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Funding application

1. We are a company that provides services connected with mentoring and coaching. The
aim of our project is to organize courses for teenagers from the orphanages so that
they have an opportunity to enter adult life with high self-esteem and confidence,
which will provide them with tools they can use to achieve success despite their
background. The training would take approximately one year and will be divided into
four blocks, each lasting 3 months. First block will cover the area of individual
interests, aspirations and dreams and how to develop them. Second block will be
devoted to the subject of self-esteem and its importance in achieving success. The aim
of the third part would be to introduce participants with the current job trends in the
market and the development of skills required to obtain their dream job. The last part
will cover the subjects of defining happiness, empathy, social relationships and
success. The program will not only cover theory but also great emphasis will be put on
the practical applications. We want our participants to get practice in few chosen
corporations which we cooperate with.
2. For the past few years, while organizing and co-sponsoring Children’s Day in select
orphanages we have observed great interest, especially among teenagers, in self-
development. We also discovered they fear how their life will turn out when they enter
adulthood and start life on their own. We want to help those who are passionate about
their future, are ambitious and want to live a happy and successful life.
3. We want to start with selecting two to three orphanages to whom we will direct our
offer. The next step would be to organize meetings with children and form groups of
participants. Each participant will be given a test which will reveal their interest, areas
of development and expectations. After the training is finished, we want our
participants to practice their newly possessed knowledge from training in a real-life
environment, providing them with the opportunity to work in well know corporations
in our area with the opportunity to get a fulltime job.
4. The scope of the project is to possess knowledge and skills which would allow
participants to have a good start in life. Our aim is to show them the path they should
follow and teach them the skills that would be helpful in every aspect of their life.
Blocks are constructed in such a way that theoretical knowledge is interlaced with the
practical exercises. We also want to invite people to sessions who have achieved
success in life so that they could share their experience and be an inspiration for the
participants. Theoretical knowledge would be supported by the materials that
participants will be provided so that they could revise and reflect on the material
introduced during classes.
5. After each session, participants will take part in simulated role playing which will
evaluate their competency and progress during the course of the training. The
evaluation will be done by certified and skilled mentors. Any areas needing
improvement will be noted and further developed during follow up sessions. Each
participant will also have his/her own sponsor in the corporation, with whom they will
be able apply their learned skills. Their progress will reported by the sponsor to the
owner of the program.

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