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#Loading the rvest package

library(magrittr) # for the '%>%' pipe symbols
library(RSelenium) # to get the loaded html of

#Specifying the url for desired website to be scrapped

url <- ''

# starting local RSelenium (this is the only way to start RSelenium that is working for me atm)
selCommand <- wdman::selenium(jvmargs = c(""), retcommand =
shell(selCommand, wait = FALSE, minimized = TRUE)
remDr <- remoteDriver(port = 4567L, browserName = "chrome")

# go to website

# get page source and save it as an html object with rvest

html_obj <- remDr$getPageSource(header = TRUE)[[1]] %>% read_html()

# 1) name field (assuming that with 'name' you refer to the name of the reviewer)
names <- html_obj %>% html_nodes(".kx8XBd .X43Kjb") %>% html_text()

# 2) How much star they got

stars <- html_obj %>% html_nodes(".kx8XBd .nt2C1d [role='img']") %>% html_attr("aria-label")

# 3) review they wrote

reviews <- html_obj %>% html_nodes(".UD7Dzf") %>% html_text()

# create the df with all the info

review_data <- data.frame(names = names, stars = stars, reviews = reviews, stringsAsFactors = F)

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