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RUSBoost: Improving Classification Performance when Training Data is Skewed

Chris Seiffert (

Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar (
Jason Van Hulse (
Amri Napolitano (
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Abstract backs. The primary drawback of undersampling is the loss

of information associated with deleting examples from the
Constructing classification models using skewed train- training data. It has the benefit, however, of decreasing the
ing data can be a challenging task. We present RUSBoost, time required to train models since the training dataset size
a new algorithm for alleviating the problem of class im- is reduced. Oversampling, on the other hand, does not result
balance. RUSBoost combines data sampling and boost- in the loss of information. However, it can lead to overfit-
ing, providing a simple and efficient method for improv- ting [5] and increased model training times due to increased
ing classification performance when training data is im- training dataset size.
balanced. In addition to performing favorably when com- Another technique that can be used to improve classifi-
pared to SMOTEBoost (another hybrid sampling/boosting cation performance is boosting. While data sampling was
algorithm), RUSBoost is computationally less expensive designed with the class imbalance problem in mind, boost-
than SMOTEBoost and results in significantly shorter model ing is a technique that can improve the performance of any
training times. This combination of simplicity, speed and weak classifier (whether or not the data is imbalanced).
performance makes RUSBoost an excellent technique for The most common boosting algorithm is AdaBoost [6].
learning from imbalanced data. AdaBoost iteratively builds an ensemble of models. Dur-
ing each iteration, example weights are modified with the
goal of correctly classifying examples in the next iteration
1 Introduction that were incorrectly classified during the current iteration.
Upon completion, all constructed models participate in a
The problem of class imbalance is well known through- weighted vote to classify unlabeled examples.
out the data mining community. When training data is In this paper, we present a novel hybrid data sam-
highly skewed (the various classes among the data are un- pling/boosting algorithm called RUSBoost, which is de-
evenly represented), constructing a useful model can be a signed to improve the performance of models trained on
challenging endeavor. Traditional data mining techniques skewed data. RUSBoost is a variation of another hybrid
tend to favor classifying examples as belonging to the over- data sampling/boosting algorithm called SMOTEBoost [3],
represented (majority) class, while in most real-world ap- which has been proposed in recent research. Both RUS-
plication domains it is the underrepresented (minority) class Boost and SMOTEBoost introduce data sampling into the
that carries the highest cost of misclassification. For exam- AdaBoost algorithm. SMOTEBoost does so using an over-
ple, a model constructed with the goal of detecting a disease sampling technique called SMOTE [2] which creates new
that affects only 1 in 100 people can achieve a correct clas- minority class examples by extrapolating between exist-
sification rate of 99% by classifying all individuals as being ing examples. RUSBoost applies random undersampling
disease free. Clearly, such a model has no real-world value. (RUS), a technique which randomly removes examples
Many techniques have been proposed to alleviate the from the majority class. Our recent research has shown
problem of class imbalance. Two such techniques are data that random undersampling performs very well, often out-
sampling and boosting [9]. Data sampling balances the performing SMOTE, despite its simplicity [8]. The motiva-
class distribution in the training data by either adding exam- tion for proposing this alternative to SMOTEBoost is sim-
ples to the minority class (oversampling) or removing ex- ple: complexity, training time and performance.
amples from the majority class (undersampling). Both un- SMOTE is a much more complex and time consum-
dersampling and oversampling have their benefits and draw- ing data sampling technique than random undersampling.

