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IT’S ALL ABOUT TRUSTS ett By a 20.00 Donation PO Box 3096 Central Point, Oregon [ 97502 ] 1-541-727-7703 WUUVUVUVUUVGSSSSVEVSESSSESTETETESEEGEEBGGBIIETG | Vuvevevvvevvvevcvvvvveeeeeweee-.-eo- IT’S ALL ABOUT TRUSTS! [ scanned — reformatted — print enlarged — some micro glitches still remain! | ["The documents after page 59 were pat’s and were not scanned as pais! ] ‘This is PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL information under private copyright. It is NOT to be published on the Internet, and anyone who does so will face the consequences. ‘The following is a'record of a telephone conference between several people who were inquiring into the possibility of going back to pre-1933 private American citizenship, and why that might be beneficial. The names of the speakers have been removed to ensure their privacy. The first speaker is "A," and the second speaker is "B" and "C" represents one of the callers asking questions or commenting. Tam "A." I'm concemed about private American citizenship and how to properly use it so we are not being victims of the statutes of the emergency war powers military government established March 9, 1933. I had the status right, but it took "B" to help me learn to use it with his knowledge and experience in equity, for which 1 am thankful. This is "B." "A" asked me to be on. I think the reason "A" has me on is | study private trust law and exclusive court of equity. It is nothing like the at-law side. We all come from commerce, because that is where we were born. I bought a boat three years ago, and it has been in the garage because I've been reading about equity, and in the meantime, applied it to areas of my life, When I met "A", it was like I was a wheel, and 1 met the road for the first time. I knew all about exclusive equity, but when it occurred to ime the one piece | was missing which was so important. I met him in April, and it probably took me the first hour to determine I was listening to a man who has a revelation knowledge. | was having an epiphany in my head. This is the one piece that will turn on what I am doing and make it work. Then | got to share what I do with "A". ‘The court of exclusive equity is what I am interested in. If you read the equity books, like Chancellor Henry Gibson from Tennessee, and Pomroy, if you read these guys they tell you that over a period of 500 years, the at-law was borrowing from the equity side. ‘They were making the at-law bigger and bigger, and the called it concurrent, but it was still not equity. But they are borrowing from equity for 500 year. In 1933 everything became martial law, | ean prove to you, youare in martial. You don't know what negotiable instruments are supposed to be like. When you go to a mortgage closing, you don't know what a negotiable, non-negotiable, a promissory note, a private instrument, a legal nature {itle, the grantor/grantee relation. You don't know what you are signing. You don't know the equity side of it. You do what you are taught. You don’t know you have an imperfected marketable title. There is a maxim that equity does not aid a volunteer. You don't know you are a volunteer. You don't know why prisoners are in prison voluntarily. You don't know the 12-13 maxims that are governing all the courts because our founding fathers imported trust law from England. We still have a full implementation of trust law, from England, sitting in a chancery, in our country. Itis sitting there, and it is only for living men and women, not fictions. Commerce cannot go in, How would you like to sit ina court proceeding where the attorney for the bank cannot be heard? We've done that 1 I get a little worked up because ever since I met "A", | feel like the two of us are synergized. We've learned from each other. We put our heads together. If you have an onion, and you peel the martial away, what is left? Only one thing; itis called exclusive, the concurrent is gone. The cestui que trust is in the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. Itis a protectionary spendthrift trust in which the president of the U.S. is the sole trustee, he has sole discretion, and it cannot be liened, it eannot be charged, you cannot sue the trustee, and the only way in is a Notice of interest (that's Equity), and when you are ready to file suit you file a Bill in Equity. That's what I've been doi five years. "A": The one who can do that is in section 16, where the individual who is entitled to the trust fund, and it is definitely not the publie citizens, not the enemies. / maintain the Trading of the Enemy Act is really, in fact the constitution of the day we are under, and they used portions of the constitution to facilitate their military government imposed by FDR on 9, March 1933. They merged law and equity in 1938 \\hen they created the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The jurisdiction of the federal courts is not from the US. constitution; it is from the Trading with the Enemy Act. No wonder the judges tell you to shut up. No wonder they make subjective decisions. They are keeping the rule of the conqueror in place. The president is the monarch. That's why they didn't have to do a Trading With the Enemy Act in Canada; they already have a monarch. All they had to constitute Canadian citizenship with the birth certificate, and they were good to go. "B": In five years of doing private trusts and equity, I've had all positive things happen. In the process of correcting some things- it is stuff you guys have never seen before. When I write my paperwork, it has nothing to do with any commerce, not a statutory trust, nothing like that. When "A" and I got together, we merged our research, It_ boils down to only two jurisdictions in this country. There no other jurisdictions. It is, either martial or exclusive ‘equity. There is no concurrent, there is no criminal, it is just martial. It is martial civil martial ‘criminal martial equity, but it is all martial. You cannot step over the threshold into exclusive as a public citizen. Nobody can do it; no law can get you there. Jesus said the secret of life is within you. You come in your own right. It is only you. By my blood, he said. You already have it, itis called unal the first document the founding fathers got excited about after 167 years of court proceedings in this nation -the first court proceeding in this colony in year 1615 was an equity mortgage case-after 167 years of equity proceedings, and what is the first document the founding, fathers did when they felt the encroachment of Rothschild and King George and the Vatican? They did the Declaration of Independence at the risk of their own peril, and what did they put in it? Unalienable rights. 500 years of dark ages, and a group of people decide they have to save their children from the tyrannical political nature of the Vatican and the kings of old, so they do the Declaration of Independence to save their children and make their rights unalienable. A Declaration is a trust. But no one knows what their rights are, No one in a martial law system has ever exercised them. The, Liab iis under the rights of God-God gave us dominion, that is the grantor-grantee re ship-the only enable rights, > a @ a e e a « e a @ @ é @ & @ & o & & é - é e & 6 - é 6 e e 6 « é é é « « « e e e e rights I've s« hest order a judge can recognize are those of unalienable rights of It is higher than commerce, higher than the Pope, it is higher than a mi being the beneficiary of a private trust arrangement. The trick is, how do you get enforcement? You do private trusts every day by accident. People don't know trust law, they don't know the elements of a trust. Every time you walk out of a grocery store with a receipt in your hand, that is trust law. It isn't commerce. You have title. Every time you buy a house, that is trust law you are signing on the deed. When the sellers are the grantors, and the buyer is the grantee — you need to sign as the grantee, by the way, or it is imperfected, ‘Trust law is the basis of everything. The Jesuits will never violate that law. It is the sacred Jaw- that's how they hold their property. When Congress passed the law that confiscated the people's gold, they abrogated contracts ... You ever wonder who 20 million people can lose their homes? That is shearing sheep. Wall Street got made because the people found out Wall Street was buying the people's gold and selling for a 60% profit and the people got mad, and refused to sell it to Wall Street. So Wall Street says to the President the people are hoarding. The President convenes a special session because of this emergency. What was the first thing the senators say? We haven't even seen a copy of this thing, anybody have a copy? Remind you of anything? There was a Wall Street party going on in the gallery. This is where mortgages will change. They will be able to take all your gold for free. They will take your land titles, for nothing. FDR seized all land, all labor, all businesses, They abrogated contracts. What got me was, the last 80 years of government has been predicated on two statutes. This is going to be like shooting ducks in a bank. | study private trust law, and I described myself as non-statutory, non- _commercial, non- UCC. Private citizens are non-statutory, non-commercial, non-UCC. Private citizens are excluded from the Act in plain English. "A": They are excluded from the Emergency Banking Relief Act, the private citizen is no part of it. When FDR seized all the property and all the people, he seized the Congress on the 6th, so everybody in Congress who voted on the 9th for the Emergency Banking Relief Act had been seized, they were the propeliy of the emperor, so therefore they were nothing more than public US citizens, representing all other public US citizens. There wasn'ta private among them, So they passed that statute for those entities, not for the private citizens. "BY: | like mobMages as an example, You know how you do the securitization audit on a $200,000 mortgage note, and you find out you are on $23-24 million securitization, but you can't touch them because you are an enemy belligerent. You are a public, But a private citizen using equity trust law is an entirely different set of standards, We are about {0 prove it. We had success in a British Columbia case on a credit card judgment. The guy got all the securities of the court case and all the securities of the credit card, about $20,000,000. We got all the causes of action and all the pleadings. It is not rocket science. There are no surprises. He was just able to do it. We have had some successes in the past, but because of our study together, we are sending out stuff on about four different fronts. People go to prison for tax problems. 1 believe, across the board, all criminal and all civil, will all come down to the private citizen creating property rights. When enforcing a trust there are only 12 maxims you need to know, You don't need to know 60 million statutes and codes. When you are forming a private trust, you don't even have to use the words trust or trustee. When you look at 600 years of English/British commonwealth, American jurisprudence combined, it is actually pretty simple. You don't have to understand negotiable instruments, You only have to understand four titles: The grantor, the grantee, the trustee and the beneficiary, Notice I didn't say exemption. ‘That is a secondary derivative title. Itis only holding a legal title; it is a secondary deriv: ‘le. He is not primary. 1 only do primary rights; grantor, grantee, trustee and beneficiary. That is it. There are no other titles. In all of commerce, every one of those positions I can attribute to anyThing you are holding right now. Chances are, the ones you need to be holding- you are not holding any of them. This is what the Jesuits have figured out. They made commerce almost the exact opposite of trust law, in so many ways. ‘There is an entirely different jurisdiction outside of the outlaw side. I can tell you how to invoke it. A guy know, a major in the Air Force, he had a divoree case. His wife was taking him to the cleaners on the statutory outlaw side, and he did a 3-page pleading, and the judge gave him everything he asked for. He said the wife's attorney was very frustrated, he couldn't figure out how he got what he wanted, and that's the mania! side. He is a public citizen, but he brought in a Judicature Act, which is the year 1873, and the Judicature Act says:"When there is a conflict between the rules of law and the rules of equity, the rules of equity shall prevail.” That wording is key. It uses the word "conflict." The conflict you want to mention is that you have a conflict with the mules of law, and then you have to plead it particularly. You want to say, "Yes, | ran a stop sign, | got a ticket, you are right.1 broke the letter of the law, but I did not break the substance of the law. I have a conflict with the letter of the lav.: because the substance of the law was not broken,” What is the substance of the law? "Your honor, the laws are put into the place, where the substance of the law, the spirit of the Jaw, is that I didn’t hurt anybody, and | didn’t damage any property. Lastly, there has to be a real party of interest, and there has to be a damaged_party.” ‘There was another guy with 9 traffic tickets that were 8-10 years old. He thought he was going to jail because he was called into court. He put a notice together: "I have conflict with the rules of law. Whenever there is a conflict with the rules of law and the rules of equity over the same mater, the rules of equity will prevail. That is the Judicature Act 1873." The judge saved him for last. after he had watched other people go to jail for one ticket, two tickets. Our guy is sitting there with 9 tickets. They always save us till last, they clear the courtroom. The judge said to him, "Before you say anything, let me say this, let me say this ..."" He tried to put words in his mouth. End result was, they asked him to go into a private room with an officer of the court to work things out. He didn't do it perfectly. He is new, eEeeredre owam Serf PPRPRPPRPLLLFRLKHKHLLKLELKHLLGOLELE LE RE L&RELLLELE he is slow. but he did enough. He walked out with a year of probation. He could have walked out without any probation, if he had put the words in the record. He could get a rehearing. If he wanted. The judge was trying to teach him to say it, to put the Judicature Act on the record in the hearing. That is your extinguishment. There wouldn't even be probation The Judicature Acts are a series of Acts of Parliament, beginning in the 1870s, which aimed to fuse the hitherto split system of courts in England and Wales. The first two Acts were the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 (36 & 37 Viet . 66) and US Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1875 (38 & 39 Viet c. 77), with a further series of amending acts (12 in all by 1899). By the Act of 1873 (ss. 3, 4) the Court of Chancery, the Court of Queen's Bench (known as the King's Bench when there is a male Sovereign), the Court of Common Pleas. the Court of Exchequer, the High Court of Admiralty, the Court of Probate, and the Court of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes were consolidated into the Supreme Court of Judicature, subdivided into two courts: the "High Court of Justice" ("High Court"), with (broadly speaking) original jurisdiction, and the "Court of Appeal". Besides this restructuring, the objects of the Act were threefold: to combine the historically separate courts of common law and equity: to establish for all divisions of the new Supreme Court a uniform system of leading and procedure; and to provide for the enforcement of the same rule of Jaw in those cases where equity and common law recognized different rules. The enactment was bold and revoluti nary. By one section the Queen's Bench, the Common Pleas (in which only serjeants formerly had the right of audience), and the Exchequer, and all their jurisdiction, whether criminal, legal, or equitable, were vested in the new court, The fusion of the systems of law and equity was not complete, however, as the Chancery (equity) division retained a distinct existence within the new court from the Queen's Bench (common law) division, having a certain range of legal questions under its exclusive control, and possessing to a certain extent a peculiar machinery of its own for carrying its decrees into execution. Nevertheless, all actions could now for the first time be initiated in a single High Court, and (subject to such special assignments of business as mentioned) could be tried in any of its divisions. Took another lady in Washington, and asked her if she wanted to try something new. She had become a private citizen then. She went in, after she put her notice in, and the clerk took her into a private room, on the private side of the court, then asked her "What do you want?" She did not know what to answer. She should have said, "Lam_ demanding an extinguishment and a full accounting.” That is trust law. But she didn't know what to say because she is still indoctrinated to the outlaw side of the court. You think it is a fight. It is not a fight. When you become a private citizen, you are a friend. We were just touching on what a private citizen is at that time, but new level. " research takes it to a When she went into her hearing, they cleared the courtroom. Mindy was very S|. green. She actually thought she was going to win that that day. I told her, this is just a lower court hearing. The only thing you want is a transcript You are in the lower court, they don’t have equity there, it is all muiJelpa-INow 1 would change my answer, now I'd tell her it is under martial " (you are not going to get into exclusive. ‘That being said, they still cleared the courtroom for her and the judge still asked her, "What do you want me to do for you today?" She really didn't know what to say. "A": This is not a question the trustee would ask the beneficiary. "B": Exactly what is going on. That's the notice of conflict and variance. But what's wrong with private citizen? You can notice the court of your private citizen status. "A" has splendid paperwork. You notice the court of your private citizen status, and you. have to. Understand there is a maxim operating against everybody in commerce. I have to give "A" all the credit here. I've seen this maxim for several years, but "A" started laughing about it. "Ha, ha, look at that, equity doesn't aid a volunteer. That's my whole course; I'm teaching you how not to be a volunteer.” I took two weeks of research and got back to"A", "You are right. They are treating us as volunteers. They are volunteers in prison. They tell us we have to volunteer to pay taxes." The public doesn't understand how ‘you can volunteer to be in prison or pay taxes. Here is the joke: It is not the volunteer definition on the public side, it is the equity definition of ‘volunteer? "tis the equity definition of volunteer." Do you know what a volunteer in equity is? An imperfected gift, an imperfected assignment, an imperfected conveyance; an imperfected transfer. It is imperfected. Look up equity cases on equity doesn't aid a volunteer. Read the cases. Sorry, ‘equity doesn't aid a volunteer, we see an imperfected gift. You go to buy a house, the seller is the grantor and you are the grantee. ‘The grantor- grantee relation is one of absolute, that's whybecause you are acquiring both sides of the ledger as the grantee. You are acquiring the assets of the property and you are ‘acquiring the liabilities of the property, both sides. It is absolute title. Why’s that significant? Ask yourself how many times you have ever signed as grantee in front of the notary at closing. Never! You are supposed to! That is what is called a perfected deed. If you don't sign as the grantee, that is what is called an imperfeeted deed, also known as marketable title, also known as mortgage backed security. They are floating around because the private citizen hasn't shown up, and because everyone who is signing these things are volunteers. And your mortgage tells you that you are a tenant, You cannot even hold a land title, you are just holding tenancy. That being said, you haven't even entered into lawful payment of lawful money. As a publie citizen you have no access to awful money. You have not signed as a grantee, you are a volunteer. You record the deed in the county. and there is no signature of the grantee. That is an imperfected deed, Ie been trying to get equity, and that is a pretty big thing to miss for me, but it is an easy one to correct. The beautiful thing about equity is that equity will fix your. misiakes. Ifyou made a mistake, God gave you, and the founding fathers put it writing ~ you have to unalienable rights to property. If you abandon property on & mistake, you can go back and correct it. "At law will not let you correct it, but equity will let vou correct it, It is called annihilation. Supreme Court. Michigan 1957, Mae v. Conerete Wall, the chief justice says there is one jurisdiction, equity, that se] annihilates and completely goes the other direction of at law. Another case, Hutcheson v. Maxi Center, the judge said he ruled for them this way, but if it had been equity, I would have ruled the other way. A divorce ease in Milmesota, the judge ve» esov gave the kids, house, cars and everything to the wife. The husband was weeping in court, and the judge ‘Sir, if this was a court of equity, I would have ruled the other way." tly friend Troy \WaS in court and witnessed it. He should re-file that thin as a writ of error. Become private citizen and do a writ of error and get what you ask for. Equity does justice and righteousness. What is right, not what is at law. That is Roman conqueror pretend equity. That is not the real stuff. The real stuff is true ustice._In the Trading with the Enemy Act 1917, it says you have to notice the president of your intention to bring a Bill of Equity in the federal district court. [Probably need to file in the Article III "district court of the United States” as opposed to the USDC as the USDC is merely a territorial court which does not belong inside the states. Same building, same address, but different courts. The court will use the USDC heading when they issue orders, so you have to reject said orders and demand the proper court heading. That's another subject. ed.) It tells you what to do. It says to name the Treasurer as a defendant. This is out of Henry Gibson's book. All parties will get justice. You are not taking something from them, you are getting back what is already yours, and maybe some extra relief, like get your house back. They will figure out a way to make it right. But you can't do that at law. At law is a railroad track going one way, but equity is a helicopter that can go any direction. There is a maxim in equity that is a most powerful maxim. Equity regards as done, that which ought to have been done. If you made a mistake, equity will fix it Ifa trust has been breached, equity will fix it, restore it, It is called recoupment. When the guy in British Columbia won his suit the clerk called him to come in and get his judgments. He went in and got two envelopes. One envelope contained 14 blank pages with a judge's signature on it. The other envelope was handwritten. printed. all lowercase letters. No capitalized letters, even the letter "I". And every page is signed by a chancellor. It turns out the blank pages are the public judgment. and on the back side of the public record is the handwritten decree, all handwritten. The private decree ordered the attomey to extinguish everything, ordered the bank to extinguish everything, He got the clerk To Eo EET the securities from the lower court, the CAFR account or the CRIS account (the court reporting financial accounting), the securities that bond the case. He got all of that. It is all his property. He claimed it under the trust. He said, own the credit card top and bottom; | own both sides of the ledger. I own the court case I just lost on because equity is the only jurisdiction cognizable of my rights, and my rights were trampled in that lower court case, and I am making a prima facie claim I own it as trust res. He went into judge's chambers, and the judge asked the magical question "How many trusts do you see?" This is a magical question, but our hero only got it half right, He said, "I think I see three trusts. I mentioned two trusts in my pleading, I know there is a third trust, but I don’t know who the trustee is, but I do know thi "No trust can fail for want of a trustee." The judge said, "| see three trusts, too." He turned to the clerk and ordered the clerk to get a full accounting on the court case 7 in the lower court. The clerk came back and said $20,000,000. He asked the guy what he wanted to do with the money. He said, "Keep it here,” which was correct, because if you touch that money in commerce, they will throw you in jail because the martial commercial side is fiat public shadow title. If you have primary money sitting in equity, don't move it from equity, keep it there. It is still your money, but let the comi manage it. They are pros at it. Ihave about a hundred cases that say the court is, jealous of a trustee. They are basically telling you they make a better trustee than any other trustee. They are saying, have good faith, make the court a trustee, but the private side of the court, not the judge in open court. There is a big difference. That said, that is what we are doing. ‘That is the only thing I am working on; only equity, only exclusive. 