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My Self

My name is Hazna Yanisa S. Hadji Nasser I don’t usually have a nickname they just
call me “hazna” my first name. I belong to College of Arts and Social Sciences, and I
take BA History course which I’m excited to learn about. Now let me talk about my
interests. I would like to mention three things that I like. First of all, I adore sunsets very
much. I am in love with the way sun shines so gloriously never hating the fact that
artists always glorify moon more than sun. I am in love with the way people can fall and
still continue to rise, the way we can get hurt and realise only later that the pain actually
is life’s way of blessing someone and pushing them towards better life. I am just in love
with the way everything looks golden when you look at it with a golden mind. And also, I
like to binge watching movies up until midnight with my sisters. That’s how we spend
our time together when we are all up for all nighter and sometimes, I spend so many
hours in watching world’s infamous murderer Its kinda creepy but I like it. Other than
sunsets and watching movie I am enthusiastic about plants. I’ve been spending my
other time in watering and repotting my houseplants. And I’m currently doing pressed
flower craft which consist of drying flower petals and leaves in a flower press to flatten.
Now, let me talk about my hometown. I grew up in a peaceful place called Steeltown
Iligan City it is called steeltown because the National Steel Corporation, we recall, was
once known as the largest steelmaking plant in Southeast Asia and the pride of
Philippine industry and one of there headquarters were located in Iligan City. Workers
who work at NSC lived in the place we called Steeltown Village.

Before I conclude my self introduction, let me tell you about my personality. I’m very
understanding to any situation that I encounter so, I’m easy to approach kinda person.
There is hope for end of the crisis. Hope to see you soon face to face.
College Expectancy

Dakilang pamatasan is one of the most renowned institution for higher learning. It is
known for its greatness in science and innovation and its enthusiasm for broad
examination and network involvement. MSU-IIT offers the quality training required by
the understudies to fulfill the competitive global standards. And furthermore,knowing
that It can be scrutinized in terms of excellence in science and technology, intellectual
students and topnotchers, exceptional and degree-holder professors, and advanced
knowledge in respective fields of study that makes the young aspirants believe to reach
their individual talents and passion of dreams.
As a young competitive believer I imagine myself to be surrounded by people who are
passionate about achieving their goals that drives you to do the same thing but not
forgetting the fun which makes the college life more meaningful. And also I expect that a
lot of professors are supportive and understanding enough in this catastrophic event
that is currently happening in our country, that not all students can easily access to
online learning program but I know, how professors devote their lives to teach and
share their knowledge heartily to us students.

There are so many amazing opportunities arise when a chapter of our life begin. But
there’s one thing that the chairman of a specific college department told us, “Suffer for 4
years, so you can enjoy the rest of you life. Rather than to enjoy for 4 years, only to
suffer for the rest of your life”. And yes, I’m using that as my “word to live” by for the
entire college year.

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