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Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-| LUBBOCK, TEX AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Wo- 62,423 i B - 29,872 ' 8 Yet ot Ww - CIA Still Has A- / “MOST US. citizens pay little or no atten- tion to the Central Intelligence Agency. ‘That, naturally, is exactly the way the - Mgpook agency” wants 5t. For ome things teao's not much paint in one's being & sy if somehody is looking over his shoulder all th time, . Some notice in the news is inevitable, very few days, it seoms, eomebedy issues a hmye that the CTA. controls the govern: ra aye ot PARTATE UTM, this is ol Jowed by a countercharge that the CIA not ‘oly controls the government but that it also controls the government's opposition. Te eupponedly nperseert agenct posally ing performed a variety of snissions Jn Southeast Asia. It has a sty of agents, Aihsgedy: uses special purpose aircraft, and allegedly es jay aaa the ancy fare to the effect that it doesn’t just gather ree ae et alo engages impolite and daily portions “What rmost of these, critics ignore is the! plain fact that somebody has ordered these Peace CIA ell bes the signs of Fea ees: unbelievable bungling in the disas- 1 ane Page weston” The rat is that the Jate President John F. Kennedy Jew all about it in advance. Te aetea oe perhaps Deen, best ex plained by: Sen. Jeb’ Stennis, eajzman ob Taine Py Serves, Commitee Te once ntact we are going to have a CTA, and we have to hove a CIA, we cannot run it asa tite society ot cemething like that” ‘Alleged “shortcomings” of ‘the agency saat TES prerentel In a book, ClAm=The Myth & the Madness. Us author is a former agent, Patrick McGarvey. He motes, as i€ e Feuer icone a ad ners they Tv An guards LA pees prowling the dark corridors af ight." Moreover, tey insist that overt | ral ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP8&( RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 STATINTL Few Seerets - ‘piece of paper iu the place be locked in a safe at might.” "All of that, af course, is standard proce- Aiivo for any-spy shop.” 2 Jn a generally critical treatment, Me- Garvey cites @ CIA sucoess, That was its stealing of the Sovict Union's Sputnik while i was on a world tone in 1998, The first earth satellite was returned after three hours of undetected inspection by a CIA team. ‘Perhaps McGarvey conld have cited other ight spots except for the fact that no one agent knows too muuch about what other fagents are up (0, ‘hie CTA reviewed the book Delare publication, as provided by the secre; ey agreement it-makes with all agents. Jt jnade only a few deletions, and those for security reasons. Maybe the people who really run the CIA Imow about ol hrevertheless, would profer that they not be: ecalled in the public pints. "Vhey might even have cel Sputnik coup with vodka t yi brated “the sts, Soerétly. 30-01601R000700190001-6 ther ontstaiiding feats but, # Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : ClA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 5,10 APR 1/2 world te revolution ; The New York Times reported Indonesia has aémated ts Wane 60 Cambodian’ solaiers in commando feenniques in prepertion or ging te booplein Cambodia Wien ine US embasey Imbharta way asked te US mos boying the oat of taming the men, an Anevcon sil repnes “No comment” Pathet tho trees Lace eontnued to move ino the lore CIA base at Long feng Joring the Uem weak in Warch: The ivoran peers fave won so many witories that ath American an ooton ofc tar oat tthe detendors of Long Teng ware cocrmnaine the morale of the wreguar forces on tha 56000 other ‘pupoe!) troops would ‘te fattred =. Amercans concedes ealapee in" tore “could prove to be ‘an Pe Surmountsbs orion : Sheik Mujibur Rahman, head of the Awami League regime in Bangladesh, has ordered his police to "shoot down" leltists who "engage in Creating contusion and trouble” and blocking his reconstruction efforts. At the same time, ‘reports of massive corruption in the highest ‘government circles and of factions forming in ‘Opposition to each other within the Awami League continue. UPI reported several thousand people demonstrated in Dacca, the capital, March 31, “against what they charged were malpractices in the distribution of relief food and supplies.” The New York Times reported "some people are using the word ‘chaos’ to describe the workings of the government." Somo in the Awami League, the Times charged, “have taken over truckioads of Feliet food in daylight, selling it later to the highest bidder... Intothe vacuum crested by the absence of effective government at the local level have stepped several factions competing tor power—Awami League politicians, student groups, former guerrilla leaders with armed followings, trade unions andCommunists, whose activities are reviving with Soviet aid” --- Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Cait, last month, Eqbal Ahmad, a Pakistani * Scholar who is one of the Harrisburg 7 defendants, charged Sheik Mujib "has been on the payrollof the CIA for 15 years," according Ao a Los Angeles News Advocate quote. The ‘News Advocate continued: "Ahmad said that Ysel Harson, @ West Pakistani industriaist ‘and trustee ofthe Chase Manhattan Bank w! Hives in New York, is (Mujibur's) contact mani ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CiK-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 STATINTL 6 APR 1972 Campaign by Soviet | Wins Bengali Friends . By SYDNEY H, SCHANBURG i DACCA, Bangladesh~—Not) The Soviet Union, backed Amelean ald and a strong) re ‘nly have the Russians come,| the winners — the Indiansand American "presence heres! US, Move ts Welcomed "| fut ey havea trosonthhead| the Bengalis and thos have almost desneately — to avold) ACCA, Banglagee, april 5} start on the Americans, who| had an open field so far in becoming overly dependent on (UPI)=-Sheik Muj bur’ Reaman have only now recognized{ the new nation. ‘the Soviet Union and India. today welcomed United States| Bangladesh, ‘Some nervous cold-wartors Before Shei Mujlb left on|reeosnition ut Bangladesh, an. Walle American diplomats | speek oft tinea ef Soviet, is tp to Mescow a few Weeks |neitont ylening aay” or ‘sat in unhappy isolation'in Dac-| subversion here, but other #80, he appealed to Washine-|pressed the hope that it would| we are ee Waseaaton S| fori ebservrs suggest that tom through the. United States [Rog ts tiene compaction ‘i, the Rassians ‘were travel {o subvert the prosent Govern- fission here for some clue toltween the two countries. | Ing Jaround the ‘counteyside) ment would only produce polit HS Intentions, He, wanted tO) ay Stor statement, te milasr spocches afd wiasing| fea chaos and’ Ieavo Moscow avo some” bargtning power] 12 Bengal fiends. holding a Hot. potato, when ho sat down with the|Primo Minister sad: “T am elad ‘Moscow's cpaign to widen! "Hom the evidence o tr, e|Restane. Washington” refused lun that tho United States, on ya te widen 7 ive him any assurance. 