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Natalie Duran

August 19, 2020

Mrs. Johanna Avila Trujillo

Hospital Universidad del Norte

Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia


RE: Medical Coordinator

Dear Mrs. Johanna Avila,

I have been a follower of the work done by the Hospital Univerisad del Norte over the past three
years and it would be a great opportunity to contribute to its growth, development and future
achievements in the role of medical coordinator. I believe that my academic strengths acquired in
my medical practice and my search for creative and logical solutions will be positive for the hospital
and its mission.

I enjoy my profession as a doctor mostly implementing logic to solve problem situations, I love
experimenting with innovative ideas so I am known for generating unorthodox solutions that lead to
efficient results. I have developed talents in writing, data analysis and software management
through different experiences. These abilities, along with the love I feel for medicine align with the
qualities you desire for this work. I stand out in the work environment when it promotes a
responsible culture and ethics allowing good teamwork.

I offer my experience in decision making, assertive communication, good customer service and
software management. I truly believe that my talents and skills will be a valuable resource for your
hospital, and I look forward to an interview with you and the opportunity to create and grow
professionally as your new medical coordinator.


Natalie Duran

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