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Quiz (Little Red Riding Hood)

1. Who made little girl a beautiful red cloak with a big red hood?


2. Little girl took the ___________________________ into the forest.

3. Her mother advised Little Red Riding Hood _______________________________ .

4. Why is Little Red Riding Hood bringing food to her grandma?


5. What did Little Red Riding Hood take to her Granny ? Tick the correct answers.

6. The sneaky wolf opened the door very ( loudly / quietly ) and found grandma asleep in her

7. The sneaky wolf opened his great big mouth and __________ poor Grandma in one gulp.

8. What did Little Red Riding Hood say about her Granny's eyes?
A. They looked very sharp
B. They looked very small
C. They looked very big

9. What did the wolf say about the Little Red Riding Hood's remarks on his ears?
A. The better to hear her with
B. The better to see her with
C. The better to smell her with

10. Little Red Riding Hood ( shrieked / cried ) when the wolf opened his big mouth.

11. _______________________ saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma.

12. What did the wolf do after Grandma came out?

A. The wolf ran away

B. The wolf ate all of them
C. The wolf ate her up again

Prepared by Teacher June 2020

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