'A": What I am doing as a private citizen is helping people to return to the status they had when the birth certificate was filed. As a private citizen of the United States under section 1 of the 14th Amendment. I used to think the 14th Amendment was where we lost all our rights, and I was filing things in that regard, and a Federal judge said Mr. Nelson, why don't you just expatriate yourself? | knew something was wrong here. 'B": That's the correct martial answer. ': Sure. Expatriate yourself, just get out of here. Ididn't know anything about the Emergency Banking Relief Act. That was such a secret. We were writing releases and abandoning privileges, etc. | made all kinds of mistakes, going back to primary state citizenship, which is preposterous. I never got any relief, went to jail for a while. I had to learn the hard way. I then sought counsel in prayer. I learned that you have to go back to being a private citizen under section | of the 14" Amendment, with is defined, and des in Hale v. Hinkle. ‘They were describing the citizens in 1906, not the citizens now. The citizen his private business unlike the corporation which is ereated for the public They are not describing the current citizen; they are describing the citizens back in 1906, which were private citizens! In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act defines the enemy as individuals, but in 1917 the private citizen could not be a citizen of the United States-Pyet-baeieie-being a private citizermasdescribedin-the-Fracing With the. Enemy Act, you are not an enemy anymore. When you become a private citizen, the statutes do not apply anymore! The Emergency Banking Relief Act and the Trading With the Enemy Act are the two statutes that are the basis for the jurisdiction of the war powers courts. They changed the jurisdiction of the courts. When you become a private citizen, the statutes don't apply. The war powers do not apply. They can't give you a martial process because the two most important things in the constitution for the private citizen is the 5th Amendment due process of law at the Federal level, which is a civilian due process, and you are guaranteed due process of law at the state level, which is a civilian due process. So you have your status and due process sections, and that’s it. It is all about status and process. You have the right status, insist upon the right process. Thave a case in Pennsylvania that has been there for 14 months. ‘The judge has refused to grant the opposing party's motion to dismiss on a credit card issue. From what | —--sS se TTS S SSS SSS SSO ASUS SSS SSS SST TESST know now, I would have handled it differently, but on the counter claim it said this is not Shelton’s flag, this is not Shelton's name, and then he filed a release and rescission of Signatures of suretyship, returned to his former status, This is a hybrid court for hybrid citizens, the hybrid citizen is a public citizen, he is a natural person, a private citizen surrounded by this artificial entity, this mini- corporation; it is a hybrid individual — showed Shelton how to go back to a private citizenship status. It is absolutely protected in the constitution. It is completely lawful. You are now a civilian, you are not an enemy belligerent, and they can give you due process. It strengthens your position. "B': There is a part called co-mingling. It is trying to be a private citizen in commerce. This is the very trickiest thing. This is where "A" got my attention. I knew about the private side, but | wasn't clear about operating in the commercial side. He started talking about being the agent. | looked it up in Gibson. | started research on agent- Principal relations. Gibson says you want to be the agent in commerce because that's what you are. You are the agent of the entity. It "B": Sign things as "By:” That means you are the agent for the principal, Attomeys and bankers are familiar with this principal. "By:" means you are the agent. The attorney is the agent for the principal: the principal goes to prison, not the attorney/agent. ‘The Principal pays the debt, not the agent. Gibson says even a trustee can have an agent, so you can be the trustee's agent. We are forming a private trustee relation, and then we are telling the trustee that we are their agent. It tums everything on its head. I got a letter from a bank attorney, and it says if, you don’t respond in 30 days, blah, blah. So I composed a 26 page due process letter. He responded immediately, and sent me a copy of the note, which is all asked for. I was forming a trust. So on the second letter | decided to add a paragraph from one of "A's affidavits. | put it in there and said, "Oh, by the way, you are going to need this to be indemnified, because I am a private citizen, and this will allow you to get the accounting from the private side without getting into trouble. I sent it certified. The bank got it, but the attorney refused to sign for It and it was sent back. I haven't heard a peep out af them since. The letter formed a trust, and then I gave them the Affidavit of a Private Citizen and indemnified them on the private side. They don't want to talk to me anymore because I'm not sheep to shear. This could easily backfire on them and he could lose his BAR license because I'm a friend now, not an enemy belligerent. They are trying to shear sheep of enemy belligerents. For private citizens, they could lose their BAR card, It is treasonous. "A": They have to protect us. That's why the president has a trust fund in the Treasury account on the enemy property and money is in the trust fund, waiting for the private citizen to show up, who is entitled to that trust fund. So they have to protect the Private citizen because he is the very foundation of their economic system. [Remember Protecting Private Ryan? -Ed.] "B": Wouldn't you agree, though, that being a private citizen is one thing. but a private citizen forming a private trust is an entirely different animal ': Absolutely. That's why I changed my entire course after I listened to you. knew we had to become a private citizen, but I changed what to do with the entity after | listened to you. I was talking about liening the entity with a UCC. The Lord said to me, "You don't have any right to that property. You acquired that property for the ‘master when you were a slave. When a slave leaves his master, he is not entitled to any of the property of the master.” The whole concept of liening the property is totally bogus. You are a volunteer. You voluntarily, by consent through silence, became surety for this entity, so therefore, as a volunteer you have no recourse whatsoever. So the concept of liening this is totally bogus, and trying to lien it after becoming a private citizen is bogus because you have no right at all. The only way of release is through trust "B": Inthe Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 it tells you it cannot be liened. 1 can show you in Corpus Juris Secundum, it says the following: “if'a cestui que elects to enforce his creditor rights, he waives his cestui que rights over the same subject matter and cannot do both.” When you enforce your creditor rights you waive your cestui que rights. [This is why we do not want to operate in commerce - forget the S/P creditor stuff. -Ed.] "4": Because the cestui que is the beneficial owner. 'B": When I wrote this letter, | said | am the cestui que, and | am not waiving my ccestui que rights, but let's start with creditor rights, and then we'll tack on cestui que rights, and I'm not waiving my cestui que rights, I'm just telling you am going to hold my rights. When you tell them you are the cestui que as a private citizen enforcing equitable rights, that is what I call the 600 Ib gorilla. I've never gotten a negative letter back, not from judges, IRS, Treasury, not from anyone, not Minnesota Revenue, no one. It is usually complete silence. In one case the judge gave me total settlement and closure on an unsecured debt because I did a trust with an accept for value. When you form the trust with that judgment, the judge put on the docket "settled and closed." They don't want to mess with it anymore. "A": They can't force the beneficiary to pay. You are not the trustee, they see that, they can't make you pay, so they have to close it. "B": It is a repudiation of trust law. Say you are convicted, and they say you have been found guilty, and that is your notice. You are being charged as a volunteer surety. It is your opportunity to say, "That's awesome, give me that charging instrument; let me pay that for you. Here have it back, trustee. It is not mine; I'm the beneficiary." 1 have a case, itis in the 1793 Debt Relief Act. The secretary of Treasury is telling you in plain English, if you are in prison, you can make a conveyance from your estate to make the payment. I had a theory that would work. —<-- 'A": Whatis the estate? The estate is the private trust fund, in the Treasury. "B": It is a conveyance. It is three sentences: "I, the grantor, hereby grant, convey, assign, discharge, settle, extinguish, pay such issues required to settle all liability of the defendant. (Sign, notary) Here is the conveyance. I hereby grant and convey such issues as to satisfy." There is not a dollar sign in the whole thing "C": Lhave no problem applying these things for myself but helping others apply it is the problem, "A": [taught a fellow from Florida who had been a student of Christian Walters for years. and he said. "Now I understand why | could nel'er get my trusts enforced.” You take the corporate sole they give to you a few days after your birth, and you separate from it with a Release of Signature and Surety-ship, and then, rather than lien the property, you claim equitable title by nature to all the property in that thing. and then you convey your legal title by nature to the trustee, so you have a conveyance of property, which now creates the trust and you have a Notice of interest you send to the Commander in Chief, See. of Treasury, IRS Commissioner and the governor of your state, and when they don’t answer in 30 days, they have consented, so then you send the Statement of Interest relaying the facts, and when the Statement of Interest is received, you have the trust, and it is enforceable in equity, and the Commander in Chief is really, in fact the trustee, and you arc really the beneficiary, and now it is time to claim items, court cases, IRS liens, whatever, because you have a superior title by nature, equitable title by nature. "B": You have to read. | spent three years reading trust law. I had a friend who ‘was being foreclosed and evicted, and allowed me to help him. I put a Notice into the court and they gave him a private hearing. My buddy did not know what to say, so I wrote four things on a napkin and said this is what you say, nothing more. He said those four things, and the magistrate cancelled the hearing and sent it to trial. The attorney came out and asked me, "What did you say to the judge? I've been doing this for 11 years and I've never seen one cancelled and go to trial. What did you say? Did you get that from the Internet?” W hen they served unlawful detainer on me, I cancelled four of them with two pages. I went to a seminar in LA, and the commerce guru got up in front of a room of about 100 people and said he had done 26 UD (?) hearings and didn’t succeed in one of them. I've succeeded in five of them in a row. What's the difference? He is operating in commeree, and I am operating in equity trust law. Exclusive equity is the only jurisdiction the private citizen can operate in, the only one he will get enforcement on, itis the only thing that is acknowledged by the private side of goverml lent. "A": Ithas to be there. It has to be accessible because we are in a temporary state of national emergency-for 81 years, but it is still temporary. If this were to revert bacl to the way it was before 1933, they can say we always had it available for you, it \vas 11 always waiting for you, but you didn't access it. Thad a lady who took my course and became a private citizen, and she was being foreclosed. She had already lost five properties. I conferred with "B" on what we ought to do. So we put a couple pieces of paperwork into the court the day before the hearing. On the day of the hearing she introduced this paperwork and they cancelled the hearing, The rescheduled it for another day, but that gave us time to get better paperwork put together. She will get an accounting for probably in the hundreds of millions. "B": can tell you what the mortgage Notes are worth. Look at your note; it isa different specie of currency on the note. The note has "U.S. $"and that is lawful money, and it is spelled out in words. The notes are issued in lawful money; that is primary money, constitutional primary money. The mortgage is not denominated in lawful money It is denominated in public credit, fiat. So they want you to pay them in fiat, which is the only thing they can survive on, but you issued a note in lawful money. If you are a private is your property. My calculation is this: A private citizen has access to private, primary money. Primary money is measured by the constitutional value of 23.2 grains of gold per dollar. That is the constitutional definition, and has not changed since 1868. 23.2 grains of gold is a spot price of weight. I did the calculation on $1350 per ounce of gold. Figure out how many grains in an ounce, and figure out how much a dollar is worth, and you figure out how much the note is worth because you know what the dollar is worth based on the current spot price of gold in primary money, only for a private citizen in equity. Not in commerce, a private citizen doing trust law can get primary money. (Unfortunately, my mortgage documents are not done this way. The note says "US $288,000" without any written amount, and the deed of trust says "U.S. $288,000" and no written amount. The only difference is the lack of periods after U and - Ed.) "A": Alexander Hague cashed that $1 Billion dotlar gold bond, as a private citizen. Knight of Malta. Anybody else trying to do that is going to jail. "B": That's right. That's why a lot of OID people are going to prison, they co- mingle. They got Treasury checks, which is primary money, and then they didn't endorse it properly, and then they put it into a commercial public account. No proof they are private citizens. They are co-mingling. "C": The patriot community frequently mixes jurisdictions. There is no quicker way to create a charge against you than to co-mingle Treasury money. I'll give you another example. James McBride, he is this Postmaster General guy. I read all his paperwork. He did a security for 7 trillion, They wrote back that it was cashed, it was waiting. Then they called him the next day and said they were going to take it. Forget about the numbers. The wealth from the private side is over somewhere between 900 and 1300 trillion a year. That is the private side of wealth. The country is not broke, it is just hidden from us. James MeBride left all the money open for the creditors to take it. It says in the Trading with the Enemy Act, that they cannot be held liable for the = funds you get out of the trust, if you make them appear into the public and the creditor steals it from you, it is not their problem. It is worded very carefully. This is what happened to James MeBride, and this is what happens to OID people. It is given by Treasury and then the IRS takes it, and people think the IRS is Treasury. They are not. The IRS js the agent for the creditors of England, the Vatican, Jesuits, whom-ever they are. The IRS is the Dept. of Treasury, not the same thing as the United States Treasury Department The U.S. Treasury Department is a sovereign entity on the private side. ‘The IRS with the Dept. of Treasury is a debt collector. Thave a guy who just met with them to get redemption on some securities. This guy is brilliant. His grandfather was the signer on the currency in 1929. He was the governor of a Federal Reserve Bank. His family has been in banking for 80 years. He is smart, he knows the game, He wants me to help him get redemption on these securities, but the point is, he said the IRS does not talk to Treasury. | said he just met with them the other day, and went to the highest levels of the IRS and they admitted to me they don't talk to Treasury. They are just a debt collector. So they told James McBride they are going to take it, and they took it. So do not bring that money into the public realm. You have to keep it on the private side. That's why | told our guy in British Columbia, keep it in the court, it is still your money, just let them be the trustee. Stop being the trustee. He told the judge, you guys can pay all my bills. Just send the bills to the trustee for payment. Stop making payments. That's what trustees do. They are fiduciaries. Say the following words: Make the payment. That's a beneficiary talking, "A": Wasn't there a movie that said that? "BY: The Aviator, about Howard Hughes. There is a guy in that movie that sho\\S up, usually in the middle of the night and he says to Howard Hughes, "I just got a bill for a billion dollars for a bunch of planes, Howard. Where am | going to find that kind of money?" Howard says, "I don't know. Make the payment." Howard Hughes was a brilliant guy. 1 bet he knew this stuff, private citizen, private trust. "A": His fortune was stolen from him by Knight of Malta Robert Mahue. "B": The movie pretends he is getting his family money from some tool company, but then you have to ask, are they borrowing this money? | think he knows how to float securities, and how to get redemption on them. He floats securities to Treasury and just says "Make the payment." He is doing conversion. Not the conversion on the at law side, that is stealing. Conversion in equity is _the conversion, which means give them a special deposit that can be converted to a security, but | don't believe it will ever happen unless you can prove you are a private citizen, and there is one other thing you have to do. You have handle the volunteer mess. You cannot be a volunteer. You have to prove you have a connection to that bill. or connection to that certificate. You have to prove you have a connection or the court will look at your trust and think 1) you are volunteering, and 2) the judge will say "I don't see a certificate of title that the trustee is holding, zy Vil use a credit card as an example. I did a full trust on it, and gave if to the CFO. | haven't made a payment on this credit card in over four years, but every month says paid, paid, paid. I can't use the card, but I don't know why. Iam a volunteer. There are two things Ihave to correct. The trust is good, it was just enough for them to acknowledge it. I never got a debt collector letter on it. They never sent me a 1099-C on it. It is a very large amount of public side money. I get gifts from this company, like sunglasses, watches, caps. I have to correct the status, stop being a volunteer, go back and do itagain. You can fix anything you want to fix. I haven't paid my web site fees for years, until my card expired, and I thought, oh. that must be this card on the trust fund, and