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(01) Define the following terms:

Ans:- Biodiversity:- The variety of different living organisms found in a particular

area is called Biodiversity.

2) Mega diversity:- The warm and humid regions between the tropic of cancer and
tropic of Capricorn are rich in diversity. Such regions are called Mega diversitical
regions and the diversity there are called Mega diversity e.g. India, Australia, Peru,
Mexico, Brazil, China, Indonesia etc.

3) Classification:- is defined as the system of arrangement of organisms into

different groups and sub-groups on the basis of their similarities, differences and

4) Evolution:- The process by which the simple organisms are changed into complex

5) Taxonomy:- is a branch of biology that deals with the study of identification,

nomenclature and classification of organisms.

6) Species:- is a group of organisms that breed among themselves to produce their

own young ones e.g homo.

7) Kingdom:- is the highest taxonomic category that has the same fundamental
characteristics in all organisms.

8) Binomial nomenclature:- is the scientific naming of an organism in which each

name consisting of two words that is generic and specific. It was given by Carolus

Q.txt:- Why do we classify organisms?

Ans:- There is a wide variety of living organisms in the world but each and every
organism is unique in shape, size and form. So it is not possible to study each
organism separately. Hence classification helps to study a wide group of organism

Q.txt:- Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life forms
around you?

Ans:- The examples of range of variations in different life forms are as under:

1) Some organisms are large in size like blue whale and some are microscopic.
2) Some organism lives thousands of years while others die with few days like
3) Some organisms are brightly coloured like birds and flowers and some are
colorless like reptiles.

Q.txt:- Which do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organism:

a) The place where they live.

b) The kind of cells they are made of. Why?


Ans:- The more basic characteristic for classifying the organism is the kind of cell
because a common habitat of different organism does not help to classify them as
the habitat of different organism like fish, octopus, whale, starfish etc is same but
they possess different characteristics. Therefore the classification on the basis of
place is misleading.

Q.txt:- What is the primary characteristic on which the first division of organism is

Ans:- The primary characteristic on which the first division of organisms is made is
whether the organisms is prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Q.txt:- On what basis plants and animals put into different categories?

Ans:- The plants and animals are categorized into different groups on the basis of :

1) Mode and source of nutrition that is whether autotrophic or heterotrophic.

2) Type of the cell that is whether unicellular or multicellular.
3) Presence or absence of skeleton.
4) Other body designs like cell wall, growth shape etc.

Q.txt:- Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different form the
so called advanced organisms?

Ans:- The organisms having simple body designs and are not changed very much
over period of time are called primitive or lower or ancient organisms.

On the other hand the organisms having complex body features and are
recent are called advanced or recent or new organisms.

Q.txt:- Will advanced organism be the same as complex organisms? Why?

Ans:- The advance organism are the same like the complex organism because their
body features have changed with the evolution of time.

Q.txt:- What are the advantages of classifying organisms?

Ans:- The following advantages of classifying organisms are

1) Classification helps to recognize the organisms in an easy and convenient way.

2) It helps to study the organisms without knowing them.
3) It helps to identify the relationship between the different groups of
4) It helps to know the wide variety of organisms together.
5) It helps to know the evolutionary history of organisms.

Q.txt:- How would you choose between two characteristic to be used for
developing a hierarchy in classification?

Ans:- Hierarchy in classification is developed on the basis of the characteristics of an

organisms. These characteristics that make it separate from the other organism is
used to develop a broadest division. That is independent. The other characteristics
like mode of nutrition and cellular structure are used to develop subgroups which
are dependent on the previous one.

Q.txt:- Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms?

Ans:- The five kingdom classification was given by Robert Whittakar in 1969 on the
basis of :

1) Complexity of the cell.

2) Body organization.
3) Mode and source of nutrition.
4) Phylogenetic relationship.


Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

(1) Kingdom Monera

Unicellular Multicellular

(02) Kingdom Protista


With cell wall without cell wall

(03)Kingdom Animalia

Do not perform photosynthesis Perform photosynthesis

(04)Kingdom Fungi (05)Kingdom plantea


Q.txt:- What is the criterion for classification of organisms as belonging to

kingdom Monera and Protista?

Ans:- The criterion for kingdom Monera is that they are prokaryotic and unicellular
similarly the criterion for kingdom Protista is that they are eukaryotic and

Q.txt:- In which kingdom will you place an organism which is single celled,
eukaryotic and photosynthesis?

Ans:- The organism which is single celled, eukaryotic and photosynthesis should be
placed in the kingdom Protista.

Q.txt:- In the hierarchy of classification, which grouping will have the smallest
number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common and which
will have the largest number of organisms?

Ans:- In the hierarchy of classification, the organism which is smaller in number but
have maximum characteristics in common is the species. Similarly the taxon which
has maximum number of organisms is known as the kingdom.

Q. ad:- Write short notes on :

1) Monera:- The kingdom Monera includes the organism which do not have a well
developed nucleus and organelles, so are called prokaryotic with unicellular body
designs. Their mode of nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotrophic e.g., bacteria,
blue green algae (cyanobacteria), mycoplasma (PPLO).

2) Protista:- The organisms which are unicellular eukaryotic are called protistains.
They move with the help of appendages which are either in the form of cilia or
flagella. They are either autotrophic or heterotrophic e.g. paramecium, amoeba,
diatoms etc.

3)Fungi:- are heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms and are also called as saprophytes.
Their body is made up of either single filament called hypea or cluster of filaments
called mycelium. Their cell wall is made up of chiton and the reserve food is
glycogen. E.g. bread mould, mushroom, penicillium etc.