188 accor formal recognition say not be subtly Dut HCH pot surprisingly, le to. mak Ihood of tie United Nation wo © Bemsladesh a6 a sovericen, slalltul and energetic, Another" stacy friend ° on ier operations for some assur ndependent state, T hope tis \ soviet propanands articles, China's totter flank wlle lance That tee Unleed Nenene| il oben a new chapter in the many of then viruotiy ant. making life ay eieal aa pos ould undertake te crit sak eveoDMENL ct fenaly, Coop ‘Amtican, appear feauenty on sate forthe United Sate teva operation eo ler Chains eraueM ad, understanding. bes eect age of ie Be Se greats Seen: ape eps fo Gat Citing ean the Ueda galt mewapapes.,angladesh | pangladestranceaineican™ one [mines atid sun Mus g tae ARE NSESR for, he mutual ea {Glovision carries three or four] Soviot diplomat said with a |felie? supplies could start move |T OF our twa peoples.” | Russian films e week, some of| Smile, “But at tho same time, |ing more swiftly into the coun- ., 23e Prime Minister also said, them ropaeandadcmentr) ST, “BNE aL the same time, |g ror Swi Into the coun wy ak. the oppor 1 Hes and other feature films| American of pro-Chineso |ing from United Nations head. 220k the people of the United such as “The Cranes Are Fly- m States. and the press, for their z= h either. quarters in New York, support to our legitimate aspi- fing! The Soviet Union recopnized | he result was that the nus SPDOt jo Slr eM A CHA, Plot Is Charged || nangindesh on. Jan, 2i--the [siins got the salvage contract| won use Icicle about the United [fast ajor pSter do se: The [and aes eee ema sates ‘conta ntoigence |Rarsana. have sene trace and ph prom, fepatey ote! Ares nace ieun toate youtnan eral Spree 0 A Benes lary ates nag toned tt SeNy pee, Men te you ant laa expe tance in reair~ hited shaes cognition, ana Fer fondioe’ ie ete pepe (Renta ave een tee log ud expanding srs. Thou aki Selon ey Foreign Minister Abdus Sa- escribed an alleged plot to il ing Bangladesh, giving specches latter offers are still under dis-|frecdom-loving people of Sheik Mujbur ‘Kaliman,. the) at universities “and in other /cussion in the Bangladesh Gov-|Ametica Bangladesh Prime Minister| forums. Uangladesh -" Soviet |eenment. Mr. Semad expressed tha| Western observers also saw a| friendship societies are ptO-|~ ‘The Bengalis are aware that|hope that “this will make so Soviet hand in anonymous lets| liferating. ‘he level oad tne Ressane ar |conteloation to the mainten: fers to newspapers demanding) “When m_ foreigner befins likely to provide will not make|0f peace and stability in our| that the Governinent “close the! speaking in Rengali to a crowd a dent an their’ warinduced| ezion.” ee iMegal American raission” here.| ere," said one Western diplo-|eeanomte crisis, and many say{ News of the United States| The Soviet Union used to mat, “they don’t care what he ‘that only the United States ean) "cognition was muted as the hero" a consulate. general in) syS, They jst start respecting provide the magritute of "| eapial recovered. ftom. mse Davea with statf of abot 40, jh. sistance that ean help Hancla-| vere storm, lastnight “taat It now Has an embassy with ||" The Russians also have been [desh move toward fnancal end] Oe, A SEB Steff 0170 on and rowing! emt the links th te [outen aii. eqused .& sevenchour power In contrast, the American} |newly — legalizec ‘ommunist | ashington has pled:sed over] oT nog gpnsular stat shrank to unde) Iparey of Davaiadesh and other/S10D-milion Iy rover #1, but, Mel, Newspapers came out Be sice ofits “evenmted) Buderate fest pros, w/a ed ths tz hein’ cant WHE uty fous pas and i during, “Test year’s ° guerila| Keeping a Watehful eVo on the| through the Urited Nations ang| ick tHe news ofthe United struggle and “Indian-Pakistani| more radical Maoist clements, |has had no public impact as| os reco nt a ee a aoe war were not replaced, which might be expected to try | American aid, Beene tara Down banners Tot tant te amer| (eeeAcMR OBST nd | “Albcuph's,tero_resereie ean one stom, ter, eqns: have" been ‘living ina] ship campaign. lot pubte’ poodwil stl exists diplomatic timbo, Because fn] "Te ts cosy for a Westerner, [ere for Americans, American {ho absence of rccognition, ho] especially an American, to be-[oflcials were getting alittle Bangladesh Government " re-| come uneasy about the Russian [Nervous about ‘ihe possibility ‘daced ‘the’ status of the con fafluence here of anti-American "demonstra fulate toe mission, rae cular tthe Soon a th J Polley a Fa viot lexicon such a8 “scientific The diplomats at the Amer Nisonoley aTactor | | Socialism,” have been creeping ¢82_ mission. were. taking no All this stemmed from Pres-| nto the speeches of Bangladesh chances, They bought. pair of lent Nixon's support of Paki] Srtiai, moluding Sheik Mujib arse wire-citters so thae if & stan throughout Tast year's at vtaneed Relations 8S seteeat from their six tempt by the Pakistant Army] | _SeekDalnneed Relations story duilding ‘become neces: to crush the Bengall autonomy] | Jn tho vacuum in which the|sary, they could ‘snip chro movement " and” during the| ‘Russians have boen operating, [the fence that separates trot Indian-Pakistant war, out, of| it is natural for somo of theit|roof rom the next one. and ‘whicl emerged the iedependent| propaganda to" Tub. off. But(:tip away unnoticed through te] stato of Bangladesh, in what] Danladesh “officals, from [adjacent buildings: war’ formerly ‘East’ Pakistan,| Sheik Mujib on down, have: ‘The Chinese, to0, backed Paki’ made it clear in private con- stan, Minestigne that Rm want ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 morning. wasuTEcTay POST Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700180001-6 3 APR 1972 . dacca Rally Attacks | Sheikh Mujib’s Policy | ; “BY Lee‘ Lourse 4" tee, shout shoot a eel eed EDACCA, April 2 — Prime! «Be careful, Mujibur Rah-'spiraey of Bhashani, the CIA) floistr Shon atuibur Rabon Bhan said," is ot and Chinn aginst the Awan {pian was publicly eriticlzed imiyeritten on @ man’s body thant League rulers. During the nine. acca today forthe first tne |ng gg Nasalite: There te no moni civil wat that led toi ince Bangladesh gained inde- erat dependence, Bhashani and the fine Bangladesh gained inde saying who ts & Naxalite and yetin's wo Communist partes pendence. ‘who Is not. If there are bad pledged thelr support to. Mt [Inthe firstimportant speech elements, arrest them and Jib to insure stability while {af political opposition t AIuji- Hang thom, But no one should Bangladesh sovzbt to. rebulld bur’s Awami League govern: be shot without a trial” tS economy and provide food ‘and housing for its 73 milion: rent leftist leader Maulana. Repeated reports have people, many of whom lost all Bhashani.’ 