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UNIT 7, 8 and 9

He has graduated with honors at Princeton University and he has decided to go

to New York to work at the Wall Street Company. One of the companies he has
worked was D.E Shaw & Co, one of the most important funds of that moment
and with only 26 years was already vice president. But Jeff was restless and
curious, he had read a report that the internet grew up progressively and from
there he has interested. So was as born Amazon of a survey that have made to
20 people who was shopping frequently online and saw that sale books was the
best option for price and universality. Jeff asked his parents for money and they
gave him $ 300,000 of the savings they had for retirement. With that money
they set up the first office in their home garage in Seattle with 4 workers. Finally
the website is launched in 1995.

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