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PEB 702Engineering & Society

Semester 1 2020
Programs: BE, (Civil, ME, EEE)
Lecturer; Dr. Dellena Gloria-Alagcan
Question Bank no1.

Group BCE -A

Due: 18 February 2020 :individual submission

1. What is whistle blowing? Why are opinions about it often sharply divided?

2. Other factors being equal, is it better to employ a relative if you can, so he or

she is likely to defraud your company than is an unknown outsider who has no
such loyalty?

3. You are a Principal Engineer. An employee who has had principal

responsibility for critical new product comes to you 6 weeks before the
scheduled completion date. He gives you two days’ notice that he is quitting
but offers you to take over the project as a Consultant for $50 /hour. Is he
ethical? Can you accept his offer?
4. On your first engineering job, you accompany a sales representative to a
large company to discuss details of a forth coming contract. In the parking lot,
later the sales rep stops by a car and puts two bottles of whiskey in the in the
back seat. You suspect that the car belongs to the purchasing agent. Is it any
affair of yours?


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