92, told a rally of reached Dacca of political their possessions during the About 25,000 people, “I warn Kinlings between members: of *T- fhe Avami League thet IE the wom! League. avd fo. 2M, tse piel arte ey don't follow the right lower oF Bhasasi “te the ae acutely aware: that in the Rese tae tise f Phashanie In the pangladesh constitutional as ourse, thelr dream will be most recent incident, sodiers Banelades!. const ; oldlers gembiy, which will meet for Shattered and Awami Leaguers report: (eye, uct will meet for {The unified potiticat sup- Cay sltacked Bhashanls sup Avant League holds all but Bort for. Mujib that exiated POMSTS Seserday 3 9 public cre of the 49 sees, Dealing after independence was. won pur. oriheast Of from its power base, the ee Daces, According to a Z0%- Awami Leusue ‘has done Nt Deo. 18, has been eracking in ernment source. elzht persons ile to. ineute: Ihe’ conned eeent weeks primarily over were killed, but unofiieial ac- support of, other. political Inadequate food dstebution COURS, But the casuals groups but has hose (o rule adecuate food distribution such higher.» we administration, the press fais countryside ane chataes haghani told an interview. and the nation’s cembnation 4 e ex recently that 20.000 of his lived industrial aystem. with Bre abusing their power to en- men have been killed since in- what, its opponents ¢harge Heh thomselves dependence but that figure Is-2e dictatorial methods, Exfen who had nothing but discounted as grossly exazce- a hut before independence are rated. even by some Bhashani Iiving.'In -tivestary houses, supporters in Bangladesh, Bhasheni “told his” cheering where communications. are Supporters. Looting ‘bythe very bad and rumors elreulate ‘Awami Leasue and its student quickly. In Daces ail reports oliowers must stop, he said. of violent clashes are hard #9 2 The aged leader of the tert Verily 4 ‘ting of the Nalionsl Awami Leftists, particularly Bhike Parly also addressed himselt shani’s men, fear that the tp a new, extremely explosive Hovernment is going ta use Its sue here. Last Friday Mujlb Present power to smother po fold. a rally in Khulna. that ltieal opposition 4 Problems of law and order in Dhashani and his followers! the countryside “are largely are known to be angered by) caused “by “Nexaile (ais Fecont sister's In the gow ymunist), bands..and, that ernment-eontrolled press Semanynie me eaing the: problems of Bang! Iadesh are at least partly the result. of vaguely described conspiracies against. the na tion, The most. inflammatory pp Rrllcle ‘appeared "in Banalt Bani (Vole of Bengal) whieh Is edited “by a nephew and ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 J STATINTL Februai Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 CO UREOOIUINAL IKECURD — SENATE Jy move to ratify this treaty and pass the finplementing legislation. US, POLICY IN SOUTIT ASA Br, ROTH. Mr. President, the knowl- edgeable New Yori: Times columnist, Mr, ©..L, Sulzberger, has been traveling In South Asia, whiére he has interviewed Prime Minister Gandhi of India, Presic dent Bhutto of Pakistan, ‘and’ Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman of Bang desh. Mr. Sulzborger's teporling pros vides some valuable insights into tne thinking of theso three important Leads ers. What they told him was of sptetal ‘nterest to me beeatise of a speceh on oUt polley In South asia that I delivered here ‘earlier thie month, ‘At that time T urged that! we adopt a Dalanced approceh in South Asia, by that T meant that’ we should avold int volvement in the intemal disputes of the region and shoutd seek the friendship of all the nations located tere. ‘Me, Sulzberger’s dispatches offer re- assuring evidence that this 13 Indeed ‘& feasible course for us. Ench of the leaders interviewed was receptive to measures thet would improve relations with the United States, Even Bangladesh Prime Minister * Mujtbur Rahinan, who enstigated our Government for “sending anne to tho Pakistenis who were murdering. us stressed his delormination that ‘Bang- Indesh maintain a. nonalined position that would permit trendy tes with ell nations, incitiding the United States, In my earlier specch, Yalso pointed out {that one of the major hinavances to good Folations with both India and Pakistan [Was our provision of arms to those eoune tries. explained tiow time and again our Participation in ihe arms trade had he Yolved us in the tongstanding quarrels of India and Pakistan, ‘That these dangers are still with us becomes very.‘clear irom reading Nr Balaberger’s Interview with President Bhutto. “The ‘Pakistant ‘leader stated Plainly that he iioped to gst Americas eid to rebuild Pakistan's armed forces ‘No doubt our Government will sooner of later be forced to decide whether to pro: Vide the arms ar. Bhutto is sesking ‘The ease for doing so Is a weak one, 3k will be dificult 10 justify new arms shipments on the grounds we have used in the past; namely, that we are combats tng Communist expansionism and thet We must support those who are eliled. ith us against the Communist threat In his remarks Mr. Bhutto makes cleat that he wants arms for protection noe ‘against China or the Soviet China Dut against India, And insofar as existing alliances are concemed, Mr. Bhutto says he personally belioves Pakistan should withdraw from SEATO and CENTO. The burden of proof clearly les with the ade Yooates of armns shipments to explain wing Fesumptlon would be in the interests of ‘the United States, ‘Mr, President, T bolieve that the funt reports of Mr." Sulzberger's interviews Fould be great value to the many Senas fors who are concerned about South Ania, 2 Ask unanimous consent that they be rinted in the Rzcono. ~ ‘There being no objection, the reports ‘were ordered to be printed in the Recon, as follows: ermwview Worst Parson Buort0 oF Rawaypiwor, Phssraxe—Following ere exe Bunter Alt Rawtto of Pakistan congue sh by Of. Suisoerger of The New ore What ns Deon the value of Pakistan of {he OBNTO ‘tna EEATO aillances and We Dilaterat defense agreement vith the Unised ‘A. Gertninty the eltinnces'td got come into fe es ar And he inn eonfiet whieh Indin was supported by another poiveh ‘was even more sovero. Nor wis chore aie Oe, ‘Sf mggreasion. At aa elly we surely ald eae Peet to be dismombored with out help. Gots fe tuters wethope that our ows military oe ‘We want to improve tn eclations wlth al quent pice, ta Se our hepas fon bew relationsnipa wieh the United Staten ‘turn for the better We ace eiteady renee for your. resent notions “Tue ence hnwght agatnay” West Pakiiton ‘would bs ontined unabated ifthe United States ‘ot given ‘a fem ultimatum warning the hhostiltice ntuct cate. Tha Soviet Ualon Wee derstood the signal ena then presial fees Roepe m ceasendire. 