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Form- three-dimensional partner to shape.

composition- term used to describe the arrangement of the visual elements in a

painting or other artwork.

MAterial & technique - determine basic visual features and the parameters within
which an artist or architect must work

COlor- refers to the hue and intensity of the colors of the art object

Texture- use of, or illusion of, different textures, such as metal, wood, or
fabric, in
an art object.

Space- r surface in or around a work of art

mass-is interchangeable with volume, solid body or a grouping of visual elements

(line, color, texture, etc.) that compose a solid form

volume-s a three-dimensional form comprising length, width, and depth.

Perspective & foreshorening- technique used in perspective receding strongly into

the distance or background.

Proporion & scale- A two- or three-dimensional element defined by other elements

of design.

Carving & casting - sculpture techniques to create 3D art

carving- copied in stone

casting- is heated and chemicals are sprayed on the surface to create the �patina�,
a colored finish.

Relief Sculpture- culptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached
to a solid background of the same material.

Architectural drawing- earlier examples are called ground plans. The history of
architectural drawings dates back to the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian eras.
Some examples of the earliest architectural drawings: Statue of Gudea, ruler of
Lagash in Mesopotamia (c.2200 BC).

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