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The impact of technology on education.

By Cristina Ocampo

The incorporation of Tics to the educaction has became a process that has
revolutionized the learning around the world, due to the facilities it brings for
students to get access to the information through the internet, morover the
information can be saved comfortably in a computer, in addition to that it helps
teachers to illustrate complex ideas in a very easy way thanks to the
technological tools that nowadays allow to make simulations depending on
the subject and topic. In addition to the previous benefits that technology
brings to the education it also allows students to communicate and interact
with their teachers through several platforms, it additionally allows students to
send homeworks via email the same way it allows teachers to post
homeworks and provide information related to a specific topic, these platforms
and tools improve drastically the pedagogy.

The accecibility to the information that nowadays we have thanks to the

internet allows everybody to learn about a lot of topics differently from the way
it used to be before, since the information used to be found in libraries
morover books requires space to be filed, however the technology nowodays
give us the facility to file a huge amount of information in a computer that let
us to access to it evertime we want.

Nowadays there are thousands of tools that allow studends of different

carriers to simulate several processes depending on the subject they focus in,
thus helps teachers to illustrate so many events that may occur in real life, for
instance there is a platform known as proteus that allows students from
electronic engineering to simulate what could happen with any electronic
circuit in case it is built in real life, such as this example there are plenty of
them applied to other carriers. Technology has illuminated education in a very
interesting way that a lot of institutions around the world has started to
implement these sort of tools morover to capacitate teacher to handle them in
order to improve the learning of students.

Technology has been evolving during the last years in a very speedy way and
thanks to it nowadays students around the world have the opportunity to have
an online class through platforms that allow them to interact with teachers
even though the distance could be an issue, not only allowing the teachers to
teach them through those platforms but also allowing them to leave
homeworks and also qualify them in a comfortable way, therefore nowadays
education is crossing a digital age in which everything is turning virtual. The
changes help with the optimization of time so everybody can learn even faster
than the way it used to be before.

To summarize and conclude the ideas previously mentioned, the impact of

technology upon the education has been very important and decisive in the
evolution of education and pedagogy around the world, due to all the benefits
it brings for students and teachers optimizing not only time but also resources,
allowing students to watch teacher’s online classes no matter the distance.
The learning process has improved due to the tools and platforms that allow
students to simulate several events that can occur in real life in differents
scenarios. Finally it’s important to mention that nowadays a huge amount of
information is available to everybody differently to what used to be in a past.

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