.
00:11:11 Last but not least, I would like to mention before I handover back to you Sven, that the
automated mitigation responses to fraud are also embedded within the core business
00:11:25 which makes really a big difference.We come back to the IT view and the technical view.
00:11:32 It is very important for this use case.We will start with the ability of the system to scan fast
high volumes of data.
00:11:40 It is still a key value that we see here.This is a requirement to detect fraud and improve the
00:11:47 As said before, traditional systems fail because they are just too slow to deal with huge
amounts of data from that transactional system and deliver a short, acceptable response
00:11:59 In contrast SAP S/4HANA runs natively on the high-speed in-memory platform SAP HANA,
and therefore seamless, high-performance processing of very large data volumes is
enabled in memory.
00:12:11 Next, of course, let's compare the categories of predictive insights.In a traditional system
the data must be merged from different sources for comprehensive insights.

00:12:21 With the slow speed it takes a lot of time, and requires as well a lot of effort, and this is no
way to predict because the whole process happens after the fact very often.
00:12:32 And SAP S/4HANA helps you with the value of big data on the one side through the power
of SAP HANA supported by the extensive range of predictive algorithms.
00:12:44 SAP S/4HANA brings predictive insight to everyone in the business, not only to the
experts.Fraud events become instantly visible through dashboards, alerts and mobile
00:12:55 So, simulation and calibration is the next category which we want to compare.Currently,
available systems do not support full simulation capabilities to calibrate the impact of
detection methods.
00:13:09 Fraud pattern analysis and fraud rule testing are limited to a sample of data from only a few
data sources.There are only limited capabilities taking into account the line of businesses-
specific fraud criteria
00:13:23 and in the line with the nature of their business.SAP S/4HANA, on the other side, enables
real-time simulation and calibration of the fraud detection strategies.
00:13:33 Based on precise calibration, the users now can determine their detection strategies based
on finely-tuned and granular criteria to optimize fraud detection.
00:13:45 As a result, less false positives will be generated by fraud detection runs, as we mentioned
before.Currently, fraud simulations are often identified after the respective transactions are
00:13:57 Capabilities to check existing transactions with up-to-date fraud detection strategies are in
place now.So, it is more based on the expert experience as before,
00:14:08 but with much more manual processes that we did try to overcome the system borders,
which are limited by no real-time processes integration into a transaction-handling system
and business process.
00:14:21 Again, with S/4HANA, online fraud detection at any point as often as needed within
transactions - by the way, before and while they happen -
00:14:31 this process is now available.Suspicious transactions based on hybrid fraud detection
strategies can be tracked.
00:14:37 So, let's summarize the comparison with the category comprehensive alert
management.Today, significant work and effort is spent on cases which are sometimes not
real fraud occurrences,
00:14:50 and the lack of integration and silos between systems make the gathering of the data
required for investigation tedious and very time-consuming.
00:14:58 With S/4, it enables an advanced alert management, and with those functionalities and
capabilities we are empowering up-to-date fraud scoring
00:15:08 based on hybrid fraud detection strategies, and we are giving investigators full insight into
all relevant information at their fingertip for fraud cases.
00:15:17 How does that sound? I think that is a lot of material for the first day of the new learning
00:15:23 It is.But again, we hope that you can also find in your own organization,
00:15:31 within your own environment use cases which are similar to that one here.So, let us know,
again, how relevant that is for you, if this is going into the direction,
00:15:39 if you can understand also what the key capabilities of S/4 are really delivering to you as a
user in that environment, and we're really looking forward to your feedback.
00:15:50 So, there are a lot of related information. You know a lot of them: The use case series which
is linked to it,
00:15:56 the S/4HANA community, and also if you want to check out the related demos available in
the openSAP repository
00:16:05 as well as also looking into the business scenario recommendations and also enjoy the S/4
journey map online.
00:16:13 So as a direct action - from our point of view, from my point of view - really provide us your
rating on the relevance of the use case for you and also for your business,

00:16:22 and also share back examples which are following these design principles.Having said that,
I hope that you had a good start into the new learning week
00:16:32 and hope that we see you next time in our next course when we move on with our approach
and detect collaborative work patterns.
00:16:43 Actually the next use case, but yes, looking forward to see you very soon.Bye-bye.

