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In Coding Test there are various C Programs which is asked using COMMAND LINE

ARGUMENT questions. Some are as follows:

1 - Square root of prime number [ Youtube ]

2 - Prime Sum within given range [ Youtube ]
3 - Check whether a given String is Palindrome or not
4 - Check whether a year is leap or not
5 - Decimal to Binary
6- Binary to Decimal
7 - Binary to Octal
8 - Sum of Prime Number
9 - Area of circle
10 - Sum of digits of Number
11 - Find upto nth Fibonacci sequence

AND Sometimes Coding Questions are asked without use of Command Line Arguments :

12 - Sum of Odd Number Between Range using scanf() [11/11/17] [ Youtube ]

13 - To Reverse a String / Integer [11/11/17]
14 - To find largest among N numbers
15 - C Program to convert Vowel into uppercas of a Word [05/12/17]
16 - C program to remove consonants from a String [05/12/1]


1 - Reverse a String.
2 - Reverse a Number.
3 - Palindrome.
4 - Prime Number.
5 - Leap Year.
6 - Greatest among 10 numbers.
7 - Fibonacci Series.
8 - HCF / GCD.
9 - Factorial.
10 - Checking Palindrome (Number)
11 - Armstrong Number.
12 - Swap 2 numbers.
13 - Concatenate 2 strings.
14 - LCM of Two Number using CLP.
15 - Average of Two Numbers.
16 - Sum of Digits of a number.
17 - Binary to Decimal.
18 - Decimal to Binary.
19 - Factorial of a Number.
20 - Square Root of Prime Number.
21 - Square Root without square root.
22 - Armstrong Number.
23 - Odd-Even Number.
24 - Binary to Octal.
25 - Decimal to Octal.
26 - Check Leap Year.
27 - Area of Circle.
28 - Area of Triangle.
29 - Checking Palindrome (String).
30 - Reverse Digits of a Number.
31 - Checking Prime or Not.

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