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We can define ecology as the defense and protection of nature and the environment. We
have seen how this government was concerned and has given priority to the Sanitation of
the Bay of Panama project and is advancing by leaps and bounds. Very soon, we will have
a fully sanitized Bay and the inhabitants of more than 20 townships will directly benefit
from the completion of this project.
There is another issue about Panamanian ecology that is of vital importance and we must
take care of it. Did you know that, according to studies conducted by researchers, a
mercury micro battery (alkaline battery) can contaminate 600,000 liters of water? And a
common battery (battery) 3,000 liters of the vital liquid?
The records show that 95% of the common batteries and the micro batteries that are
consumed, go to municipal garbage dumps, that is to say to the Earth.

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