Week 3 Unit 2

00:00:21 Efficiency, effectiveness, agility This is what you need to keep up in the air, right?
00:00:28 So let's come today to the last use case session of this course.After Detect Potential Fraud
Patterns last time, we will talk today about Collaborative Work Patterns in SAP S/4.
00:00:44 Impressive. So let's go into the meat.The world around us is changing dramatically.
00:00:51 And we are witnessing the most fundamental industries being disrupted, from manufacturing
to retail to food to whatever industry.
00:00:58 Everyone of the new disruptors optimizes customer experiences by leveraging a connected
ecosystem of stakeholders
00:01:06 that can collaborate to make decisions on real-time data.So to effectively re-imagine how
you serve and engage your customer,
00:01:16 how you innovate to create the best products or services, and how you get the most value
out of our supply chain, is job 1.
00:01:25 So you must leverage connected networks of employees, customers, and partners in the
context of every task.This is the new baseline for how organizations will need to be wired to
compete effectively.
00:01:38 It's no secret - the adoption of social collaboration in the enterprise has been extremely
challenging.Usually you throw tools and tools at that problem.
00:01:50 From a business perspective, the top capabilities in order to succeed in today's working
environment, like every single person at your company - from sales representatives to
procurement specialists to HR professionals -
00:02:04 is juggling a lot of balls. Here we are.
00:02:07 So trying to connect the right people and information across your company at just the right
time connected with the right business process is a big challenge.
00:02:18 So the pieces of the puzzle that we show here are needed to really at one time come from a
number of individuals or systems and need to include everything from every source,
00:02:32 like videos to e-mails to presentations. So a lot of data.What your company needs is an
ability to connect all of those pieces together:
00:02:40 the right people, the right information, and the right applications and data when you need
them.So many companies, unfortunately, just automated their past.
00:02:50 So this is really not where we want to go.With SAP S/4HANA Collaborative Work Patterns
we marry those two worlds:
00:02:59 the world of rich enterprise business information and the world of collaboration.And we have
done some amazing co-innovation projects here.
00:03:08 Next to that we'll have all the tools in place that you need.With Collaborative Work Patterns
we have an enterprise social networking solution
00:03:18 that allows you to bring your employees, partners, and customers together with the
documents and application data necessary
00:03:25 to enable effective, collaborative problem-solving and decision-making.So these activities
are organized in a structured form that provides intuitive access to the content and
00:03:38 while encouraging the pursuit of business-critical objectives, and while following established
processes through work patterns established by solutions that we have in that area.
00:03:51 With today's SAP S/4HANA Collaborative Work Patterns we are fully equipped to connect
the dots between people, process, data, and applications as we said.
00:04:01 So what are the innovations that we see? First of all, there are some triggered business
00:04:10 This Insight to Collaboration leverages real-time information across organizations, internal
and external, connects business users across networks with the business networks,
00:04:21 and enables new collaborative business processes to gain significant business
benefits.Supported by the real-time insights, build-in analytics and real-time simulation, like
Insight to Collaboration,

00:04:35 this opens up new ways to transform the modern enterprise and manage collaborative
business processes.Work pattern is a set of next-generation collaborative elements,
packaged to be repeatable
00:04:49 and built into SAP S/4HANA, for example, in logistics and in other areas as well.In case of
the supplier collaboration, if we stay with that example around material shortage,
00:05:01 it is an exception-driven collaborative scenario.Based on the real-time data available around
material shortage, an exception event can be generated in the system.
00:05:12 It becomes visible via the Material Requirement Planning Cockpit, that we alluded in the
earlier unit, for the business user.
00:05:20 And those business users, via a connection and action options, they can have the
opportunity and leverage the opportunity to mitigate the issues, like material shortage,
00:05:31 by triggering a collaborative work pattern based on Collaborative Work Pattern provided by
S/4HANA.This and further work patterns combine data inputs
00:05:42 and enable a repeatable, collaborative, and transparent interaction across the supply chain
to quickly solve the issue.So what are some of the tangible and quantifiable business
00:05:55 With the above work patterns the logistics experts in that very example are guided by the
system to focus on exceptions, and they are supported by the system to collaborate
instantly based on the taken decisions how to solve these exceptions.
00:06:12 With SAP S/4HANA real-time insights, build-in analytics and real-time simulation, this
enables the insights into what we need to do today.
00:06:22 So collaboration makes the daily work of any knowledge worker highly effective and
efficient.By leveraging real-time information across organizations, internal and external, as I
said it,
00:06:34 connected business users across those networks enable those new processes.And they
gain those benefits very quickly.
00:06:42 So those work patterns make today's modern enterprises very agile within the internal and
external customer collaboration.Now, last but not least, this opens new ways to transform to
the modern enterprise,
00:06:58 to manage, of course, also those collaborative business processes.Alright. Then let's come
to the right side of that picture.
00:07:07 So what the Collaborative Work Patterns really provide from a technical feature perspective,
such as the ability to create wikis and blogs, discussions on ideas including documents,
00:07:20 document versioning, and also the business content-related context.So accessing business
object data via OData interfaces in real time and also reusing it for collaborative purpose
00:07:34 is one of the major capabilities of these specific use cases.To monitor and to be notified of
relevant SAP Business Suite S/4 data -
00:07:46 only here Collaborative Work Patterns are flexible and allow also via SAIL to integrate and
monitor changes of business objects as well as pull any relevant Business Suite data
00:07:59 So what the heck is SAIL? SAIL is a specific component which runs on NetWeaver.
00:08:05 It stands for the Social Media ABAP Integration Library and allows exactly this tight process
integration.Unlike any other vendor, this allows your project to really stay on top of these
details and different information,
00:08:24 and also be informed actively with latest business data.We also call that, and Sven, you
mentioned it, collaboration in context.
00:08:33 And all this is accessible, which is really good also from an IT perspective, on any device
because it comes natively with the same set of functionality as you heard already regarding
00:08:45 The Collaborative Work Patterns include person-to-person collaboration, and also using
here real-time data from these multiple applications we mentioned before:
00:08:55 MRP, maybe other areas in logistics, Sales Order Fulfillment, whatever is then something
where you see a significant impact

00:09:03 if you trigger information via this kind of social channels.And deep integrations into the
Business Suite with these Collaborative Work Patterns ensure
00:09:11 that your employees can consume the relevant and also the recommended data and
information.The S/4 Collaborative Work Patterns provide extensive APIs,
00:09:22 regardless of whatever future software, future application or future vendors you as a
customer may decide for, because they can or I should say they should be able to also
integrate with the next system, of course.
00:09:38 So for example, if a customer currently uses a trouble ticket system that is not meeting their
needs and they want to upgrade to a new one,
00:09:48 they will be able to integrate the new trouble ticket system with S/4 Collaborative Work
Patterns to really leverage the business context-related between the collaboration
00:09:59 which is required to solve, for example, this kind of ticket in the best possible
way.Incorporating SAP applications or third-party data into the Collaborative Work Patterns,

