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Baby's First Year 1 month 2 months

Hearing is fully developed. Tracks moving objects with his eyes.

Keeps hands tight in the fists. Begins to life head.

May respond to familiar sounds. May start to such thumb / feast,

4 months 3 months

May begin teething Mimics sounds, expressionas and movements.

Likely rolls from stomach to nack Makes eye cintact

May push up to her elbows Recognizes familar faces,

5 months 6 months

Learns how to reach with both hands and grasp things with fingers Rolls in both directions

back to front

front to back

9 months 8 months 7 months

Has learned object permanence Learns to sit up by himself Sees in full color

Begins to lean over Can support own weight with his legs

Gearing up for crawing Babbles and intimate sounds

10 months 11 months 12 months

Understands simple instructions Recognizes objects Can probably self-feed

Remembers favorite toys May know how to stand, acoot and cruise Stands without support

Able to speak a few words like "Mama"

Understands simple commands

May walk 2 or 3 steps

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