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Making a free tution media system. Saving times for both teacher and students. A
simpler tution finding system.

Required Equipments:

 Intellij IDEA
 WAMP Server

OOP Features:
 Class, Objects, constructors
 Inheritance
 Abstract Class
 Method Overriding, Method Overloading
 Interface
 Association
 Exception Handling
 Packages
 Enumeration

Other Features:
 Collection Frame Works
 File and Stream Class
 JAVA Swing as GUI
 JDBC for database connection with JAVA program.


 Anyone can register as a teacher or gurdian.

 Teacher and Gurdian profile with login system.
 Teacher finding options. Where gurdian have to give required information of
which subject teacher they want with salary and opinions.
 Then a request will be sent to some teachers who are eligible with the
 Teacher and Student have to be in the same region.
 Teachers who are interested will accept the request.
 Then gurdian can choose any teacher from the response list.

This system is regional. Meaning it will only provide teachers of the same region as
the student.

ER Diagram:

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