00:10:11 such as accounts, opportunities, service business objects from CRM, for example, this is
where it all comes together.
00:10:22 But also incorporating business context-related collaboration functionality into the third-party
business applications, this is what really makes the difference and ensures that we leverage
the SAIL infrastructure as well as the OData services
00:10:36 to bring both elements really together here.So the IT conclusion from my point of view is:
00:10:44 If working across the SAP Business Suite S/4 environment and other back-end systems, the
S/4 Collaborative Work Patterns infuse the processes and applications companies use
00:10:57 with the right people, the right data, where and when they are required.[It's] helping you to
accelerate really your results
00:11:06 and make your company highly effective and also efficient on a daily process level, and of
course engage better with your new generation of talents used to a collaborative and also
networked environment.
00:11:21 It decreases learning costs and also transaction times by making data accessible in the
context of business-related activities, and makes it transparent.
00:11:32 Extending the formal training with context-related, community-based discussions, Q&As,
and assignments connected to the real-time data and the business objects within the
application, gives productivity just another spin.
00:11:49 So the S/4 Collaborative Work Patterns here increase also the agility of the corporate
service.And from asset management to project and portfolio management to travel,
00:12:01 wherever we see this pattern coming up, it increases really the efficiency by enabling these
cross-function teams to be in sync and always on top of the latest information
00:12:13 coming from the back-end systems and providing that into the respective business
context.So corporate services have complex tasks with a wide variety of internal and
external parties.
00:12:26 S/4 Collaborative Work Patterns help to connect the people, the information and processes
to really increase the service efficiency while lowering at the same time the costs and the
operational risks.
00:12:41 Good, I like that.Let's come to the business view and the process view as well again,
00:12:46 because many people throw technology at existing processes and then think they are
digitally transforming, and that's just copying the analog world.
00:12:54 I think we need to come to that differentiation.And this picture here shows you that social -
another word for that collaboration -
00:13:03 has evolved over time to encompass the many different aspects of collaboration.First, by
connecting people, bringing them together into groups where they can collaborate around

00:13:13 Second, by allowing people both, inside your organization and outside, to collaborate and
share information and documents.Third, by allowing people to solve problems and
collaborate around a business process
00:13:26 where really the rubber starts to hit the road.And fourth, allowing people to act upon the
information they have
00:13:33 by incorporating data, best practice and links to the outside business networks into the
collaboration.And finally, of course, by changing, adopting, and extending SAP S/4HANA
Collaborative Work Patterns
00:13:46 as well as integrating with SAP and third-party system, leading to a social Business Suite
with business context and related collaboration today.
00:13:55 So if we look closer to that example, if you are invited to join a visionary demo on
collaborative work patterns, compiled by S/4 Co-Innovation team together with our end
00:14:09 Let's have a look at the demo.... and vice-versa.
00:14:12 So collaboration always happened in the past, they happened on the site.We have the
technical capabilities today in order to combine these.
00:14:23 When we have business processes and we execute them, we certainly have calls with other
people, we ask people, we send e-mails.
00:14:31 When we talk to others, we need the context of the business in order to support these
discussions we have, for example, with suppliers.
00:14:40 This concept demo here shows, from a conceptual point of view, what's feasible and how
we actually see work patterns working within our S/4HANA solution.
00:14:55 What we have here is basically a launch pad of a material planner.Let's call him Paul.
00:15:02 Paul is responsible for the material supply in the plant.He needs to verify and to ensure that
all the material is there in order to complete the production.
00:15:18 So he is actually coming to his desk and sees that he has 4 issues, on the upper left, in the
material supply in 4 components.
00:15:32 So when he goes and drills into that material list, he sees these 4 issues.Well, one thing I
want to show you quickly here is
00:15:42 collaboration not necessarily means only work patterns themselves, using Jam in our
respect, but also how smartly ad-hoc collaboration can be integrated.
00:15:52 For example, Paul is going to talk to his supplier the next day.He tries to pull together all the
issues he has and he wants to discuss with that person.
00:16:04 So he opens up his smart side panel where he combines all the things he needs to talk to
the supplier to.Seamlessly integrated, ad-hoc collaboration in the business processes here
is one important thing
00:16:19 which certainly needs to be equipped throughout all our business scenarios.But let's
continue with the work patterns. What are work patterns?
00:16:27 Work patterns are basically content combining business context with collaborative
aspects.So you need the feed updates of the people within your solution.
00:16:41 And you also need the data.So Paul is having a problem in the solar cell topic, and he
certainly would like to solve this.
00:16:50 Our material cockpit, material planning cockpit is already supporting a lot of predictive
decision possibilities: So he may be able to allocate, to procure, or to transfer the material
from other plants.
00:17:08 But sometimes, very often in exceptional situations, he needs to discuss that with other
people.So in here he has the possibility to extend his business scenario
00:17:25 and combine this with collaborative content in order to find a collaborative solution.In that
respect, he shares the content with other people outside of the process,
00:17:41 like Linda, the sales representative, or the material planers from other plants, Mary and
Jack.So he extracts that and starts up with a so-called work pattern,
00:17:53 the combination of business content and collaborative aspects.And within that environment
he has the problem-solving steps,

