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Materia: (International finance bussines)


MATRICULA: 1160561


On June 23, 2016, the world was surprised by the result of the plebiscite carried
out in the United Kingdom on the permanence of this country in the European
Union. Contrary to all forecasts, the option to leave the organization (the "Brexit")
was the winner and opened a wide range of questions about the future of the
United Kingdom and the EU, which he saw as for the first time one of its members
decided to leave the block. At the same time, it opened questions on the
international extra-European level in a world that is increasingly convulsed and with
constant changes. This article proposes an analysis of the situation originated from
Brexit and the consequences of this result from the point of view of international
relations, we cannot be oblivious to one of the recent events that occurred on the
European continent; the vote in favor of the United Kingdom's exit from the
European Union or also known as “Brexit”.
Undoubtedly, it constitutes a topic on the international agenda due to the
repercussions that it has already brought and mainly, those that will come in the
future, especially for the United Kingdom and Europe. It should be noted that the
other continents are not exempt from them.
After a long and long debate among all the members of the group, we decided that
this would be one of the most interesting current affairs to carry out an analysis of
the international situation. Through it, we want to deepen each of the actors part of
this process and analyze their strength or power, in order to determine the trends,
actions and possible scenarios of the current and future reality.
Another reason that prompted us to propose this issue was the fact that it is not the
first time that the United Kingdom has put a decision of such magnitude in the
hands of its citizens. In 1975, a referendum had been held on the country's
permanence in the European Economic Community, the forerunner of the
European Union, with a favorable result for its permanence.
Throughout this analysis, we are interested in studying the context in which the
referendum held in June of this year is inserted, in which the British population
spoke out in favor of the departure of one of the most important political political
organizations and what will it be its impact on different scales.
Finally, we were motivated to choose this topic by analyzing the different positions
expressed on this issue, as well as the political and social campaigns that
developed around it. Historically, the United Kingdom has been a relevant actor
within the international order, therefore, the guidelines and actions of its foreign
policy imply consequences for the entire International Society.

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