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Identifying Types of Sentences - Practice

 Read the following sentences and decide if they are simple, compound, complex or mixed.

1. Sam walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out the milk.
2. Jim read the newspaper while Sandra watched the news.
3. Dan played football, yet Camilo went shopping.
4. Although they had the best ideas, they did not win the contract.
5. The mall was full of shops, restaurants, and even a skating rink.
6. Sally passed the test because she studied hard and understood the material.
7. Although Mike rides a motorcycle, Sarah rides a bicycle.
8. Mike rides a motorcycle.
9. Mike and Sarah ride and fix motorcycles and bicycles.
10. Mike rides and fixes motorcycles.
11. People who ride bicycles rarely ride motorcycles; they often find motorcycles difficult to ride because they
do not like the speed.
12. Mike, who rides a motorcycle, rarely rides a bicycle.
13. Mike rides a motorcycle, but Sara rides a bicycle.
14. Mike rides a motorcycle; Sara rides a bicycle.
15. Mike rides a bicycle.
16. Mike rides a motorcycle; however, Sara rides a bicycle.
17. Mike rides a motorcycle and a bicycle.
18. People who ride motorcycles rarely ride bicycles.
19. Mike and Sarah ride bicycles.
20. Mike rides a motorcycle although Sarah rides a bicycle.
21. Sarah, who rides a bicycle, rarely rides a motorcycle; however, Mike enjoys motorcycles.
22. While Mike rides a motorcycle, Sarah rides a bicycle, but Jim rides a horse.

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