00:18:02 he wants to make a collaborative decision.And over here, you see that down there the
transfer option has 0 votes, or allocate option has 0 votes.
00:18:12 He wants to enforce this decision and wants to have the other people's opinion.So these
guys can collaboratively give their pros and cons and come up with a solution altogether.
00:18:28 So basically after Mary, Paul, you know, made their votes, they can come up with a solution
in order to solve the issue,
00:18:37 go there and they find that the transfer option ultimately is the best to be used.He is going to
execute that within the system: Transfer the material from the other plant,
00:18:51 and certainly, at the end, has one material issue less.The smart combination of collaborative
components, business content
00:19:03 within ultimately one system and one scenario is the ultimate goal.Thanks for listening and
00:19:16 Hopefully, we can find a lot of those repetitive collaborative work patterns.So, this was
impressive, wasn't it?
00:19:27 If we now have a closer look after that interesting view on a system into this approach with
the traditional landscapes of S/4 and Collaborative Work Patterns,
00:19:39 so integration is the major difference we observe today.It is not a question of a technology in
00:19:46 it is a question of integrating into the business content.Incorporating SAP applications or
third-party data into your collaborative work patterns,
00:19:57 again such as account, opportunities, service tickets or other business objects, can really be
realized based on that functionality.
00:20:06 The extensions of SAP S/4HANA Collaborative Work Patterns with APIs and via SAIL give
customers, partners, and developers really the opportunity to extend business context-
related capabilities
00:20:20 to their own applications, to the partner add-ons and applications, and add everywhere
these collaborative capabilities.
00:20:31 Remember that no man is an island.Once a business application has been integrated with
S/4 Collaborative Work Patterns at a company level,
00:20:42 so the infrastructure is in place, all users can then incorporate and leverage business data
that they have visibility into, and directly bring that into their work patterns,
00:20:54 into their business objects and the way how they really work.For example, a sales rep can
include account and opportunity data from SAP CRM into an opportunity deal room,
00:21:03 so all group members can collaborate and help to really process the deal.These are just
examples of the type of integrations and data available in that environment today.
00:21:15 Any third-party system that has an API for extracting data can potentially be used to
incorporate data into work patterns,
00:21:23 and also start there and create potentially micro-services around specific activities.Last but
not least, another major difference is the decision support
00:21:35 which is now highly automated and supported by business simulations and enabled in S/4,
and also the recommendations which are integrated and can also be a trigger for the kind of
a collaborative work pattern.
00:21:49 Yes, I think impressive, especially, a use case which shows that the future has just
begun.Again, we have chosen 10 use cases around SAP S/4HANA enterprise
00:22:04 There are much more out there.So let me, again, for the last time reiterate how you can take
that forward
00:22:09 because, again, I think it was a good sample, but it is just the beginning.So please, read the
related use case blogs, if available, for each of those scenarios, and there is more out there.
00:22:20 Check the SAP S/4HANA community and make yourself comfortable with even the
cookbook that shows you how some of those concrete examples can be implemented,
00:22:31 and of course leverage the SAP Activate technology and the approach behind that.Attend
some of those S/4HANA Trainings, not only openSAP.

00:22:39 There are curricula for SAP Learning, directly into S/4HANA, and try it out. Use those
trials.Important for us is, take the actions.
00:22:49 Provide us your rating of relevance.And especially those use cases where you can think of
we need more of that - let us know.
00:22:57 Because there are relevant use cases you might know and share with us so we can co-
innovate on.So share them based on comparable designs
00:23:06 that you have learned via openSAP around S/4HANA and knowing the design principles.So
very clearly, let us know if you are interested in doing that together with us.
00:23:19 With this we conclude the detailed view on Collaborative Work Patterns use case.Join us
next time, when we will be talking about Mapping the Value Levers to Your Business - Part
00:23:32 Goodbye. Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

Week 3 Unit 3

00:00:14 Hello again and welcome to Week 3, Unit 3: Mapping the Value Levers to Your Business -
Part 1.
00:00:21 My name is Bert Schulze.During the last 2 weeks we've got insights into examples
00:00:27 of a digitized core through the use cases.We have seen different ranges, from changed user
00:00:34 via improving processes up to engaging your employees in a different way.If you remember,
before we started with the use cases,
00:00:42 we introduced the optimization levers of a digitized core and discussed the dimensions
which are important to keep in mind.
00:00:50 During each use case we explained how the 3 dimensions are impacted.Today, I want to
further discuss the precise value levers behind these 3 dimensions
00:01:01 and clarify how and what they actually leverage in your business.We pick example use
cases to see the impact of each respective lever.
00:01:12 Let's get into the topic with a short recap of the 3 dimensions of the value levers.This is a
picture which you know already - 3 dimensions.
00:01:22 Number 1: Efficiency - Doing things right.How good am I with my processes?
00:01:28 Number 2: Effectiveness - Doing the right things.Do I have the right processes in place to
achieve my targets?
00:01:36 And number 3: Agility - Organizational flexibility and the capability to adopt changes
fast.How long does it take for my company to adopt change?
00:01:48 These 3 dimensions measure impact of the digitized core on the organization and indicate
how much the processes have developed to the positive or to the negative.
00:02:02 Keep in mind, many accelerations are not nice to have, they are a direct consequence of a
digitally transformed world.
00:02:12 An efficient process from the past might be very inefficient going forward. And technology is
enabling us to do things differently than in the past
00:02:25 as many examples have shown already.So if we start without further delay
00:02:33 and move into the first value lever of the dimension Efficiency, we are talking about
Accelerate Execution.
00:02:40 This value lever emphasizes the new unseen speed of a digitized core which undermines
every process made.
00:02:50 In the past, even for simple requests or analyses long time-consuming batch processes or
transactions were required.
00:02:59 These sometimes can take up to 30 seconds or even more for the easier ones, but also
complex reports which may take up to a few days.
00:03:09 With the digitized core, typical in-memory technology which is in use can break that length
00:03:18 down to either a few seconds or just minutes, respectively wherever you come from.30
seconds doesn't sound too long, you might think,
00:03:29 but we know from research that if something needs more than 30 seconds to load or to
00:03:36 the user's attention moves on to a different task.This ultimately means that people have
several unfinished workloads opened
00:03:46 and cannot focus on one to finalize it and move on to the next.So let's see how that looks in
a system.
00:03:57 So what we have here is a comparison for SAP S/4 Finance.And I just go and start that one.