it expired. They were charging the card, and the card was paying it for three years. How would you like to use a credit card and not be associated with it as the surety or principal, but make it private property and give the trustee a special deposit? Settle all debts at the end of the day. I seem to be halfway there, I can talk about this stuff because that's not waiving trust, and besides | am a private citizen. The only one who can tell me I've waived it is the marshal, and they can't say that because I haven't waived it. I know the difference between what is waiving, and what is just Notice. A lot of people who have listened to Christian Walters, fall in love with a couple of things, and they are wrong. They fall in love with trust indentures. I know a guy who thinks his trust indenture is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but he doesn't have a trust, You don't form a trust with a trust indenture. That is not how it works. Then a lot of people fall in love with Notices. They make Notice after Notice, but it doesn't fly. Christian teaches titles, and there are different definitions of title, I have my own titles. You have to prove it. There is a huge one, the volunteer. That volunteer maxim is huge. Can't be a volunteer. We are not getting equity because we are all volunteers. ‘There is a guy named Bill in Florida who got a mortgage forgiven. He did a trust on the mortgage, and the bank tried to repudiate it 12 times, and he refused to accept the repudiation, and they finally capitulated. But when you look back on what he did, he wasn't a volunteer. He actually tells you what he did, but you don't know what it is until you find out what a perfected deed is. He got a perfected deed. He did a rider on the mortgage, and re-recorded it, perfecting the deed. What a brilliant idea. | said, I'll do a rider. I did a rider and served it on the CEO of a multi-trillion government company. The CEO resigned in three days because I had in personam jurisdiction on them. (Fannie Mae) | asked do you think that was a coincidence that he got my trust on the Sth and he resigned on the 9th. This guy in Florida said no, we've had that happen three times, that is not a coincidence. That is in personam jurisdiction. He has to answer in personam why he didn't perform. Itis equity action personam. But a trust can't fail for lack of a trustee, so either you have a trustee, or you don't, but either way, you win, If you have a trustee, you have in personam jurisdiction; if you don't have one, the trust can't fail anyway. Ask the court to substitute. They want to be a trustee. They are excellent are it. Let them be a trustee, especially if you are a private citizen, because now you are a friend. You are not 14 an enemy combatant belligerent You want to give them the power to get you the private accounting. Tell them you are a private citizen, and you are going to indemnify them, give them broad authority and powers of the private citizen to find the private side of the accounting and run the trust. That's why the attorney sent the letter back. He doesn't want to go there. That is not what he sent me the letter to do. He just wanted me to make a payment. A lot of attorneys get ibs for trespassing on a trust. There is a web site that does bonding for attomeys. It "Ifyou've been disbanded or lost your bond because of trespassing on a trust "A": That is considered a high crime, when attorneys violate the trust in any fashion or fom1. Many go to jail. "B": The reason why I've got so many hearings cancelled is because I've figured out how to tum anything they give me into private property. They give you a case number, I respond that I own it, and they can't trespass on it How can you do that? You mean you have a superior title to their title? "B": That’s what I do. I take what they give me, and I extinguish it. The biggest mistake I ever made was in a live court case. The judge acknowledged my pleading. When | went to the hearing he left the door to his chambers wide open to the courtroom. He had never done this before. I had this guy 12-14 times before. I'm not telling you that was equity. It was probably still martial anyway, but I did submit paperwork to invoke the rules of equity. In the hearing was the bank’s attorney and me. There was a guard, and there had never been a guard in there before, but the door was open to chambers. | kept wondering why the door was open. They don't make mistakes. They know exactly what the game is. | remember reading in Gibson's book that in chambers isn’t just in the Judge's chamber, it can be the courtroom. I kept asking myself if we were in chambers. Here is the mistake 1 made, I mentioned a statute for the first time, and the judge gave me a look. and said he was going to look up the statute, He went into his chambers and grabbed the statute book and came out and slammed the chambers door shut, What did 1 Just do? I co-mingled. Do you know how sick to my stomach I fell? I almost cried. 1 was pissed at myself. Was | pissed at the judge? No, | was pissed at myself. W ho knows what the judge was willing to do for me that day? In my exhaustion I decided to send a letter to chambers as a third party intervener, that I am claiming interest in the entire case, Then I formed a trust. | addressed it to the clerk, and mailed it to the judge, to make him’a witness, because no trust fails. If | didn’t want to make the judge a irustee, because he would recuse himself and I like this judge. 1 don't recommend doing a trust on a judges in chambers, either. | did it with the clerk, but I mailed it to the judge so he is a witness. I got a full trust, it is really three mailings. | perfected the trust on this case in chambers, making the judge a witness to the trust, and then on the public side- remember, I am a defendant on the public side. It is two different persons. On the public side, I put a penalty of perjury on the face of the record, and | said 15 "Notice: Under penalty of perjury, state that an interest in the private owns the entire and has extinguished the debts of the defendants in this matter, and the only way that happen is if another person, man or woman, has a superior prior or equal right to the case and they must, in the next 40 days, state so on the face of the record, under penalty of perjury, otherwise the interest in the private holds unfettered, perfected title of the case, and the judge is a witness" I didn't put an order on it because to me that was a slam dunk. I should have done a dismissal motion, and I didn’t, and that is the other mistake I made. That case sat there quiet for 60 days. If had put in a dismissal motion as the cestui que, it would have been done. "Whereas no one has come forward with a supetior, prior or equal claim in the private, therefore the judge has no recourse except to dismiss the case. Show cause why the case should not be dismissed." It would have been done then. He gave me 60 days to put that order on the record, and I didn't do it, 1am at a whole new level now, compared to what | was doing back then. By the time you file your paperwork to the time you are sitting in front of the chancellor in the federal court, equity practice system, should be less than 90 days, maybe even 60, and I mean with the paperwork, the pleading, the bill, the affidavit and the records, ready to fly. You'll right in through the equity door, see a chancellor ex parte, and it will all be over. We should be able to handle with this particular process, all credit cards, all foreclosures, all mortgages, all student loans, all criminal and civil actions with a general "B": Chancellor Gibson said equity will not intervene into eriminal court unless is about property rights. He is telling you to make the criminal case property rights, and then they will intervene. It is no different from what I did in the civil case. Just do it for criminal case, You can do it as the private citizen because the private citizen has immunity, "A": Gibson was writing in the days of about 1910. Tennessee court system references Gibson. "B": We cannot turn on the equity, the chancellor equity, until we are private citizens. It will not work! John: Did you ever see the movie Amistad, where they were charging the slaves criminally, and the attorney transfened it from a criminal charge to a property charge in order to get them out? "B": That is great assertion. I never saw it, Hollywood is trying to tell you. Did you see the trailer for the Leggo movie? The villain is "Lord Business," and the hero is "the Special." Special and private. Business and the Special can get along. The Wizard of Oz, the wicked witch gets led. The mutchkin picks up a death certificate and says, "She's not just merely, merely dead, she is really, really dead." At that time, | was reading CJS, about wills and estates, executors and administrators. 1 was stunned. It taught me two things. One, do not be an executor, and two, they use the presumption of death to administrate you, and they call it the Obarna administration. You need to shield property. It is the number one source for government, They come in as a qualified heir because the true owner is missing. In equity, the private is missing. His estate is unclaimed. "A": BTW, that mutchkin that shows the death certificate is dressed in black, and he is wearing a typical Jesuit hat of the 1700s. The guy is a Jesuit "B": I have the answer to your dead relatives. You have to perfect the deed on their birth and death certificates and come as a private citizen, to the president of the United States, c/o Erie Holder, the attorney general, and make a Notice of Interest on the estate and wind it up. I don't. know if you have seen these notices on TV and in the paper. The government may act with impunity because they give us notice. This is real notice, they put in block letters across the TV screen, on prime time national news, the following message: "In the next 20 years, 27 trillion will transfer from generation to generation." | just read about executors and administrators. When I saw the words transfer and generation, I know the government comes as a qualified heir to your estate if you are missing, and they escheat everything on the private side, because you are missing. You are missing in law. You are not missing physically. Tecan show you a tape where the judge looks at the man and says "You may be physically here, but you are still missing and presumed dead.” That's got to chaff you. That is because you are not in law, perfected, a private citizen. You are not perfected You need to take "A's" course so the judge will never look at you as presumptively dead. Private citizens are alive, they can't be dead. That is why the judge wears black. He is judging the dead. It is an administration because they are administrators. Here is how it works. You are a private citizen when you are born, and you have an estate. Then you become a publie citizen and now you are missing. CJS under executives and administrators says when the owner of the estate is missing, he is presumptively dead. Under the presumption of death, the government can do a presumptive easement They can bonow for the public use, your estate, until you return. "A": This is exactly what they are doing under the Trading with the Enemy Act. They are investing and reinvesting that trust fund. Not taking it for themselves, but that is what they are doing B": Wllen the executor is missing, the administrators take over. If the executor shows up, all the administration is absolutely void. I put in an executor pleading into the court one time, and the whole court went quiet for 60 days. That is because the executor showed up. After the 60 days went by, 1 was presumptively dead again. and then they ‘came back and did their thing, which did not go in my favor, but I learned something. Don't want to be an executor. but | knew you had to be in one of those primary offices to move substantive rights. You have to do this as a private citizen. ‘There are two things about that government message. One is the generation thing, ‘but what is the other thing? How about that number? 27 trillion. Divide that by 350,000,000 people. and that is assuming over the next 20 years 350,000,000 are going to die. Divide 27 trillion by 350,000,000, and I'll spare you the calculation. It is about 100 billion per person. Did you know there are 300 million billionaires? They told you 27 trillion would transfer from generation to generation in the next 20 years. That is 100 billion per person. They are telling you the escheated private side will be bigger than ever. Four years later the;," updated their data, and it was on CNN and BBC. This is how they worded it this time: 37 trillion will go claimed by heirs without doing a thing. Thirty-seven trillion will transfer to heirs without doing a thing. Heirs? The heir is the government, the qualified heir, because the private citizen is missing, the probate com| said nobody showed up to claim it. escheated property goes to the government as a qualified heir. Now it is 106 billion per person. Walter Burien did us a huge favor. He told us about the private side, There is a 100 trillion surplus every year in this country, and that was back in 2004, yet everyone thinks wwe are broke. They have convinced the enemy combatants and public citizens they are broke and they have to increase taxes. Meanwhile the private side is unlimited wealth. How could James MeBride get a 7 trillion dollar security? Because the signature of the living man is the creator of government. As long as you can sign your name, you can create unlimited wealth. The trouble is nobody knows how to do redemption; nobody knows how to do extinguishment. We would do a lot better if some of these people who are creating these big public side securities knew how to do redemption, because when you do redemption, you take it off the public ledger and put it into the private ledger, and reduce the public debt. The president will announce it, that they have reduced the public debt. This is what 1 am going to do, You can get a certified copy of the ledger from the Bureau of Public Debt. I will do a process we talked about and send it back to them. Here, extinguished One private citizen could do this. It is a moral job we have. The last time I sent a big trust to the government, | turned the ‘all cap’ into a charitable trust. From the day Obama got it to the day he announced, was about 7 days. 1 asked another guy if he thought this was related, and he said he thought so. A charitable trust goes in to feed the hungry. There were no dollar amounts in it. I just said here is a trust, feed the hungry. Then the article comes out that a private donation of 5 billion to feed the hungry in Africa was received. Page 18 oF 46 I was reading the article, and | thought wow, what billionaire did that? I was talking to that congress guy whose grandfather was with the Treasury. do you think that is a coincidence? He said, no, I do that all the time, That stuff always gets announced. It is just colorful. I don't even want to tell you what this guy does. His stuff shows up in the public immediately. He wants to get it extinguished and get it off the public ledger and doesn't know how to do it. They all know how to create it, They all know how to be volunteers and surety and hybrids, now we have to lean something completely different, to counteract, and extinguish it. That's the plan. 'C": How does private citizen pertain to people in other countries? "A": We only have the king's X, and Canada. In fact, every historie white protestant nation that is part of the British empire has, but nobody else does. So for someone in Russia or any other nations, unless they are naturalized and become public citizens of his country, I can't help. I can help Canadians, Australians, or Englishmen, or a Scot, but I can't help others because they all have Roman civil law in Europe. There is no provision for this. They have to be either immigrants with public U.S. citizenship, or born in the country. Foreigners are naturalized as public citizens because when they come to this country they are bringing their account from the country they came from, and they are transferring it to this country. When they do that, they have the opportunity to hecome a private citizen. We can help naturalized citizens, but we can't help aliens. unheard "B": That was a complete departure from anything I've ever done before. That was before | met "A". "A" and | went through that piece with a fine tooth comb. Check back because in less than three weeks we are fixing to serve my Magnus Opus. It is a Bill in Equity served in the private. Exhibit A is the private citizen status, Exhibit B,C, D and E. It is all going to be lined up. The way | wrote it, you just put in your information. | am trying to make it easy, especially for mortgages because they are virtually all the same. Once you are a private citizen, they have to treat you differently. You just have to demand performance. So we expect to have something pretty significant. The attorney refused to sign mine, but that does not excuse the trust. The trust is still there. It is just small potatoes. I fully expect they will be giving you what you ask for, or they are in deep do-do, on the first letter. It won't be an admiralty process. There is no default involved. It is not a commercial process by any means. I have so much equity in this thing, and so much private citizen in it. It is a double whammy. There is no adequate remedy at- law because there is no at law, it is all martial. ': All equity is merged under the Emperor's executive equity. "B": What executive equity means ~ let me borrow some of "A's" research. From Abraham Lincoln to Woodrow Wilson, there were maybe 7 Executive Orders. Abrahan] Lincoln issued the first ever Executive Order out of the president's office. From 1933 until now, there have been 17,000 Executive Orders. The reason why Congress feels ignored is because the monarch can ignore them totally, legally. President Obama can do immigration reform right out of his office, without the consent of Congress. He is a monarch, "A": He can abolish congress if he wants, like Charles | abolished parliament when he wanted to. "B": That is a Jesuit 101 course to take. To subvert a government is to invoke war powers over them. That is in the Congressional Record of March 9, 1933. A senator said "you are telling me we have to invest all this power in the president? When do we get it back?" That is in the Congressional Record. They know they gave the president all the power. They have not gotten it back in 81 years. "A": Every Executive Order is founded on the Trading With the Enemy Act. Here is the kicker. One of it applies to you if you are a private citizen. None. | had a driver license renewal coming up. | was wondering what to do about it, so decided to send them a status. I got an application, and filled it out specially and privately, ively. I mailed it to the Dept. of Motor Services. They returned my money order that I sent to them that said redeem in lawful money. And they sent me my tabs, that I didn't even ask for, for free, and they sent me a license. (Because the trustee has to pay.) Here is the funny part: they returned everything I had sent to them, except my private citizen status document. They said, go get an eye exam and send it to us, we have your documents. waiting. They looked in the computer and saw I had tabs due in a couple months. so they sent those to me. My license showed up two weeks later. "C": Did you give them a SSN when you got your license’ "B": [have the same driver license number. and I'll put off to another conversation what to do when you get your license. There is something you have to do. That said, since I sent that paperwork, I sent it to the bank, and to the driver license people, and to the Minnesota Revenue, who came calling one time. Minnesota Revenue sent me a very interesting letter. They said they went to my bank to levy, and the bank denied them. I made my account private and special by private citizen. It is private and special. Same account I had for years. Never heard a peep out of them. That is a pretty nice response. That paperwork is the finest paperwork in the country. His amicus curare brief. Ifyou want to be a defendant, use his paperwork. If you want to be a plaintiff, use his paperwork as an exhibit. A woman contacted me about an OID she was in trouble over, and I told her to go to "A's" course. She went to the course, her friend who was also in trouble did not go. She went to the course, but because of a storm, she only got half the course, and she didn't know what to do. Her friend who did not go to "A's" course, tried to do a trust, but she was not a private citizen, and they sent her to a Psych Evaluation, she was all drugged up. Terrible situation. So "A's" student called and said they wanted her to tum herself in. She contracted with them; she had to go down there. | told her to Page 20 of 46 PRIBITITISISISSEISSISSSESESSEEEIISS call them back and cancel. That didn’t work. | told her to pull out her paperwork and find the pre-trial statement. I told her to go down there and slap her paperwork in front of the first sheriff you meet. "Here, I'm so and so, agent for so and so. I'm a private citizen, here is my proof. I have a meeting, and I'm making a restricted tion today." I never heard from her for weeks. "A's" course teaches you what to do. I called "A" and asked if he had heard from her. He said yes, he talked to her, and they had sent her home that day. But she still had a debt, there was still a charge. We know how to handle that now. She walked home that day. "A": Tell them about her friend, Patty. The judge told Patty not to talk to Tami. "B": Tanli is the one who was sent home. Patty is the one who was sent to a psych eval. The judge knew they were friends. The judge put an order on the record of Patty's case that she is not allowed to talk to Tami. A publ en is not allowed to speak to a private citizen; it is co-mingling. The judge is trying to keep them separated. The end of that story is sad. The husband threatened divorce if she did not pay the attorney and accept a plea bargain to one felony count. She did. She waived her private citizen status, They'll put a private citizen in prison. You can be a volunteer, no problem. We can do a writ of habeas corpus as a private citizen. We know how to do it now. We have a woman who has been getting