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1/28/13 Exposure Vaults & Cabinets

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Exposure Vaults & Cabinets History
Pre se nt State
Future Dire ction
Exposure vaults and cabinets allow personnel to
work safely in the area while exposures are taking Physics of Radiography
Nature of Pe ne trating
place. Exposure vaults tend to be larger walk in R adiation
rooms with shielding provided by high-density X-rays
Gam m a R ays
concrete block and lead. Activity
De cay R ate
-C arbon 14 Dating
Exposure cabinets are often self-contained units with Ionization
Inve rse Square Law
integrated x-ray equipment and are typically shielded Inte raction of R T/Matte r
with steel and lead to absorb x-ray radiation. Atte nuation C oe fficie nt
Half-Value Laye r
Source s of Atte nuation
Exposure vaults and cabinets are equipped with protective interlocks that disable the system if -C om pton Scatte ring
Ge om e tric Unsharpne ss
anything interrupts the integrity of the enclosure. Additionally, walk in vaults are equipped with Filte rs in R adiography
Scatte r/R adiation C ontrol
emergency "kill buttons" that allow radiographers to shut down the system if it should R adiation Safe ty
accidentally be started while they were in the vault.
Equipment & Materials
X-ray Ge ne rators
R adio Isotope Source s
R adiographic Film
Ex posure Vaults

Techniques & Calibrations

Im aging C onside ration
C ontrast
De finition
R adiographic De nsity
C haracte ristic C urve s
Ex posure C alculations
C ontrolling Q uality
Film Proce ssing
Vie wing R adiographs
R adiograph Inte rp-W e lds
R adiograph Inte rp -
C astings

A dvanced Techniques
R e al-tim e R adiography
C om pute d Tom ography

R e fe re nce s

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