00:04:06 You can also experience it yourself on YouTube.The SAP S/4 Finance helps finance
00:04:14 to better manage collections and disputes, streamline billing and reduce customer credit
risk, all in real time.

00:04:22 But to reduce days sales outstanding and reduce debt write-offs, it is important to look into
how it is done.
00:04:30 To demonstrate just how much more efficient a responsive design is, let's look at the
financial management process,
00:04:38 which is picked here as the receivables management scenario. For this scenario business
users where asked to complete a common business process twice.
00:04:49 Once using a transactional design and once using the new interactive design and the new
user experience.
00:05:00 Both sessions were recorded and displayed side by side on one screen to compare
processing time, clicks, screen changes, and fields filled.
00:05:13 Let us have a look how a cash collection specialist benefits from the new user experience
that combines analysis and actions in one application.
00:05:22 Our collections specialist is calling customers to collect or review receivables. He is working
through a system-provided list of customers to be contacted today.
00:05:33 The list is automatically sorted based on rules. Beginning at the top of the list, the
collections specialist starts his call.
00:05:40 First, he needs to see when this customer was previously contacted. With the specific
design and user experience he sees the contact history right on the screen.
00:05:50 Call the customer. Remind him about the payment.Learn the customer has an issue with
one of the invoices.
00:05:56 Create a dispute case to document this. Type ahead. Search helps him to assign the right
processor in 2 seconds.
00:06:04 Another two clicks. He attaches a document. Let us fast-forward in that video and then also
see what is the impressive result
00:06:13 of what we can see here from a duration perspective.The specialist completes the task in
just 47 seconds,
00:06:20 with 11 clicks, 2 screen changes, and 2 fields filled. Massive simplification and a higher
efficiency compared
00:06:29 to what we've done in a classical approach.Even if things sometimes are faster than 30
seconds, but still take longer than 10 seconds,
00:06:40 you lose context and also get distracted, meaning that the task is not finished as accurate
and efficient as it could be.
00:06:48 The digitized core allows breaking down complex executions and response times, in many
cases down to fewer than 3 seconds.
00:06:57 At that point we are talking about real time, because the user stays concentrated on this
topic until it's solved.
00:07:05 This is where a digitized core shines and shows direct impact. Now users can rely on a
single source of truth and work with the real-time data.
00:07:15 If you recall the Accelerated Material Requirements Planning from the week before,
companies can now fully redesign the global planning processes
00:07:26 as the Accelerated MRP allows to be run many times a day. No local MRP runs anymore
because of performance.
00:07:35 Design processes as you need them to be. This opens a new dimension of an accelerated
execution in a system.
00:07:47 But what if you don't have to wait at all, because the task has already been done
00:07:55 This is what the lever Automate Process Steps allows.Routine tasks which don't need
careful manual consideration
00:08:06 can be automated with the help of the digitized core.Based on patterns, defined criteria and
00:08:15 the system can decide if a request needs a manual interaction or not.This significantly

00:08:22 zero-touch processes across the enterprise.The technical merger of the transactional and
analytical layer
00:08:33 allows checking patterns in real time. If orders do not match specific quality criteria,
00:08:40 they are handed over into the exception list.But we don't analyze anymore after the fact.
00:08:48 This is a very powerful change.The real benefit here is that automated decisions free up the
00:08:56 and give employees time back for important and value add tasks and allow to focus on
00:09:03 Here again, I want to emphasize that the data is captured only at the source, which then
allows to deal with a single truth.
00:09:13 I'd like to recall the Collaborative Work Pattern use case which we saw last week. Every
user, no matter how he or she is involved in the project, works with the same data.
00:09:25 And the interaction between people is highly improved. This leads me to the next value
00:09:34 With the digital economy, Digital Out-Tasking obtains a significantly higher
importance.Compared to out-sourcing, out-tasking means
00:09:44 that you still manage the basic part of the whole process, but steps in between can be
outsourced to external services.
00:09:52 This allows you to focus on your key expertise and leave the rest to experts on that
particular field.
00:10:00 This will increase the efficiency of your processes and reduce costs in several ways.A good
fit use case for this lever would be Market to a Segment of One.
00:10:11 By leaving processes, like data completion services, credibility checks, or specific data
mining, to expert services,
00:10:20 you will reach a much higher quality, a better cost structure.And with this value lever we
conclude then already the Efficiency dimension
00:10:29 and move over to the Effectiveness area.And here is the first value lever we would like to
talk about:
00:10:37 Speed up Signal to Action can be seen as a result of the previous lever Automate Process
00:10:44 and follows the same mechanisms.If you automate a big junk of processes, there might still
be some important ones among them
00:10:56 that need more careful human interaction.This is where the affected person gets notified.
00:11:04 And also this is what we call the signal.Before, the user would have gotten tons of these
signals every day
00:11:12 and had to consider each single one of them manually if it's relevant, yes or not. With the
tons of data created every day,
00:11:22 how are people able to identify signals amongst all irrelevant information in front of them?
With the analytical layer built in into the transactional layer,
00:11:35 the system identifies patterns, and only relevant signals are really made visible to the user.
00:11:43 The decision, the action, follows way faster now, making you do the right thing - being more
00:11:57 All of this we also call exception handling, and it is leveraged in the responsive design
concept of the new world.
00:12:07 A concrete example would be again here the Accelerated Material Requirements Planning,
which we've seen also the other week
00:12:16 and where we also see the elements of a higher efficiency from the other value levers.The
user can now rely on and react to signals and exceptions provided by the system
00:12:28 due to identified shortages, for example, and he does not have to look through the entire
material all day.
00:12:37 If we look into the next one, our fifth value lever is De-layer Processes.It is an advancement
of the Automate Processes.