1 Enow thse true Than Jost ‘oton in Poking and ‘Chow Euciat eon Inrmed thie to ine, “Therefore T think that the world and my. (gum people should. Know that the Unleed Stel che interes of pence and ved fgpnduct among state, a'put its feck domes 1 there nd been no US. Intervention, Inoes ‘Rould have moved hard agatvss Arad Ieee Ir {the part of Kashnie Under Panstend control] ahd also on the southern front ia Sina. ‘nfortunstety, under the supine and stupla leadership of "Yahya. Khan tho. previge presidents how witer Auvest| ou pose ‘were given mo rection. ‘They were subject fo Conrused sna contmistory orders saat ould only have been issued wider the say Do you regard the two aillances and te Dusterat pact with the USA, ay al ale A. Cereninty they remain iegatty alia bee poucally ea military they nave beaorne Eretective. Ido not plait to ake any feed eoanges in cur owt relationships Tweed preter to leave the nal deternination oe Ene questions Yo he Mationa_asseabip expects’ while Thaian forces contin o Secuny part of Woes Pakistan acd nll oe uke East. But my personat view ls tie the Be Isteral underntanaing with the United states can be kept intactwith @ clearer wader, Standing of each country's obligations, Tha BAIL regulte meeting of trinds, ad leo ome ‘Tedratting. Arter lly a quelttarive hltge has taken place this rebion aise ‘be 1971 treaty ignea by Tndia foal the Soe Yet Unlom. This allows India chante so Nepal fo Afzhansian, tran snd the Persea (G:F. Our own physieal dismemberment sae expoica other coustnies to nrogent Tadic ‘We must Took tor new arrangements, Ov- ‘Wlousiy the Unlted Statee hae hi Tstercee fa Asin and deosn't want to ave a drastic shit in tho balance of power. aud ‘we wanes enulno dialogue with the United State on fig new aon, toe (Or course we lave good and traternat zeae one with the otner GENTO mentors eee the way we want to retain flendly Hinks se Emain although we have left the Comme ‘woollh, But T feek~ae Y anne plate ae aay party rinpareno perore Twas Pretout—that te should. witharaw froin CLNTO ‘ad BEATO, This ts only'a personal esting: Tank 4s ules, on reconsidering CENTO, wo ton sera Asa would ths to sang our bilatera"D'S" agreement. Seat@ den ies concern > Went Pakistan nod ta 205 ere depends on what happens fn the Rast What vatue ts tho U.N. to the victim of ssegresion? ‘ALT am sorry 1 weed harsh worde Before the Ua. Due our situation was ten despere ste and’ felt tar away Neverdusles, T donee fect aiterentiy now The EN. has been reas dexed ineletive by mice of tle Peo. f ony hope the Gonera) Ausembiy eas be ade more This hould alone a anaang eae QVAro you soeking to. nefotlate any new pacts~iwith the United state or China, for ‘An Certainty this would be to our interest ‘uc, Told you, T hope someting en os done wish sour sauntry. False put eas eesjens up fo the’ Chinese, even before T aay ee Pladig oh Say sec Cap Chinn indy Eoew facie wera many pubic he {or defence pace "But Shon Seseea ie which mattered. "hey pele ot cht they nnd nea doe ‘esse at with anskie cntann ane Eevee Union te now oe eh sods they ead thle Soy eas bene fetpacis out tnt mitt nttets ser ere Seis eden ei eg ite tne’ Sekolah Saeekn'the bac of the soviet Unita certalniy GeO robontd nave arg” Aa ieevetping oor rian polcy now ws ae beter sting Sn naa teat fcling nependenty bas tines ye aoe fe acforantce with he tol teas oe Soe alone mot cane San he oe toting iseobcor wnat ave you oot by Testing the commonwealth? ig ‘R'Wien T vas Foreisn Aster Team the Sipe Sather gate ‘Red wanted to reont potey from the bader ee nineteen "Baonce nt Portion wa vad Haare wae is RAPED Ficinem wieng day ae ysis Ree Beets rerun be werd pease Esewtte Brtatn tut oveniteog sean, eat alnaaata Sore Teese tee rest pover ane ould tot eee wean et Siecle ine mesa noe ena UA andewtandne nes oe amines teieae Ost onange Pasion And Consinoens mrernge neti “Thay fal ie ce sate teivoin Taeater back Sut osten oth iota tiled sere ban oer Hive reise with ohn sees 2 flow caltoraiy "bre ee vont ena ao Emcee et Wit waa the Upshot of your tp to poking tle nen? Asn is steed by son tim ama relehor intro wane” ahao none Sat See bareeedtur ect tet fh Folin round macsurnar ete ‘The Chive undo So nea sate T found'e sympatiete Sea foraueh a diet LT have heard reports hero of now mSteminta fe Rech ae ae SoM Ae ‘of enother ertsis there. Is this con) °*™ ‘A Tes Tas caiteg concern. Th Dae ‘as toning ie And ou a oeat ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 STATINTL SAN DIEGO, CAL. INDEPENDENT fe Bo 1972 SEMI-WEEKLY ~ 190,000 . Gregory aims wit at racism press confor ity College's new television studio, “comedian Dick Gregory ‘dished out his customary rallon of acerbic for the way business Is ken care of” in America Gregory teed olf on a varlety of topes fielded from the floor before moving on to {o, performances in Fuss ‘Auditorium a toon and 8 p.m. Looking tim and fit despite (or because of) a yearlong {ast on fruit julees d protest the Vietnars' War and. the ‘oppression of ‘Third World ‘ieverents, th black setvist ‘carried off with remarkable ‘spate coo. of hie 200044 yearly college-cireut1ee- tures. In response toa question as towhether ornot he believed @ Black man could be elected Vice-President, Gregory lauded Senator Edmund Mushie's honesty in doubting that prospect, decrying ine Stead” the assertions of Prosident “Nixon and Vice President spiro Agnow to the contrary, Gregory felt certain the Vice Presidency is Someday attainable a black fan, but added that the ection of black woman, Ke, Shirley Chisholm, may Be | more dificult due to cam. ditions of sexism “which ‘prevail inthe county In ad {ion to Inherent racism. Gregory welcomed. white involvement i the evil rights overt Toga wes ‘were committed to 2 os rather than leading the cause, of twoparty polities, Gregory ! Tie fet