people out of prison. ‘The suspension of the writ of habeas corpus by G.W. Bush, is only for citizens. pul "BY: The gold standard is on suspension because the public citizens dropped the prices. "A": In Pennsylvania a month ago, a young man found 80 million dollars-worth of gold coins in his grandfather's safe deposit box. He told the banker he had them, and the Federal Reserve swooped in and took them all. "B": Family in Arizona inherited coins from grandpa, and they found out it was worth 60 million. The Federal Reserve walks in and stole them, and said sue me. 1 maintain if they said "I am a private citizen, and here is my proof. You are stealing"- what would get people more excited than to know you can trump the Federal Reserve? "I'm a private citizen. Those gold coins are in my family, excluded from the Emergency Bank Relief Act. Tam a beneficial interest holder by nature, as an heir descendent of grandpa, by right of trust laws, a private citizen. Now what say you?" "A": Even more relevant today, it is the same principle with your guns. If they pass a statute to take the guns, it does not affect the private citizens. They can't take the guns of the private citizens. Furthermore, it is the same with the draft. They can't draft the private citizen. "Q": Ifyour kids are born without birth certificates and they don't have SSNs, they don't have to fill out any paperwork because they: are already private. | disagree with that because there is a presumption of law that you are a public USS. citizen until the contrary is proven. I say it is good to do the release for them anyway because of the presumption of law. "Ct Another way to look at itis that if you still are a publie citizen, just like the slave and the slave owner, the children of the slave is the property of the slave owner. I would agree with that, "Q": When you do your paperwork, you are not filing with the UCC, are you? "A": No, no, it is a straight release. "Q": But you are noticing various government agents, right? "A": Yes, you notice the state of the recorded birth certificate, and you also notice U.S. of A. because the 14th Amendment creates a public U.S. citizen out of that statutory entity created by the state. so we notice both of them nolV. We had a couple who were put in prison for 171 months over an OID issue. We had them execute the Affidavit of Status and Release, and the six exhibits. There was a banker in prison with him. The banker read the Affidavit of Status and he said he knew someone who could help him. The banker contacted his friend in Treasury. This information went on appeal, with this Affidavit of Status on file, and the memorandum of law. The Treasury agent asked who wrote it. The woman who was helping them, who used our information, said she did. He said he could help her. but she had to do one thing. She had to release the judge, so that is when we added to our release the U.S. of A. So he said, all you have to do is release the judge, and 1 will take care of the rest with the necessary Treasury T-Bills that need to be taken care of. So now what we have is a Treasury agent interfacing with Federal District Judge Whipple in Kansas City, and these people are gVJing to get out, because they are not surety anymore. No more surety. The treasury is handling it now. ‘The judge has been released from the duties and obligations as they relate to the public citizens, the enemies and belligerents of the war powers act. So be is indemnified. so he doesn't have to be concerned any more. He has to give them their process. He has been released, "B": There is a bigger story there, too. In that particular case, the Treasury Agent identified and articulated the steps he was taking to pay the charges at the court. He said, step one, Iam ex hing the bonds. Step two, | am issuing Treasury Notes to the Federal Reserve in exchange for a Bill of Exchange | can take to the court. ‘The Treasury agent is acting asa fiduciary trustee to a private citizen. They have a duty. You don't do a trust with the Treasury agent. The trust is already in place. You just have to partake of ... "A": The trust is the constitution. The sovereign people, individually, are the beneficiaries. So when he said you are one of "We the People” again, he sees you are one of the beneficiaries, not the trustee. "B": So the Treasury agent issued Treasury Notes through the Federal Reserve in exchange for a Bill of Exchange. The Treasury agent takes the BOE to the court and says you have to release those two. The judge says no, the first time. So the Treasury agent comes back the next day and says a couple more things to him, and the judge says okay. The Treasury agent told us we had to release the judge. That makes sense. When he said we extinguish the bonds, my mind thinks of the ac think we don't even need bonds. We should be perfecting the deed to the the entire accounting and then do a conveyance. Bonds are extinguished for a reason. That is commerce. You don't need to go in commerce. You can be a private citizen sitting in a jail cell and scratch out a conveyance on toilet paper and sign it, and hand it to the jailer and say give this to the judge, or to the clerk, and they will have a hearing and have the Treasury agent do the conveyance. As a private citizen you convey the interest to extinguish the bonds. The Treasury agent had to go get a BOE for a reason. "A": BTW, who is cutting the BOE? The trustee! The Federal Reserve is the agent for the Treasury. The two most powerful men in the country under the Emergency Banking Relief Act are the commander-in-chief and the secretary of the Treasury. They are called the beast and the false prophet. The FR is subject to the Treasury, so the Treasury is going to use its agent, the Federal Reserve, to get a BOE. Look at these guys in the past, ike Barton Butz, who were cutting BOEs, they all went to jail because they were acting like trustees. [Technically, he went to jail for helping someone else. - Ed.) His good stuff is that he proved there is a private trust account, and the private trust account, Which he didn't know, came from the Trading with the Enemy Act. ": We are talking about the type of private trust Woodrow Wilson was one of the last presidents to occupy the office under the de jure government. ‘The de jure government is now suspended. It is a de-facto government now. Woodrow Wilson created a spendthrift trust while it was still a de jure government. Spendthrift means it is at the sole discretion of the trustee. He does not have to pay anything until he deems it so. So that carried forward to 1933 in full force and effect. They created a new class of citizen, called a public citizen, after the Act. They redefined person and resident, and everyone is a public citizen. That spendthrift trust is still there. How do you access the spendthrift trust? The short answer is, if you try to access it, you will fail. If you are a private citizen, and you create a private trust arrangement, and you issue a title that represents your interest in that trust, you will, IMHO, have a total program to release those funds. To release what is your. They tell you in the act itself all about the trust what to do, who to notice, who to sue. It is all in there. "AM: The Trading with the Enemy Act created the military government and ousted the de jure government. 1B": There is property that belongs to you. You will be seen as alive. It is trust law. It is God's law estate. It is not man's lav, it is God’s law. Look at the standing of the woman. I Jove that example, but Christian doesn't take it far enough. When you invoke the rules of equity, which Jesus does, the real party of interest has to be there. If you read the whole story, the husband of the woman doesn't show up. If you invoke the rules of equity, there has to be a damaged party and a real party of interest in the courtroom. Almost all the people in prison, there is no damaged party. There may be a damaged party, but is the United States a damaged party? No, it is a fiction. When they trump up charges about this fraud and that fraud, and you ran a stop light, and you have nine tickets, that is all legal fictions speaking and those are all trumped up charges where no one was injured. The rules of equity are that there better be a damaged party, and he better be in that courtroom. That's equity ‘The problem they have is that the people allegedly representing the legal fiction, unknowingly, have taken on the surety or the accommodating party. They were held liable for the debt. 'A": The surety is worse than being an accommodating party. "C": Thave a friend in prison now due to an OID issue, He didn't receive anything. He didn't harm anyone. There is no injured party. "B"; Here is how bad being a surety is. 1) You are a surety for a stranger; and 2) you volunteered. You can't have two worse things happen to you. You are surety to a Stranger. You realize you did not create the birth certificate. When you fill out paperwork at the hospital, then a birth certificate shows up with an all cap name. Did ‘you give your child an all capital letter name? They are getting you to accept it without consideration, It is a stranger. It might as well say Mickey Mouse. It is not the name you gave your child. By the way, your signature is not on the certificate. They created a shadow title. The shadow, being, all the stuff you signed is in the private, 'C": That means that title was never perfected from inception. "B"; Bingo, you win the prize. NO\v, you can release it, but we perfect it, then release it, You can't release what you haven't perfected. You can't release Mickey Mouse because you don't own Mickey Mouse, but if you have the record-. What we have relatively new and mind boggling good. |always thought accepted and retuned for value was in equity, and I had been trying to find it. | know it is in UCC, but all UCC is based in equity, so it has to be in equity somewhere, but | couldn't find it Page 24 of 46 A" visited me, and mentioned it, and we were talking about maxims, and we saw that equity will not come to the aid of @ volunteer. "A" started laughing. He said “That's my entire course. My entire course is that you volunteered to be a surety without consideration, without any compensation. You volunteered to be a surety for a stranger. That's why equity doesn't help you. you are a volunteer." There is the maxim of accept and return for value. Because when you accept, you perfect, and when you return, you are returning them a perfected deed that you have a right to give back to them. You have to take it further. Accept and return for value is flawed, horribly, unless you know what office. you are in when you do the acceptance "A": You are still a public citizen when you do the acceptance on the BC. "B": The office you can hold when you accept it is the trust office. Of the four offices of a trust, there is the grantor, grantee, trustee and beneficiary. Nobody has carefully looked at the power of accepting by grantee. When you accept in the office of grantee, you pluck the entire estate from their fingers, but they can't stop you from doing it, because you have expressed the relation as an absolute estate you just acquired. In other words, you just acquired both sides of the ledger. Not just one side. not just equitable, not just legal; you acquired all of it as grantee. "C's: What is your foundational basis as grantee to acquire that which you did not create? "B": You are creating a time-stamped record that you are accepting a transfer, an assignment or .. "A": That assignment, and transfer are of the interests they assigned you upon the creation of the birth certificate, that artificial entity. "B": He has an awesome question. We just said the BC may as well be Mickey Mouse. What rights do you have to even accept as grantee for a name called Mickey Mouse? Here is the point. In equity, you can only release what you have accepted, and the estate you want to release is the one the grantee accepted. I'm not telling you that you have actually acquired any rights. lam telling you. you acquired all of them that there are. Here is another thing. You have a time stamp of your priority of rights. It is in Pomeroy. If you understand the doctrine of priority of rights, you will have the superior estate of the acceptance as grantee before anyone else. Here is how you tell them, "Hey, I've just perfected a deed as grantee. It may not be mine. and I may not be the first one, so unless you have it on the record of a higher claim, or a prior one, then this record stands as submitted; 1 own Mickey Mouse, "C": Being that the original title was not perfected, that leaves it open for anyone to claim. "B": That is why it is called marketable securities, mortgage-backed, marketable. That is why the BC is a security, on security paper. So is your SS card, on security paper. They are marketing securities that are unperfected. "C": What government document, statute, whatever, proves the BC is what you say itis You don't need proof. The reason why proof is irrelevant is bee: not insinuating anything more than what you are releasing you have accep example, say I convey to you my interest in the Golden Gate bridge today. "I hereby grant to you, all rights, title and interests in the Golden Gate bridge.” I am the grantor, you are the grantee, and you record it. You go to court and say, Judge, I'd like to liquidate my interests in the Golden Gate bridge. He says, what is your interest in that quit claim deed? Tdon't know, let’s ask "B". "'B". how much interest did I acquire?” He says, "I don't know, I got it from Charlie.” Go ask Charlie. You check the chain of title and find out nobody had any interest in it. The point is, you can do the same thing to them. What interest did they convey to you? Ask for a full accounting. What did I acquire? Because according to the record, I am the grantee, and unless you tell me 1 am not, then I am, And unless you tell someone else has a higher claim, or acquired it before | did, or someone has higher equity- maybe Rothschild himself owns all of these as perfected deeds- but you have to tell me in a court of record. If you don't, then I own it, and if | own it, I want a full accounting. Just like when I bought a house, I got all the covenants, the easements, the assets and the liabilities, all of it. I acquired four comers of the estate as grantee; as the assignee, transferee, grantee. What do I own? Ask them the question. That's why I say it is, irrelevant, because you are going to ask them the question. What did I just acquire from you? "C": Ifyou don't have a BC, what then? I have nine children, all born at home, none have a B.C. or SSN. I have not used my SSN since 1982. | cannot be found on any government computer. "A": As I said before, there is a presumption of law. These war power court judges will assume you, and/or your children, are a publie citizen, whether you have a B.C. or not, You can still be charged in the war powers courts. That's why | tell people to get one anyway, and use a release. The war powers courts still have jurisdiction. The ‘onus is on you to prove you are not subject to the War Powers Act. "B": This is speculation, but I would say this. I still think they could make a declaration of private citizen status without a BC, and make that as part of the record. If they get charged with something, they still have to prove they are a private citizen. They ‘are not becoming private citizens through the release of a B.C. ... ‘That would rebut the presumption. "C": | have a declaration of Status What does i 14" Amendment? say? Do you claim to be a private citizen under section one of the Then you are okay. Declare you are a private citizen under section | of the 4th amendment, and the Emergency Banking Relief Act does not apply to you. If you have that in there, then that is sufficient, | would say. You can use that as a piece of Page 26 46 Rana KR AAARAARKARAAAARARAAAAHAHHDHHSAS SSK GSS OC O.2.22.2-5 PSISIBITITISEITS evidence when you file your friend of the court notice that I have, where you are noticing the moving party you are a private citizen, and you demand for show cause why you can proceed this way. The onus is on the moving party to prove why they can compel you into a war powers court. "B": Do you have a B.C.? Yes, I never use it. Ihave a SSN, but I have never used the number. W'hen they decided you had to have one to get a driver license, I didn't get a license. I just travel anyway. IFT go to court for a traffic ticket, I just give them the finger and tell them to go to hell. Thave a friend who before we went to the course, asked me if he should try the private citizen stuff in a court case. I told him to give it a try. I said, if it were me, 1 would ask for a hearing, and at the hearing I would ask "Are you treating me under the ‘Trading With the Enemy Act, or are you treating me under section 1 of the 14" Amendment of the U.S. constitution?” He asked the clerk the question, and the clerk looked at him and said "What do you want?" He said, "I want it off my record.” She said "Done." He didn't even have the hearing. That was not the first time. Another guy \ho had a $600 fine in Santa Barbara. California, who actually knows a lot about the Trading With the Enemy Act, and he said, "Four years ago, | got a $600 moving violation fine and | sent a notice ahead of time. | asked the question; “Are you treating me under the Trading With the Enemy Act, or are you going to treat me as a citizen of the United States?” He said when he got to the hearing, he gave them his name, and was told he was not even on the docket. I'll tell you why. The Act has a censorship clause. It says if any agent of the government taiks about this in the public, it is a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison. That is 1917. They are not even allowed to talk about it. That is their Achilles heel. They are not even allowed to talk about it. That's why they don't talk about it. The media and the government agents are not allowed to talk about it. "A": When | was in the federal district court about five years ago. I said, "Judge, 1 have a question before we start, Is this court an emergency war powers court?" He said, "This is my court. I will be asking the questions of you." He won't answer the question. He can't. "B": Chris walked out of your course, and he went to the N.Y. appellate court and put in a motion for civilian due process. The appellate court put in an order saying you are denied civilian due process. It is on the face of the record. If that doesn't slap you in the face. You don't even get civilian process. Gibson tells you in equity you have to abate. If there is a flaw in due process you have to abate; if you don't abate, you waive it. So what "A" is saying his paperwork is the, process, so | have to abate this. You served it, but that's not me. {"A": You sign as agent.] 1 am the agent, not the principal. This is a war powers court, and Iam a private citizen, so I'm _being denied civilian due process, and | have to abate. If you don't abate, you waive it. You can still go to prison as a private citizen. You might have a stronger chance of getting out, but you'll go there, and you'll go to Psych Evaluation because you gave jurisdiction by making a general or special appearance and you did not abate. You, have to abate; that's_not me Friend and I role play sometimes. "Are you John Doe?" "Which one, the agent or the principal?” The process server would say, "Which one are you?" "Well, I'm the agent John Doe. Do you want the agent or the principal?" You have to put that in an affidavit, Why serve the agent for John Doe? "A": Years ago, when we were just getting started in this, about 1981, even though they were giving some wrong information, Lee Brobst was teaching equity, and he also taught there has to be one kind of pleading, one thing you do for anything, and he was exactly right. Civil, criminal, whatever it is, you are always addressing the process of a war powers court with your amicus. "B": When we want to go on the offense, and wrap up the entire estate, and fy our claim that is on the chancellor, now we know we have to be a private citizen on the offense side, too, or he is not going to see you. You won't get a chancellor, you will get executive equity out of the president's office. That is not the inherited jurisprudence of 400 years of equity jurisprudence. You aren't going to get that. "A": That is the equity of Sir Henry Main. They used legal fiction, equity and legislation to destroy the cultures. It is the equity of the Commander in Chief, not the historic equity PRELCLKKLELLLLLLLLELLELLELRERRALRRRRRRAERRAAEABAE "B": It is not the equity, it is not the real stuff where you are acknowledged. as the true owner of everything. I can show you in the American Journal of Law, which tells you plain English, that the public policy is that no individual shall have a windfall from inherited property. That is Jesuit communism. That each according to his need, and nobody has a windfall to disturb the peace. Hey, did you hear about your neighbor? He just got $89 Mil from an inheritance, because he went in there and made a claim. That would disturb the publie and the peace. Everybody would do it, and clog the court system. "A": FDR dedicated the nation in 1933. In his acceptance speech, he says "This is a day of national consecration." Consecrate is what an archbishop does with a church. It i set apart for religious purposes for the Pope. He conseerated the whole country to the Roman Papacy. At the end he says "I make this dedication.” What is a dedication? When the owner of the property designates the property for the benefit of the public. That is where public policy begins. That is the foundation for taking the gold with the Executive Order on April 5, 1933. All persons, pursuant to the Emergency Banking Relief Act had to tum in all their gold by May Ist. "C": Those people did not realize that was not addressed to the common man. "; It'was addressed to everybody who had been seized. It was addressed to all the private citizens who were now inside this public citizen category that FDR seized as prope liy. ‘Communism was not created by Karl Marx. He was tutored by a Jesuit. ve enjoyed this, and I need to go. Thank you for your time. "A "C': "B", what four things did you tell that lady in court that got the {TD hearing dismissed? "B": We puta real short two sentence notice into the court and showed up to a private hearing for the UD. We thought we were going to an in camera hearing, but it turned out to be an actual courtroom, so | realized he would need to say something in a hearing. It is four things: 1. 