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மலர் சாகுபடி செய்பவர்கள் கவனத்திற்கு:

தற்போது மலர்களின் விலை அதிகமாக உள்ளது. ஆனால் விளைச்சல்


அதனை சரிசெய்ய இயற்கை வழி விவசாயத்தில் கீ ழ் கண்ட 3 செயல்களை


1 . 10 லிட்க்கு 30 மி.லிட் என சூடோமோனாஸ் அல்லது விரிடியைத்

தெளிக்கலாம். இதை ஏக்கருக்கு ஒரு கிலோ என தண்ண ீரில் கரைத்த்துத்
தரைவழி தரலாம். இரண்டையும் ஒரே நாளில் செய்யவும். அடுத்தநாள்(2 ம்
நாள்) எதுவும் தரவேண்டாம். இதனால் பனியால் கருகுவது விடுபட்டும்
நிலத்தில் உள்ள பூஞ்சாணங்களிலிருந்து முழுமையாக விடுபடலாம். இதனால்
கொடுக்கப்படும் இயற்கை இடு பொருட்களை செடிகள் எளிமையாகக்
கிரகித்து செடி வளர்ச்சி சிறக்க வழி ஏற்படும்.

*Trichoderma spp*. is known to offer a beneficial relationship with the plants. They are used as
inoculants for biocontrol, biofertilization and phytostimulation with their abilities to produces different
bio-active compounds and elicitors which interact with roots of the host plant directly increasing plant
growth potential and tolerance to various abiotic stresses.

They are also known to induced systemic resistance in the plant and also induce tolerance against
abiotic stresses

Trichoderma: function as protect plant against biotic (pest, diseases) and abiotic (temperature, salt,
drought, flooding etc) stress, improved nutrient uptake by plants,

Plant-associated *Pseudomonas* live as saprophytes and parasites on plant surfaces and

inside plant tissues. Many plant-associated Pseudomonas promote plant growth by
suppressing pathogenic micro-organisms, synthesizing growth-stimulating plant hormones and
promoting increased plant disease resistance.

2. அடுத்தநாள் (3 ம் நாள்) ஒரு ஏக்கருக்கு 300 மி.லிட் மீ னமிலம் அல்லது 1 லிட்

இ.எம் அல்லது பஞ்சகாவியாவைத் தரைவழி தண்ண ீருடன் கலந்து தரவும்.

The application of ready-for-uptake amino acids in the form of protein hydrolysates allows plants to save energy on
amino acid synthesis and increases the pace of their reconstruction, particularly during critical times of plant
development such as after transplantation, during the flowering period and during times of climatic stress or plant
The Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is a liquid made from fish. FAA is of great value to both plants and
microorganisms in their growth, because it contains and abundant amount of nutrients and
various types of amino acids (will constitute a source of nitrogen (N) for plants).

Amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino
Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or
indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.

Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the
microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.

Amino acids is well known biostimulant which has positive effects on plant growth and yield,
and significantly mitigates the injuries caused by abiotic stresses
*Effective Microorganisms (EM)* are mixed cultures of beneficial naturally-occurring
organisms that can be applied as inoculants to increase the microbial diversity of soil
ecosystem. They consist mainly of the photosynthesizing bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts,
actinomycetes and fermenting fungi.
The beneficial microorganisms in EM break down compost into rich food for the plants which helps them
to grow stronger and resist diseases and pests better. Plants will absorb more nutrients and this in turn
will produce and abundance of flowers.

அதே நாளில் காலை 5-8 க்குள் அரப்பு மோர் கரைசல் அல்லது தேமோர்
கரைசலை 10 லிட்க்கு 750 மி.லிட் கலந்து தெளிக்கலாம். அரப்பு மோர் கரைசல்
மிகவும் சிறந்தது. இது ஒவ்வொரு செடிகளிலும் அதிக அரும்புகளைத்
தொடர்ந்து கொடுக்கும்.

This also has Effective Microorganisms (EM)*

3 . அடுத்த நாளிலிருந்து தேவைப்படும் போது (4 ம் நாள் இருந்து ) காலை 5-8

அல்லது மாலை 4 மணிக்கு மேல் கடைகளில் விற்கும் போரான் தூளினை
10 லிட்க்கு 10 மி.லிட் எனக் கலந்து தெளிக்கலாம், இதனால் மல்லிகை
உள்ளிட்ட அனைத்து மலர்களிலும் பெரிய கணமான காம்பு நீளமான பூக்கள்
தொடர்ந்து கிடைக்கும்.