4) Lichens:- are the organisms which are formed by a symbiotic association between
the fungal component called mycobiant and the algal component called the
phycobiant. They are slow growing organisms like usnia, Caledonia etc.

5) Thallophyta:- The plants that do not have differentiated body designs like roots,
stems and leaves are called Thallophyta. E.g. algae’s like volvox, chara, spirogyra etc.

6) Bryophytes:- are called the amphibians of the plant kingdom. Their body is
differentiated to form stem or leaf like structures. E.g. marchantia, anthoceras,
pellia etc.

7) Cryptogams:- are the plants which do not produce seeds and are flower less like
algae, bryophyte, pteridophyta etc.

8) Phaneragamous:- Are the plants which produce the seeds and flowers. They are
also called as the flowing plants. E.g. gymnosperms, angiosperms.

Q.txt:- What are the major divisions in the plantea? What is the basis for these

Ans:- The major divisions in the kingdom plantea are:

1) Thallophyta (algae)
2) Bryophytes
3) Pteridophyta
4) Gymnosperms
5) Angiosperms
The basis for these divisions is as following:
1) By having distinct plant body components.
2) On the basis of tissues
3) Ability to produce seeds
4) Whether the seeds are naked or enclosed within the ovaries.

Q.txt: Which divisions among plants have the simplest organisms?

Ans:- The kingdom algae have the simplest organisms.

Q.txt:- How are pteridophyta different from the Phaneragamous?

Ans: Pteridophyta Phaneragamous

1) Are the plants which do not 1) Are the plants which produce
produce seeds. seeds.
2) They are as flowerless or seedless 2) They are called as flowering
plants. plants.
3) These reproduce by spores. 3) These reproduce by germination
of the seeds

Q.txt:- How are gymnosperms different from the Angiosperms?

Ans: Gymnosperms Angiosperms

1) Are the plants with naked seeds. 1) Are the plants with enclosed
2) They do not develop fruits. 2) The seeds are enclosed within the
3) These include deodar, pinus, 3) These includes rice, mustard, rose
cycas. etc.

Q.txt:- How are poriferan animals different from the coelantrata animal?

Ans:- Poriferans are the organism with holes all over the body that brings the
oxygen and food. they show cellular level organization in their body and are
commonly called as sponges. E.g sycon, spongilla etc

While as coelantrata show tissue level body organization and are made of two
germ layers called diploblastic. They live in colonies and solitary e.g. jelly fish, hydra
etc. How are platy helminthes different from Asch helminthes (nematode)?

Ans:- Platyhelminthes are bilaterally symmetrical and are triploblastic. They show
organ level body organization and are aceolomate. Their body is flat from top to
bottom and hence is called as flat worms. E.g liver fluke, tape worm etc.

While as Aschehelminthes are cylindrical having no real organs. Their body

cavity is pseudocoelomate and is mostly parasites by casing diseases. E.g ascaries,
filial worms etc.

Q.txt:- How are annelid animals different from Arthropoda animals?


Ans:- Annelid are the organism that have rings both internally or externally in their
body. They are extensively segmented in fashion and their body is divided into head,
trunk and tail. They are found in both water and land. E.g. Earthworm leeches etc.

While as arthropods are the organism with jointed legs and their body is
segmented externally. Their coelomic cavity is changed into the blood by having
open circulatory system. They are largest in number among kingdom Animalia .g
insects, spiders, centipede, etc. How are Mollusca different from Echinodermata animals?

Ans:- Mollusca are the organisms with little body segmentation. Their body cavity is
reduced by having open circulatory system and kidney like organs for excretion.
They move with the help of foot. E.g snails, octopus etc.

While as Echinodermata are the skinned marine animals. they are a peculiar
water driven tube system for movement. Their skeleton is made up of calcium
carbonate.e.g starfish, sea urchins etc.

Q.txt:- What are the difference between Amphibians and Reptiles?

Ans: Amphibians Reptiles

1) Amphibians have slim skin. 1) Reptiles skin is scaly.
2) They lay eggs inside the water. 2) They lay eggs outside the water.
3) They have gills at larval stage. 3) They do not have gills at larva

Q.txt:-What are the differences between the animals belonging to the Aves group
and those in the mammalian group?


Aves Mammalian
1) All birds are oviparous. 1) Animals are viviparous.
2) The body of birds is covered with 2) The body of mammalians is
feathers. covered with hair and sweat gland.
3) Their fore limbs are modified for 3) Their forelimbs are modified for
flight. walking, holding etc.

Q.txt:- How are the criteria for deciding divisions in plants different form the
criteria for deciding the subgroups among animals?

Ans:- The criteria for deciding divisions in plants are different from the criteria for
deciding the subgroups among animals on the basis of :

1) different body designs.

2) Mode and source of nutrition.
3) Presence and absence of skeleton etc.

Q.txt:- Explain how animals in vertebrata are classified into further subgroups?

Ans: - The animals in vertebrata are further classified into five main classes which

1) Fishes (2) Amphibian (3) Reptiles (4) Birds (5) Mammalians.

Their basis are :
(1) The kind of skin.
(2) The kind of respiratory organs.
(3) The method of reproduction. What is nomenclature?

Ans:- The scientific naming of an organism which is universally accepted is called

nomenclature. Give the outline of kingdom Animalia classification?

Ans:- See page no. 211 on text book.

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