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Tutor: Angie Lorena Salgado

Student: Lida Ximena Bolaños Anacona

Code: 1004269505

Group: 518008_55

National University Open and Distance UNAD

Faculty of Education Sciences

Bachelor's degree in foreign languages with emphasis on English

Pitalito- Huila

February 2019
Activities to Develop

Prepare a speech about your best experience from last year. You can talk about vacations,

academic or professional achievements, or family things. Be detailed about the experiences

you share. You must record your speech in a Vocaroo audio, write the link in a Word file,

and then, upload the Word file to the Evaluation and Assessment environment in the place

created for it.

The speech must be of about 600 words, so the recording lasts minimum 3 minutes.

Vocaroo link:

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