1, John Doe, am the grantor/beneficiary of a trust now established. 2. Private trust is a special matter, and due to exigent circumstances [ am invoking a court of inherent equity to protect the interests of a private trust that cannot be seen by this court at law. 3. Judge, you are damaging rights to possession, title and interest in a private trust that only a court of equity has the sole jurisdiction to see. This is not a court of special equity. 4. These proceedings are irreparably harming the holder of right, title and interest not cognizable by a court at law. I know who the beneficiary of the private trust is, and it is not anyone in this court that I can see. It is all about status and jurisdiction. This hearing ancelled. Page? of86 Here is what I added since then. "Judge, before we get started, do you have authority over private trusts here today?” He treat you like he treated "A"; he will say, "Mr. Phelps, I ask the questions in this courtroom." Then I said, "For on the record, let the record show the judge agrees, he has authority over private trusts today." So the judge said, "I can see the defendant is getting rather unorthodox here today." He didn't say I \\as wrong. I just kept putting stuff on the transcript. | had him tied up in a pretzel. I even looked at the attomey and said. "I have no idea who this person is, | have no business with this person, For the record, I've never met this person. I have seen no evidence they even represent any person of any interest in this case. Judge, are you going to allow this, person-." [ even cited the rule, FRCP 1783. real party of interest, and there is a state equivalent Judge says, "I'm going to let the attorney stay here by statute, I said, "I'm not an attorney, would you mind reading that statute so I know what you are referring to? He read it, and I said, "That is awesome. Will you state for the record that, for a fact that statute applies to me, and applies to her, and applies to this proceeding?" He confessed and avoided. He needs me to be quiet to consent that it applies to me. I sai "Will you state for the record that statute applies to me in this proceeding?” And he wouldn't answer. I said, "Let the record show the judge agrees that statute does not apply to this proceeding." He said this proceeding would last 20 minutes. It went 3 ¥2 hours. Do you know where | messed up? I didn’t ask the court to dismiss the case! He was waiting three hours for me to say, "Well, since the statute doesn't apply, and this is a private trust and the court does not have jurisdiction in equity rule on a private trust, this matter must be abated or dismissed. Will you show cause why the matter should not be dismissed, judge?" I screwed up. I made a mistake. ": That was like a salesman selling a product, but you forgot to ask for the order. "B": What was going on in my head was I wanted to get into a court of equity, and Iwas fixing to put in a counter claim with a Bill of Equity the next week, so I was buying time. I had the wrong procedural game plan. I should have just got the order, and got the case dismissed, and then I could have come back with a Bill under an original action rather than a counter claim. I was new to this information at the time. The judge recognized the paperwork I was putting in, He even gave me an evidentiary hearing by phone with two hours notice, and he started off by saying, "This is off the record, and itis a special proceeding. Go ahead, it is your motion." The proper thing to say was "Judge, I'm ordering you to show cause why this matter should not be dismissed." I only do show ‘cause now. I don't do motions, proof of claim, everything | do is show cause. If it is a letter, it is show cause. If it is moving the court, it is show cause. Have you heard of Bill Thornton, court of record? I haven't studied his stuft but 1 know someone who does it. He starts off the case saying, "I am the plaintiff. I set jurisdiction. ‘These are the laws of the proceeding, Judge, I demand you show cause why this law cannot be abided by, 2s we are all in agreement. By the face of the record nobody objects." Now you are on the ease, but itis still martial Papei0 06 PRESRRRRRRERRPRPRPERRKLLLECKLLELEKREKEERELELLLEEELEEELESL If you look at people who win mortgage cases I have a friend named Todd. He is one of the best mortgage litigators I've ever seen. He has J. P. Morgan Chase in such a pickle. I said, "Todd, you are not a private citizen. You are never going to get what you want, which is all that securitization.” He has them admitting on the record they are the holder of the note and all that stuff, and he is using it asa red herring, because after they admit all that stuff, the bank wins the case, and right after the summary judgment, be puts in a show cause. "Judge, since they won the case, I demand J.P. Morgan show cause why we should not have the note back, because, remember, they admitted they have it." Give us the paper back and you can have the house. The judge signed the Show Cause order. He signed it, You know they don't have it. They destroyed it. They create shadow titles from it. They are an open endorsement, They are not perfected. I could show you how to perfect them, but that's another thing. He is going to win because he has backed them in a comer. The homeowner will win if he stays in the house. My comment to Todd was, "You realize you only asked for a piece of paper, right? Just a piece of paper." He said, "I know, but we are going to keep the house. That's a win. "C": He should have asked for the note or the value, There is a case in Pennsylvania, between two corporations, that supports that position, where they could not return the note, and they had to pay back 1.4 Mil because they couldn't produce the note. You don't ask for just the paper, you ask for the money. "B": That's right. My definition of winning is sitting there ex parte as a private citizen in federal equity practice, the judge does not have his robe on, he is chancellor. 1 have a supreme court case that proves there are two roles to the court. It plainly tells you, if you want equity, you go through a different door of this court and the judge finds a dillerent hat. Same judge, different hat. You can't get in there until some things happen. First you have to have an equitable cause of equity, which is pure equity, and very few people know how to plead that. They don't have the records. With the ttial and enor I've done. I believe I have it all together. That is 50% of the equation. The other 50% is, it has to be simple. It has to be perfected. It has to be intelligible. You don’t have 4a: show them a trust indenture. You just have to show them equity on the ce. : Once you make the claim and they can't refute, it is done. "B": Hold on, I bear what you are saying, but it is not that simple. When you put in aclaim, you have to notice the clerk of what side of the court you are on and you have to do it ina very specific way. That's why Mindy was taken into a private room. That's why my buddy got a private hearing. When you put in your pleading, you are not asking the defendant to rebut it, You are asking the clerk and the judge to see your equitable cause of action to put you on the proper side. I maintain it will go easier if you are a private citizen. A trust researcher and litigator has been through "A's" course for the second time and he called me one day about a credit card case in Maryland, and he didn't know what to do. 1 asked iffhe wanted to try something new, off the beaten path. Sure, why not. Do ti appeal. I gave it to him over the phone. Use these two maxims and then show ca judge and exclude the public and the press from the appeal. If you exclude the public, is left? Private! So he gave it to the clerk. Clerk called back and asked what to do. Well, 1 Pages! 0f46 want the case private and sealed. | want the court to show why the case should not be private and sealed per these maxims. He looked on Pacer next day, it was pri sealed. So he is excited because now he has equity. I said, I've got bad news have any trust records, and the judge will do a judicial review sua sponte. he is not going to see any trust records in your affidavits. You have no records. Two weeks later it came. ‘The judge issued a minute order. You know what a minute order is, it is not on the record It said, "Upon further judicial review, sua sponte, we don't see any equities on the face of the notice of appeal. and appeal is dismissed." He said he would try to revive it. I'm going to bring the Bible in as a trust indenture. | said go for it, but | don't know, how it is going to help you. You need to study this stuff. I just wanted to see if you could seal the case. You got it sealed, but there is more to it fou don't ‘When we go in as the plaintiff, we are going to seal the case, during judicial review as private citizens, we will be in there ex parte, meeting in judge's chambers with the chancellor. He is going to switch hats. We are going to say I want a substitution trustee. | want a master in chancery to do a full accounting, The court is jealous of a trustee. I don't care, I'm not suing the trustee. | just want a new trustee and get it all wound up. From start to finish, you should be done in 90 days. If you tread in that private. purely equitable, with trust records, you should be in and out because they will be so jealous for a trustee they put you at the front of the line. They clear the judge's schedule. They clear all the enemy belligerents second and the private citizen purely equitable claims go first. Equity favors the vigilant. not those who slumber on their rights. So they reward the vigilant People. Once you notice the court who you are, your status, your equitable cause, and you show them the records, they will have you in there meeting with the judge. He will tell you what he needs. He will need an advocate. Remember the Treasury agent. Treasur agent will tell you what he is going to do, and serve the judge. Judge will tell you what he is going to do. He will say "I see this, and I see this, but I don't see that. Can you tell me where that is?" He will tell you what he needs. He will It will be like a meeting. It will be different, friendly. They will treat you as special. If God by for you, who can be against you? You are not going to harm the country or the system. You want complete justice, just like they do. They all want complete justice, but they need a private citizen coming purely equitably to do it. You go in with statutes and codes, at law martial, forget it. One corporation sued another corporation and won 1.4 M, that's a drop in the bucket. They are feeding the Public misinformation on that one. I have a guy with a $400,000 Note, found out they made 44 Mil on it, You go in as the private citizen with some of the stuff I'm writing, they will give you an accounting, the amount of the note times 65 times the signatures on the note. If you are married, both estates are separate estates in equity, and both signatures are on the note count, so each signature is worth the same, so each signature times 65, that's what it is worth I've read these cases, there are cases galore. If the husband is the wife's trustee, and you get divorced, you still have to be the trustee for her estate, unless she gets a substitute trustee. Equity will go zonkers making sure the substitution of the trustee is Pages? oft done correctly. They will handle it. 1 am digressing. In equity, you don't use civil procedures. They don't apply to you. Chancery rules are the rules. Nobody owns Chancery rules. They came to us from our forefathers. Nobody owns Chancery rules That's why they created new rules. That's why FRCP was made in 1938. They put their own rules on top of the original rules that we own. Same \\ property. They play with their own rules, that they own. You can't own land, Land titles were swiped. You have to be a private citizen to have a land title. "A" wants me to teach this part of the course, and I'll try to put something together to make it easy You have to be able to think about this stuff. If T am just moving titles, then I need to perfect that title. Am I going to do it with consideration or without? If I do it with consideration, what am I going to use? How am I going to get due process? Which court do I use? I have to notice them of the conflicts I have. I have two conflicts. One, Tam a private citizen so I can't do martial, and I don't want to be co-mingled with enemy belligerents so show cause why my private citizen status should be co-mingled with enemy belligerents in the public domain, so it has to be a sealed record. Secondly, there is no more concurrent, because there can't be, so there is only exclusive, and if there is only exclusive, then any letters I write have to be acknowledged under exclusive equity. Why would I ever write a letter if the only thing in equity 1am going to acknowledge is exclusive? What's in the tool box? I do a writ. I can do a Bill in Equity. I don't do conditional acceptances or proof of claim, that's commerce. I do show cause, that’s equity. I have the maxims. I have an affidavit. I have the Bill, I have the writs. I have a notice. Those are the only tools in the tool box. If you go outside the tool box, and you borrow commercial tools, the judge will slam the door. The judge slammed the door to his chambers, and when he did that he had an ugly grimace on his face. That's why | almost cried in my mind. I knew I messed up by bringing up that statute. Lesson learned, You don't have to use statutes and codes. The laws they recognize are already there. The principles of chancery and equity are already there for you. Just do jurisprudence, doctrine and principles. You don’t have to mention the constitution, just the soul and spirit of it, The protected provisions are there to protect equity. Justice Taney says it is prohibited to combine the court of equity with the court of at law by the constitution. That was 1917. Fast forward to 1933, they claim to give us at law and equity in one action. It is called one action. One action can cover both equity and law That's for public citizens. They are giving them fake equity. That's one action. Not it is not Justice Taney in 1917 said it is prohibited by the constitution to combine equity and at law. Why is Justice Taney wrong? He is not wrong. They just created a new class of citizen in 1933, so they had to create new rules for them. Oh, we'll just call it one action. 1 bet they did not count on the Internet. When "A" came to visit, | said you better bring a thumb drive about 100 gigs. I'm going to give you my entire library; all equity books. Christian Walters touted "merger" ior years. I came across a supreme court case on merger. Merger is at law, not equity. On the other hand, if you want to keep the titles separate, that is the causes of equity. He talks about wanting merger and Pass} oft extinguishment. No you don’t do that at law. The word he should be using is annihilation ‘That is a real word in law, called annihilation. Supreme Court of Michigan, 1957, Hat (or Hack?) v. Concrete Wall. You want to be in equity; you want the at law annihilated, gone. The only rules that apply to you are in that private decree. The decree has extra- territorial effect. You asked about other countries. That prilate decree from a federal judge will haw effect in Australia, England, Canada, in all the commonwealth, like Belize. "C': Listened to you and "A" on the radio talk show, and you were talking about the special deposit versus the general deposit, and the foreclosures on the initial transaction of the Joan, and that's what we deal with a lot when we reorganize the trust with the bank and declare them as the trustee and the borrower as the grantor/beneficiary/creditor. You want to get into that a little? "B": Yes, it goes back to the definition of due process. What is due process? He that seeks equity must do equity. What does it mean to do equity? V/hen you are doing ‘equity, it is about notice, hut it is notice-no It is really important that you take inventory of different kinds of notice. There is on the record notice, registration notice, in the newspaper notice, and actual notice by a notary record, or your private individual affidavit. There are all kinds of ways to do due process. So I was wondering how you take a general deposit and change the nature and character of it when you did the original deposit years ago. Christian talked a lot about this. He called it a withdrawal redeposit. I told him. that won't work because you don't have the right to do a withdrawal because you are public. I have the proof. I was in federal court, and I showed the records of the withdrawal redeposit, and the attorney for the bank very meticulously responded saying "I do not know if you can actually withdraw your signature." | thought about that. When I met "A", it just hit me. Iam an enemy public citizen belligerent. He is say he is not sure you have a right to your own signature to do a withdrawal. He is right. You are booty, chattel public, you own nothing. What makes you think you can change anything substantively. In CIS on money and banking. chapter 289, it says the nature of the deposit can be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. 1 don't like to do contracts. | like to do admission, and confession and acceptance. That is equity. Show cause or you accept, admit or confess. That is equity. Admissions. I don't do show cause or otherwise you agree. I don't want an agreement. I want acceptance. That is trust law. I don't want contract. I want acceptance of the trust or in trust must be treated as a trust. | tailored this last letter I wrote with private citizen stuff. That when the attorney refused to sign for it, He didn’t want to be a trustee. I said you have to show cause through disclaimer, otherwise you are a trustee. And oh, by the way, you have to stand in full. Then I gave him an equity jurisprudence Paget 0f86 ‘ ‘ ‘ « ‘ ‘ « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « - « - « « « « « - « « « o “ - & paragraph that shows what a disclaimer is. And! gave him a definition. Here is a supreme court case in equity that defines disclaimer. You have to follow that. Here is another equity case that proves the creation of the trust, He doesn't want to sign for them, BTW, just because he didn’t sign for it, doesn't excuse him either. He probably knows that, too. That trust is formed. I will enforce it when I get to it. I tried to shorten it, up, but I couldn't, It is 55 paragraphs, but I couldn't delete any of it. "A" and I went through it, but we couldn't shorten it Show cause why you don't have to accept it. And boom, it is a trust. don't want to just stop the foreclosure. I want the whole account wrapped up. Here is what I want: 1) On the note that I am the grantor of, | want a full accounting, and | want it martialed, and 1 want it non-co-mingled and segregated, and I want to be acknowledged as the sole beneficiary, and keep that in the private. 2) On the mortgage, I want recoupment, All the payments and contributions I've made, and all the securities, to perfecting the deed of that mortgage. It is mine unless you tell me someone else owns it. Go ahead, show cause Idon't own it. I'll give you 30 days. There it is, 30 days and I am on the record you guys have shown me no one else has a higher claim, therefore, it is mine. Give me recoupment, everything. So now I have both sides going. I have the note full accounting, and now I have recoupment, and all the contributions I made when I was making mistakes and misconstrued, and I was a public citizen, and now I have to show up. Remember, I read C.7S that says when the true owner shows up it is all over. I didn't know what that meant. That's the game plan, both the mortgage and the note, both sides of the ledger of each. Proper notice to the court, proper Bill in Equity, which is actually pretty short. The exhibits were long, but the Bill was short. BTW, I don't even have a trust indenture. I went through the eases where the trust is not created by a trust indenture. The trust-MeVey v. MeVey, a NJ supreme court-the rights of the trust spring from the creation of the trust, How was it ereated? In "A's" course work, I think there is a list of 21 ways a trust if formed, Trust is formed by mutual agreement, by appointment, by remainder, by non-disclaimer, by delivery, transfer, conveyance, assignment. I made a list of 21 ways a trust is formed, and that’s private trusts, not statutory. Private trust for a private citizen. You have to tell the judge how the trust was created. | tell the judge how I created the trust 8,9 10 ways, ad nauseam. Here is how | created the trust by my manifested intent, and all the records. I perfected the gift, 1 did the assignment, the acceptance, the non-diselaimer, legal title transfer. I've done this and that, and here is the proof. That is equity on the face. You think they are going to give me a proper detelmination ex parte? | think so. If they don't, I will happily say I am out of ideas, but after five years | think I've got it covered. The private citizen thing was the one piece. You can imagine my excitement. When I started to understand what that meant, then it hit me; when the judge had his door open to his chambers, that wasn't even equity. "C": I think I got this right. Once you win, you make the court the trustee to deal with the payment. "B": Right, the court is a bank. When you are in there, in the proper jurisdiction, Pagels oft wrap it all up. Do not leave until it is wrapped up. When the judge says, how many trusts do you see? You say all of them, right back to the beginning. 