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Jhadira Mejia

20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia
20-0521Jhadira Mejia

Define these medical terms:

Carditis: is the generic term by which inflammation of the heart is called.

Hepatitis: It is an inflammatory disease that affects the liver. Its cause can be infectious,
immune, or toxic.

Otitis: Inflammation of the ear, usually due to an infection, causing severe pain, fever, and
hearing disorders.

Adenitis: Inflammation of a gland or a group of nodes.

Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining.

Arthritis: It is the inflammation or degeneration of one or more joints.

Nephritis: Inflammation of the tissues of the kidney.

Microscope: Optical instrument to enlarge the image of objects or beings, or of details of

these, so small that you cannot see a single view; constant of a high magnification lens

Bronchitis: Acute or chronic inflammation of the lining of the bronchi

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