978-1-4244-2175-6/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

Therefore, SMOTEBoost (which uses SMOTE) is more Algorithm RUSBoost
complex and time consuming to perform than RUSBoost. Given: Set S of examples (x1 , y1 ), ..., (xm , ym ) with
Furthermore SMOTE is an oversampling technique which minority class y r ∈ Y , |Y | = 2
carries the drawback of increased training time. SMOTE- Weak learner, W eakLearn
Boost magnifies this drawback since boosting requires that Number of iterations, T
an ensemble of models be trained (many models with in- Desired percentage of total instances to be repre-
creased training times must be constructed). On the other sented by the minority class, N
hand, RUSBoost decreases the time required to construct a 1
model, which is a key benefit especially when creating an 1 Initialize D1 (i) = m for all i.
ensemble of models. The main drawback of random un- 2 Do for t = 1, 2, ..., T
dersampling, loss of information, is greatly overcome by a Create temporary training dataset St0 with distri-
combining it with boosting. While certain information may bution Dt0 using random undersampling
be absent during the construction of one of the models, it b Call W eakLearn, providing it with examples
will likely be included in constructing other models within St0 and their weights Dt0 .
the boosting ensemble. Our results show that the simpler c Get back a hypothesis ht : X × Y → [0, 1].
and quicker RUSBoost algorithm performs favorably when d CalculatePthe pseudo-loss (for S and Dt ):
compared to SMOTEBoost, oftentimes resulting in signifi- ²t = Dt (i)(1 − ht (xi , yi ) + ht (xi , y)).
(i,y):yi 6=y
cantly better classification performance. e Calculate the weight update parameter:
αt = .
2 RUSBoost 1 − ²t
f Update Dt :
(1+ht (xi ,yi )−ht (xi ,y:y6=yi ))
Dt+1 (i) = Dt (i)αt2 P .
Figure 1 presents the RUSBoost algorithm. First (step g Normalize Dt+1 : Let Zt = Dt+1 (i).
1), the weights of each example are initialized to m , where i
m is the number of examples in the training dataset. Then, Dt+1 (i)
Dt+1 (i) = .
T weak hypotheses are iteratively trained as follows. In Zt
step 2a, random undersampling is applied to remove major- 3 Output the final hypothesis:
ity class examples until N% of the new (temporary) training PT 1
dataset, St0 , belongs to the minority class. St0 will, there- H(x) = argmax ht (x, y)log .
y∈Y t=1 α t
fore, have a new weight distribution, Dt0 . In step 2b, St0 and
Dt0 are passed to the base learner, W eakLearn, which cre-
Figure 1. The RUSBoost algorithm
ates the weak hypothesis, ht (step 2c). The pseudo-loss, ²t ,
(based on the original training dataset, S, and weight distri-
bution, Dt ) is calculated in step 2d. In step 2e, the weight sampling technique [8], we recently found random under-
update parameter, α, is calculated as 1−² t
. Next, the weight sampling to perform as well or better than SMOTE. The
distribution for the next iteration, Dt+1 , is updated (step 2f) performance of these algorithms will be compared in Sec-
and normalized (step 2g). After T iterations of step 2, the tion 4, but clearly RUSBoost has numerous advantages over
final hypothesis, H(x), is returned as a weighted vote of the SMOTEBoost.
weak hypotheses. RUSBoost is a variant of the SMOTEBoost algorithm,
SMOTEBoost uses the Synthetic Minority Oversam- and Figure 1 can be modified to represent SMOTEBoost by
pling Technique [2] (SMOTE) to introduce oversampling changing step 2a to:
to the AdaBoost algorithm. SMOTE adds new minority
a Create temporary training dataset St0 with distribution Dt0
class examples to a training dataset by finding the k near-
using SMOTE
est neighbors of a minority class example and extrapolating
between that example and its neighbors to create new ex- For details on the AdaBoost.M1 algorithm we refer the
amples. Random undersampling, on the other hand, simply reader to Freund and Schapire’s work [6]. As proposed by
removes majority class examples (randomly) from the train- Chawla et al., SMOTEBoost requires that the user specify
ing data. Compared to random undersampling, SMOTE is the number of examples to be added to the training data.
signficantly more computationally complex and time con- We choose to add enough examples to achieve a target dis-
suming. Further, because SMOTE is an oversampling tech- tribution. The number of examples added (or removed by
nique, it results in a larger training dataset and therefore in- random undersampling) is, therefore, determined on a per-
creased model training time, which can further slow down dataset basis. We select three target distributions for both
the training time of the boosting algorithm. Finally, while SMOTEBoost and RUSBoost: 35, 50 and 65. That is, sam-
previous research has shown SMOTE to be an effective data pling is performed to create datasets where 35%, 50% or
Dataset Size % min # attr Dataset None AdaB SmoteB RusB
SP 3 3541 1.33 43 C 12 0.8247 0.9226 0.9568 0.9503
M AMMOGRAPHY ( MAM ) 11183 2.32 7 ECO 0.7765 0.9186 0.9268 0.9342
S OLAR F LARE F( SLF ) 1389 3.67 13 MAM 0.7851 0.8951 0.9113 0.9403
CCCS 12 ( C 12) 282 5.67 9 PC 1 0.5834 0.8442 0.8560 0.8508
PC 1 1107 6.87 16 SAT 0.7481 0.9396 0.9539 0.9450
S AT I MAGE ( SAT ) 6435 9.73 37 SLF 0.5380 0.8359 0.8565 0.8858
EC OLI 4 ( ECO ) 336 10.42 8 SP 3 0.5076 0.6625 0.7096 0.7871
Average 0.6805 0.8598 0.8816 0.8991
Table 1. Dataset caracteristics
Table 2. Boosting Algorithm Performance