1 would tell the judge to wrap up your legacy. your ancestors. What belongs to you from them? Remember, you are in proper jurisdiction, why not? Why not right then and there? Do you remember when Bernie Madoff went to prison, the court appointed a trustee to do a claw back to find out who had made money? There were a couple who made millions, and the trustee had the authority to do a claw back. That was a martial at law proceeding. You haven't seen anything yet. When a chancellor appoints a trustee and tells him to get a full accounting of everything. The Jesuits would do exactly that. What is good for them is g00d for us. They will go to the ends of the earth to satisfy the chancellor. When the master in chancery reports to the chancellor, the master head trustee, of the full accounting of the recoupment, of the securities, of the rents and issues and all the stuff they bought with it, and whatever they did you could even put lost opportunity costs in there. It is not your job to put a price tag on it: itis there jofl to figure what is equitable. That’s what I call true equity from that side of the court. However, they are not going to write you a check. You have to leave it in the trust. On mortgage process. "B fy attorney refused to sign, so that's one reaction. | fully anticipate this one particular mortgage process to halt and go completely quiet, because that is their way of saying let's wait and see what they do next. So we will wait about three weeks for their reaction. They have to provide us a very minimum, in the first three weeks. At best we will establish the trust, and we will file as a plaintiff in federal court within five weeks. We will give them a maximum of 30 days, but if we don't get anything in 30 days. we know we willbe filing into the clerk of federal district court on the equity side, and showing our records. When we get the judicial review sua sponte- I've already written all that paperwork. The Bill in Equity-it is a bill for a full accounting. coming in as a private citizen with exhibits. That piece will do the full accounting on the note and the recoupment on the mortgage. If we don’t get something in 30 days we don't have to wait any longer. It is not a commercial process. They are either going to do it or they are not. Remember when I said I served something similar to this and the CEO resigned. In that ease, the only concem of the attorneys was whether | entered personam urisdiction. They were very concerned that Lentered personam jurisdiction because they knew the CEO had resigned, and they knew that | knew, but they didn’t bring it up because that would be breach of trust. I gave them notice in court that itis a trust. I told them who the trustee was, but they also knew this guy resigned, and they tried to argue | didn't have in personam jurisdiction. | didn't acknowledge their pleadings because that would be wrong to do. Lam a public citizen (at that time?) so do I really have in personam? No, | am an enemy combatant belligerent. I had a concern. Let's fix that. Let's go back and do it right, as private citizen get in personam. Wrap it up. "A's" paperwork is 41 pages with all the exhibits. It is an affidavit of 12 pages, with 6 exhibits totaling 41 pages. The other exhibits are the trust creation, the note, the Pass36 ofh6 mortgage and the records. Here is the beautiful thing. Let's say you file in the federal court, and it doesn't go our way, and we know this right away. Pull it back out. Here is another reaction that could happen. | served a Bill in Equity to 14 people three years ago, and they responded with a letter that said "We are investigating your claim and we will get back to you." I received several letters saying they were still investigating, Finally I got a letter that said they could not locate my loan. I don't know what that really means, but my point is, they responded to a Bill in Equity. You know, I've done 52 trusts, and | don't get responses to those trusts, ever. Why? They don't have indemnity to treat me as a private citizen. Remember the censorship clause? They go to prison if they treat me asa private citizen if 1am actually not. So "A's" paperwork is the indemnity. It proves you are indemnifying them for treating you as a friend, Now they can treat you as a friend and not worry about going to prison. Everyone else is an enemy. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff. You can't talk about it in court for two reasons, One, the censorship clause, and two, it is not for him to tell you who you are; it is for you to tell him who you are. They don't check your ID when you go into the court. Every time you send paperwork, you tell them who you are. In faet, you can play four different persons, if you want to. They will never question that, We are not saying to change your name. We are saying to tell them ‘what capacity you are. In the private, I was a third party intervener coming as real party in interest holding equitable title of the court case, in the private. In the public I was a defendant, coming as the defendant w ith a motion to show cause. I was both persons. I can show you in Bouvier, it says when you are clothed with the rights of two persons, you are literally two persons in the eyes of the law. That's why you can be a cop and still be a private citizen. Your official capacity of a cop is one person, and you are a private at other times. You are clothed with two different rights. A judge can be a private citizen. Two persons clothed with different rights. We were talking about the censorship clause. The second is, and this is the kicker, in the Trading With the Enemy Act, the 1917 version used the words "without the United States," but when they brought it forward in 1933, the Jesuits changed the words to "within the United State." Immediately they created havoc on our own nation because they forced the government to separate within the United States who is an enemy and who is a private citizen. One word, and now it isa sorting process, the wheat from the chaff; who is a private citizen and who is not. That's why the paperwork is so strong, if you do the abatement. ‘That one guy who has never used the SSN, that is great. I would say you have a status, but you can still go to commerce as an agent all day long with no liability and you don't have anything to worry about. There is still some proof on record, but you can create the commercial securities and mortgage notes. Somebody asked me a really ages? oft good question. How do I buy a house as a private citizen? I've already tried that. | picked the most expensive house in my area that was for sale. I did a property searel and I did a trust on it, and I sent it to - I didn't send it to the president- who did I send it to? Oh, I sent it to Ogden, UT. That house went off the market for six months, about three weeks after they received it. This was three years ago, and I was still alittle green, Here is what you are doing. You don't make the payment anymore, and you don't make payments ever. The trustee makes the payments for you. Step one, form trust. Step two, send the special deposit for conversion, and name the beneficiary, the bank holding the legal title of the house you want. Order that the trustee do the conversion. Here is how I formed the trust. I said, acquire the legal title of this property for the trust. It is your (trustee's) house, legally, but the possessory, use and enjoyment rights of the house are the sole, exclusive domain of the beneficiary of the trust. I learned this from Charles Phelps. He said, all property to remain with the trustee even while the use, enjoyment, benefit of it and possession is with the beneficiary. Bingo, there are three titles. ‘There is legal, equitable or possession. In a trust, as the grantor/settlor, you can tell the trustee who has possession, use and enjoyment. I said it was the beneficiary. C": UCC 3-301 So the trustee acquires legal title, and does the upkeep and maintenance, but the beneficiary has the sole use and enjoyment. Do you really want to own a car, or do ‘you just want to use the car? Do you really want to own the house, or just have the keys and use of it. In the end, when the trust gets rid of the house, where do the proceeds go? Back into the trust. Anyway, that's how I would handle it, but | wasn't a private Iitried it."C": You sent it to the IRS? itizen_ when "B": Yeah, | recommend if you have a name of a guy from IRS in Ogden, grab that Ogden guy and never change guys. Stick with one name for everything. They are the brightest guys. The word "you" is plural. When they say, "What do you plead?" they are talking plural. In the French language, the word "you" is two different words, plural and singular, but in English it is one word, plural and singular. ‘They get you on the word "you." How do you plea? Meaning how do you, the hybrid, and you the private citizen, how do you plead? So you almost have to say, "If you want to say "you' judge, it shall mean singular, not plural." That is a serious thing there. When I say "you," in a conversation such as this, Imean "we" because we are in the same boat. Every time you get a letter, they repudiate. That is in CJS, limitations of actions, section 189, repeated acts of repudiation. The trustee is repeatedly repudiating itself Paget oFt6 QSaanrenreea eee enn ge ngn OOOO HOH OOH HHHAHAAAAALDSL &S& 2 2 © 2 @ 2 and they are sending you the bill. If the beneficiary agrees to pay the bill, then the trust is temporarily extinguished. But it is only temporary. Remember unalienable right? Our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they put unalienable rights in there. They knew about tyranny, they knew history. You have unalienable rights. You might have paid the bill for five years, and might have awakened one day, and you say, "I made a mistake, Judge. I'm competent now, | just found out my status, I didn’t know this. I just learned. I've been making payments to the wrong guy all these years, and I'd like to correct it, I need recoupment. I need enforcement. I need to correct this." That's a beautiful thing. Equity corrects mistakes. When you plead you made a mistake, that is an equitable cause of action. There was a lady who said, in court, Iam unable to pay due to my poverty, and the judge ripped up the mortgage, gave her the house. When people get IRS letters, that letter is forming a trust where you are the ‘The only way to avoid that is to turn ever-y letter into a special deposit and . have done trial and error for many years, and the one that finally really Worked is like @ trust instrument. | treat it as a trust instrument. It is a special deposit I perfect it, and I return it, and I sign as the proper offices, grantor/grantee, and | return legal title. The trust indenture is five words. I don't do trust indentures anymore. I used to do really long trust indentures. That is all wrong: it is not that hard, Five words: extinguishment, benefit, use, enjoyment, and other equitable relief Tam entitled to. Five things. Leave it open. I put it right on the page. Print it in lowercase letters. You are forming a trust so use equitable terms. They will recognize it. | will also say "for the benefit of." Let's say your name is John Henry Doe, and the bill comes to J. H. DOE, so I will say "on special deposit for the benefit of J. H. DOE." Because that's not me. I'm not doing the special deposit for me. I'm doing it for J. H. DOE, whomever that guy is. Il handle it, I'm government, we the people. Here is my signature, here is the order. 1 put cancelled stamps. Handwritten. 1 got a handwritten receipt back from Ogden on carbon copy paper. Handwritten and handwritten envelope. They acknowledge My wife got a frivolous fine from them. We didn't do any OID. She just did a imple filing and got a FF fine in the mail. I said, give it to me, I'll handle it. 1 handled it in one letter, special deposit for her benefit, use and enjoyment. Never heard a peep out of them again on that one. Luse a one dollar bill on special deposit, and it is the only bill that has any substance. The rest of them are fiat. If you look on the black seal, you will see it says "Bank of Chicago" or "Bank of New York." Actually it says that on the $2.00 bills, too, but | don't use the twos. But if you look on the seal of other denominations, it says "Federal Reserve System.” The reason for that is because the $1.00 bills are still lawful money. | learned this fiom a guy who formed a reserve bank, and he shared this from his research. He pointed out about the bills that when the bank issues hundreds and fifties and twenties. they have to carry $1.00 bills in their vaults and that they account for them in this way: The 100s are Pape? oft worth 1/100th of a dollar bill. The SOs are worth 1150th, the 20s are 1/20th and the 5s are 1/Sth. It is the opposite. In order to issue one hundred $100 bills, he had to have a $1.00 bill in the vault. So the $1.00 is the substance, and the rest are funny money. So when I doa special deposit, | use the $1.00 bill. The last time they changed a $1.00 bill was before 1972. "C": Do you do a mortgage for $1.00 bill every time? "B"; I'll answer that question with this fantastic case. The Credit River case, 1969. This attorney was foreclosed, and he went to the Justice of the Peace. The Justice of the Peace gave him summary judgment. The bank appealed. The Justice said the bank had to pay two lawful dollars for the appeal. The bank sent $2.00. Then the Justice of the Peace told them to show cause why the two one dollar bills are lawful because the Federal Reserve is not lawful in operating in its lawful, legal capacity, blah, blah. [The court had ruled the FRNs were not lawful money.] He ended up dying suddenly. Then the court said they would continue the case, and they settled out of court. The point is, the Justice of the Peace was half right and half wrong. A bank cannot tender lawful dollars. they are public. Legal fictions cannot tender the substance nature of a $1.00 bill. Only a private citizen can. Five years ago there was a judgment against me because | blew them off, so | turned it into a special deposit and put a $1.00 bill on it, and | ignored that case for two years, because | never heard from them again. On the bottom of the docket, it said "One lawful dollar, settled and closed.” t said lawful dollar? Normally they can’t acknowledge lawful money. "B": It was on there. It said "Accept and return for value, one lawful dollar, settled and closed." There were two other pieces I sent that they never put on the docket. I asked my friend if what really worked was what was on the docket, or what was not on the docket. We don't know. What I did on the special deposit was to write negative numbers, minus numbers. They sent me positive numbers, I sent them negative numbers back to zero out the ledger. Then sent them a dollar and the return for value. Two years went by and I never knew it worked. I was not sure what worked, so I took another case I had blown off, in regard to a car. So I took the order and did the same exact package. I sent it in, but it was too late. The clerk sent it back to me with a letter saying the judgment was over a year ago, you will have to have a hearing on this. She handwrote the note, and sent it in a handwritten envelope with a stamp on it, not metered mail. Metered mail you are being treated one way, handwritten and stamped you are being treated another way. 1 decided not to mess with that. BTW, in regard to the car, when they sent me a letter and wanted it back, I sent a letter and said I would be happy to pay them if they would tell me what currency to pay in, They never wrote back. When they did a sheriff sale for my house, what did they say? On the pleading they say they do a sale for the extinguishment of the debt. They say it is commonly accepted that a trustee sale extinguishes the debt, and the [buyer] is the rightful owner of the house. So I pleaded back- now remember, | did give them jurisdiction, and we had a general Pagsto ots DODDHLHLKLLKLCHLLK HCL HHO HLAKLAHOLALOHAALHOALALALAALLLS|L AS & & & & a. appearance of the defendant — and 1 put this on the record and the judge took it right off the record. I said, the attorney has stated the sale extinguishes the debt. I would indulge the court to agree, however, | would ask the attorney to show me, because of the ISO 4217 1SO 4217 is the International Standard for currency codes. The most recent edition is ISO 4217:2008. The US dollar is represented as USD-the US coming from the ISO 3166 country code and the D for dollar.) that the definition of a dollar and the definition of the currency symbol is a peso, and that the Note was issued in lawful money. The definition of lawful money is "U.S.$", that's USD. I would like them to tell me how the credit sale ina peso extinguishes a debt issued in lawful money. Judge took that right off record. How did you determine what was lawful money in the transaction? Do you have a mortgage note? If the number is in parenthesis, and it has the letters "U.S." and then the squiggly dollar symbol, and then it has the number, and underneath, the amount is written out in words, just like you do on a check. You don’t have to legally write out the words, but when you do write out the words, that is lawfil Checks are lawful money because you are writing out the words, but that's another subject. That's lawful money. Now look at your mortgage. The amount you owe for the mortgage, does not have the number in parenthesis, well that's irrelevant, but it does not have the US. in front of the symbol, and it does not write out the amount in words. It only has a number. So the note has numbers and words with "U.S. $,"but the mortgage only has the dollar symbol, no words. That is in front of your face, the specie swap. They are swapping species. You issue a note in lawful money, but they want you to pay them back in a different currency, pesos. Google ISO 4217, and look for the currency symbols. Try or Mexican peso uses same $ as United States. "C": I've noticed there are other currencies that use the exact sign, The Hong Kong dollar. "C": Question about the dollar symbol with the double line through it. "B": I've never been able to find a font that has that symbol. The two lines are actually a U. they are supposed to meet at the bottom of the S. You don't need that symbol, The ISO says lawful money is USD and then the symbol, "USD $."Alternatively U.S. That is lawful. Think about this. "A" asked what do you do with a property tax bill? [ asked, what currency symbol is on the bill? There is no symbol. Well, what makes you think they are billing you for money? Maybe it is jelly beans. Why would you pay a bill that only has a number on it? If they are putting peso symbols — | looked at all my IRS bills and found out half of them have Mexican penny symbols. That is a little tiny s that has a litle notch at the top and a little notch at the bottom of the ‘s’. So on the IRS bill | sent it back to the IRS and said "You guys don't make mistakes. There is a Mexican penny symbol on the bill. If you can explain to me how I'am supposed to pay it, Ill be happy to do so." That was a $675 bill. Never heard from them again. I'm looking at bill right now, and they have a combination of the peso as well an S with a line on top and a line on the bottom, but nothing in between. "B": That's the Mexican penny symbol. Has a notch at the top and a notch at the bottom. I did a form letter to various banks and companies, and sent it for a radio show. It said, "I am a customer, and [am alittle concerned because there are no currency symbols on my statement. Would you please clarify what currency my money and statements are denominated in. Let me give you the definition of lawful money from the constitution, and let me give you the definition of the ISO 4217." Very simple. You would think I would get a response back saying you are in America, and it is denominated in U.S. dollars. That's not the letter I got Wells Fargo sent a screw off letter saying if you ask us again, we are going to investigate you. They do not want to talk about that. Another guy went into Comcast and gave them a $100 to pay his bill to pay his $30 bill, and they gave him $70 change, and he says, "Now hold on, you gave me a bill in pesos, and I just gave you $100 in lawful U.S. currency, and you give me $70 change. I want change back from the amount in pesos." The supervisor came out and gave him all his money back, and said we've taken care of the bill and he didn’t see another bill for 7-8 months. What is really going on? If they give them your money, and they have not billed you in the money you paid them, now do you see why your equitable cause is recoupment? You've been overpaying them. If they send you a bill in pesos and you give them a check, and that is lawful money, that is silver by the comptroller of the currency. and you write up the words, that is lawful. You are giving them lawful United States dollars. BTW, I know the calculation is 65 times more than a dollar. Your primary money in the constitution is worth 65 times the one dollar bill in gold terms. That is math. If you get a bill from Comeast tor $50 and it has a peso symbol, and you write them a check, no matter What you give them, they deduct it from your bank account, and you are giving them silver. You've heard of the people who tried the EFT's on the closed account? There is a little truth to that because when you close an account, you close it from the public side. The definition of a closed account means access is no longer available from the publie side. It is not that the account disappears, it is just the public side that disappears. I don't care about that, but the point is that you have been paying them in silver, but they have been billing you in either toothpicks, pennies or pesos, and you issued a note at closing in lawful money, and they are having a trustee sale in pesos, and they are calling that a debt extinguishment, and they are claiming to own your house and note through a trustee sale done in pesos. Unless they are willing to prove it was done in a different curreney, you welcome the argument, please bring the proof, but right now the ISO 4217 is your proof. What is their proof? Tell me what you sold it in. You have them ina pickle right there. Remember the Credit River case? Show cause why the bank gave us two lawful dollars. They handed them one dollar bills, but they are a bank, a legal fiction; they can't handle lawlul money-only private citizens. That's why I tell you one dollar bills are really something. It is the real McCoy. If it was not for the Reserve bank information | received, I wouldn't have known it When I started sending out these one dollar bills out, things started snapping really good. What is funny about it is a debt collector, an attorney, returned the dollar bill. Was he being a wise-ass? The way I send it is, I make it a special deposit, and I use the serial numbers of the bill as a record. | say “lawful curreney of the United States of