00:12:47 This lever emphasizes that multiple workflows cannot be merged into a single one.What is
the before world?
00:12:56 Let's say an agent needed to retrieve information from an analyst. He has to request it and
wait till the analyst forwarded them to him.
00:13:06 Now the agent also needs an approval from his manager, which again takes sequentially
interaction from that side and meaning lost time for everyone.
00:13:17 By automating the two interactions from the analyst and the manager and seamlessly
integrating it into the workflow of our agent,
00:13:25 he can now finish the task in one go and does not lose focus.This, for instance, can support
the detection of fraud
00:13:35 by taking complexity from workflows and making them more transparent and
streamlined.Thanks to the Collaborative Work Pattern which is another use case relevant
00:13:47 it is now possible to bring multiple de-layered processes and involved stakeholders onto one
single platform
00:13:55 and make business data-related decisions much, much quicker.The next one we would like
to look at is the value lever number 6,
00:14:08 which is making most of our processes smarter.With the classical approach you have to rely
on your gut feeling and on delayed information
00:14:18 which often is old and not true anymore in the moment you receive it.This information itself
often has to be collected manually.
00:14:28 But by capturing data, like click patterns, sensors, or any kind of geographical information,
GPS information, in real time,
00:14:38 you can now make decisions based on that real-time information which are 100% accurate.
00:14:46 Making your big data smart data and using predictive algorithms, analytics are enriched and
then embedded into the processes
00:14:56 in order to help doing the right things.Again, with Accelerated Material Requirements
Planning, you have the perfect storm
00:15:07 where many things are coming together.This is why this is really a great use case, also for
this specific lever.
00:15:15 Process intelligence via system-built simulations and relevant real-time business
recommendations provided to the MRP controller
00:15:24 is really creating much more effectiveness.So with that look on the first 6 value levers of the
00:15:35 and the Effectiveness dimension we conclude this unit.I am looking forward to see you in
Unit 4
00:15:43 where we will proceed the discussion of the value levers for the Agility dimension.Thanks a
lot and see you next time.

Week 3 Unit 4

00:00:18 Hello again and welcome to Week 3, Unit 4: Mapping the Value Levers to Your Business,
now Part 2.
00:00:24 It's me again, Bert.Last time we closely looked at the 6 value levers for the Efficiency and
Effectiveness dimensions,
00:00:32 and realized that much of the benefit of a digitized core comes from a higher automation
and focus on exceptions
00:00:40 rather than being eaten up by the daily business.In this unit we will go into our last
dimension, Agility.
00:00:50 The dimension particularly is leveraging many of the key design principles of S/4.On the one
side, we see a radically simplified data model and the elimination of aggregates
00:01:04 which allow faster process transformation and analytics and additionally the guided
configuration and enriched connectivity of the digitized core.
00:01:17 In the new hybrid environments, flexibility of the speed of adopting process designs is a key
element which has been taken care of.
00:01:31 So, increased process flexibility is the first lever in the Agility dimension.Flexibility can be
defined as the ability to respond to a change in the environment
00:01:45 without disappearing or being replaced.If we transfer that to business processes,
00:01:52 we now talk about the ability of a particular process to adapt to changes.This can be an
easy example where a line of business
00:02:02 sees the need to change an existing process so the business goals are better achievable.
Or, for instance, a report that worked pretty well in the past, but is now not good enough.
00:02:18 Changes like this were only possible through effort and deep involvement of many people in
the past.
00:02:25 And it simply took time, time that we don't have any more in the new world.Now with the
new ingredients of the digitized core,
00:02:38 processes or reports or patterns or alerts can be adopted on the fly and on any device.
00:02:48 So, increasing the organizational flexibility describes the ability to easily change the
organizational structure without having to deploy huge IT projects.
00:03:01 In an ever-changing environment, the task is simple: How can I build up the reality in my
systems as good as possible?
00:03:12 I want the discrepancy between the physical world and the system to be as small as
00:03:22 Usually the representation of the structure of an organization within an IT system is lagging
behind the actual structure,
00:03:30 since organizational changes have actually immediate effect.Especially when dealing with
company mergers or demerges,
00:03:40 affected processes and structures will be adjusted within less time.With today's capabilities
and innovation available in the core,
00:03:52 a flexible collaboration both, on business and IT levels, and also in different line of
businesses is available.
00:04:01 With new business insights and with blurring borders between line of business applications,
it is now easy to introduce new organizations and employees to the new processes
00:04:15 and also start adopting quickly.Assimilate process innovation:
00:04:24 The digital economy constantly pushes and forces organizations to change and overthink
their processes.
00:04:32 Inflexible and stiff organizational constellations make it a complicated matter.This is much
easier with the capabilities of the new digitized core.
00:04:46 Process changes needed to be made and tested by IT, causing a huge effort.This makes it
a long road from the idea to the actual adoption and use.