65% of the examples in the post-sampling dataset are mi-

nority class examples. In all cases, we report only the para- tions, nine of which were used to train the models, while
meter that results in the best performance. Determining the the remaining partition was used as test data. We per-
optimal class distribution is outside the scope of this work, formed 10 independent runs of 10-fold cross validation to
for the sake of fairness, we compare SMOTEBoost’s best eliminate any biasing that could occur as a result of the
performance to RUSBoost’s best performance. random partitioning process. Boosting was performed us-
ing ten iterations, and experiments with different numbers
3 Experiments of boosting iterations did not significantly impact the re-
sults. For SMOTEBoost and RUSBoost, which require
3.1 Datasets a user-specified parameter (the level of sampling to per-
form) we selected three parameters (described in Section 2)
Table 1 provides information about the seven datasets and present only the performance of the best parameter for
used in our experiments, including the size of the datasets each algorithm. The goal in doing so is a fair performance
(Size), the percentage of examples belonging to the minor- comparison: the best performance of SMOTEBoost to the
ity class (% min) and the number of attributes (including best performance of RUSBoost. AdaBoost has no such
the class attribute) in each dataset (# attr). The datasets user-specified parameter. Experiments were also performed
represent a wide varity of sizes and levels of imbalance. without using boosting to serve as a base-line for compar-
Also, these datasets are from various application domains. ison. We select RIPPER [4] as the base learner, since it is
CCCS12, SP3 and PC1 are software quality datasets, some commonly used in imbalanced data research, including the
of which are proprietary. The Mammography dataset was proposal of SMOTEBoost [3].
provided by Dr. Nitesh Chawla [2]. SatImage, Ecoli4 and
SolarFlareF (which were transformed to contain a binary 4 Empirical Results
class) are all available through the UCI repository [1].

3.2 Performance Measure Table 2 shows the performance (measured using AUC)
of AdaBoost (AdaB), SMOTEBoost (SmoteB) and RUS-
Traditional performance measures, such as overall ac- Boost (RusB) on all seven of the datasets used in our ex-
curacy, are inappropriate for evaluating models trained on periments as well as the results without boosting (None).
skewed data. Therefore, we employ Receiver Operating Also included is the average performance across all seven
Characteristic curves [7], or ROC curves, to evaluate the datasets. For each dataset, the best performing algorithm
models constructed in this study. ROC curves graph true is indicated by a bold value. Table 2 shows that for all
positive rates on the y-axis versus the false positive rates on datasets, the best performing technique is always either
the x-axis. The resulting curve illustrates the trade-off be- RUSBoost or SMOTEBoost. A t-test was performed to
tween detection rate and false alarm rate. Traditional perfor- compare the performances of RUSBoost and SMOTEBoost.
mance metrics consider only the default decision threshold. An underlined value in the RUSBoost column indicates
ROC curves illustrate the performance across all decision that RUSBoost performed significantly better than SMOTE-
thresholds. For a single numeric measure, the area under Boost at the α = 5% significance level. Similarly, an un-
the ROC curve (AU C) is widely used, providing a general derlined value in the SMOTEBoost column indicates that
idea of the predictive potential of the classifier. its performance was significantly better than RUSBoost.
Simple boosting (AdaBoost) is very effective at improv-
3.3 Design Summary ing classification performance when learning from imbal-
anced data. On average, using AdaBoost improves the per-
All experiments were performed using 10-fold cross val- formance of RIPPER from 0.6805 to 0.8598, an increase
idation. That is, the datasets were split into ten parti- of over 25%. Using the PC1 and SolarFlare datasets, the
improvement is the greatest (45% and 55%, respectively). times, and provides competitive performance.
Clearly, boosting has great potential for improving the per- Our results show that RUSBoost performs as well or bet-
formance of classifiers built on imbalanced data. While ter than SMOTEBoost on six of the seven training datasets
AdaBoost successfully improves classification performance used in this study. SMOTEBoost only significantly outper-
in all of our experiments, both RUSBoost and SMOTE- formed RUSBoost on one of the seven datasets. Using three
Boost perform better than AdaBoost on every dataset used of the datasets, RUSBoost performed significantly better
in this study. than SMOTEBoost. Overall, RUSBoost significantly out-
The overall performance of RUSBoost (the average per- performed SMOTEBoost. RUSBoost accomplishes this su-
formance across all seven datasets) is significantly better perior performance while boasting reduced computational
than that of SMOTEBoost. While SMOTEBoost improves complexity and training times when compared to SMOTE-
the average performance across all seven datasets from Boost. We highly recommend using RUSBoost as an al-
0.6805 (without boosting) to 0.8816, RUSBoost performs ternative to SMOTEBoost when constructing learners using
even better, achieving an AUC of 0.8991. As indicated by imbalanced datasets.
the underlined value, the performance of RUSBoost is sig- Future work will continue to investigate the performance
nificantly better than that of SMOTEBoost at the α = 5% of RUSBoost. We will evaluate RUSBoost using addi-
significance level. tional learners and performance metrics, as well as addi-
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a higher AUC than RUSBoost. However, only one of those of RUSBoost to other boosting algorithms designed to ad-
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