America, one lawful dollar" and I write down the SIN. If L had not been ‘so successful for so long with that one dollar, | would have taken his return of the one Paget? oft dollar as a rude thing, but he had to send it back be 3 it is a hot potato. He can't touch it. | proved it again when I sent a lawful dollar to pay a traffic ticket, They retuned absolutely everything. Then I sent in a motion, and I sent a dollar with it and the judge returned the entire motion to me, in the original envelope, everything. They never retum my motions. They can't touch it with the dollar. It is not theirs. They are the invaders. The Jesuit Romans. They are the invaders, and they know it. W/hen you get your Private citizen status, they have to uphold their oaths to the private citizens, that's why they had to take the oath, but they have no oath to the public citizen enemies. ‘They can do whatever they want, whatever serves the monarch. Whatever serves the monarch is what they are allowed to do. They just can't talk about the Trading With the Enemy Act under censorship, but the minute you are a private citizen, you can handle primary money and lawful money. Patriots thought they could redeem their money at the Federal Reserve for gold. They were sadly turned away. That's why I say we are onto something hot here. Private citizen status, handling lawful money, on special deposit, creating a trust with it, for the extinguishment ofa billion dollars of debt, and a billion dollars should he paid because it is all shadow. One lawful dollar from a private citizen on special deposit create aright and a substance that no billion dollars in fiat credit debt could ever overcome, ever, ever. ever. "C's I didn't know a dollar could do that. | know people used to do similar things with silver dollars, “B": You need the serial number. There are details about creating your own Private numbers. You have to create your own private account numbers, your numbers When you open a checking account, you get an account number. Who owns those numbers, you or them? They do. You set up an account with Comeast. They own that account. You get a mortgage, they tell you the loan number. They own that number. When the bank goes bankrupt and get a letter telling you a new bank has acquired your account and they are assigning you a new account number. Why do they need a new number? They don't own the previous bank's number. They have to create their own number. You are being a volunteer to their account number. ‘C": Yet it was a number that was opened by your signature. "BY: | get that. Your signature created the account but you are a public citizen, you gave them an account under a contract. You have no proof you own that number They only gave you a number because you agreed to the terms and conditions. I've done it the other way. I've gone in and gave them a very restricted number on a note. The bank said we need to renew the note, here sign this. I gave them a restricted endorsement and sent it in. They sent me another one and said there was a mistake on that one, we need you ‘0 do it again. T gave them another restricted endorsement, and the bank VP called me and said “Ifyou don't_give us an unrestricted endorsement, we are going to call the note." I said, "Oh, so you want me to sign this under duress now?” Then he didn't want to talk anymore, but | didn’t want him to call the note because I had a lot on my plate and I knew "could delay it six more months if I just gave him what he wanted. How many notes did 1 First oft give him? Three, because there was the original, and then the two others, and they kept all three. When it came time to do the judgment against me, which one did they enforce? They still had to put the other tiVO on the record. I never made an appearance; 1 blew it off. When I got the order, I was cracking up, they actually put those other ones in there. ‘The judge wrote ills order in such a way that they could not even touch the secured collateral. I know why the judge did that. It was not because I did not make an appearance, it is because he sees the restricted endorsements on the notes. Listen up, if anyone has stolen property, it is not that I owe them property, i is they ‘owe me property, and the judge sees that in the attorney's own pleading. He didn't write a writ of possession, he wrote a writ of execution. There It came to a head in a contempt hearing. They served me while I was not in contempt of that judgment. Show cause. 1 decided I would +lirt with disaster and see if they were going to try to throw me in jail on contempt. So | put notice into the court and went to the contempt hearing. I noticed the judge of the private trust, blah, blah. They saved me for last, the courtroom was empty. ‘That was my first clue. Then the attorney said, "We want him to sign the financial statement.""| looked at the judge and said, "Well there is a problem with that. You are asking me sign under penalty of perjury. 1 have private trusts, and I don't know what they are worth, Are you going to allow me sign something like this and perjure myself when I have private trusts and don't know what they are worth?" I didn’t realize she had a remedy ready to go for me, but | was making it hard for her. She called the deputy. She said, "If you don't sign that thing right now, I'm going to hold you in contempt of court, and you will go to jail.” So I said, "I'l sign it without prejudice.” She didn’t say anything. Remember, silence is agreement. So I said I would need five minutes. She said, "Okay, but make it snappy; I'm not waiting her all day." So [ hand it back to the attorney. The attorney said, "Your honor, we want that collateral, and here is my remedy." Judge says, "You don't get the collateral today; this is just a show cause for a financial statement." So I walked out and the attorney is yelling at me in the hallway. I said, "You will get yours someday, I'm just too busy to do anything about it.” She says, "I have a judgment, and I get that collateral. Where is my collateral?" | said, "You had your chance in court today. | didn't hear the judge give you the collateral" She went silent. She realized she didn't win, I won. Again, | put notice into the court, told them who I was. They are short changing you. They are essentially billing you zero, and you are paying them in silver. So when you get into equity, you get recoupment. In equity they see the truth, they see through the form into the substance. They deal in truth, substance, and good conscience. So pick your battles. Do you want to sue the electric company for recoupment on your bills? Personally, that is not a big fish to fry right now. I could probably win, but what would I get? I'll take something big, like a mortgage. *C": Does it matter how old your mortgage note is? I've pai past, in 2005 and 2007. off mortgages in the That's not old. Do you know what laches are? Laches are the longer you wait, your rights start to stale; you start to prejudice the other party. The longer you wait, they can't find the people in charge of your note, so if it prejudices the defendant, how long do mavelt ote you wait? I've seen cases that say 6-8 years isn't long enough, and then tills a case in CIS that says 40 years isn’t long enough. The MeVay case is 7 years. They have an IMF file, and in that file is everything single thing, and things you didn't know existed, is in there. The chancellor has the keys to the kingdom. That's a quote out of Bouvier. The chancellor has the keys to the kingdom. He will say how many trusts do you see? He will help you. It is not adversarial. He wants the truth, he wants to help. He will become your advocate. You say you don't know how many there are, but I know there is a legacy. You have some dead relat If you get your dead relative's stuff-I'm just speculating, but I think he would say they can get the dead relative’s stuff, but they will want to know if there are other interested parties that could come forward. We are going to give it all to you, but if someone else shows up, you're the trustee. You do not want to mess with being a trustee in chaneery. So you have tVO choices. You are either going to be the trustee and conduct yourself accordingly, or you can tell them you know who the other interested parties, such as blood relatives. but for those who you are not aware of, I'd stay out of it, because you don't need it. Just leave it escheated until you do know. For instance, if | wind up my dead mom's estate, I know I have my sister, and she is never going to become a private citizen, but maybe 10 years from now she may want to figure out what I did and say will you help me, so I'll say I wrapped up Mom's estate, and you get half, and I'm the trustee, or I'll say I only took half and the other half is sitting there waiting for you. Tdon't know, but it is not theirs, it is yours, but just keep in mind you who you have to share it with. ‘What are you going to do afier you wrap it up? People get worried, and say "I can't go into commerce." Just remember that relationship you have with that chancellor lasts a lifetime. It is not a one-time thing where you have to go back later and do it all over again. It isa lifetime relation. They use these words: Maintain a Bill in Equity. You always maintain a Bill in Equity even after the decree. Even after the decree, the Bill is still in there, and if later on you need something, you go back under the same Bill you are already in, It is not a new Bill, You go back under the same Bill number, hut add to it That's what I maintain, I think once you are in there, it is for lifetime, and you will always be recognized in there. Just like Howard Hughes: Make the payment, How do you measure wealth? You can't put commercial terms to it. Like Warren Buffet is worth 82 billion dollars. You can't bring that measuring stick to the private. There might be a number, that's great, but you are still alive. and if you can still sign your name, you ean still ereate wealth. How many mortgage notes can you sign? The true currency, in equity, is what is Written on your heart. When you go to sign, it is a manifestation of your intent, and what is written on your heart. What do you really want to do? Remember, I did a charitable trust to feed the hungry? That was written on my heart. I think I spent $1500 getting that thing out the door. | had to get special paper, I had to _printers, and get special stamps. I abandoned it because | didn't want to be a charitable trust, it is publie, but I change it to whatever I want. All Ihave to do is give notice. When you get your passport, you will fill out the application just Pagets of ike everyone else does. but you are going sign restricted, and write "special and private," but you will give notice of your private citizen status. They will give you a passport, hut they will change the chip. so when you go through immigration (customs), they are already know Who you are. I know another guy who has a private citizen status, and when he went through the airport, they scanned his passport, they rang a bell, and two National Guards came out and escorted him down the jet way. They protect. | went to Wal-Mart for an eye exam, and I wrote restricted, special and private. | wrote it right across the entire and paperwork, Special and Private. When I was done, the doctor asked if | wanted anything back from them when they were done. I said yes, I want it all back; nothing leaves this store that belongs to me. If you get your eyes examined, they take a retina scan, Do T want that too? If you are a private citizen, you have immunity from the martial government. When they come knocking on doors, they will go by yours. Do you have 20 friends you want to save? I have, but you will find out a prophet is not welcome in his home town, My best friend did an OID, and he got this big check, and asked what to do with it. I said you better be really careful how you endorse that check. He put it into a business account!!! Talk about co-mingling. He got a letter shortly after, and he sat around all summer and didn't do anything about the letter. Finally the IRS agent came up to the door. I was on my way into his house when the IRS agent drove up and asked me if | was John Doe, and I said, no, that’s not me. Then I headed down to the basement to inform my friend the IRS agent was at the door. | told you the four things to say at a UD hearing, and this is basically the same things to say in a situation like this. I told him, you do not give them your name. You said, "I grant you my name on special deposit.” These are trust relations. When my buddy said that to the IRS agent, the IRS agent got really quiet. He was mumbling. and I could not hear what they were saying. %* Notes from 11/14 class: When you become the private Citizen of the United States, there are some things you should understand and adhere to in order to maintain your new status. Government uses tricks to get you to consent to their jurisdiction and their phony statutory citizenship, so watch out for these. They also use certain terms in legislation which are defined in the codes, and these definitions are not usually the dictionary definition, so be careful to check out all definitions, such as “resident,” "state," "United States," and do a lot of research on citizenship, For instance, the term “state” when used in federal legislation usually means only specific places designated in the definition therein, The word “includes” when used in a statute, means only those specific things listed are "included" in the definition. Federal statutes define what is "included" in the definitions of "United States" and "State," and often the definition of "State," while sounding like it includes all 50 states, really only includes those areas listed, such as "The District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands ..."and other federal territories, which means the 50 states are excluded The Internal Revenue Code defines the "United States" as follows: Title 26, Subtitle F, Chapter 79, Section 7701, (a) Definitions: (9) United States ‘The term "United States" when States sed in a geographical sense includes only the and the Distriet of Columbia. Sounds like it includes all the states of the union and the District of Columbia, right? Wrong. See the definition of " (10) State The term "State" shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title. Congress is limited in the types of laws it can pass for people in the states, but it can pass any kind of law whatsoever for Washington, D.C. So what the lawmakers do is artfully word the legislation so the average Joe will think it includes him, where he lives, in one of the 50 states, while carefully wording the definition so as to call as little attention to it as possible. Government applications demand you declare yourself to be a "United States en.” Don't do it. A "United States citizen" is the public US citizen, the statutory citizen, the subject- slave of the government. You are now a nonstatutory private Citizen on your home state, and if you need to declare yourself a citizen of the United States, make sure it is the private "Citizen of the United States.” Capitalization is important. It should be "Citizen," not "citizen." You can also call yourself a "national" or a "state national." You do not want to call yourself'a "resident" or an inhabitant" within one of the states, A “resident” is property, such as a public U.S. citizen (meaning a citizen of the District of Columbia), "resident" within one of the sub-corporations known as the corporate States. Better to limit your terminology to "living on" the state Terminology is important, such as "the state” is the de jure, original state, and "this state" means the corporation de-facto state that is currently operating. You will see this terminology in your state codes. As a private Citizen of the United States, you cannot be a voter. Voters are merely franchisees of the corporation. If you have paid into social security, you can still collect it, as the Agent for the CAPITALIZED NAME ‘Trust. | suppose you could obtain a driver license as the Paget? oft Agent for the trust, but under these situations, be sure to put "Agent" after your signature, It has been suggested that you can obtain a passport by declaring yourself to be a "national." J do not know if that works or not. If you get a jury summons, Jet them know you are a private Citizen of the United State. They may not want you because their defendants are public "US citizens," so you would not be one of their peers. Do not sign any tax forms which require that you be a"U.S. citizen," as that would be fraudulent. Do not apply for a marriage license, you don't need to involve the state in your personal life. Avoid licenses where you can, as a man has a right to earn a living See Hale v. Henkel. Educate yourself on your Rights and your duties. You are the only one 'Nho can and will defend your rights. Learn about administrative remedies. The release is that you are releasing the judge from the public obligation to give you a martial due process, The judge is under censorship; he cannot talk about it, but you are releasing him from his obligations. A release is giving up the claim or right to the person (the military government) against whom the claim exists or the right is to be exercised. A release is a discharge of the claim or obligation, The release has to include the state of birth and the United States and judge, severally and generally. The release must be immediate. The trust is openly owned by the commander in chief, and you are the beneficiary. You change the relationship of the entity, Your relationship is now as the beneficial owner of all the property. The grantor is now out of the picture. You claim to be the agent for the entity in the public. In public you are the agent; in private you are the beneficiary. In public you never claim to be the beneficiary. You are the grantor/settlor. Never divulge in public who the trustee is, or who the beneficiary is. If you have a credit card for the trust you sign as agent. When acquiring property. in the all caps name, you are always the agent for it, Whenever you sign for the all caps name, it is always as the agent. If you discuss the details of the trust with anyone in the public, you compromise the trust. ‘Once you become the private citizen, you have to notice the president, the IRS, and the governor of the state where you live, that you are no\v a private citiz Get 4-5 certified copies of the affidavit of status for them. Use restricted delivery. but not registered, because they can't deliver it if the guy won't sign. Use green card This will be your vessel in commerce from now on. The sacred man, created by God, cannot be in this vessel of the Pope. It has a zero tax liability. The EIN number remains with the trust. It is no longer working against us now. Before the trust, Paes ofa6 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ( 4 ‘ ( . ‘ ( ¢ ( ¢ { ‘ ( A t ( . we were surety; now we are no longer surety. W e are the benefi ry We are only making the Commander in chief and the Secretary of Treasury the trustees. Don't ever use the W8-BEN. We are not foreign, we are American Nationals. They are the foreigners. Use blue ink, not black. Do not put yourself under the penalties of perjury. You are under God. Equity will not perfect and imperfect gift, so therefore, before you can do the release, you first have to aecept the BC. We are a beneficiary of the constitution, and a beneficiary of the all caps name trust. There are four types of names: JOHN JAME: JONES- the hybrid name; JONES, JOHN J. -the military name; ‘john jones" is the estate name of the private citizen/the volunteer surety; and John James Jones- the private citizen/not the surety. Equity will not perfect and imperfect gift, so therefore, before you can do the releas: you first have to accept the BC. We are a beneficiary of the constitution, and a beneficiary of the all caps name trust. There are four types of names: JOHN JAMES JONES- the hybrid name; JONES, JOHN J. -the military name; ‘john jones” is the estate name of the private citizer/the volunteer surety; and John James Jones- the private citizen/not the surety. Tell the judge: "My name is granted on Special Deposit for a future return of my interest to me." Say this before you say anything else in court. You are setting up a trust relationship. Every Trust you create will have a number. Mail yourself a letter by Registered Mail, and use stamps on the registered mail envelope. Do not allow them to use metered mail on it. Mail it from yourself to the all caps name. Don't use metered mail on any private mailings. Form 3811 green card addressed to all caps name. Sign it, and check "agent." Put the registered mail tag on it. Mail it to your all caps name. When it is delivered to you, you sign and check agent, and now you have this number. This number will be the number of the trust. It belongs to the trust; itis trust res, and you will use this as the basis for all the trusts you will create. The number that goes on the Certificate of Legal Title is the Registered Mail number with a dash, then your initials, theta dash and "00-001" and keeps a sequence of numbers, The trust documents going to the Trustee will be "00- 001 through 010" or however many documents are required [I don't have the exact number at this time]. Block out a series of numbers for various items of mailings. Say you have a mortgage category. Make mortgages "01" and each Individual mailing will be -001, -002, etc. Keep an index that lists all the documents you have mailed, by category. You keep the original trust number. Paget? oft SUEUCECECSCECCCESCEueeseuvvvveeYsSS~**r- Pages oft6 Send the Notice of Status to the trustees, with the affidavit attached. You are putting these people on Notice of your status, and then you can talk to them about the tr With the Declaration of Status, you send out the Notice of Interest with attachments. You want a simple Notice of Status and attach your Declaration of Status to your Notice of Interest, Send the Notice of Status, NOI and Trust Indenture by certified mail, restricted delivery, only to the President/Trustee. Put your Trust number on it. (Indenture contains the provisions of the trust; shows how it is used.) The trust does are not notarized because this is all special and private, You will never bring this into open court, never, not even if the judge demands you do so. The moment you show this in open court, the trust is compromised, and you are done. "If ‘ou want to see my trust, we will talk about it in chambers." Have the judge signa statement that he knows this is being shown to him in complete confidence, and it is to be kept confidential. After the NOI goes out, when the 30 days expires, send the Statement of Interest, and the trust is vested. Trust vests on the date of tolling. Then you send them the BC trust res, name trust res, and SSN trust res. The sole beneficiary is the private Citizen, so any claim against the all caps name isa claim against the sole beneficiary's interests. The agent, you, shall never consent to a martial due process, so if you allow the trust to be subjected to a martial process, you are in breach of trust, and so are they. Bill in Equity. All caps name is It must be filed, sealed in private, without the public, and get a special file number, and then I maintain the all caps name is coming into the court of equity by means of the beneficiary, not the agent. "Comes now ALL CAPS NAME Private Business Trust, by his beneficiary, John Doe." Now you have standing. Agent is public, beneficiary is private. Stating the following against Sec of Treasury -- give your exhibits. Declaration of Status, Trust docs, and then "I demand a full accounting" or "I notify the court with an amicus, in the public court, you are giving my private business trust a martial process." It would have to be in federal court in exclusive Equity. The issue of your status is a federal question. The other thing is that Equity is protected in the federal constitution, which isan English equity, so therefore, it is federal on both counts, status and the Equity you are claiming as the beneficiary to protect you as the beneficiary of this all caps entity. This is de jure. These guys do not have plausible deniability. This is a temporary state of emergency, and they have to be able to say, "Wait a second, you could have come into federal court and we would apes oF have given you exclusive equity. It was right there protected in the cons Plaus tution.” Under the TWTEA, the Treasurer is to give a full accounting because Iam the ‘one who showed up. Iam the one entitled to this trust account, and they refuse to give it, so 1) they refuuse to obey their own law, and 2) he refuses to do his duty as a trustee, because this is agent of the Commander Chief that | named as trustee." The judge must decide if he sees equity on its face because you are the beneficiary of the con: the people. face. He has to see equity on tutional trust. You are one of Hale v Hinkle says a corporation is not part of we the people. You cannot take any money out of this court action, but I want it there, and accessible, in a way that is suitable to the court. Judge, how should we do this? / don't want to bring it out in the public bank account. 