00:05:01 Now, with S/4HANA, changes can either be made directly by the user himself or deployed
as a whole in a much faster time frame.
00:05:13 Then the intuitive and flexible Fiori design speeds up the adoption by the end user.Because
if you think in rollouts, this is always important for IT to keep in mind:
00:05:26 How long do I take, how long do I need to really roll out my functionality? Also here an
adaptive design helps to speed up that processes.
00:05:35 And finally resulting in use cases like the Collaborative Work Patterns, which you also have
already been familiar with.
00:05:46 As another example, the Engage Talent across the Organization emphasizes a huge benefit
also for this particular value lever.
00:05:56 New talents from a merged organization can much faster be transferred and developed
where they are needed without any distractions.
00:06:07 So, all that comes together again in the picture that we started with.Because this concludes
all of our 9 use cases,
00:06:17 which range from efficiency via effectiveness to agility.What did we see?
00:06:27 Today's complexity prevents companies from a successful transformation.To solve this, we
need to tackle that complexity,
00:06:37 unburden employees and also unburden processes, and stem the digital transformation by
the enterprise.
00:06:47 The core therefore needs to be redesigned and brought up to date.This is the only way to
deliver on the new promise which has been made to the market
00:06:59 and of course on the new expectations which are raised by you or by your competitors.By
implementing a digitized core and leveraging the new environment,
00:07:11 companies of course have to decide how much impact they want and are able to create to
not break at that particular wall
00:07:23 which you can see here on that picture.There are many opportunities to change, from
influencing single processes
00:07:30 up to transforming the whole organization and inventing new business
models.Unfortunately, this is what we also heard, redesigning processes does not come for
00:07:41 But the more effort I put into, the more I am able to capitalize on it.If we do it right,
spendings become investments and not costs any more.
00:07:58 And success is measured differently: New revenue streams are enabled versus the
00:08:05 how we run existing revenue streams has been optimized.With the digitized core we are
able to improve the overall competitiveness of our company,
00:08:17 which is, of course, the final goal of all of us.I hope that it became clear that the real value in
a digitized core
00:08:27 lies not in the obvious reduction of costs and TCOs.Because this is, again, the pure cost
side and bottom line of the house.
00:08:37 The real value of a digitized core lies in unleashing the power inside of your enterprise,
including the intellectual and IT power.
00:08:49 With solutions that support and enable enterprises in every process, employees finally have
the time and possibility to develop and push their own ideas forward
00:09:02 and transform the organization with their knowledge from both, inside and outside.Ladies
and gentlemen, this concludes the fourth unit of this week.
00:09:17 We are looking forward to see you in our last unit, the outro, provided by Sven.I really hope
that you enjoyed the course.
00:09:26 Thanks and goodbye!

Week 3 Unit 5

00:00:15 Hey, you did it! You made it to the final unit of this openSAP course SAP S/4HANA - Use
00:00:25 I hope you enjoyed following us over the past weeks, learning and discussing with us about
the first use cases of SAP S/4HANA.
00:00:35 We for sure did.As you have seen, we have structured the course along with those use
cases in mind
00:00:43 where we already see and where we predict value generated by the innovation areas of
S/4HANA. Of course, we also took into consideration both the business and the technical IT
perspective for each selected example,
00:00:59 and I trust this was helpful as well. We did start - so we recapped that - with the motivation
00:01:09 because we think and we keep thinking the Why is very important. Then we moved on to
the Introduction of the New Value Levers,
00:01:20 a concept, actually, which we will keep building out and we are happy to share. Thanks to
our co-innovation customers and partners again at this point.
00:01:31 When we took you to a journey to discover the hands-on use cases, including various lines
of businesses, with dedicated technical hints, and of course a lot of demos,
00:01:43 I trust you realized that this is real. Finally we have mapped the value levers introduced
00:01:51 to the business processes based on the introduction use cases.And I think this is important
because you want to measure your success.
00:02:00 What I will do now is the summary of the units to present you my personal favorites and the
key takeaways.You might have others - let me know.
00:02:12 Okay, let me start with my recap of the course weeks.So as a strategist, I think we need to
understand the why,
00:02:22 the summary of the innovation adoption model for digital transformation.And I think it is also
important to agree on that why or at least recognize it
00:02:32 because this is where we started with the motivation of where we came up with S/4
HANA.We did recap a little bit why the innovation adoption is important for the digital
00:02:45 I don't know how many “experts― did tune out at that time, but, hey, do not
underestimate the discussions that people are having that sit on budgets in your company.
00:02:58 Customers today are looking for ways to transform their business and cater to our digitized,
networked and complex world.
00:03:07 I said it at the beginning, and I think it still holds true.And hopefully with the use cases we
could prove it even more.
00:03:15 Many customers need to deliver today services rather than products. It's a fact. And
everything needs to happen fast.
00:03:22 So the innovation and the speed, the in- memory capabilities we think are key.But we also
have made clear it is not speed only.
00:03:31 Customers are looking to improve their decision processes, their products next. And
ultimately they need to cater towards those new business models,
00:03:41 by the way, in parallel to what they have.This is where we come in with simplifying the core
of their business.
00:03:48 So we happen to believe this why is here today, and we will keep prioritizing along those
00:03:55 So it's good to know because it's going to impact the roadmap and our discussions with you
going forward.
00:04:02 And we also have hopefully made clear, and we will keep communicating that to the market,
that S/4HANA reimagines the businesses for the digital economy in that context.

