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Nero (latin: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus); Ancio,(15 Decemer 37 AD – Rome,6 June
68 AD) was a Roman emperor whose uncle was the emperor Caligula.

Nero had been tied to very scandalous events. The first one being his first marriage(considered
incestuous) with his half-sister Claudia Octavia, daughter of the emperor Claudius.

His negative image had been conveyed mainly by Christian historians, because it is believed that
Nero was the first who committed persecution of Christians. It is even considered that Nero was
antichrist because the numerical summation of his letters in Hebrew is 666, number that refers to
the Satan. In fact, there has not been found any official decree of Nero against the Christians.

He ascended the throne with the help of his mother Agrippina, that with a series of political intrigues
eliminated all possible contenders of the throne. So, Nero became an emperor at the age of just 17.
His reign was distinguished by spending large amount of money for theaters, circus events and other
kinds of public competitions that had an entertaining character resulting in numerous riots in
Britain(60-61 AD led by Queen Boadicea), Spain, Gaul and Judea (66-70 BC). During his reign he
proved himself to be a cruel ruler that continued the politics of the Emperor Tiberius, which was
essentially a relentless struggle against the aristocracy. In 59 year, because of the excessive
interference in his work conducted by his mother Agrippina, Nero killed her and in a sense became a
more independent ruler. He was also accused of the fire that engulfed Rome in 64 year, and a riot
was risen against him in 68 year led by the Praetorian Guard, Spanish and Gallic legions, the same
year he was convicted and sentenced as enemy of the state and later committed suicide.


Vespasian (latin:Titus Flavius Vespasianus) was a Roman emperor. He is also known as Titus Flavius

He was born on 17 November 9 year in Falacrina, todays Italy. He ruled the Roman empire from 21
December 69 to 23 June 79. He is best known for the fact that the Colosseum began to be built in his
time of ruling. Vespasian has a particularly strong military capability which resulted in numerous
military successes that he experienced and the annexation of numerous territories. In the year of 43
AD he was the commander of the second legion in the invasion of Britain. In 51 year he became a
consul in the Senate, and in 61 he became an African governor. He was in close ties with Nero and
he suppressed the uprising in Judea 66-70 year which ended with his capture of Jerusalem in 70
year. After the death of Nero, the Senate delegated the imperial rights to Vespasian and he directs
his entire imperial policy towards the sanitation of the damage to the treasury done by the wasteful
politics by Nero. Vespasian established the taxes to the Greeks, which Nero abolished and with the
remains of the demolished Jewish temple in Jerusalem he started the construction of the Colosseum
in Rome. Vespasian died in 79.


Titus (latin: Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus) was a Roman emperor. He is also known as Titus
Flavius Vespasianus.

He was born on 30 December 39 in Rome, todays Italy. He ruled the Roman Empire from 79 to 81
year AD. He is best known as the man who was on the throne when the construction of the
Colosseum was finished. He is the son of Vespasian. He ruled for a really short time – 2 years 2
months and 20 days and maybe he is most famous for the opening of the Colosseum in 80 year AD
followed by 100 days of gladiatorial fights. He was also a successful general and with his father he
participated in suppressing the rebellions in Judea and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
Because of his success in suppressing the Judean revolts, his brother Domitian and a future Roman
emperor raised the Arch of Titus in his honor in the year of 71. Titus died because of the scheme by
his brother who inherited him and became the new emperor.

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