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First movetment of conscience bitcoin

Bitcoin change of destiny, help to more 30% of cubain to surpass economic depression.

To help is donate.

You aren't a donate

You are a investament for the life

That you are help and remain the future.


My name is Yusdelvy Castillo Varona (Beby C. Varona in facebook). I am a licenciate of general integral
professor. This is the history that give cause for first movetment of conscience bitcoin in Cuba.

In the first years of the arrival of internet to Cuba, the one that could access was seen as a person of a
lot of social value, it were connected with the world while that the others refer me to 98%, a small
porcentage have access for working as information, for the others was a myth, for my specially that it
could access for a friend that he consent me his internet was an unique experience, a lot of information
within reach of a click.

I Cuba the salary medium has always been of 10 USD a month, sounds ireal but it is the reality and for
other side the life of a Cuban defines of two trained. If you eat not dress you and if dress you not so
simple coms, it is teacher the pillar it maintains the society, without it not manifests nothing in it, but it
are wrong paid professionaless, in the 2020 now has made an increase of salary but still is not sufficient
to the remains to be below the buying power on the expenses.

The gobernment has make a change put internet for everybady and also arrived the oportunity that this
offor. Bitcoin arrived to Cuba. We take conscience of the benefit that report for a person life in Cuba to
possers this monetary activ. I can study online and pay with bitcoin, already I can to tell that I can
surpass move there limite my country offer and Also I have The possibility of work freelance, all this
helpme and for first time we can to tell that ther is a real economic evolution and all thank to Bitcoin. I
can work in my dream.

This is the first movetment of conscience Bitcoin in Cuba for give them to dream 360°.

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