Boron deficiency: Newly emerging leaves are malformed.  Plants show shunted growth.  Chlorotic streaks appear
perpendicular to the veins.  Incomplete leaf formation and *inhibition of flower.* Boron decicoency is common in
flower crops.

Boron is essential for the development of reproductive tissues. Part of the soils in India are deficit in
Boron. Role in lignin formation gives strong flower.

The boron requirement for flowering and seed set may be higher than that needed for
vegetative growth.
*Essentiality of boron*

Boron has been known to be a constituent of plants since 1857 [36]. According to Truog
([39], the importance of boron is spelt as follows, ‘….plants will not make growth without
boron any more than….without phosphorus or potassium which they require in considerable
amounts’. As rightly pointed out by Truog [39], no crop can reach its full potential without
minute but adequate supply of boron. Several disorders in horticultural crops are found to
be due to boron deficiency. Boron is essential for plant growth, new cell division in
meristematic tissue, translocation of sugar, starch, nitrogen, phosphorus, certain hormones,
synthesis of amino acids and protein, regulations of carbohydrate metabolism, development
of phloem etc. In the absence of adequate supply, middle lamella of new cell develops
poorly and phloem tubes break down [9].

The primary role of boron in plants is to improve Ca metabolism and improved solubility and
mobility of Ca and helps the absorption of nitrogen. It involves in metabolism and transport
of carbohydrates, regulation of meristematic tissue cell synthesis, lignifications, growth
regulatory metabolism, phenol metabolism and integrity of membranes, root elongation,
DNA synthesis, pollen formation and pollination [32]. Increased boron applications may
promote root elongation in acidic and high-aluminium soils [5].

Effect of boron on flower crops

Boron, the non-metal compound plays an essential role in the growth and development of
new cells in the plant meristem. Boron is a micronutrient of special importance because of
its role in the fertilization and flowering process. It has been known to be constituent of
plants since 1857. The essentiality of boron as it affects the growth of maize was first
reported in France. The function of boron in plant remained obscure prior to the mid 1950's.
Facilitating pollination and fruit set is considered to be the most important function of boron
besides its role in the synthesis of amino acids and protein metabolism. Boron increases the
translocation of sugar in plants and increases the rate of transport of sugars (which are
produced by photosynthesis in mature plant leaves) to actively growing regions. It is
essential to maintain the structural integrity of plant membranes along with calcium and is
involved in nucleic acid metabolism. It improves the solubility and mobility of calcium in
plants and regulates the carbohydrate metabolism, besides helping in the absorption of
nitrogen. Boron is an essential element found in the meristematic regions of plants such as
root tips, emerging leaves and buds. Generally the concentration of boron in plants is
comparatively higher in flower, anthers, ovary and stigma.

Jawaharlal et al. [18] reported that calyx split in carnation can be controlled by applying
balanced nutrients and avoiding over fertilization as well as ensuring temperature control. In
fertigation scheduling, boron can be added @ 1.0 g/ m 2/ week. Also opined that foliar
application of 0.1 per cent borax at fortnightly intervals till flower bud initiation and at weekly
intervals thereafter could considerably reduced calyx splitting and enhance the yield and
quality of flowers. The percentage of reduction over untreated plants is 32.63. In
commercial carnation cultivation, it is essential to meet out the boron requirements of plants
by application of the nutrient at appropriate levels, so as to prevent economic losses due to
physiological disorders such as calyx split and flower malformation.
In chrysanthemum, Misra [23] observed that soil application of borax at the rate of 1.5 g per
m2 significantly increased the plant height, days to flower bud opening, number of flowers,
flower weight and yield, but Zn and B interaction did not have any effect on other
parameters. In tuberose, Nath and Biswas [26] reported that foliar application of boron 100
ppm twice at monthly interval produced the maximum height of plant and increased the
number of leaves per clump resulting in improved yield of spikes per plot. Rajput et al. [28]
in Tagetus minuta, observed that application of boron individually or in combination with
zinc and sulphur increased the plant height and fresh weight of plant significantly over the
control. Individual application of boron increased the dry matter yield significantly by 69.8
per cent and 71.1 per cent over the control.

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