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Chloe Schubert

Spanish Lesson Reflection

● As a teacher, what was your biggest challenge while planning the lesson?

○ As a teacher, I felt that my biggest challenge was picking a lesson and phrasing

easy enough to translate so that I would be comfortable speaking in another

language in front of the classroom.

● As a teacher, what challenges did you face when trying to teach your lesson/content to

the class?

○ As a teacher I had a hard time with transition statements I was not prepared to

say. In one instance for example I needed to ask students to stand up and repeat

after me, but I was not prepared to say that in Spanish so I needed to use Spanish

words that I knew to say something close enough to what I wanted to say without

speaking English.

● What did you do to “overcome” these challenges?

○ I found that I knew enough Spanish to put something closely resembling what I

was supposed to say together. Also, I was able to move forward in the lesson

without anyone really noticing that I didn’t know what I was supposed to say,

because they also don’t know enough Spanish to notice the incorrect usage.

● As a teacher, how did this activity simulate trying to instruct one or more ELL students in

your classroom? How did you use "language" in your instruction?

○ This activity was interesting as a student and teacher since I needed to focus on

hand gestures and images. When I was saying write or stand up, I also gestured
for them to write or stand up. Repeat luckily was close enough to English, but I

had to pay extra attention to the students to see if they understood what I was


● As a student, what did you rely on most to comprehend what was being taught?

○ The hand gestures and images helped me as a student too as they are like a

universal language.

● As part of the "class", how can you relate this activity to the experience of ELL students

in an English speaking classroom?

○ Just like I could not understand a word of the German lesson being taught, an

ELL student most likely would not understand most of what is being taught in an

English class. The teacher would have to use visuals, hand gestures, and overall

support for the student to feel like they kind of understood.

● Overall, what do you think was the purpose of this activity?

○ To make the students feel like an ELL student and the teachers realize how much

they need to support the students who are not understanding what they are saying.

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