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No. 16 “My New Philosophy” (Sally with Schroeder) (Cue: SALLY: (discovering) “Why are you telling me? I ike i! (Musi in.) Cue 10 continue: SALLY: (repeating) Moderately bright swing four (J=204) “Why ate you telling mie (Tp Cue to stop: SALLY: That's a good 13] iilosophy: “Why ae you telling m2” aig SAM Y (eve Last ted vamp 85,015, sme tres onS.0) telling me?" My new phi - los - ‘The teach - er last week's home - work, ee ee nH uy ISALLY] = |. =. ‘She said. "Miss Sal ——__— SCHROEDER SALLY My — new phi + o-phy? T could have told ber. Your new phi-los —_F (as the teacher, handing ‘ack Sally her homework) (as herself) (as herself) 9} tus the teacher) Ar I'm. she. SALLY: (in fermaa as herself) Weil, why ate you telling me? 126) pa. ee teat SALLY: Why ate you telling we? SALLY That's your new phi - los-o - phy? iowa om Fr oe emi Dates vamp on ne: SCHROEDER Sai vamp your et ya? SALLY: Yes, Yen los-0- phy. +4 Z mmscoann F Just like a bus-y Each new phi - los-o - phy— ¥ Bs. Oe time TS fly from tee to tree— and — keeps (KP Contr 2 My New any (44) sau When life's a diz-2y maze,— On al-ter-nat- ing days,— I choose a ao st SCHROEDER SALLY ‘SCHROEDER: Sally! Giff" rent _phrase:— My new phi-los - o-phy! Your new phi-los - o-phy? a - [53] SCHROEDER Some phi-los - 0-phies are sim-ple: “Man does not live by bread alone. rox Cy CEL) ec cetr = | Some phi- los - = phies o tage 7 ey us (yoru sound of the tone." — Some phi- los - o-phies pick and choose— Va Pra for bot on) = SCHROEDER what goes in it. Some take a _ life - time, ft a s—__+ fz Dialogue = Hep vp ct cue: Cue to continue: SALLY: SALLY vamp SCHROEDER Tea stand ite exis) Eph Stand et He U Mine take a min-ute. A a ° 5 i a [72] _ Stride time a <__ SALLY Wes like a guar-an - tee— My new phi - los- 0 - phy.— Afro a a o/h te r ro... O18. te (Com Pam Conic na My New Pay ISALLYT And things are sure to bea whole lot bright - er. _—— Po enon SALLY: “Oh, yeah? That's what you think!” “Why are you telling me?” “No!” “Lean stand itt = = = == Much more phi = los - o-phy = 2y, With omy brand new Pro. |) _ = ST SALLY: You know, someone has said that we should Dialogue (LUCY passing by) ~ stop vamp on cue: live each day as if it were dhe last day of our life. LUCY: ... Help mel This isthe last day! Aaugh! vamp > SALLY: Clearly, some philosophies aren't fo all people. (She thinks fora beat Light bulb. Music in.) a SALLY that's my new phi = los-o - phy! y ae co Applause ~ segue 1No. 16a Before Baseball (Orchestra) Cue: (Applause ~ segue from No. 16° My New Philosophy.") ‘Tempo di Ball Park 881 Pa Oxgen sob J start slowly ~ accel. poco a poco (The scene changes tou ballpark. C. BROWN enters. Musie out for dialogue.) [dialogue

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