that not oly. should dlstmstel any support of lft lnconditionsl amnesty. be wing candidates. who {ail to extended tocraftresaters and eschew thelr affiliations with fecerters, put also that men either the Democratie. ot ‘eho fulfilled their obligations Republican pary, reaarking Should be guaranteed tio full “event God hiaselt ran as Years of unemployment ‘Democrat, Tg have to st Zcmpensalionf Jobs could not this exe cut." j be secured in its stend. Gregory affirmed that he Further, Gregory recom- neler sinokes marjvans nor mended the eompentation for specifically “endorses its combat ‘deaths should. be legalization, but attributes Talsedretroacively toa vue ‘eldespread Use ofthe drug 0 fuinmensurate withthe in- the convenience ofthe family flation over the period of ime medicine cabinet, where from World War Il to present, youth learns "its "mast Ponting ost that the price of Rignfieant lessons. about the Sin American life (§10000) is use of narcoties. He. places| fneot the few items which has heavy blame onthe eigaretto| ‘not inereased since that time. industry, for concealing iss! Gregory indicted the Knowledge of | smoking's typoctisy of US. conduct in maifold | dangers, and, the Indo Pakistani cise ast $eScTbes alcoholism as being: fall, tracing” administration PUmary érug problem in conunitment to Pakistan 10 a 5&8 fullseale GLy involvement in / Using insights he has gained fundg and suppordRE the durin i at, he eomeien Pakistan! ain. fimo bens nal g.Endit en when fo sali centnued that US. Gl Subleaton of ‘is most ni ¥ recent werk, “Dick Gregory’ matiaran'onganeton fen wrk, "ick, Gregery ‘and that an analysis of maps Political | Primer. ees fd tat an anal of P8_— Grgory eves hat be kd 7 3 San Diego, if only because of Placeméat of bas around $4” Dis, oly beste of US. cmon and BASE] he act fat he ik tne tigate thngs wherever Clg calculated dst am : eee eee eee ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700180001-6 STATINTL 8 Fep 1972 Eight more states recognize Bangla Desh DACCA — The government of Bangia Desh under Premier Sheikh ‘Mujibur Rahman was recognized on Feb. 4 by eight more countries — ‘Austria, Britain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, West Germany ‘Sand Holland and Japan said they would grant recognition "The announcements coincided with a government statement that mass graves of persons executed by West Pakistan troops of former Premier Yahya Khan were being unearthed in three areas of Bangla Desh. Some bodies were tentatively identified as those of Bengali intel- Jectuais, professionals and leading citizens. Bangla Desh authorities hhve said that the vietims had been “fingered” for the West Pakistan forces by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives with assistance / from Peking officials. ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 s Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : ClA-RDP80-01601R000700180001-6 Dias woe 4 FEB 1972 ° STATINTL Bengalis tell Perlo that CIA gave names fo Pakistani executioners - By VICTOR PERLO dered victims inside the mosque village inhabitants except for one DACA, Bangla Desh (By de- murdered in the name of Islam! —_Tortunate escapee, Jayed mail = Under the banana All was crudely bestial at this Thereafter the Pakistan, Army ‘trees Of what was the village of Buchenwald of colonialism—lack- used the site for continuing mass Sislbarl on'the northeast outskirts ing the mechanization and organi-- executions of Dacca students and SC Dacca, we saw gruesome evi zation of the Nazi murder factor- ‘workers until the very day of the dence of the mass murder of Ben- ies. It was disorganized murder, Pakistani surreuder, December 1, Gsitivilans by thuys operating like hat conducted by U.S. airmen Stidents.and workers were sub- Ender instructions of the Pakistan and troops at the endless My Lais Jeet 0 mass arrest and exccution. Army of repression. ot Viewam. because the Pakistan authorities Mpies of human bones, skulls, “Leaders of the Bangla Desh Considered them to be the main ‘whole skeletons were everywhere. peace movement. who. took us Supporters of independence, Aw- We saw arm bones, with '-> ropes there told us some details: ami League and Communist poli- ying the victims’ hands iogether The murders began March 25, eal leaders were also subject to HEME sMnete becks suit intact; when the Pakistan Army began #"Festand murder, pelvis bones, with scraps of the its genocidal attack against the Truckloads of victims were (ak; Victims” trousers. Bengali people. The first victims € OU blindfolded and arms tied We saw a GOfoot well filled with were the inhabitants of Sialbari, behind thelr backs. to be tortured skeletons of the murdered ones, The nearby Dacca suburbs of Mir. 4 Killed by the collaborating Partly buried in mud anddirtfrom pur and Mohammadpur are in- murderers. Any Bengall ventur {he monsoon rains. We saw bones habited mainly by non-Bengalis, ig into the Urdu-speaking sub ‘oft in ways indicating tor- who had fled from India at the Urbs, if spotted, was immediately tures practiced on the victims time of partition 25 years ago. killed. Some of the Bertgali intel. before execution, “Inflamed with communal ba- leeluals murdered during the last ‘We'saw the remnants of mud tred against the Bengalis, they 4ay5 of Pakistani rule met their welling walls, and the half-walls supported the Pakistan army of end.atSiatbart, femaining of the mosque — all suppression, With Pakistan Army The killing was based on com- C That was left of the burned-out weapons and general guidance, ‘unalism, | that long-standing ( village. then among them acted as execu: blitht on the political fe of the "There were skeletons of mur- toners, They slaughtered all the Hindustan subcontinent. As ever, it was egged on by imperialisen, this time, we were told, by US. : imperialism via the CLA. . "The Bengalis say a CIA official, working with the Pakistan Army, provided lists of names for execu- The Government, we were told, has firm evidence of this, ‘which will’be made public sehen the Government iovestigation of war erimes takes place. Later the killing spread over the country, to the villages, as the peasants gave aid and shelter to ; {he tens of thousands of guerrillas ‘who took to'he field of battle. Perlo was part of a World Peace Council delegation headed by Isa- belle Blume, veteran Belgian peace leader, and former. parlin- ‘ment member. It also included Marla Maluenda, Chilean actress and former Deputy; Alfred Nzo, general secretary of the African National Congress; Guenther Dre- fabl, chairman of the GDR Peace Committee; Anatoli Kutsenkov, Soviet specialist on Indian af ‘ : fairs; Mamoud Tobbo, Lebanese . peace activist; and Chitia Biswas, Seeretary of the Indian Peace Commitiee. ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 STATINTL 2 FEB 1972 Baneola Desh w c recovering, Perle reports By RICK NAGIN NEW YORK, Feb. 1 — “The Bangla Desh ship of state has unfurled its sails and is moving away from the dock,” Victor Perlo stated at a press conference here today upon his return from Bangla Desh. ‘resident Nixon," he added, “Bangla Desh is recovering “had better jump on'board or else from the war and the atrocities he will fall into the sea.” committed by the Pakistani Perlo, chairman of the National army,” Perlo said, “but it isin Economies Commission of the great need of ai.” Communist Party, liad gone to. He said the U.S, tad special Bangla Desh as part of a'delega- responsibilty to provide aid be- tion of eight representing’ the cause of the support it gave to the. World Peace Council. It was the Pakistani mass murderers. The first outside delegation to be in- U'S., he said, should ship food, vited to Bangla Desh by the coun- medical supplies, building mater: ity's foreign minister, “Ahmed als, educational materials and Samad Azad. spare parts and replacements for ‘The delegation was headed by American equipment. In addition, Isabelle Blume, former member the U.S. should provide free for: of the Belgian parliament, and ins eign currency. cluded representatives from the Much ai, he noted, is now being ‘African National Congress, Leb. flown in from the socialist cour anon, German Demoeratie Repub- {ties and India, and many wound. lie, Chile, Soviet Union and India, ed are being treated in hospitals ‘Met Mujibur Raman In these countries. ‘The delegation met with Sheikh Returning to normal Mujibur Rahman, Prime Minister _“‘Life in Bangla Desh,” Perio of Bangla Desh, and the heads of said, “is gradually returning to government’ departments, and normal. ‘The jute factories are traveled extensively in the coun- now operating at 50 percent capa: tuyside, city and by the middle of this year the communication and transpor- tation network will be completely Fepaired. By the end of the year the economy should be essentially back tonorinal.” Sheikh Mujibur Rahman told him, he said, "We have resources, land and people. Our job now is to pul them together.” ‘The Sheikh also expressed deep friendship forthe American peo ple but was fearful of intrigue by the CIA, ne Bangla Desh leaders, Perlo said, charge that the CIA. was actively involved in the Pakistani atrocities. The details of this in- volvement, he said wil be brought ‘out when ‘the war crimes trials are begun, War eriminals and col: laborators, he added, are suill be= ing rounded up and a full-scale investigations being plane. ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 ‘OL Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R00070 pEWER, COLT : nocky UT. NE \ STATINTL we 192,279 = g - 209,887 JAN 26 1972 SRR Ae. Rehman mitied at Nixen, but he'd accept U.S. aid mat aid from tho Yaited Slate Tr 'tie. American government By DON TATE Scripps Howard Stall Welter DACCA, Bangladesh — Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman Tuesday accused the Nison administration of yplaying dirty during Bangladesh's fight for freedom {and showed a tough stance on ~ -epting possible U.S, aid, jams [ea an’ exchisive interview in) =" sid mot Niyon have jo: pled: ‘Then, Ht is all Fight." ‘As for the tasks ahead, he sad he ald not tink any oan Sher faced doing s0 much With folder "We ave. starting ecqrnized Bangladesh, be 10190001-6 Put howe could 2eustins do swt they td 0 other Nstins> was asked. “sPeople who cannot be human beings cannot de Mtns,” Se Sib said, “The aniess sre na human beings How can they be stustims Gn socialism the prime mini Jee" sad his counted | tchive socially thru + Srbad’—atuio's pocoph| te insisted it would devetog! Pyagmaticaly trou Demo | cratic processes. Ile stressed de.| [mocragy again and again andl Suid. in ometover ee 9, eat wel shvays be cur guiding wort | : | wen he twice femotion ‘hat brows! tears, the prime Iinister, who re- turned. from im paleonment "52 West" Pakistan only. two. weeks ‘go, told Serio him nae Howard News: Sto, [PFs on (Zh | vinced the amer- ean. peopie are ‘Un ful sympathy with him but he ‘cannot tnvlerstond why the Nise { om adininistration "played dirty. j etping the Pakistani army with farms end ammmunition to kill ne novent people.” @ He welcomes ald Amor. ceans provided privately but Goesn't, Want U.S. government feld—"How can T accept it?" But he soltened that later, saying he ‘wound necept US. aid if the | United States recognized Bang Tadesh. He regards himself as face ng. an almost impossible task of bullding nation but he will cx complish It. ve American people are not against me," he said. "The ‘American people are in full sympathy’ with me, That were we: fighting for? ‘To save my people from onpres: sion and persecution of the Pak Stent army. Did the Ameriean| government not know? The| ‘American government has mis-| Slonaries here. ‘The American| joverament, has an information| franeh heve, The American fOv- ernment has a Central inteie- fence. (Agency) branch. "The ‘AmeiTean government” gets every information of what is happening in Bangladesh, JOURNALISTS ‘American joumnallsts> sere: writing, senators were protest- the American people are helping ing. (Sen, Buward M.) Kennedy feame here and protested. Why’ fvas the administration against ‘us? This was not Vietnam. We} wre not fightivs tes Aronian “Approved For Relea: tose "he "Goatees era | We have sven enough ofthe oc tchees_pleees to be maxed shout. Countries are’ people, bleeding people. in my country nobody could! come out inthe street. Any gic! two came out cold be picked) ‘uke this. Big businessman,! tellectual, anybody, shot. sot; | shot. Girls raped "in front thelr mothers, mothers raped in front of their cons . “At my house, an cial of two sears, Manet (long live Bengal) was ‘tn and a Pakistant Mag i planted oa Hts head, They've. | Killed a doctor, an eye special Is, by taking. Ms exes out first. Tues have killed heart | On. the practical side, he said Specialist by: taking his heart | his poopie are destivite but that fut, They even killed the anf | akd is owing in, that lavw and! tnais in the zoo, Were the Na: | order is essentially under eon- dis worse than this? Was | trol, that his vn political con Gonghis Khan?” trol is unquestioned by all ex. ‘On. Ametican aid the prime} cept the tiniest minority of minister