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Hillary delgado Burbano


Technology in recent years has been the center of attention of all human beings, has replaced man
in some aspects that has become part of their daily lives, a kind of need, starts from important
advances such as robotics, handwriting, design in general, etc. . and has facilitated communication
in the world. Technology is an extension of our creative capacity just as much as art in all its
expressions, basic science and culture itself, we use it as a tool that should help us to overcome
the increasingly accentuated complexity of the reality to which they have to live, the constant and
rapid changes to which they are subjected. The rise of new technologies is a fact and we could say
that these advances have improved the quality of life. Information and communication
technologies (ICTs) reach virtually every area of their lives. These technological advances have also
been introduced in many scientific, economic and social fields.

Among the social advantages we find the Facility for obtaining any information (scientific, artistic,
cultural, social) through the network system to improve communication. Interaction with people
located in other parts of the world. But this brings with it dependence on some of them, such as
the Internet, television, etc. It isolates people by creating technology addictions. Annexing that we
give some control of our ideals and beliefs which allows manipulation of the information
generated that can or comes to a misuse and interpretation of information.

It can be concluded that people are forced into the circle of technology. In case they do not get
involved, there is a backlog in front of society. The same happens with countries, there is a
displacement by the lack of technology. A lack of control of the information that is handled in the
network. Privacy is lost, fraud is encouraged, and the information handled becomes doubtful.

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