00:04:14 So our environment which is constantly changing is leading the way.We know customers
are influencing businesses.
00:04:22 They are used to seamless design, to their customized experience, and we need those
improvements on a regular basis.
00:04:31 And if you cannot deliver to this actually as an organization or a vendor, you will soon be
00:04:39 And that's why we need to outpace our own competition.This push from the consumer
forces we have also shown with the use cases
00:04:49 because companies today are re-thinking their priorities.Where can they react faster,
because their competition is just a mouse click away.
00:04:59 But too often, of course, we know the infrastructure behind the surface cannot deliver to that
speed, and via the use cases we have transmitted that message I think very clearly,
00:05:11 what those innovations can bring.As companies today are more and more in that segment
of one,
00:05:19 that's what your marketing who has the budget is discussing, and the number of incoming
orders is rising every day
00:05:26 and the production sizes are in a lot size of this needs to come together.
00:05:33 We know that those external factors increase the complexity tremendously.It puts the whole
organization infrastructure on the test.
00:05:42 This is the point where many fail, and actually this is why we have pushed those
innovations.And the problem is not with the employees or the companies' philosophy,
00:05:53 it is the complexity of the solutions, of how they have been built so far.So, the digitized core
for us and for you enables more than that
00:06:04 It drives and ensures that transformation.Without that digital core, for sure you run a much
higher risk.
00:06:13 We have also introduced with this course a framework, which hopefully comes handy if you
discuss internally:
00:06:21 The value levers.And of course this new environment with the digital economy
00:06:27 with all the disruptive technologies and trends, like segment of one or subscription
economy, pushes forward and forces organizations to a transformation.
00:06:38 This is the challenge we have at hand.But how exactly can the digital core contribute?
00:06:44 And that's why in this course, we looked into some existing, planned and possible use
cases.And of course we wrapped them around those digital transformation value levers.
00:06:57 And there is always the following question: For example, how can we actually measure it,
00:07:03 and how can we show the impact of the digitized core on the organization and justify the
invest? Because it will be based on business cases.
00:07:12 And how can we see that impact and outcome afterwards? So, hopefully we agree a
framework has to be in place,
00:07:20 which can reflect that success, and where the use cases, some of them we have also
shown and there are more to come,
00:07:27 actually can with their applications be compared against.So, together with co-innovation
customers and partners, and thanks to them again, we worked on such a framework.
00:07:39 And together we looked at 3 dimensions that will make organizational transform and make
that transformation measurable:
00:07:47 Efficiency, effectiveness, and agility.So we think, this was important and it will be important
going forward
00:07:55 to come to that digitized core and use that framework and those value levers, which actually
serves into those dimensions.
00:08:05 For each dimension, therefore, we have 3 main value levers, and take them seriously,
because we can measure the impact and this should help an organization to reach its goals.

00:08:18 So feel free to leverage the framework if you want. For sure you will be asked for one. If you
have ideas - happy to hear them.
00:08:29 In the use cases, actually, we focused on the most interesting ones how we think. There are
more.But this course is all about the value expected, the technical background,
00:08:42 and where available hands-on experience of those use cases can be shown.From different
areas, like finance, HR, logistic related line of business and more,
00:08:53 we have introduced those use cases.And this was just a sample of more that is already and
will becoming available.
00:09:03 For sure more to come.It was our goal to deliver this content as hands-on and interactive as
possible to you.
00:09:11 Trust you liked it and can make use of it in your internal discussions.And stay tuned
because we will show more.
00:09:20 So, in those use cases, again to recap that, when we dive into those, it is important to start
with a close look at both angles, the business and the technical IT perspective.
00:09:34 Both perspectives included detailed explanations of capabilities, innovations and
quantifiable values delivered in the respective use case and its related innovations.
00:09:47 When we went a level deeper and looked separately at the business view and what impact
the new processes are delivering,
00:09:56 we used the capabilities, innovations and the framework for S/4HANA.Similarly we
explained the IT side of the innovations
00:10:05 and the improvements delivered by S/4 compared to a traditional system.And I could not
mention it often enough
00:10:14 because at the end we used the formerly introduced value levers, Efficiency, Effectiveness
and Agility
00:10:21 to measure the potential impact of the respective SAP S/4HANA use cases, and you should
do as well.
00:10:29 The contribution to our company's digital transformation from both, business and IT
perspectives, this is what you should take with you.
00:10:38 To make your learning experience as hands-on as possible, we showed interactive
demos.But of course this is exactly when we come to you when we discuss your roadmap
where we should start.
00:10:51 Because those selected use cases include real business scenarios.Let's also make sure
that you know where to find more information, because there is more.
00:11:04 I want to make sure you don't miss the high value content complimentary to this course.
See here what we suggest.
00:11:14 Of course, the specific use case content has been made available for you after the
respective units here as part of the openSAP course.
00:11:23 But additionally, it's maybe a good time to join, as I said at the beginning, the S/4HANA
community, on SAP's community network SCN.
00:11:34 Become a member of a very active community and benefit from the latest content
discussions and interaction, and of course look at the latest developments for S/4HANA.
00:11:46 Or check out the journey map and the business scenario recommendations to check the
area of most interest when you discuss with your business.
00:11:56 And don't miss to check frequently the roadmaps on the SAP Service Marketplace, which
you can access as SAP customer.
00:12:05 Visit the SAP Learning Hub for dedicated S/4HANA learning content. And for sure make a
test drive with the trials.
00:12:15 OK, this is really it for this course. But I am happy to say that the SAP S/4HANA learning
journey on openSAP does not end here.
00:12:26 We'll provide more details in the near future about more aspects of SAP S/4HANA. So
please stay tuned for upcoming openSAP courses and announcements.
00:12:38 Again, if you are interested in further trainings from SAP Education right away, please visit and the SAP Learning Hub.

00:12:49 Before I end this last unit and the course, I want to wish you good luck for the final exam
and that you earn sufficient points towards the record of achievement.
00:13:01 And please do not forget that you still have the opportunity to provide us feedback in the
discussion forum in the „I like, I wish“ section.
00:13:12 Thank you.Thanks to the team that pulled this together and of course the openSAP crew,
00:13:19 and see you again in one of the next openSAP courses.


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