declared: "The Amer. i minister declared: “The Ameri! extremists and that the Mukti} ae tas stoned e14) sahini guerrillas axe beginning) to Tia. What for? Because In fo Tha What for? Because fro lay down their arms as he 70+ ibported “my, Iiberation| (14 Movement Now fst of al they {ihe emissadn troop strcartoN alk with India. ‘hey must sty|\"On the food sialon, whic thay Te sony. Because india bal yt eon aca seo soem | fullered foros: Mrs Cndira)| ene eee te re aa Nicsutteoney in food cout bl fchitved within’ a eouple. ol) fears once a june fond contd rogram with Inia ie worked oat “It we can contiol the floods, then we cam prosce so. much {ou in our rich, forthe sx tre wl no lenger require food ns tins teotte oe wme ante nem, ney Tee mts tat Tey wind hy ae "Shen be tlt eb srl uoeet, tut ele te Foe sehen Sta tune fall crete Ne, fal plang, Mune sang” hal | BRON: cher, ba cha | eaten aemcoties hemo} “IE you speak from the heart | with. sincerity the people under | Sand... They know that not ing ean ‘purchase my head, | prime minister or no prime mir fster, prestige or no prestte. Gandhi cindia’s prime minister) thas sufered for us, We stand by sma a friendly country i th the prime minster of Indl, She fps great lady. My 10 million} people’ have wiigrated and. she Fise given them food, shelter andl accommodation.” DIRECT AID From outside." ‘Asked ifthe American govern-| As for future tles with West mnent hed approached him at alll pakistan, Majid boomed, in term of direct aid, the prime minister replied rst: “No don't want iU"—then sottenca i to, "How can 1 eceept It? They| ust titst give to India» = - but nearly spilling his tea. “Fine ished forever It $5 finished, ve Want mothing to do with | them, You can stay with peor ple who are elviized, but you ‘cannot stay with people who are uaclvilized.” me. They have made a citizens) Conymittge. ‘They are collecting dollngs. Sen, Kennedy and ott ers, they arg collecting help. 1] iease 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA CARL T. ROWAN CALCUTTA — he dispatch yout of Bangladesh soy that a genet ery comms: ston willbe given allegations ‘thatthe Ameren organza {its desolate tary ecler UR former gover opted tn ting neec fea Dangadst oe of he ingest Deng Yangtngs dacs fn iis ieee ketal of Fon poops cari als auomt lo bags fhe Ved Sule fr aes commited by West Patan ‘sider rotor tha {Rene focevetson tis com splracy have been recovered, Bisigened® SA aipach oot of Bombay Races” as save hat ct was the American sibmatine, Fargo meh torpedoes Gina reste Han te ign toa“ stveenomoay fa arse in te re nee ot Desenber Tir alernt to Mame the Vatled Sats tn sng ot tho indian esol append Ue ncsten Sands ont ages Engine dtalies, and In ‘Ananda Baage Pat, he Bengal Gay sh die ingest ection i tla, US Ambassalor Kenneth Keating “eaed the seper etal tas and pointe ot that Gere is no American su Sear stbmatiny ann Far se el fall of io an nary tll eens oot Ferenc recety that nasa Pakistan! sobngen Sonk eithuie Rt new slo onthe US Navy. MCIA "Conspiracy" to Fol Bangladesh Revolution” Screams the headline from Darpan, 2 Bonga weekly I from Dacca, without attribution to anyone, claims ‘hat the CIA and “Indian vest- ed Interests?” are plotting ' India's Press 26 JAN 1972 agatnst the new country and that Bangladesh has “set up a special ell to watch on [ie CHA and its agents ‘These are. just samples of the journalistic, fever, tho press paranoia, tbat evidences ne feet: U.S relations. with India have been bat during past crises, but they have neve fr been worse than now. And {here ssi hope for iprove- ment very soon. 1 visitadAsoke K, Sarkar, managing director and edtot of the Standard and Ansnda Bazar Pala, the papers that kept acousing the United Stat ces of sinking the Indian ship despite even Indian. govert- tment denais, asked ‘Sarkar ‘when these emotional altecks ight end (when there MEHL be come improvement in U-tndian relations, “Not as long. as Nixon and Xisslnger are in power," Sar- ear said, and T expect Nixon tou artes en Sarkar papers like man thers, take the le that they LL Tk” Armereass ut they ate Nivon and. Kissinger, Nonetheless, the attacks" go {ar vont ie tuo men nthe House, portraying the Pentagon, as’ gusting. a; War stategy ia whlch. Amerfeans Inctte“Astans to kill each ote er, deploring US, foreign td 88 a foul aftempt to buy up Enuntres and, af course, Whip. ping the Central Inleligence ‘Agency as an omipreset a most -butnot-quite- omnipotent International ogre. Sarkar {sin fect en enigmat- fe example of the deterioration in Indo-Amerlean relations. was for wears_an outspoken Iriend of the United States but {5 now one ofthe most intea erate erties, in mid-December the Bengall weekly Daspen, which hhas leanings toward the Com- munist' party—Maoist a STATINTL Intensifies Anti-US. Sentiment “! Dbranch—had ‘a front-page sto- ry that “Darpan understands from a reliable source that Abhik Sarkar, eldest son of the proprietor of the Ananda Ba- gar PatrikaHHindustan Stand- ard group of newspapers, has been supplying unauthorized ‘war nows toa suspicious news agency, Asian News Service. Its headquarters are at Manila and Hong Kong. Both are ju- Hisdictlons of the illfamed cia" Darpan_cleimed that only after charges of the CIA link Surfaced did Ananda Bazar Patrika begin to wrile anti American editorials, ‘Several editors and others here say that the Communist partlos will realizo what Asoke Sarkar called “maximum ben- efit out ofthis situation ereat- ed by Nixon and Kissinger.” ‘This volatile, poverty stricken, highly emotional stato of West Bengal is where they. might ‘make tho most of antie Americanism, ‘The Maoist branch of the Communist party won 111 seats in the West’ Bengal As- sembly in the 1911 midterm poll whereas Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Congress Par~ ‘ty won only 105 (total seats: 220) and fad to join with the Russianleaning "Communist party and olter splinter ips. to form 9 ruling eoali- on, "That coalition fell apart quickly and West Bengal is, ‘now ruled from Delhl ‘New elections occur here in March “and Mrs. Gandhi al- ready is campaigning heavily to help her party exploit her ‘new popularity gained in the military’ triumph over Paki- stan and the “liberation of East Bengal.” Her party fs expested to gin several seats, but there is, luneasiness. that the Commu- nists may parlay. anti-, ‘RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 ‘Americanism into. stunning” fins ot their own, . ‘This fear may explain Tad an government leaks to ows papers about “etters pouring in from the American