1 want to leave it right here, but how am I going to have access for my use? Then he can explain it. That is his job, he is trustee. The court, not the judge, the court wants to be the trustee, and they are good at it. When creating a trust with other entities, like the power company, a mortgage ‘company, you cannot speak with them by phone. Tell them everything has to be done by mail. If they show up on your doorstep, you can't talk to them. "Sorry, I can't speak with you. This is all privat ‘The NOI extinguishes the government's legal title by characteristic, so the entity is yours, at this point, before you make your conveyance. Legal title by characteristic is inferior title because it is man-made. Legal title by nature is superior, it is from God. You have legal title by nature. You claim this entity. When you claim the entity as the private citizen with legal title by nature, what does that do to the ownership of the Commander in chief who has legal title by characteristic? What happens when legal title pacts a lower title, which title now wins? Legal title; the lower title is extinguished, So now Commander in chief doesn't own it anymore. You hold title to it. His title is extinguished. The all caps name/estate is now yours, and you bold legal title by nature to this estate and the Commander in chief has no title to it. You are now going to convey your legal title to the Commander in chief. When you convey that legal title, he now has legal title by nature. Here is an artificial entity holding legal title by nature, because you conveyed your title to him. When you did that, you retained equitable title by nature. When you split title, you convey legal title to him, and ‘you hold equitable title by nature, what you did was, you created a private business trust. Why is it a trust? Because your title is split. Why is it private? Because the Commander in chief is now the trustee. What title does a trustee hold? Legal title, What title Pages? 6 ee ee ey Pe ee ee does a beneficiary hold? Equitable. So you now hold equitable title by nature to this entity with the SSN, and all its property. Trustee must do what the beneficiary wishes. The Trust Indenture says the Trustee has full power to administer the trust, and he has to aecount for it, or he is in breach of trust This is a resulting trust; it is not an express trust. Why? It is a trust that is the result of an operation of law because in the 30 days he is not disclaiming. Just like they did to us. It is not an express trust; we did not mutually agree by signing papers. It is a resulting, trust, and it is also a grantor trust because the grantor/settlor created it for his benefit, because the private citizen is acting as grantor to convey property. For a trust you need purpose, intent, parties and trust res. "C": What is the difference between this and a cestui que trust? "R": The cestui que trust is the beneficiary, and it is a grantor trust because you, as the grantor, the private citizen, convey property for the benefit of yourself. The grantor and beneficiary are the same person. The grantor/settler must have complete title to begin with, and the private citizen does have complete title. The public citizen does not have complete title Read the mortgage; you come in as the settlor, and then it says the grantor grants this Property, but you had complete title in the beginning because you came in as the settlor. The constitution is a grantor trust. The people granted certain powers to the government for their own benefit, as beneficiaries, for the benefit of the posterity. So this is both a granting trust, and a resulting trust. All we want is to have it settled in stone that we are the beneficiary of this ALL CAPS name. Once we are the beneficiary of this ALL CAPS name, you can easily set up a trust with the electric company, because it is in the ALL CAPS name. Every bill coming to you is in the ALL CAPS name, so therefore, ipso facto, automatically, you are the beneficiary. You do the trust language on it and you send it back, because your status, generally, is the beneficiary of this ALL CAPS name, no matter what you touch. Itis that much more force you have on your side. Comment: You take your declaration and your release and send it to them as notice of the trust, and extinguish the debt, and that's it Yeah, it is in trust, and you tell them to extinguish the debt. Do that with a bill, an IRS lien, a student Joan, a credit card debt, whatever you have. "C": Say that again, please? "B": Once you complete the initial process (foundation of making the all caps name a private business trust), all you have to do when you get a bill, you notice them of a change in your relationship. Send them a copy of your status, make a ___as the res, and tell them trust, to extinguish the debt. Pages3 086 So you are creating a trust each and every you get that bill? Tthink after you establish the trust the first time, after that you write the language to extinguish, because now they are the trustee, they have to do it. | am just sending the bills right to the electric company. They know what to do with it. 1 used certified mail with the extinguishment language on it. [Once the Bill in Equity is handled and the court takes over, we should be able to have the utility companies and other bills sent directly to the Trustee.) So you don't need to make a trust res of this [don't know what this is), you are making it a trust itself, telling them to extinguish the debt, and you put your Declaration of Status. with it Once you establish the trust, they need to get paid, so when you write your extinguishment language, then they know what to do with it, they get paid. You are extinguishing debt, not using FRNs. You can't extinguish debt apart from trust. ‘The all caps name is a de facto private citizen, but I think we should remember we are going to have to say it is a US. citizen when we fill out these forms Comment: I hate that term "U.S. citizen." 1_ know it, but that's the only way you can interface in commerce. Only USS. citizens can interface in commerce. but we are not one. That's okay. [tis our vessel. The all caps name is a creation of the government, for public purposes, so it is a public entity, so this all caps name is originally a creation of the state, and we've just changed the relationship, so it is still the public citizen, wouldn't you say? Yes, if you are doing something in the publi public. 1am not talking about me doing it; I'm talking about this entity, which is separate from me. Tam the sole beneficiary, but 1am not it. So, Iam saying this entity, if it is out there swimming withall the other fish, it has to be a fish. Ifit is out there with all the other fishing boats, it has to be a fishing boat, except, unlike all the other fisher men out there, they don't own the fish. They get fleeced. When | am in my boat, all the fish catch are mine. I am equitable owner by nature of all the trust res. All claims will be against the all caps name, not the beneficiary. Use the acceptance notices to pay debts. Attach the BC to it for payment, and set up a trust. Properly indorsed. Use the word “indorse" rather than “endorse,” as title passes when you indorse. For this process contact: Paralegal Services c/o P.O. Box 5043 Hemet, California [92544] (951) 765-0835 Who owns YOU? The Birth Certificate is the primary document used to enslave us all. Not only does it grant the state the right to take our children whenever they want, it is registered as a security at the DTC (Depository Trust Company) and used by the government as surety for public debt. In other words, they can tax the person named on that document into oblivion to pay back federal debt. Under the democracy, as long as we keep registering our children with the State, they have an endless supply of slaves to tax for fiscal sins. The details of this process are too involved to place here but the point is that a major step to regain your freedom is to regain Birth Title as opposed to Birth Certificate of Title. What is written here will also apply to a Certificate of Naturalization, for those people who are naturalized citizens. It does require the original Certificate of Naturalization. If it is no longer available, you can obtain another original from the government for a fee of about $345, and the application for such is easy to fill out. What follows is a painless, jail-free, non-confrontational, LAWFUL process to reclaim the status of holder in due course to the Title to YOU The State holds the Title to the birth certificate by mere presumption and the fact that you have never claimed it. Your momma gave it to them and you haven't gotten it back. So how can you get your Title back without a big confrontation at Vital ies? Looking at UCC 9-311 a (UCC 9 deals with securities) we see that maybe there isa statute that could get us access to the original Title without a confrontation, UCC 9-311 PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTERESTS IN PROPERTY oT TO CERTAIN STATUTES, REGULATIONS, AND TREATIES. (a) [Security interest subject to other law.] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), the filing of a financing lien) is not necessary or effective to perfect a security interest in property subject to (1) a statute, regulation, or treaty of the United States whose requirements for a securit inierest’s obtaining priority over the rights of a 31. 0(a); (2) [list any statute covering automobiles, trailers, mobile homes, boats, farm tractors, statement (a en creditor with respect to the property preempt Section 9- or the like, which provides for a security interest to be indicated on a certificate of title as a condition or result of perfection, and any non-Uniform Commercial Code central filing statute}; or (3) a statute of another jurisdiction which provides for a security interest to be indicated on a certificate of title as a condition or result of the security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property Now look at 28 USC 1733. 28 U.S. Code§ 1733 -Government records and papers: copies (b) Properly authenticated copies or transcripts of any books, records, papers or documents of any department or agency of the United States shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof, Wow! If we get our Certificate of Title properly authenticated, is it possible that it would be treated as equal to the original? Let’s find out! First a word on Authentications and Certifications. Authentication is used to verify the authenticity of the notaries signature (and thereby the authenticity of the document) for all states that have NOT signed onto the Hague convention treaty. Certifications and Apostilles do the same thing for countries that ARE signatories to the Hague treaty. Court clerks may try to get you to settle for a certification instead of authentication, but remember we need "Properly authenticated copies! There is no list of what states are not Hague signatories but you can go to http// and see the Hague website. Click on Non-Member Contracting. States on the left side Menu. Click on the tiny map at the top of the page and download the map. The grey countries are the ones you are looking for. Find one that you like and verify it is NOT on either ist of countries in both the Non-member Contracting States and the HCCH Member States lists. For example Jamaica and Taiwan are not on either list. Pick one you like for use on a federal DS-4194 form and to give to clerks who want to know the destination. The Proce: Step 1: Get a certified copy of your Certificate of Live Birth from the State Office of Vital Statistic (not the county), so it has the State File Number on it. Sometimes called the long form, this is NOT the same as an uncertified regular Birth Certificate. You can do an Internet search for birth certificates in the state where youithe prisoner were born. It is far less expensive to go through the state office than to go through one of the many companies that offer to obtain it for you. for a fee. It is best to obtain two birth certificates. Step 2: Next get the Certified Certificate of Live Birth authenticated with the Secretary of State where the certificate was issued. Have them authenticate the Certified Certificate of Live Birth. They will attach a fancy page on the front with a brass rivet. They will also ask what country this authentication is for. Select a country that is not a party to the Hague Convention. Step 3: Next get the entire package authenticated by the Department of State ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ - « « - « * « « « ‘ ‘ ‘ « ‘ ¢ é e é € € € € e € e Office of Authentications, for the same non-Hague country. There may be cheaper ways, but | chose to prepay postage for a self-addressed return document mailer and enclosed it, a money order, completed order form and Authenticated Certified Certificate of Live Birth in the next size up document mailer and send that off to the address on their website. You will get back a properly authenticated Certificate of Live Birth! United States of America Department of State To all whom these presents shall come, Greetings: | Certify That the document hereunto annexed is under Seal ofthe State(s) ofkJahoma and that such Seal(s) is/are entitled to full faith and credit.” “for the contents of the annexed document, the Department assumes no responsibility This certificate is not valid if it is removed or altered in any way whatsoever In testimony whereof, I, John F. Kerry, Secretary of State, have hereunto caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed and my name subscribed by the Assistant Authentication Officer, of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, tllis fourth day of Issued pursuant to CHXIV, State —____John F Kerry. of Sept. 15, 1789, Stat. 68-69; Secretary of State 22 USC 2657; 22 USC 2651a; 5 Byes, USC 301; 28 USC 1733 et seq.; 8 Assistant Authentication Officer, USC 1433(f); Rule 44 Federal Department of State Rules of Civil Procedure Notice the block of laws in the lower left corner of the document they send back includes 28 USC 1733. They are declaring this copy is equal to the original! You should look up the other laws referenced as well. Now you can go to a Registrar and attach an affidavit of ownership to the duly authenticated Certificate of Live Birth. ‘The combination of a duly authenticated Certificate of Title and an attached claim is what is known as a counter deed. From the perspective of trust law you now hold in your hand a deed to YOU From the perspective of commercial Jaw you hold a first in time first in line document to YOU, in other words you are now the real party in interest and holder in due course to the Title to YOU! So what good is it?- Correcting your Status. For starters it’s a very cool looking document and it gets your feet wet navigating through various levels of government. Far more importantly, in every court case the issues of standing, status, case and controversy must be satisfied to move forward. Part of why we have a 'Nanny- State’ is that under the legal system they have set up, we are all seen as wards of the state, Our status as Citizen-Principal is not respected even if our house is ‘paid off we have a ‘good job’ and ‘money’ in the bank. This process is a major stepping stone in correcting the record of your status to Citizenship-Principal like before the 14th Amendment as opposed to the citizen subject status of almost everyone walking around today. Since all crimes have been converted from common law crimes to commercial crimes (27 CFR 72.11 ), this document makes you the first in time first in line lien holder against your name. As you learn more of who you are in the legal and lawful sense, you will find this is a powerful and usefull document. Go through these legal definitions from Blacks Law Ist Edition as some preparation for reclaiming your Title. As you read through them you may be the enormity of the crime perpetrated on the American people. to see BIRTH - The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence. DELIVERY. In conveyancing, the final and absolute transfer of a deed, properly executed, to the grantee, or to some person for his use, in such manner that it cannot be recalled by the grantor. In the law of sales. The tradition or transfer of the possession of personal property from one person to another. In medical jurisprudence. The act of a woman giving birth to her offspring. LIVERY. 1. In English law. Delivery of possession of their lands to the king's tenants in capite or tenants by knight's service. 2. A writ which may be sued out by a ward in chivalry, on reaching his majority, to obtain delivery of the possession of his lands out of the hands of the guardian. DEED. A sealed instrument, containing a contract or covenant delivered by the party to be bound thereby, and accepted by the party to whom the contract or covenant runs... Ina more restricted sense, a written agreement, signed, sealed, and delivered, by which one person conveys land, tenements, or hereditaments to another. This is its ordinary modern meaning. COUNTER-DEED. A secret writing, either before a notary or under a private destroys. invalidates, or alters a public one. seal, WI marae nha Benn DH HARK HAAHLLAALALASASseeoee ea @ @.5 TITLE... The word "title" certainly does not merely signify the right which a person has to the possession of property; because there are many instances in which a person may have the right to the possession of property, and at the same time have no title to the same. In its ordinary legal acceptation, however, it generally seems to imply a right of possession also. It therefore appears, on the whole, to signify the outward evidence of the right, rather than the mere right itself. Thus, when it is said that the "most imperfect degree of title consists in the mere naked possession or actual occupation of an estate," it means that the mere circumstance of occupying the estate is the weakest species of evidence of the occupier’s right to such possession... (There is much more about title in the Blacks Law dictionary) AUTHENTICATION. In the law of evidence. The act or mode of giving authority or legal authenticity to a statute, record. or other written instrument, or a certified copy thereof, so as to render it legally admissible in evidence. An attestation made by a proper officer by which he certifies that a record is in due form of law, and that the person who certifies it is the officer appointed so to do. | asked the gentleman who shared this above information with me, if the authenticated birth certificate has been effective in vacating judgments. This was his response: "Of course it has. All court is about a dispute of 'TITLE'. The B/C is the title! On completion of the authentication process you become owner and ‘holder in due course’. You become the ' Also, you have virt xecutor’ of your estate and direct all things concerning ily a ‘letter of credit’. You are dealing strictly with ‘commere Agree quickly with your adversary” By "letter of credit," it means you can use the authenticated birth certificate to discharge debts. such as credit cards, mortgages, even in some cases utility bills. I do not know if you can buy anything with it, but debts can be discharged. 1S. osparment of Sate REQUEST FOR AUTHENTICATIONS SERVICE Tin neTRICTONS EES foes secre sic | Purrose om 05-4104 uted by Bw U.S. Deparment of Sil fr documents ewe y US, icons and faegnnaonals. Te Auhenecaton Oris | | respansitie tor signing an issuing cartficales under he Seal of he U. S. 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