people, praising Mrs, Gandy and de Blaing Ue Naonkisinge. Policies “‘Whaiever conspiracy may have been hatcied agaist fae ia and Bangladesh by the Nixon administration, these Jetlers prove tat the U.S. gove ernment $5 detached from people of is own county, fays Kalantar, another, Bengali daly But ikmay not beso easy to steer, West ‘Bengalis. away irom the simplistic notion that during the evisis "the Tus ‘Siang. were our friends and tho ‘Ametieans ‘were our enemies, 50 let's vote Communit.” cept thal Mis. Gandhi is going {o remind them thatthe Com: ‘ust party she fears mest Jeans to! China, whlch was on Pakistan's side ‘The question is whether vote crs. ‘wil hear this. distinction ver the din of antl. helox He aa ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 v ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 tthe Stanford Weekly 13 Jen 1972 “CIA Supports Bengali Kite West Bengal (India) _ traded & + extensively and profitably with , b East Pakistan. Now Calcutta : Today, the guerrillas—most of them are not "businessmen hope to resume old Maoists—equipped with light machine guns, sten businesses a guns, and other small arms, are refusing to One of India’s invading was fear of the growing surrender their weapons to the Awami League iaMjoretip of local leftists in the Scant {government or its Indian Army allies. Bangladesh liberation movement. ¥ 7 ‘These groups—virtually ignored by the American press-wished to non fewate 2 socialist Bangladesh, 'At long last-2 television war. ‘tho chief South Asian adviser 10 independent of India as well as Evey nignt ave watched to see \Sonator Edward Kennedy, eports Pakistan, Even before the rey aM inning, to. count that “refugees from East Pakistan, Pskistani civil war began in March, erent’ and to give thanks thot who hove entered eastern Indiain 1971, the East Pakistan aaeaictia't have to fight, And, several surges beginning in 1847, Communist Party We Otewrwrecksrit ended. lndian have tended 10. join extremist (Marxist-Leninist) hed organized troops. occupy Bangladesh political factions...” ete andes led several ittempting “to Keep the peace” Worker's Rebellion landlords, and distributed land to sng disor the Bengali guerrila Discontent among the natives the peasants. Just before the forces Shak Mujbur Rahman, of West Bengal (the Indian ingian invasion the Far Easter he President of Bafgladesh, is province surrounding Calcutta) Economic Review reported fierce feed. trom a West Pakistan jal also threatens the authority of the fighting between the Maoists and tite rine mons ot Inon goveroment, West Beal she” Awami-Lesgue-beckd se sonment. and is returning landowners and employers 8Ve guerrilas in East Bengal. ‘home. hired many of the refugees, ‘Armed Guerrillas « ‘Why did it happen? What now? lowering wages and forcing many — Today, the guerrillas—most of » When Indian policy-makers Indians out of work in an area them are not Maoists—equipped esas ot inte erala Set arene exe Iran Vig cleablGl geant tea ened cues Bengal * (East Pakistan OF unemployment. While there have gins, and other small arms are Bangledesh) this November, they eon reports of clashes botween yefusing to surrender their were responding to a series of native wage-earners and refugees, weapons to the Awami League economic and political crises. the real threat to India is the government or its Indian Army Though masses of antiMoslem, spucter of @ rebellion by West allies. The Mukti Bahini control antiPokistai Indians hed been rorkers. aes, The Mut aE a Se eee aea the eueed SAGA) nde heal teem earn i policing ( oss werk {soit March, the war fever only made it refugees in isolated camps. The gnd the local treasury. A large ,,tasler for Indian leaders t0.99 1 government even hired séveral Proportion of the querrilas, are oa students who are radicalized and thousand young men to try Rue Burden. Signi agearon nant the nlf De rd fen million East Bensali round the refugee camps. Indian its logical end.-They do not vient refugees now living in India have SFrcialy contended that the 20Y “going back” on their bean a tremendous burden on the refugees should retum to their revolution. Indian economy. ResOUrees, Fomes, but the bulk of the “We want an exploitation foe, ‘ineluding foreign sid -originaly. ‘orogees would not return so long socialist, democratic society with intended for India, have. been 35 Pakistani troops occupied East social ovinership over modes of feallocsted for the refugees. The Baran etal yoke CecaPN! Che production," one of them told a total expenditure on refugees this prcgees remain in India, they eve» FEPOTtE. fiscal year will be at least 20% of “political liability for Mrs. The Awami League elite, which the entire Indian budget. Gandhi's government. asked in the sunshine of the Mrs. Gandhi's government was See Worried about’ the potential. On the other hand, @ enh ae Politics! explosiveness of the ten pro-Indian Bangladesh nine months in the relative “million refugees. India feared that government will be an asset 10. cevmfort of exile, in India. They ° . the Banglodesh struggle would Saia’s’ economy. Before Gor "rt Ctuar such ‘tke They foil overints an aleedy unstable independence, in. 1848, Indian Sut ave the geerlog to Be West Bengal. John P. Lewis. businessmen in Calcutta ran the Gisarmed before the Indian Army Formed AID director ip tneia sed totam net al wage teat nee ° ‘Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000700190001-6 NEW York prune. Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : ClA-RDP80-01601R000700180001-6 BL vey tat ‘STATINTL From 2 Reporters ’ Notebooks: In Pakistani-Held Dacca, With the Indian Arm vy + | Dec. 7 * -] ‘commOaTTES seroUNg a War Swirls IntoaHotel-Neutral Zone | 4. 4s Pit’ fhtonting Saale Panel ated ay sant» STERBA feta gd ee ol ahs ape oe ‘Souda to Toe ne ore Tess ~" ground cables appeat over the| table. * oe DACCA, Pakistan, Dec. 20—|pacca would have four show-| airport and cantonment, pt | INotes on a I4-day stay in) ings today of “Operation Cross-} sumably to ensnare a low Dec. 9 | eo ot Spm i a ener stant "A’ paid notice seid: Begum) The bombing and antiaircrat| JUS after noon. Six cows graze] adednesin reprets,o.vat| ro keep uP al “ateragon| amb tai, Sil i $0 oh say teva tet uP uati Ue mmr Eat Ha fan [wy es oy Fpl ‘one die of cancer or in a car ‘walima_receptions|)pall games at ame Cor| fe fleeing, carrying” whet] doing a-fine job Tor your coun. ertiveiy on the occasion of!'Wednesday and Friday. sinca| At, the hotel an, ettendant| ry and take afew of those

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